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MolochHunter ago

I made my contribution in PV

tldr: voat is 9 out of 10 for freedom of speech, where reddit might be 6 and facebook 3

but those who push for 10 out of 10 enable the Globalists, because those fuckers are smart enough to know that people's Vanity complex / pathological obsessions are their weak spots

virge ago

I can't agree with this more.

Voat needs to maintain a 9/10 on the Free Speech meter, because 10/10 = the U.S. Government just turns off the power to the machines running Voat and it's game-over.

The elements subverting Voat know this, and latch onto the unfettered free speech as their holy grail of subversion - especially because it's such a good extreme argument to make for the normal or casual Voat user to see.

Anyone who pushes for 10/10 unfettered Free Speech does so knowing it's impossible and would only end up in Voat's destruction - thus anyone pushing for 10/10 unfettered Free Speech is classified as hostile and should be dealt with accordingly.

ExpertShitposter ago

You are an idiot if you think zyklon is some dangerous globalist. Also, i made a response to all of this in this thread so you can read that too. I warned @srayzie 5 months ago, she didn't listen. Triggs gave her advice, she didn't listen. Her breakdown is proof that we were right.

zyklon_b ago


virge ago

Whatever ZB is, his actions are destructive to the community.

When Voat is forced to shut down because of people like ZB and the other accounts in his orbit (you're often one of them, but let me be clear that isn't an accusation just an observation you're very active) then where will you go? There isn't anywhere else with this level of content that the normal open-minded, information-seeking user can go.

I guess the question is, would you just prefer to see Voat shut down? If not, what can be done to make it grow? If you don't have constructive opinions on how to make Voat grow and just want to see Voat gone, I suppose we can agree to disagree there.

ExpertShitposter ago

Firstly, i don't see why voat would be shut down over what zyklon is doing. Or are you insinuating that over time, everyone would be doing that? Well, everybody has a gun, yet only some people are killers.

Second, as i have explained in my reply, no one actually opposed zyklon being banned from GA. Most of this is related to putt unbaning some vote manipulators and tryggly accused of doxing (not really doxing).

zyklon_b ago

he is threatening voat

CognitiveDissident5 ago

He's made criminal threats, making them online doesn't make it less of a criminal offence.

ExpertShitposter ago

it has been ruled by supreme courts that threats need to have a time and place to be credible, and then no longer covered by free speech. yelling: im gonna kill you is still covered.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Oh that's interesting, I don't know much about American law. Where I am you'd be arrested for it.

ExpertShitposter ago

to someones face it would probably count as credible in america too. because you are in the correct time and place. on the internet, not so much.

zyklon_b ago

no criminal threats. i am an artist

Tzitzimitl ago

change the r to u then your correct

MolochHunter ago

and youre an idiot if you think sleeper Globalists dont take advantage of shitposting zealots like you and zyklon

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL. You drank too much gay frog water.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Do they really think that shit posters on Voat are ebil globalists?? They're fucking nuts

MolochHunter ago

re-read my comment. shitposters get USED by the globalist shills here

you are useful idiots who serve their purpose of driving away reasonable people

CheeseboogerHimself ago

lol GTFOH with that lame shit. I'm one of the most awakened people on the net and have been for over two decades. I'm not the one running a zionist sub and going with (((the plan)))

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Addicts who are paid by ((someone)) to be here. There's so much more i'd like to say but I can't. So much I'm dying to share (guarantee you'd be fucking stunned and probably change your view) but I can't.

zyklon_b ago

hahah. rent free..

cull kids

Muh-Shugana ago

Exactly, you don't give people who are openly your enemies the same freedoms you'd give to a citizen.

And you sure as shit don't fight for a niggers right to spray-paint it's scrawls all over the fucking buildings, whilst simultaneously admonishing and kicking out anyone angry enough to do something about that nigger scrawl.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Excellent analysis. Absolutely right. The site owners (whoever they are) have lost control.

virge ago

Exactly, you don't give people who are openly your enemies the same freedoms you'd give to a citizen.

So what do you do with people like ZB? There will always be chaotic nature of humans, and the more "free" you are, the more destructive these people are. At some point, their behavior destroys the community completely. Then what - where else can you go on the Internet that isn't censored by Globalist Governments?

How do you fix this problem and make Voat grow?

Crensch ago

Spot on.