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Gothamgirl ago

You people ganged up and harassed me for a year. Not only me but many others, it's a joke that you didn't see this coming. No one stuck up for because you treat people like shit. You can dish it but not take it, is the moral of this story...

sguevar ago

To be honest with you I don't know you despite hearing from you but through out all this shit all I see you do is say "I was the victim first" and back the effort of zyklon_b to harass the two users in question.

So your word on here really doesn't bring much to the equation because you are not bringing a solution. All you bring is coal to burn on the fire and feed it. You are untrustworthy and let the record show that I personally would never support an assistance to you after all the proof that I have seen on how you have behaved through out all of this shit.

Gothamgirl ago

Zyklon is not me first off, but I did defend him when she began to lie about the Loli, and cause it's been her whole career here. Of course I would back him he is my fiance. I don't make his posts, and I did try to stop him.

In my part I did bring a solution what goes around comes back around. If you want to know the entire story, read my past comments going back a year and see how bad I was harassed. I do not need to make a case for no one. Everything done to them, they have done to me and many others. Have not heard of you before, and I don't need your support or assistance either.

sguevar ago

Zyklon is not me first off

I didn't say you were, never implied it.

she began to lie about the Loli, and cause it's been her whole career here

Incorrect, proof was shown of him requesting it and promoting it. So maybe he didn;t and I honestly didn't care but he wanted a fire and he got it without considering the consequences of his actions. So your defense to him is nothing more than a way for you to bring your coal burning nature.

Of course I would back him he is my fiance. I don't make his posts, and I did try to stop him.

I don't care to be honest.

In my part I did bring a solution what goes around comes back around.

That is not a solution at this point, you brought your coal to burn and we honest to God are not interested on it.

If you want to know the entire story, read my past comments going back a year and see how bad I was harassed.

I could take some time off to do it, but right now my priority is to help Voat heal and you honestly are not helping on that effort so to that I say with the all the respect I can give at this moment: fuck off.

I do not need to make a case for no one. Everything done to them, they have done to me and many others. Have not heard of you before, and I don't need your support or assistance either.

You are just proving what I said earlier and repeated - you bring the "I was a victim first" - this is not a fucking solution and I will argue for you to stop using that approach.

How about treat others how you want to be treated? Or don't take things you read on the internet serious especially from a shit posting troll who has been around alot longer then most of you.

I do treat others the way I want to be treated, I give the minimum decency to them when I first engage them but after seeing how they act i give them what they ask for. Now you can claim that the false pretences of zyklon were just trolling and like he said "it was art" but I will not feed to them at all because his real purpose was to ignite a conflict that very well could and to some level did, hurt the integrity of Voat.

So again I say to you fuck off with your coal burning because no one wants to pay your toll.

Gothamgirl ago

This isn't Reddit 2.0

Why do think you speak for everyone?

Youre the one responding to my comment, you fuck off.

sguevar ago

This isn't Reddit 2.0

Agreed which is why I work to heal Voat not to see it burn to the ground.

Why do think you speak for everyone?

When have I implied that I speak for everyone? Please stop diverting the fact that you fucked up and now you want others to fuck up too so you don't feel as such a coal burner.

Youre the one responding to my comment, you fuck off.

I responded because you keep playing the (((victim))) card here and your dishonesty and ill intentions are not something I condone.

Gothamgirl ago

I see, so you didn't realize it was a free speech website before, and your butthurt over it now, because it is something YOU don't agree with.. Liptard 101

I wasn't the one being dishonest go back and check the record again. If you can't do basic research then that doesn't say much for your opinions.

sguevar ago

I see, so you didn't realize it was a free speech website before, and your butthurt over it now, because it is something YOU don't agree with.. Liptard 101

Is that so? I think you might want to look at my submission history and comment history in which I have multiple times defended Free Speech. I was in fact one of the ones that defended @Trigglypuff so she was unbanned. You on the other hand became so arrogant and deceitful in your actions that you can't even see that none of the things you have done have contributed one bit in helping Voat.

You are nothing more than a slanderer in a pathetic attempt to discredit me in someway but are in fact digging your hole deeper.

The typical nature of a coal burner...

I wasn't the one being dishonest go back and check the record again. If you can't do basic research then that doesn't say much for your opinions.

You've just taken my interest from doing so with your slander you dumb cunt. So fuck off.

Gothamgirl ago

Back to wild wild west I go 😎