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clamhurt_legbeard ago

u/Zyklon_b is a loser. He contributes nothing of value. He is neutral or mildly amusing at best, and when he gets nasty he borders on illegal.

He claims to be a Nazi and racist but has multiple Obamaphones and does drugs. Exactly the kind of degenerate who the Nazis would gas.

The disturbing part was this: I've long thought that the obvious Nazi names are FBI agents. But somehow I only just noticed it with zyklon. I can only assume it's because I previously knew him as beatlejuice, which isn't Nazi.

Makes me question together he's even really a degenerate or whether he's a fed.

Vindicator ago

Zyklon_b is a pesticide...aka "bug juice" aka "Beetle Juice". He brags on Reddit about his Native tribal membership. He's been trolling Voat's NatSoc folk this whole time.

Crensch ago

I was thinking... His half nigger kids. Her half nigger kids. TheBuddha, a half-nigger, is his buddy. and then Le_Squish, a halfbreed, hops in...

That's a lot of halfbreed/nonwhites grouped up together there, it seems.

Native ago

Oy vey don’t forget his involvement with @Native

Crensch ago


Since you ninja-edited and didn't tell me about it, like a beta coward:

Edit: you started all this shit Crensh just so everyone is clear. And I’m completely neutral on this bullshit drama and more or less stayed out of it with just a few posts here or there. You’re the cancer that started this shit pile

I didn't come to you to fight before. YOU started that. @Empress asked us to stop, so I left you alone despite having 3 comments I could have responded to.

I didn't even know who the fuck you were; I didn't recognize your name as having done anything of note within my purview.

I don't really know what got your panties in a wad about me, but I really don't give a fuck about your beta caterwauling.

Just in case the implied question wasn't clear:

Who the fuck are you, and why should I care?

Native ago

A ninja edit would be editing with out saying “edit” you passive aggressive Cunt. And leave Empress out of it at this point you are losing more internet friends than you are gaining.

Stop with these witch hunts of yours.

Stop with random bannings.

When people are shills on my subs and subs like read wife we put a flair on them such as “shill” so people are aware and downvoat them instead of banning their comments.

You are a passive aggressive narcissist because you can’t even think 2 steps ahead. A simple flair would have solved all these issues.

Did I call you a passive aggressive kikedick yet?

Crensch ago

A ninja edit would be editing with out saying “edit” you passive aggressive Cunt.

Was I going to know about it? No. If you wanted me to see it, you'd have made another comment.

And leave Empress out of it at this point you are losing more internet friends than you are gaining.





Stop with these witch hunts of yours.

Telling another man what he should do is SO alpha of you!

Stop with random bannings.

Men only do that from a position of power. You're weak.

When people are shills on my subs and subs like read wife we put a flair on them such as “shill” so people are aware and downvoat them instead of banning their comments.

Do you ever write anything halfway interesting? No wonder I still have no idea who you are.

You are a passive aggressive narcissist because you can’t even think 2 steps ahead. A simple flair would have solved all these issues.

Are you suggesting I've not also been aggressive? I do employ multiple tactics in my words, but I don't want to stretch the limits of your capabilities by suggesting you try to do something more than put smart-sounding words together to describe my behaviour.

Did I call you a passive aggressive kikedick yet?

Are those the only smart-sounding words you know? Must suck to feel insecure over your lack of vocabulary right there in front of your wife... if I'm even reading that abortion-of-English sentence correctly.

Native ago

Why are you so obssesed with kikes and niggers in every comment and post you make? Are you projecting? Or was this something that your CIA networking book told you?

Perhaps you need to invite someone like me to the office so I can teach you and your commrades better rhetoric.

You are losing bigly.

Crensch ago

Why are you so obssesed with kikes and niggers in every comment and post you make? Are you projecting? Or was this something that your CIA networking book told you?

The group your defending is full of them. Why does it bother you? Are you a nigger?

Perhaps you need to invite someone like me to the office so I can teach you and your commrades better rhetoric.

You can't even describe my prose properly, much less think of anything beyond "passive-aggressive". I bet you looked up the word "rhetoric", too.

You are losing bigly.

Your wife doesn't think so. Nor does anyone else reading this.

Native ago

It's 11:50AM in Israel right now, i'm guessing you're going to go on a lunch break in about 10 minutes.

Crensch ago

I love when low-IQ niggers try to skiptrace me. Nobody knows or cares about you, but trying to make the "jew" label stick to me is a fool's errand - even the semi-sane of your zyklon crew knows better than that.

I guess you're the fool stuck with that errand, though.

Native ago

3 minutes till lunch. Hope you brought a good lunch