RM-Goetbbels ago

Rules for thee but not for me.

Nosferatjew ago

checks out of voat for a few months to work on irl stuff

comes back for a few hours to see what's new

lmfaos cuz OGs are getting banned for naming the kike, cuz the dirty subversive kike in question is teacher's pet @srayzie


ExpertShitposter ago

The jew always finds a way in.

AR47 ago

Let’s take a step back and really look at this.

Long time users do what for the site?

Maybe contribute OC and get a few page views, or stir shit up and make an otherwise unevent day a pain to deal with?

Subverse moderators do what?

Cull content and keep topic on discussion?

Subverse owners do what?

Steer topic discussion, and partly control their section of the user base?

We know that when GA started donations were highly encouraged and many did it. We also know how vindictive srayzie can be. Who is to say she didn’t say that she would pack up her toys and move elsewhere? We know she all but controls those sheeple in that sub and at anytime Q could say go.

Money is the motivation here and the builders thing is about voat becoming profitable?

Just something to think about here. Why would anyone with enough money to back voat not want their money back at some point? There isn’t anyone with that much capitol not going to want it back in one way or another.

I don’t give a fuck how wet on free speech they are.

ooberlu ago

Free speech always costs something.

Most people claim they want free speech. But they aren't willing to pay for it at the cost of their personal comfort and sensitivities.

That's when you know they are not truly pro 1A.

TheBuddha ago

Nah, ain't even really disappointed.

My first question is, what did trig think was gonna happen?

My second question is, what the hell did putt think was gonna happen?


I'm not keeping up on all this drama, but I assume the ban has to do with what they're talking about in this thread https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3244759 and not just what is posted in the op

ExpertShitposter ago

read my pic. nobody got doxxed.

oftotc ago

zyklon is not the one banned

That's the weirdest part. I think @zyklon_b steps over the line with his threat, performance or not. He's usually annoying and fun and bad-natured, but there are limits. We'll get to see the test on "performance speech" then, eh?

ExpertShitposter ago

yep. always compare him to sanegoat. sanegoat never got banned, he just left.

but we got a new standard now.

zyklon_b ago


free @trigglypuff

oftotc ago

And stay free yourself, dude :-)

zyklon_b ago


ExpertShitposter ago

@trigglypuff shot the sheriff.

but she did not shoot the deputy.

zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff should have shot @gabara aka ethel rosenberg

VicariousJambi ago

They made a whole sub about it lmao

YugeDick ago

So your whole beef with this post is that she's not technically the first?

So let me get this straight though... You are not disputing the claim that it was not an actual doxxing. Right?

TheBuddha ago

My beef is that he lied.

Are you okay with being lied to?

YugeDick ago

About what precisely?

TheBuddha ago


You're incapable of reading the thread where I disclosed exactly that and provided evidence? Really?

YugeDick ago

Consider me retarded and spell it for me. Because as far as I can tell my original assertion is correct. I just want to hear you admit it in simple terms.

TheBuddha ago

Replicating work is a fool's errand.

But, I'll try to help a fool.

They lied. They said they were the first to be banned for doxxingt, when they were not the first AND they knew they weren't the first because someone before me posted this to them in a different thread.

Now do you get it, or is that not simple enough for you?

Seriously, do you have the reading comprehension of an 8th grader? 'Cause I try to dumb down my speech just for voat.

YugeDick ago

You made that a lot harder than it has to be. You could have just said I was right. Even a simple "yes" to my first comment would've worked fine.

TheBuddha ago

There's nothing right that you've said?

YugeDick ago

And here I thought you could read.

TheBuddha ago

I can. That's why I made my last comment. It's your literacy that is questionable.

Read what I write and only what I write. This isn't complicated.

Are you happy with them lying? The site is ostensibly about truth. Are you also dishonest, because it's starting to look like you are.

YugeDick ago

So do you dispute the claim that it wasn't actual doxxing? Yes or no. This isn't your college psychology class.

TheBuddha ago

You can't possibly be that retarded. I refuse to believe it.

YugeDick ago

Why do you refuse to answer the question?

TheBuddha ago

Why do you refuse to answer the question?

Either way, one of us is soon off to have the best day ever. You are free to defend being lied to. Enjoy!

YugeDick ago

That's what I said.

zyklon_b ago


TheBuddha ago


Evidence provided, drama queen!

zyklon_b ago


TheBuddha ago

His statement is wrong.

I provided evidence of his wrongness.

He also knew he was wrong when he posted it. I caught 'em in the act.

Pretty good, huh?

zyklon_b ago

technically maybe. I am on @trigglypugff side. she aint need be benned

@expertshitposter will confirm

TheBuddha ago

Of course he will confirm. Fucking weirdo.

She's a martyr. She will be remembered! Songs will be sung about her for generations to come.

ExpertShitposter ago

she was a freedom fighter.


This is your and @Nadeshda next combat mission. You must write a song about trygg's martyrdom, and ensure it gets stickied in the SBBH Friday privilege thread.

TheBuddha ago

I won't have time. I will not even be here next Friday.

ExpertShitposter ago

You're not dying are you?

TheBuddha ago

We all are.

ExpertShitposter ago

Just play guitar from the hospital. Nadesh will do the rest.

TheBuddha ago

No, I'm going to be at a rally school, again. This time we are working on getting the car set up and we have the first race on Sunday. I'll be home on Monday, but this is something I need to do.

ExpertShitposter ago

A parade!

TheBuddha ago

No, it's just am rallycross. Basically, set up a bunch of cones in a giant field and drive the track the cones make as quickly as you can, one by one. I've done stage rallies but my femur can't be placed in such a risky situation. With am rallycross, you hit cones and not trees.

We get trophies and even have champaign at bigger events! We're entering one car and two drivers. The eldest hoodlum is coming with me, as she enjoys it and has already taken some lessons. We are going to try to do the whole season and the invitational final - hopefully. We may miss a race due to a conflict, but I'm working on that.

ExpertShitposter ago

rallycross = parade of short wheelbase mini cars

TheBuddha ago

Only at the pro level. At my level, there's only one car moving at a time. Well, hopefully there is. If more than one is moving, there's a problem.

We're staying in stock class this year and our car is a 2016 Impreza.

ExpertShitposter ago

fastest cars i ever saw in rallycross were Minis and Autobianchi A112's with swapped out engines.

TheBuddha ago

The Bug has been pretty good at wining lately, as has Renault whatitsface.

ExpertShitposter ago

That might have been for doxxing, but this one is for "Doxxing". Aka reporting their own info from other sites like voat. Cant fuck with "builders".

TheBuddha ago

Why lie? What's your motivation?

I see that someone else told you this was wrong before I posted it.

ExpertShitposter ago

I see that someone else told you this was wrong before I posted it.


TheBuddha ago


Now your starting to disappoint me.

ExpertShitposter ago

As i have said, the issue is not if someone got banned for doxing, that was always a well known rule. The issue is that today's ban for doxing is unjustified, as no doxing took place.

I have no way of knowing what went down with that person 7 months ago. But i know very well what triggs posted today.

TheBuddha ago

Yet it clearly isn't the first time someone has been banned for doxxing. That's pretty fucking clear. Putting quotes around it doesn't change the meaning.

ExpertShitposter ago

Putting quotes around it doesn't change the meaning.

Ok, English teacher, but that's exactly why i put them there.

TheBuddha ago

No, you just wanted to write inflammatory material and feign outrage.

I'm on to you.

I'd be really disappointed, but it is your MO and you are upfront about it with your username. So, I guess I can't be too mad,

ExpertShitposter ago

Thanks for venturing into my brian and knowing exactly what i think. Do i need to put the reddit /s here?

feign outrage

There is plenty to be outraged about. Well.....maybe not, Voat is a self dug hole known as social media, and a lot of us would probably be better off banned, just as triggs probably is.


Nah, this is the 1 out of 4 posts i make that is serious internet business.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not falling for it.

I can pretend?


Seriously, what the hell did she think was gonna be the outcome?

Secondly, what the fuck was putt thinking? He has to have known the outcome.