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argosciv ago

Well, I'd be lying if I said I'm not highly amused by the turn of events, but I also can't fault your reasoning.

If @PuttItOut does deem a lifting of the ban to be warranted, I would at least hope that it's done in a few days minimum, just to let the bitch stew -- that said, she's probably already back on an alt anyway, so whatever.

At least the situation is being monitored.

zyklon_b ago

i got all ur info n.u gettin it

Vindicator ago

Did you use your keen-eyed prairie nigger tracking skilz for that Zyklon?.

It explains so much.

zyklon_b ago

indeed take shit i make up serious and the plan be clear

Vindicator ago

Except that wasn't posted in SBBH, was it? That was posted in r/AskReddit.