SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @SandHog.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Vindicator.

Posted automatically (#31406) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Vindicator ago

@Peaceseeker @Cynabuns you might want to take a look at this submission and comments.

And there's more, here:

This guy uses bots to make submissions across Voat to content on his sites. He ran afoul of pizzagate's submission rules, and is now claiming we're hacking his website. He's using this as an excuse to try to intimidate users by collecting Voat user data and cross referencing it to look for passwords and other information so he can dox people...or so he says.

thewebofslime ago

I have not had a single attack since I made the accusation and you still haven't said you didn't do it.

YOu are telling everyone I am threatening to dox. I am not.

Do I have everyone's info? Yes, but I've never doxed a user.

In three years of my posting history, you can see that I've never tried to mislead anyone.

Right now, I am reporting the attacker's details to their ISP.

Vindicator ago

I have not had a single attack since I made the accusation and you still haven't said you didn't do it.

I said you were making bullshit claims that can't be supported with evidence, which was obvious to everyone who read them. Of course I didn't do it, jackass. If I had the technical skills and training to do that kind of shit, do you think I'd be sheepdogging this board, dealing with paranoid fools like you to help pizzagate? I'd be working with people like @Honeybee_ and @KarenRussell63 breaking up pedo sites on the darknet. Or hunting down pedos that fuck with this board and reporting them to authorities like @darkknight111.

In three years of my posting history, you can see that I've never tried to mislead anyone.

I suppose trying to convince everyone the mod of v/pizzagate is a criminal hacker running a honeypot is "never misleading anyone"?

Do I have everyone's info? Yes, but I've never doxed a user.

I'm sure everyone will love to hear that, Slime, after you've expressed nothing but contempt for the people here. That'll make them very comfy.

thewebofslime ago

Who have I expressed contempt towards, specifically? I have not insulted you once, since you lost your temper.

Vindicator ago

I notice you keep claiming everyone else is being emotional and losing their tempers (once again, citing no examples). I haven't seen a single bit of evidence of that...other than the fact several of us have been laughing our asses off at your LARPy, evidence-free claims.

Your Contempt:

argosciv ago

You've repeatedly ignored the v/pizzagate submission rules. I'm sure if I dig through the Removed submissions

FUNNILY ENOUGH, I found this in the last hour or 2:

^ Confirmation of OP username:

Same issue of not providing clickable links, zero edits, zero responses to request for edit.

Post was allowed to stay up for 48 hours instead of 24. Why didn't TWOS complain about uneven application of rules then?

Compare that with the reaction here:

@Crensch @kevdude @srayzie

thewebofslime ago

You're the one currently showing contempt... but thank for putting some time into something I can look over. I'll read it tomorrow. Hopefully, you'll be a little more level headed tomorrow and will really be ready to have a conversation, if it wasn't you. But... like I said... I have a couple of questions. In the end... you should think about how much time acting childish has cost you and should be asking yourself whether it is worth it to be a dick to me.

You have spent a great deal of time being super emotional and I went into this telling you I'm going to be cool. So, you took this one on the head because your behavior matched the behavior of the attacker and the timezone and the yadayadyadayada.

Also... you know I make rad posts.

Good night.

Vindicator ago

"Super" emotional huh? LMAO.

I'm absolutely showing contempt. You deserve it. You can't logic to save your life and you've completely destroyed the reputation of your account, not to mention pranced around like a wanton drama whore. I've enjoyed the hell out of documenting it and exposing you to the good people here.

thewebofslime ago

Again... I am prepared to post proof.

srayzie ago

He’s the one emotional over it. He’s even talking about it on Reddit.

Vindicator ago

My next step is to confirm any location data I can find from people who came to my site. That merely means running all of your usernames through my database which is huge.

So, let me get this straight...

You posted this thread on v/pizzagate and v/GreatAwakening, containing 46 links to your own sites...basically as a honeypot so you can collect data on anyone from Voat who visited it?

And then you stirred up a bunch of fake drama to drive more traffic to your site, and justify your actions tracking and attempting to dox me and others?

This sounds like an attempt to scare people investigating pizzagate, not help the investigation.

thewebofslime ago

I never linked to my site in the original chan threads.

Nobody goes to my site. It's not a high value target and it just has news articles in the database.

I only link to it in Voat.

Vindicator ago

I never linked to my site in the original chan threads.

You linked to content posted by you on the chans...and on Reddit...and on Voat...and on Steemit...and on your site. I pointed out that Voat does not look kindly upon people who use Voat primarily to drive traffic to their own material elsewhere. You can read all about it at v/ReportSpammers.

You have a MUCH larger proportion of links to sites you control than anyone I've ever seen post to v/pizzagate. So, in addition to the unsourced claims in your thread, the fake news sources, the inability to access primary sources for most of the content in the thread, and your unwillingness to create a post per the submission rules, I pointed out that you were over the line with Voat's sitewide anti-Spam rule.

Instead of realizing you're giving an entire community the middle finger and apologizing (the appropriate response), you decided to attack me, claimed I was a "shill covering for a criminal conspiracy" and that I was some cyber criminal hacking your site that no one supposedly goes to. You literally dug yourself a hole, filled it with broken glass, jumped in it and then started screaming you were being attacked.

Vindicator ago

You then said:

We've been spammed with similar long, link-riddled posts from the earliest days of the sub compliments of David Brock, designed to lead researchers down dead end rabbit holes.

Indeed. I was explaining the reason why we have the submission rules that we do, and why you need to present a focused thesis without ten dozen links and a bunch of jpg's that people can't easily vet. Here's my actual comment, NOT taken out of context to try to make it look like I was referring to you personally:

Vindicator 1 points (+3|-2) 1.1 days ago

Yes, WoS, you can't just dump massive piles of links and pics of links into a submission and claim it's a great post. We've been spammed with similar long, link-riddled posts from the earliest days of the sub compliments of David Brock, designed to lead researchers down dead end rabbit holes. You need to put together a coherent piece that ties all of it's links together, explaining what each one is and how it connects. That's what the v/pizzagate ruleset is about. There are a million other subverses on Voat you can dump your hoard of data into.

I was explaining what submitting to v/pizzagate requires, just like I do to every user who tries to post massive rambling tomes. If you were a part of our community or had any respect for the users who created the ruleset, you wouldn't have taken it personally.

thewebofslime ago

So, you can see how when you say those things... then the attack starts, then the attacks stop when I call you out... that it seems suspcisious.

Meanwhile, despite never trying to deceive anyone for three years... you suggest that I am... a LARP and other stuff.

I even told you up front that I was going to try to have a very polite conversation about this because I have other people looking at it.

Your response was to insult, attack and never just say you didn't do it.

I am starting with the ISP's to report everything, them I am going to work my way up the chain.

Just like I said I was going to do.

Is anything I'm saying untrue? and what specifically am I saying that is untrue.

Everyone is watching. So think about what you are going to say. You are in a jam, right now, as far as I can tell. I keep asking if you're a good guy, but you keep responding the opposite. I am not in a jam, at all. I've done nothing wrong.

Vindicator ago


What does that have to do with you spamming by linking more than 50% to your own content across multiple sites? I explained it clearly here:

You made up a completely false interpretation of the spam rules to target my content. That doesn't sit well with me.

I most certainly did not. Voat's very liberal anti-spam rule requires 5 of every 10 links you post to be NOT to content you control. More than 50% is considered spam. Before you edited this monstrosity of a submission, 45 of the 88 links in it were to your own material. That doesn't even count the links contained within those links.

You said my post was/included:

Useless self-aggrandizement.

massive, baffle-with-bullshit posts.

Nope. You were whining about having to follow the submission rules that require descriptions of each link, saying you didn't have enough room. So I pointed out this paragraph added nothing to the submission and could be deleted to free space:

Despite what I present here, know that this is a tiny fraction of the evidence. We don't need anymore to justify demanding action from government. Stop falling for the gas lighting. Save some kids. Their lives are in your hands.

Useless self-aggrandizement. Delete to make room for link descriptions.

And here, I explained WHY you have to work within a limited medium:

I only have so many characters to work with.

Yes. Voat does that by design -- so submitters have to work with a focused thesis and not swamp readers with massive, baffle-with-bullshit posts. That's how we do things, here.

I've told the same thing to hundreds of submitters. So far, you're the only one to claim this is evidence I'm part of a criminal conspiracy which would justify you doxing me. It's nothing but a trumped up excuse.

thewebofslime ago

That doesn't really address my primary concerns, and it contradicts your previous statements.

I'm not going to dox anyone. I never said that.

If I find something legitimate, I am merely going to report you to the authorities. That is why I was asking you if you were a good guy, but you keep spitting vitriol, dodging the issue and calling me a LARP when you know very well I am presenting legitimate information.

Vindicator ago

Not a single thing you just said is true. You should go back to Reddit where people are more gullible.

thewebofslime ago

Post updated: See top. That's all I've got in me tonight. Tell me your thoughts.

@Vindicator @srayzie @think- @shewhomustbeobeyed @Memorexem

srayzie ago

My thoughts? I’m not good at tech stuff so don’t know how it all works. It’s creepy that someone can get peoples passwords and stuff. Makes me not want to go to your site. But, at least your honest about what you do. I don’t like that someone put me in some database. I hope you’re a good guy. It’s reasons like this that make me not trust people. We’re always targeted.

thewebofslime ago

My site doesn't collect anything. Google does. My site has as little tracking as possible.

Your emails and passwords were leaked to the public. I had nothing to do with that. I just have the database because it helps research unreported connections.

srayzie ago

Are you saying my emails and passwords were leaked? Or are you talking about in general? I don’t think I’ve even been to your site. I think I subscribed to your Steemit.

thewebofslime ago

Yours, mine, everyone elses's. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH LEAKING ANYONE'S INFO. I hope that is clear. Just the Podestas... NXIVM... Rothschild's etc. I've made plenty of posts about it.

Here is an example of one search I made before all the Collections were public.

srayzie ago

One of those Rothschilds passwords was Lucifer. How appropriate. 🙄

SandHog ago

I can't say I'm shocked by that.

srayzie ago

Me neither

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you, I will read this again in the morning. Good night.

srayzie ago

Wow. 🙄 If @Vindicator did say that, what is the big deal? I’ve been called everything under the sun. If you can’t handle it, maybe Voat isn’t for you.

thewebofslime ago

I don't care about the insults... I am noting the change in behavior, because he doesn't usually do that, but switched to calling me a David Brock shill and within minutes I was under attack, so I ran all of you through my databases, archived all related social media, and am having someone help me run a comparison.

srayzie ago

How does that work? I’m not all techy. You even ran me thru a database? 😒

The thing with @Vindicator and me, is that we are the main ones under attack by outside groups and shills. Pizzagate you know why. I’m more of a behind the scenes mod of pizzagate. But, I run v/GreatAwakening. Both are very controversial and the deep state wants us to shut up. Me and Vindicator have been accused of alllll kinds of things. So, if someone acts off to him, I wouldn’t be surprised by a change of behavior.

thewebofslime ago

I think /v/GreatAwakening is great. I commend you. But yes, I ran everyone in order to figure out who is attacking me.

srayzie ago

Thanks. What do you mean by attacked? Downvotes?

thewebofslime ago

technological attack

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I read your update. Thanks for explaining.

Vindicator ago

A moderator of /v/Pizzagate accused me of being a David Brock shill, yesterday.

Oh, really? Where did that happen?

I notice you don't provide any links. Nor any quotes. This isn't really surprising, since I never said it.

Now, why would you say I said something I never said? That doesn't seem like someone who just wants to help the investigation, WoS.

thewebofslime ago

You did.

Take a step back... because you did.

Vindicator ago

No, I most certainly did not. If you are going to make a claim, you'd better be prepared to prove it.

thewebofslime ago

I'll get there.

SandHog ago

Either he did or he didn't and I don't see any deleted posts in that v/pizzagate thread where he might have. Seems like an easy thing to prove if it what you claim is true. Everyone can see the mod logs here. No comments have been removed for the last two months.

thewebofslime ago

I included that information in my post, you can search the exact text for yourself.

SandHog ago

Which post? there are like four of them.

thewebofslime ago

I edited the OP.

SandHog ago

A moderator of /v/Pizzagate accused me of being a David Brock shill, yesterday.

I still don't see any evidence of that. Why don't you just link to the comment where he said it? Or was that just something you inferred based on your interpretation of a comment he made? I gotta say I'm entertaining the idea that you are over-reacting to a perceived slight here.

I'm trying to stay as neutral as I possibly can in all of this but you've made some serious accusations and I've not seen any real evidence that backs them up. There is evidence that you attracted someone's attention but that's to be expected when dealing with this subject. There are only 24 hours in a day and a lot of interested parties. I dunno man. From what I have seen thus far I think you are barking up the wrong tree and doing a disservice to yourself on account of it. Unless you have something more I'm really starting to question your logic here.

thewebofslime ago

"useless self aggrandizing baffle with bullshit like david brock shills do to send peopel down rabbit holes." but again... that isn't my primary concern. Just the timing of it.

SandHog ago

I can see his point in that the behavior seems similar. I know Vindicator isn't a shill and I don't think you are either to be perfectly honest. So eh...

thewebofslime ago

It would be a clever frame job, indeed. Before I got into this, I sent a message hoping to communicate that I wanted to have a polite conversation about it and that I would be on my best behavior. Hopefully, we can work around to that. I think I've successfully uncovered what is going on, but it took some serious help to figure it out. Serious help.

SandHog ago

I am interested to see what you came up with. I'm assuming you are making a post about it somewhere?

thewebofslime ago

Slowly. I am going to lose 99% of the people who follow me when I lay this out.

Worth it.

SandHog ago

Are you implying Q is a british intelligence op? Or am I missing something? I'm not up to speed on Tenet.

thewebofslime ago

I will walk this one out slowly, and not today.

It is going to be challenged ad nauseum, so I need to have my ducks in a row.

But go ahead and think about what you just read, because you are the one with the most level head, right now, of everyone who has been watching all this.

srayzie ago

thewebofslime ago

Talk about a false accusation. I don't even know who that is.

Because I disagree with something you believe in, I'm automatically this person? If that's what you want to believe okay.

I stated I was going to set an honesty trap, then I messaged Vindicator that I was going to be on my nest behavior while I did because I had help.

I was looking for shills.

Someone who was on my thread, went to my site, then started attacking.

They used a company device from CACI, which is a DIA contractor.

I couldn't tell if it was because I started talking about George Tenet, or not, so I was trying to rule out Vindicator, when I found THIS:

So, CACI, attacked my site that has had like 200 visitors ever, is connected to a DIA intelligence group QinetiQ, who calls themselves Q and had for years.

It seems strange that Q would pick this name, if he was a high level insider and didn't want to be associated with George Tenet and the Mockingbird apparatus.

When you emotions settle down, consider looking at what I am telling you.

What I am showing you is factually a money trail between Allen & CO, who managed the merger between Fox & Disney and is slowly building a pyramidic monopoly on media, tech and politics, where people like Pelosi and Schumer are going to the "retreats."

The money trail is factual.

The social circles are factual.

The name "Q" is factual.

I am totally ready to entertain other theories, but then Vindicator happened to be the one who found the ignored Q post from years ago.

So, think for a second about my point of view, where I have my cousin, a professor of computer science, and his father, a lawyer, telling me that what I am looking at is real and to not say anything. I still feel an obligation to explain this because I have always been transparent in my research.

You, on the other hand, just jumped to a wild conclusion that I have an alt I've never heard of.

So, I hope you can get past the insults, which I have not been participating in, and think about what I am really telling you.

think- ago

It seems strange that Q would pick this name, if he was a high level insider and didn't want to be associated with George Tenet and the Mockingbird apparatus.

It doesn't make any sense that Q is connected to George Tenet, you even said yourself Tenet was someone pushing the globalist narrative, and opposed to the political faction that backs Trump.

Imo Q was created by Trump's PR department.

There are several old contexts where someone called 'Q' played a role - the James Bond movies, but then there also was a novel someone wrote about a 'Q' (which had some eering similarities to the present Q anon character from what I remember).

Q is also a Star Trek: Next Generation character.

@srayzie @SandHog @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

thewebofslime ago

I am hoping to present the proof in the smartest way. I keep asking and no one has weighed in... at all.

Vindicator ago

@thewebofslime is over on Reddit saying that I am QAnon, now. Check it out:

Pretty damn hilarious. What do you supposed I did to make them burn a well-aged account like this?

thewebofslime ago

I am not saying you are QAnon.

Curious that you would lie.

I wrote this last night... you asked for proof, look it over. Nobody has weighed in on the best way to proceed.

Vindicator ago

Curious that you would lie.

If I were lying, do you think I'd direct link to what you said so everyone can see it for themselves?

Why don't YOU explain it, then.

srayzie ago

Qanon stands for Q clearance. Q access authorization is the Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data

thewebofslime ago

That is a perfectly valid way of looking at things. But, do you see where I am coming from? Don't you think it is unreasonable to accuse me of being someone else without any evidence? ISN'T THAT WHAT I AM BEING CRITICIZED FOR?

But I am literally asking you guys what is the best and most responsible way to present evidence for the benefit of the community, despite smart people telling me to say nothing.

So, I realize my posting has always made people emotional. But this is turning into a witch hunt against me, despite me holding the evidence of wrongdoing.

srayzie ago

I’ve never had a problem with you until you went after @Vindicator and started looking into us pizzagate mods. Do you not see where we’re coming from? You don’t see how suspicious that looks? You are free to share your views on Q. I see it everyday. But I find your behavior suspicious. You’re focusing on us. We didn’t attack your fucking site. You’re making posts about us and trying to make us look guilty.

thewebofslime ago

I know YOU didn't. I absolutely know that.

But yeah... I'm no one to mess around with. I am a serious person who inflicts consequences. I don't live in a touchy feely world. I am after results and I am good at it. Yes, I am dangerous, but have I screwed anyone over, yet? Not any good people. I am asking for the best way to present evidence without doxing anyone.

And, to be fair, Vindicator went after me. I telegraphed the honesty trap, then sent a message to Vindicator stating that I was going to be on my best behavior because I brought in help and I didn't want to look like an ass to my family members.

Not only did Vindicator go after me, who has always been polite, previously, Crensch wanted to take a whack a while back, too. I'm after shills. People who attack me and are insulting and hostile are trying to shut down a conversation because they don't want to be forced to tell the truth. THAT is suspicious.

I don't see why my bheavior is suspicious. My posting history is 100% consistent over three years as Web of Slime. 100%. I've NEVER tried to lead anyone down the wrong path.

I am NOT calling for action to change pizzagate rules. I am NOT calling for action against mods. I AM asking for the best way to present evidence and, thus far, no one is really interested in that conversation. To me, that is the most suspicious part and I absolutely know you PERSONALLY are not responsible.

I'm being told not to say anything, at all. I do feel a little sense of obligation to the community, the the "consensus" is manufactured. I've watched people flip flop repeatedly and I never have.

So, people are demanding I apologize when I was the one who took being insulted and hacked with calm and politeness. That is called DARVO tactics and it is a sign of guilt.

So, you've said a numb er of things that aren't true about me, that you cannot prove. Are you willing to back track on those remarks? Because that is what everyone is asking me to do... even though I'm the one sitting with all the proof and asking how to present it.

Vindicator ago

You obviously have no proof, or you would have presented it by now instead of all this virtue-signaling and pearl-clutching.

You are definitely full of shit, Mr. "Dangerous".

thewebofslime ago

For entertainment purposes, only. Maybe you'll get it.

I am just curious why you went from being cool to talking a lot of ***. Strikes me as odd. Also, I fixed my post, so you can change the flair. Ty.

Vindicator ago

I found this entertaining:

Goats see right through you. Try Reddit.

thewebofslime ago

I knew you would take that bait.

See you tomorrow.

Vindicator ago

Hi Colin. See you tomorrow!

thewebofslime ago

Also, while we're on the subject... I was just accused of not working to bring awareness to Pizzagate, in general.

Here are Twitter account impressions. Any idea what /v/Pizzagate sees in a month?

thewebofslime ago

In what form would you like me to present my evidence without doxing everyone?

Seriously... I'll go line by line and we can all sit and figure this out.

Maybe we can start with what brought upon your discovery of the IamQ post? I think that will help me put the last piece of information together.

Are you a Q believer? Neutral about it? Do you follow Qmap?

Vindicator ago

I detailed exactly how I discovered the IamQ submissions in my post about it.

You've already behaved in a manner too dishonest for me to take anything you have to say seriously.

You claim to have evidence you can't use because it would expose people's real life identities, evidence of "shills participating in a criminal conspiracy" -- your words. It's obvious that is not true, because if it were, you would have immediately reported this to @PuttItOut, or at least to @Peaceseeker. A Voat moderator using Voat to launch cyber crime hacking attacks against the site of a Voat subscriber might make Voat criminally liable. If you'd reported it to Putt, I'd already have had my account banned sitewide.

Since none of that has happened, you're obviously fake and gay. You know it, I know it, everybody who reads this knows it. :-)

thewebofslime ago

If it wasn't one of you, someone set you up, specifically, "like a m*f" to use the expression.

The attack has lead to some interesting discoveries. I told you what I was looking for. Shills. Instead... I found these people.

A Voat moderator using Voat to launch cyber crime hacking attacks

I NEVER made that accusation. You are putting words in my mouth.. a sign of guilt. Go ahead and link me your explanation. I'm curious. As it stands, you are either being "stubborn stupid" on purpose, because you can't even repeat stuff back without twisting it... or you are REALLY in the dark about someone using you as a pawn and you just aren't smart enough to figure out what my explanation of the attack was.

Nobody USED Voat to attack.

Someone came FROM Voat and THAT IP address attacked the site. Cut and paste stuff. Nothing fancy. The fancy stuff came later from different IP addresses. Go ahead and take a deep breath, because if you are legit... someone is setting you up.

I have been asking everyone the best way to present the evidence, but that conversation has been shut down by insults every time. I find that REALLY curious. I've literally asked about a dozen times. I found the first password in this group to be particularly coincidental.

[email protected] goatblower

[email protected] trolling

[email protected] babydoll

[email protected] babydoux

[email protected] thematrix

[email protected] scorpio

[email protected] 69tuchita6985

[email protected] rudem00d

[email protected] picojode

[email protected] Empire

[email protected] Peachfield1

[email protected] PhantomF4J

[email protected] unicorns

[email protected] iamking357

[email protected] 4076911_NyJy

[email protected] dad1234

[email protected] dogsoldiers

[email protected] Tugb0at1

[email protected] gobble!

[email protected] biscuit

[email protected] stargate

[email protected] wunderkind

[email protected] lemon73

[email protected] hogdog

[email protected] stegosaur

[email protected] catdog

[email protected] MPMtopologyMPM

[email protected] bishop

[email protected] Jellybaby1

[email protected] agentorange

[email protected] gothic1

[email protected] electrolube

[email protected] tigercub

[email protected] lollipop01

[email protected] Maxdomcarmen1

[email protected] montanaismyname

[email protected] 7955265186z

srayzie ago

Please see parent...

@Madworld @Argosciv @Sandhog @Think-

It’s safe to say that @thewebofslime is our old friend :)

srayzie ago

@Vindicator, is your real name George Tenet of QinetiQ? 😂🤣

@Shizy? @MolochHunter? 🤔

MolochHunter ago

and wahts this?

Susan Zimmerman was head, and where she also moved over to CACI, the DIA contractor.

Susan Zimmerman

... sounds kinda like SRAYZIE to me!

or no - it sounds like SHIZY

ur both alts of Susan Zimmerman!!

Shizy ago

Uh oh! We demand answers @vindicator! 😳

Vindicator ago

LOL. Just read all this BS...did Slime just claim I am Q and work for British Intelligence?

How come all these VIP Patriots get Q shoutouts and all we get is shill shout outs? @srayzie ;-)

srayzie ago

Cuz we’re over the target on Voat brother!

Shizy ago

Then it's safe to say, a big fuck you to @thewebofslime.

At least that fag picked a more accurate screenname for himself this time around!

srayzie ago

You got that right lol