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thewebofslime ago

They already put a 24 hour warning for deletion due to lack of "clarity" despite being the longest, most well sourced post in the sub's history.

Vindicator ago

Yes, WoS, you can't just dump massive piles of links and pics of links into a submission and claim it's a great post. We've been spammed with similar long, link-riddled posts from the earliest days of the sub compliments of David Brock, designed to lead researchers down dead end rabbit holes. You need to put together a coherent piece that ties all of it's links together, explaining what each one is and how it connects. That's what the v/pizzagate ruleset is about. There are a million other subverses on Voat you can dump your hoard of data into.

thewebofslime ago

I don't claim it is great.

I claim it is the longest and most complete ever posted in the subverse. I would be curious if you had a better example. It still doesn't include everything. Silsby... etc.

I posted it because I was asked to, even though I knew it was going to be a headache.

As far as a "great post" I absolutely didn't want to include triplicate ways to view the same material. For that reason, it is a bit of a headache, but the rules are what make it appear hectic, because I have to explain every single link not just the three times they are all already explained, but again inside the post.

It is an architectural problem.

So, if I wanted to put something nice together, what would you recommend?

Vindicator ago

So, if I wanted to put something nice together, what would you recommend?

Respect the limitations of the medium. Make focused, individual submissions, and crosslink them where relevant to other focused, individual submissions. How is it that everyone else who posts seems willing and able to do this, except you?

thewebofslime ago

I edited the post three times. I'm trying.

Here's the thing, in the timing surrounding your shitty response, my website was attacked.

What do you really think I am after? I am after determining if /v/Pizzagate is operating as a limited hangout. The format is designed intentionally to operate as such and you may just be a pawn, but your recent interactions have raised some serious concerns. Because you raise the possibility you are a shill covering for a criminal conspiracy, I have archived everything I could on you on the Internet and I will be comparing it to my logs.

So, you accused me of being a shill, but I have a little mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot audit." I have a couple of lawyers going over what I've got and a computer science professor from the UC system to provide expert insight.

Am I going to find an IP in my logs that connects your Twitter geolocation tags?

Maybe. Maybe not. You are but one.

Do you understand where I am really coming from?

I've been providing /v/Pizzagate with honesty traps for two years and they always fail.

You made up a completely false interpretation of the spam rules to target my content. That doesn't sit well with me.

Seriously. Do I need to thot audit you? If you don't provide me with some kind of explanation of your behavior, you go straight to the top of the list past the /r/politics mods. I'm not kidding around.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

WTF is going on. Are you the one who has 'botted' me?

I know you've had trouble submitting, but do you really think that @Vindicator is responsible for the tech problems you are experiencing?


Vindicator ago

Interestingly, this "hacking" he appears to be accusing me of is the same type of BS Jem777 claimed -- that I had doxed her through her IP and sent thugs to her house to beat her up.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Interestingly, this "hacking" he appears to be accusing me of is the same type of BS Jem777 claimed

I sincerely hope not. I tend to believe that someone could want to mess with @thewebofslime, more than I would ever believe anything from Jem777

I do not approve of issuing threats to PG mods. Especially without proof of suspicions.


thewebofslime ago

  1. The timing is what alerted me.

  2. Matching locations are what alerted me.

  3. The person who had the bad interaction also accused me of being a David Brock shill... you know how realistic that accusation is. I consider it "projection."

I feel like I have something real, but I am having someone who knows a lot more than me go over it.

At this stage, @Vindicator acted inappropriately, which is a sudden change in his behavior, made wild accusations, made up fake interpretations of rules, which coincided with the beginning of low level attacks from not so hidden locations. Then, the attacks became more sophisticated and widespread.

It is a very strange coincidence that these two interactions started within minutes of each other.

Vindicator ago

Links to evidence of ANY of these things, or you are full of shit.

thewebofslime ago

If you give me a minute to respond, I will address it in the correct thread. Right now, you are hitting me up in three different threads when I made a single one to hash this out.

Vindicator ago

Right now, you are hitting me up in three different threads when I made a single one to hash this out.

Nice projection, there Slime. I've made ZERO submissions. Those were all made by you. In this thread, in GreatAwakening, you claimed v/pizzagate was censoring you when all we did was attempt to administer the rules consistently. I am not "hitting you up". I responded to your claims in three different submissions that YOU made.

thewebofslime ago

I made the submission in my subverse to publicly discuss your behavior, if you so choose to participate.

I made the protectvoat submission to gain an understanding of precedent.

And yeah... if you don't like people calling you out when you insult others, then don't insult them. I am totally happy to mix it up, but I've got a higher purpose, right now.

If you want top exchange insults later... go for it.

But you are super emotional and hitting me up constantly while I am trying to find links that you asked for.

Maybe wait for what I present, then respond. I'm trying to give you what you are asking for.

If you want to continue to be emotional about it, that is fine. I've been nothing but cooperative since I was ASKED to post in /v/Pizzagate, then was cooperative and polite when changes were recommended.

So, if you have nothing to hide, you should have no problem waiting for me to provide what is asked.

Remember when I said... If you are feeling pressure, it is merely because I am trying to pressure the entire world into knowing about Pizzagate.

Remember how I talk about systems psychodynamics and activating neurochemsitry to manipulate people? I've done exactly that to you in a response to what I perceive as a threat.

When I'm exchanging insults, I am doing it to according to systems psychodyanmics so that I can learn motivation. I am absolutely responsible for your emotional state right now because I made intentional moves to reveal your intentionality.

I do it all the time. you've seen me do it. You pressed me and you learned that I can press back a lot harder.

This time, though, I'm doing it with a few extra sets of eyes from people who laugh at Pizzagate.

I expected a response when I posted that thread because of the corruption it exposes and I was ready on all fronts to study the response. It's what I do and I've explained that over and over again and I've explained how I do it.

I have manipulated into an excited emotional state to test you and reveal your true motives to determine whether or not I have to spend possibly days of my time and other people's time ruling you out as a suspect.

Vindicator ago

The only one emotional here is you, Slime. This is just another attack of thousands I've been through. Boooooring. You're not even being clever about it.

I am doing it to according to systems psychodyanmics so that I can learn motivation. I am absolutely responsible for your emotional state right now because I made intentional moves to reveal your intentionality.

LMAO. So what you're saying is, you spent a lot of money on a fancy degree, so you could become a legend in your own mind.

This time, though, I'm doing it with a few extra sets of eyes from people who laugh at Pizzagate. you work with people who laugh at Pizzagate. How telling! :-)

I have manipulated you into an excited emotional state to test you and reveal your true motives to determine whether or not I have to spend possibly days of my time and other people's time ruling you out as a suspect.

@srayzie @Crensch @kevdude -- Doesn't this sound like that retard LARPing as the Q Continuum that was trying to put you on trial a while back?

Crensch ago

This time, though, I'm doing it with a few extra sets of eyes from people who laugh at Pizzagate.

This sure sounds a lot like NHFP.

Vindicator ago

He basically admitted to making that huge shitpost as a honeypot so he could gather IPs.

How should we handle this? Seems like this might be worth another username flair. People in v/pizzagate need to be warned. Read what he said:

Crensch ago

Flairs definitely.

Crensch ago

Should I sticky that to v/pizzagate so people know what's going on?

Maybe so.