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thewebofslime ago

Post updated: See top. That's all I've got in me tonight. Tell me your thoughts.

@Vindicator @srayzie @think- @shewhomustbeobeyed @Memorexem

srayzie ago

My thoughts? I’m not good at tech stuff so don’t know how it all works. It’s creepy that someone can get peoples passwords and stuff. Makes me not want to go to your site. But, at least your honest about what you do. I don’t like that someone put me in some database. I hope you’re a good guy. It’s reasons like this that make me not trust people. We’re always targeted.

thewebofslime ago

My site doesn't collect anything. Google does. My site has as little tracking as possible.

Your emails and passwords were leaked to the public. I had nothing to do with that. I just have the database because it helps research unreported connections.

srayzie ago

Are you saying my emails and passwords were leaked? Or are you talking about in general? I don’t think I’ve even been to your site. I think I subscribed to your Steemit.

thewebofslime ago

Yours, mine, everyone elses's. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH LEAKING ANYONE'S INFO. I hope that is clear. Just the Podestas... NXIVM... Rothschild's etc. I've made plenty of posts about it.

Here is an example of one search I made before all the Collections were public.

srayzie ago

One of those Rothschilds passwords was Lucifer. How appropriate. 🙄

SandHog ago

I can't say I'm shocked by that.

srayzie ago

Me neither

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you, I will read this again in the morning. Good night.