17705694? ago

This submission was linked from this v/thewebofslime comment by @thewebofslime.

Posted automatically (#31399) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

17138396? ago

BOG here I will be delivering the JQ in opwinnipeg soon

17138393? ago


17138392? ago

Nothing came out of this which is depressing.

17138391? ago

Wow this thread exploded

17138389? ago


16980180? ago

Just askin'… Nothing related to Macron or Magalia? Would be weird if there was nothing.

16980178? ago

the pedo mafia is the jewish mafia

pol was always right sceen cap my posts and get ready to back me up the battle for canada has begun…

16920972? ago

Jesus, it's worse than I thought.

16920971? ago

newfag here, can someone give me a rundown on OpWinnipeg? Is it a PedoGate local to Winnipeg?

16920970? ago

BOGanon here

The pedo Mafia is trying to get me vanned…

The pigs keep going to my bait which is what I used to lure the pedo Mafia…

If I die, avenge me dox the pigs so the boy who was waterboarded could see and name the one who tortured him.

16920973? ago

Hi. Please dump all this information in one convenient source. If you have documents or paperwork of any type, please make copies and begin posting them here.

16920977? ago


Renee Feldschmid runs the Jarvis CFS office, she has my son and won't let me see him. 2 different homeless people tried to barter me into complacency.

Ian Rabb put money on my head, but I took his little plan and turned it on itself. I keep terrorizing him to try to trigger him…

Marion Willis is Winnipeg's top shill who runs a homeless shelter that is only for men in a city that always kept the boy business out of the news. She gets a buzz giving grown men treats like dogs.

She is a pedoshill and social climber. She tried threatening me and I did this trick where I kept politely interupting her and she told Pepe far to much

The police raided a place I only pretended to live at on Sunday and they keep going there but I keep trolling Ian Rabb and now they are going around saying trust us goy we just wanna shove him in a psyche ward…

I used write on steemit under the handle @cfs.leaks…

I need help pol…

16980176? ago

schizo posting

16981161? ago

That doesn't work anymore, like Bruce McArthur getting out of that assault charge.



Stop posting this on /pol/ there is a team working on this. Winterpeg is mason central and you can't just walk in there with a warrant you know.

16980177? ago

Fuck off kike…

Pedo Mafia is Jewish Mafia and it uses police to control the meth trade

16981157? ago

Funny how my contact who worked for the Glen Murray campaign and now works for the Manitoba Government stopped returning my calls last year.

16920964? ago


Use this website to find background info.

16920961? ago

16920962? ago

16920959? ago

16920958? ago


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEGUh72tLas [Embed]



350 ARRESTS IN PEDO RING (12-23-2017)


QUOTE: What is abundantly clear at this point, is that “Pedogate” is a one-hundred percent reality, not just in America, but spanning the entire globe.



Users Looking for Child Pornography Are Gathering on Periscope, Twitter’s Forgotten Video Service (12-15-17) GIZMODO STEALS OUR WORK











https://youtu.be/eo1Oe3cGU50 [Embed]







16920957? ago

He pretended to know nothing about me during the meme offensive in which provided a new leak but the guy is scared…

He knows too much about Pepe…

He is due for a mobile gassening…

16920949? ago

before Christmas Ian Rabb had his tables turned by me as I blasted my meme cannons all over local faceberg groups… I named his clique the pedo Mafia as it is a nameless network of victims with pedophiles at the top and it facilitates the silence. It is at the top of the meth trade and has a finger in the ass of most of the cities gangs. They undersell all competition yet the Jews in the news call the meth Mexican meth but it's really Jewish meth(sounds like the Jews owe the Mexicans for using their name) lulz. Sometimes the load it with MSM and this does severe damage to organs and testicles. I heard a native youth say thats how you know it's good meth "when your balls hurt" I redpilled him on the Jewish meth and the Jews in general. The man who put money on my head now has lots of problems to worry about. And if I die he will not only look guilty as fuck but will have a surge in Internet autism to worry about and I would be avenged. On Sunday the place I made look like I was living was raided by the police I am not a criminal and have committed no crime but it's only a matter of time before I am set up for something. I will never stop so I must be stopped and those that stop me with pay the ultimate price…

I got some good lulz when Ian Rabb tried to Jew me into sympathy saying he was a Hooker…

Last week my cheque was stolen from this place by James Ian who is connected to mike law who is connected to Ian Rabb. The first time I met James Ian he tried to get me to discredit myself by saying he was raped by Doug Ford but I could tell he was lying. James Ian once told me I pissed someone off and they were a big shot. Big Jew would be far more accurate.

I started messaging him and for almost 2 months never said a word just watched as I did all I could to trigger a response. Eventually I came up with an idea to pretend to shake him down and I would be silent he started taking the bait… After a while Marion Willis contacted me on an account naming me by my real name. She threatened me once to lock me away in a psyche ward but I used a trick to piss her off into telling me to much. I j

Kept politely interupting her.

She told Pepe far too much…

My friends in Winnipeg call me Pepe nowadays…

The Enns family are serious pedo bear fans…

The Janovciks are occultists…


16920952? ago

16898244? ago


16898231? ago

16898243? ago

A cop in Winnipeg tortures boys into keeping quiet…

Dox every fucking pig with pictures and so victims can name him…

I asked God to send me to hell so I can kill Lucifer…

James Ian is connected to mike law is connected to Ian Rabb is connected to Marion Willis

It's been an honor…

I just wish I could see my son again with my dignity an honor intact…

He told me to never give up, so I won't..

Love you Anthony

16898230? ago

Hyde hides inside

Hyde hides inside


16898229? ago


16891181? ago

What's in the emails tho? Shit at least give us a preview or something, FAGGOT

16891182? ago

nothing, this meme has been alive for 3 days and nothing of value was posted, many of the passwords were changed years ago

16920944? ago

Uhh, even if they changed their passwords already then everyone who was hacked knows that someone has all of their data… Evil people around the world are shitting their pants right now.

16920946? ago

Evil people around the world are shitting their pants right now.

So just another day on planet Earth.

16891178? ago


Hey can you please explain how they got the data in layman's terms? What was compromised? I know about the email passwords, but, how?

Is it relatively secure to get that torrent without a proxy? What's in it?

16891188? ago

A huge database of email and password combos was found on a Russian hacking forum on the darkweb. This database was created not from one hack, but virtually all hacks that have occurred in the past 5 years.

These hacks include the websites LinkedIn, myspace, etc. Someone on the darkweb collated it all into one HUGE database, which can be downloaded and searched

Someone on 8ch searched the database of hacked emails for "rothschild" and found the ones that are in this thread. The problem is that many of them are from hacks that occurred 5 years ago and the passwords have now been changed, though not all

This database is called "Collection #2-5" and is available on torrent websites, linked in this thread. It includes over 2 billion email and password combinations taken from a combined database of every single hack that has happened in the past 5 years, and probably includes YOUR email and password, somewhere.

17138403? ago

thanks anon, I tried entering these a fair amount of times but I'm bored because none of them seem to work. I'll probably try social media like other anons suggested later. I was really hoping to get some emails.

16920940? ago

"Collection #2-5"

So what's on Collection #1?

16920943? ago

Collection #1 is emails and passwords. And, of course, everyone is lazy, but a lot fo the infromation is still good. THe new ColeCtions will have moer recent information and is 350 gigs where number one was 86 gigs

16920941? ago

16898232? ago

Thank you very much for the rundown anon.

16891179? ago

Yes a synopsis would be good and had anyone got anything real juicy like “ahah” ?

16891175? ago

So, in case anyone didn't notice, you, your family, your friends, your coworkers, your crushes, your enemies… they are all in these leaks that just hit. Maybe when everyone's GPS data and personal Internet histories are leaked, you will all start paying attention. It's about to happen.

16898241? ago



16891177? ago

Total absolute transparency is inevitable and has been for a long time. The tech to make it happen exists, the availability of surface level comprehensive knowledge that follows it leaves nowhere for a kike to hide. It's a mixed bag.

16879249? ago

Something I realized about “the password to this post” - it permits a post to be removed from the thread, but…

1) I can make some real actual person type in a string of my choosing.

2) The post still actually happened.

The password is one history.

16879251? ago

aw crud, that password is one

I screwed up

The password to THIS one is one history

16878642? ago

Opwinnipeg guy is here everyone…Infiniti is officially dead. He found us. Fucking leaf!

16877103? ago

I guess I missed something, how were these passwords obtained?

16877946? ago


We just 59'd each other my niggar

16877100? ago

I'm just adding it to general intel.

16877099? ago

you're gonna hear about it,

every single one's got a story to tell,

everyone knows about it,

from the queen of england to the hounds of hell

16877096? ago

It's worth pointing out that after the pizzagate scandal, while they might have not stepped up their security in terms of password strength, I'd say they would stop communicating in code and entirely avoid using e-mails for that sort of thing. Maybe go as far as to delete old e-mails.

In other words to anybody doing a mass download of these mails, focus on the older ones first as they are more likely to contain incriminating information, newer ones are probably clean(er).

On that note, any place from where to download the content?

16877098? ago





Highscore if these kikes push me too far

16877102? ago

What is this? Old news?

16877093? ago

16877091? ago


Wow, just tried it on Pipl.com and here's what I found:

In the associated pages we can see websites called City Paper

Can't this be a code for CeePee just like Cheese Pizza?

In one of the websites description you can see written: Ignore the pizza police

"The Pizza Police"


16877092? ago

Just slide the thread like the kikes want, goy.

16877088? ago

Shit that never happened

16877090? ago

You in a vagina post-birth.

16877084? ago

I feel like if anything substantial was found it wouldn't get posted here. It'd be somewhere a little more obscure, or am I just a retard for assuming that?

16877087? ago

yes, you are a retard

16877082? ago

16866893? ago

Levered nut cracking ne1?

Were the usernames/passwords used elsewhere?

16866894? ago

This is the way to go.

Gmail accounts are the most reliable credentials to use to get into other accounts.

16866607? ago

I find the passwords the most interesting part so far, some are so blatantly simple that it seems like a joke.. But I cant fathom someone would manually create all these fakes passwords for a troll or to trick 8chanr's

16863557? ago

don't fuck this up guise. get the graet justice. make their faces be like

16863556? ago

this is fake thrash, i checked this out yesterday and it didn't work, no one got access to anything. prove me wrong, otherwise don't reply

16863555? ago

Jewluminati confirmed

16861762? ago

The best opsec is a new old device, anonymously bought tracphone or other prepaid sim, and voila. Your Anonymouse .

16861761? ago

any dumps? i wanna read stuff

16861759? ago

Do the leaks contain their PayPal passwords? If so, please leave $500 for me if you decide to steal. Danke

16861760? ago

If we have their back accounts you would be stupid to just get 500 dollars

16862502? ago

It's almost impossible to steal from the guys who own the banks. PayPal is the safest bet. Buy bitcoins, exchange it a few times and cash out ASAP.

16862504? ago

doesnt it take a week to cash out finally when it comes to BTC?

16861114? ago

So, is it safe to open these on thunderbird? Or is there another e-mail frontend that can be used on tor?

16863549? ago

I wouldn't touch these without Tor OS from public wifi. Rothschilds aren't the kind of people you fuck with lightly.

Not to talk anyone out of it, just recommending good op sec.

16891184? ago

im downloading it from m y home internet conenction


16863552? ago

There's probably more than a few suicidal anons on here.

16863553? ago

16860500? ago


Can I just be trash searcher anon lmao

16860497? ago

Download all emails.

Upload them.

Cross-search for key words…

16861112? ago


I am 100% sure that if we don't get all the emails, the kikes will cherry pick some emails and pretend that is the true narrative

16861113? ago

Even more reasons to get them emails, this is bigger than hillary and podesta combined

16860498? ago

not just that,dump some of the content, we have a real chance to archive dirt on these kikes for real, this could be a mayor redpill opportunity

16860490? ago

who has actually logged into this so far??

16860494? ago

Most of the passwords are outdated, but the emails are real.

16860495? ago

i suppose that to be expected, whoever found out these passwords shouldve just instantly gone for it and archive all the shit.

16860496? ago

yeah a real shame, but we have the emails, if someone has the balls (and the BTC's) they could hire a hacker from the Darknet to get the passwords

16860493? ago

certain ppl claim they have but we've yet to see any evidence

16860486? ago

Why nobody cares this is huge even more important than Podesta leaks wtf

16860489? ago


Yes. People are falling for the sliding bait threads so easily both here and on halfchan.

16860488? ago

Slide threads that why, shill this everywhere, even on discord servers

16859816? ago

Anyone can confirm they are not fake shitposting on 4chan?

16859817? ago

l2shitpost more fren

you wouldn't know real if it hit you in the fucking face

16859813? ago

can you post the antifa knockout with the streets of rage 2 music playing

16859812? ago

Holy fucking shit that video is priceless

16859811? ago

Bump because this is more important than the countless Orange Man bad posts.

pic unrelated

17138388? ago

Search trumporg.com, trump.com

Also you should search for pedo terms in the passwords

16861111? ago

These people really are stuck in the 90s and early 2000s.

16859030? ago


Went to WikiLeaks and searched for "fox Rothschild", pic related is results

heaven is for real



16859032? ago

Patric= k J. Murphy became the first Iraq war veteran elected to Congress

in 2006 a= nd is currently a partner at the law firm of Fox Rothschild

LLP. Volu= nteering for combat after the September 11 terrorist attacks,

Mr. Murphy de= ployed to Baghdad in 2003 with the U.S. Army's 82nd Airbor=

ne Division. He earned the Bronze Star for Service. Prior to deployment,

Mr= . Murphy was stationed at the United States Military Academy at West

Point = where he taught Constitutional Law to cadets. During his two terms

in Congr= ess, Mr. Murphy fought for a pay raise for U.S. troops, a new

G.I. Bill for= men and women returning from combat and increased

protection for serviceme= mbers under the Servicemembers' Civil Relief

Act. Mr. Murphy re= ceived a B.A. from King's College and a J.D. from

Widener University = School of Law.

16860502? ago

Patrick Murphy sponsored the bill to end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell during the lame duck session of Obama’s Supermajority Congress right before he got the boot

16859031? ago

redpill me on the alex jones bit how is he connected to this.

16860480? ago

Alex Jones is Don Quixote

16859018? ago


16858353? ago

Even if this might be some ebin Haggur LARP thread I really enjoyed reading it, gave me the same kino levels of thrill I had reading threads on baph.

You guys are like magicians to me.

16860481? ago

BOGanon here

Chaos magic is real and everything has a frequency…

Emotions have a frequency…

Humans have a Chanel that others can tune into and love and fear can increase your power level…

I use memes to get many to tune into my Chanel I feed off the fear of the pedophiles and the pedo Mafia and their biggest shill…

Last night I made them my puppet…

It's the year of the bog and I am named after a frog…

Once I get to hell I will join the demon legion and I'll kill Lucifer…

I got gods back and he has mine

16860482? ago

copy pasta gay





350 ARRESTS IN PEDO RING (12-23-2017)


QUOTE: What is abundantly clear at this point, is that “Pedogate” is a one-hundred percent reality, not just in America, but spanning the entire globe.



Users Looking for Child Pornography Are Gathering on Periscope, Twitter’s Forgotten Video Service (12-15-17) GIZMODO STEALS OUR WORK


















16862503? ago


Have a round of Jews pol…

In hopes for the gassening to become confirmed…

Glory to the bastards that did…

I am gonna # OBONGO and I am gonna try to get the Jews to pay for it…

Underbudget and ahead of schedule…

16858351? ago


fox rothschild

fox roths(red) child

666(spirit cooking#) blood red child


16858355? ago

16858360? ago


what movie?

16858361? ago

"You've Got Mail"

16859017? ago

list of movies with scenes like this ?

16859021? ago

I felt the "You've Got Mail" was appropriate to the thread. I am not aware of others.


[email protected]


[email protected]



16859024? ago

nah dude, I'm not doing that

16858349? ago

Using HTTrack is not illegal. Neither would be passing along the httpspswd file.

17138399? ago






17138400? ago

Why are these ZOG fucks so childish?

16858333? ago

Whatever you get, just upload it somewhere or multiple places. Look through it later. Just make sure the world has what you get as soon as you get it.

well thats the entire thing, anon. where are your findings uploaded to? i would like to go over the contents

16859022? ago

Two years ago, I started trying collect anything and everything I could find so that I couild start to build a database that was actually useful.

Two years ago, it looked like this. Nothing special, but you'll notice a couple of interesting things in the extra tabs.


I hope to launch something that ties this all together soon.

16859025? ago

What do you mean by extra tabs?

16859027? ago

Wait for it to load.On bottom will be extra tabs.

16859028? ago

I see a random tab not not a extras tab.

16858336? ago

I'm being careful about that, at the moment, outside of my small circle who follows me on Twitter. I primarily used this set of breaches to finally finish off some people in civil cases who made the poor choice of engaging with me in court. Finding their alternate accounts was enough to see where they ran off to with all the money. This is my primary focus and it is not of interest to the rest of the world. Obviously, I recognize the political stuff has great value to everyone, everywhere but I have adopted more of a journalistic plan where I have to vet the information first, or have it be vetted by people in my little corner of geekdom. I've been writing articles under various pseudonyms and I've been getting a little syndication… though plenty of people like Bill Mitchell and other similar personalities, regularly take my stuff without crediting me because I know for a fact Pizzagate is real. Point being, it's out there and it will be found. Maybe I'll dig something up later for you here.

16858026? ago

I see some felonies probably taking place tonight.😂😂😂

16857734? ago

BOGanon here

Good work anons

I just sowed the Jew strings into the Jews in my Op

Come to my city OBONGO

16861116? ago


this is great what a day




nothing is safe torpedo

16861119? ago

If I bring my gun to read their emails will it be safe than?

Like are we going to get away with digging through their shit for crimes?

16861121? ago

bring whatever guns you want to champ, nothing is safe

no one else is going to do it so yeah - dig through their shit for crimes and bring some guns too just for fun

16861757? ago

I just aqcuired my preferred vpn. What browser should I use? Thunderbird? No clue. I never go for anonymity so I'm not sure it matters.

16857732? ago

[email protected]:theband10

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16857728? ago

[email protected]:bigcheese5

[email protected]:4greenwood

16857730? ago


16857735? ago


Reverse search, just in case. [email protected]:bigcheese5

[email protected]:pingpong!

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16861117? ago

BigCheese53 is the correct login

will try these passwords and see if I can get in

16858329? ago


have you or anyone else actually got into any of the emails yet?

16858332? ago

I've gotten into some emails. Yes. A lot more so, though, I've gotten into other accounts. My rotation starts with Instagram and goes through all the usual suspects.

Just pick one. Open a new user profile in Chrome. Start using the credentials to log in to

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Drop Box, Reddit… tons of people's usernames are obvious relative to their emails.

The emails, themselves, if they are gmail or yahoo, are already aware of the breach. They've forced the users to change their passwords, already.

However, if you are willing to configure outlook correctly, you can attempt a lot of the corporate emails. Point being, social media is going to be your easiest targets.

Whatever you get, just upload it somewhere or multiple places. Look through it later. Just make sure the world has what you get as soon as you get it.

16858328? ago

[email protected]:pingpong!

Well… lookie there.

16858330? ago


16857727? ago

Bumpy Bump Bitches

16857722? ago

Shut up kike

16857719? ago

B But but…

Rothschilds are just rich people goys; they don't control international politics, they love humanity and help the goyim.

16857717? ago

goys, try these accounts on other sites, see if you can get in one of them

Try Dropbox or some similar sites. (tried getting in one Dropbox account and they changed the password)

use this site to check if the mails have been registered to other sites


16857720? ago

use this site to check if the mails have been registered to other sites


Shut the fuck up you dirty goddamned kike. Know what's an excellent way to tip (((them))) off that the account has been compromised? A bunch of random residential IPs and different browser footprints submitting a shitload of addresses from the same set of domains.

It's the same reason you don't upload freshly crypted malware to virustotal. It WILL be analyzed, definitions WILL be written and distributed, and then your crypter is useless.

16857724? ago

Just a million people attempting to login to high profile accounts is a significant message. Spam. Letters. Just basic contact. En masse, it is enough to scare these people.

Whether you find anything, or not, or are successful or not, you are still sending a message that their paid off police and politicians will not always be able to protect them.

16857721? ago

you're smart anon.

16857726? ago

Nowhere near as smart as I wish I was. I really need to dig deep into security skills instead of focusing on bland MS career shit, times like this I really wish I had a better grasp on the practical aspects. I've got the paranoia down, I just don't have the skillz yet.

16857715? ago

I-I-Is it happening?

Save everything ASAP

16857714? ago

I used Xhydra to get into Comet Ping Pong's login

you know whats up. the guy i was talking about on toxic managed to crack the pass on at least one of the archives he managed pull.

he should of immediately posted that shit everywhere. there was pics on the deepweb of the content of the archive but not the actual files themselves

16866891? ago

pizzagate cracking anon


I remember that faggot didn't post for long after that.

16877085? ago


yep it's hard to post when glowniggers cut them up into little pieces

16857702? ago

For the anons with more balls (and time) than me: remember to check MX records. There are a bunch of different email services being used here.

If you need a VPN, I highly recommend Mullvad. It's by far one of the more secure, less traceable ones out there. Purchase any way you want, you get a single number that you punch into the client, or you can download the configs for the VPN of your choice. Their client works smoothly and is free/libre/open source. You can also get a 2 hour trial. If you've can, now's the time to grab a laptop, set up Tails, and get your ass to a starbucks. Or better yet, park near a starbucks in an area not covered by surveillance cameras.

If you buy into Mullvad but don't want to use crypto, those preloaded visa cards work brilliantly. Remember to pay with cash.

16857704? ago

If you need a VPN, I highly recommend Mullvad.

better yet - purchase a VPS with some BTC/crypto and tunnel in over Tor from a coffee shop…

I don't think people realize how serious this shit can get. These people mean fucking business.

16857710? ago

There are dozens of ways to do it. A burner laptop with tails or similar plus some wardriving through suburbia will offer plenty of protection if you don't need a bunch of time.

Besides, there's safety in numbers. The more people start working on it, the more pointless it is to target individuals.

16857713? ago

Besides, there's safety in numbers.

true, i guarantee 1000s if not 10s of thousands of autists from halfchan we're sperging the fuck out all over the road today.

16856910? ago

for the record, i'd go ahead and investigate these emails myself (im in the cybersec industry) but i'm 99.9% all the shit i do is heavily monitored.

i'm the goy who dropped all the emails on qresearch then 4chinz. i had came about them over IRC.

i'd do the dirty work myself… but it would be highly unwise for me to do so

16856890? ago

goys, try these accounts on other sites, see if you can get in one of them

Try Dropbox or some similar sites. (tried getting in one Dropbox account and they changed the password)

use this site to check if the mails have been registered to other sites


16856134? ago

[email protected]:mzrtdnqh39

Works but wants moar verification

16856908? ago

What more does it want?

16856129? ago

[email protected]:mustang2587

[email protected]:GodSend313622

6 and 4 digit number codes are usually used in banking or phone passwords.

You can use these numbers before they change them

16856127? ago


16860484? ago

Begone brainlet

16856891? ago

no archives


16856895? ago

It's all saved, don't worry. I also use plugins to archive. Everything should be archived or, it's because it was posted elsewhere. Also, everything is already on Voat, since 8chan kept deleting the threads with the new clinton and podesta emails in them.


Get as much as you can while you still can.


Yes. Exactly.

16856897? ago

8pol was also censoring the new skippy siting awhile back

16861120? ago


16856903? ago

Nothing on Chalk Preschools.

[email protected]:dh7269

[email protected]:devolada1

[email protected]:pitfire69

[email protected]:shikekhulan2

16879917? ago

Chalk preschool is funded by the jewish parents of that retarded looking kid from IT. Mum is an 'artist' Check out the Mum's artwork, full of girl lover symbols.

16856905? ago

now these are some emails some anons should get digging on

16856911? ago

Open Chrome. You can create a new user profile in top corner. Attempt logins using one set of credentials in private mode. Delete user afterwards. Next set of credentials.

Some sites are easier than others. Some users set up 2 factor authentication.

There are too much for one person to do.


[email protected]:Lionel11

[email protected]:pdvsa1 ←—- (Rothschild email address at podesta.com?)

[email protected]:rfgregular

[email protected]:rfgregular

[email protected]:Delaware1

[email protected]:[email protected].#in ←—-(Is the International Finance Corporation doing the accounting for the Clinton Foundation?)

[email protected]:[email protected].#in

[email protected]:abram4394

[email protected]:2Bhopeful

[email protected]:Redwood2

[email protected]:jackass

[email protected]:red1978

[email protected]:fate13

[email protected]:hillary

[email protected]:1smoky

[email protected]:maxhenry

[email protected]:NObama2008

[email protected]:club44

[email protected]:teamjune47

[email protected]:buckeye50

[email protected]:mitchfoley

[email protected]:Success4me

[email protected]:slm123

[email protected]:fashion

[email protected]:tennis99

16858341? ago

not even posting from tor on tails

that's a fucking mistake buddy.

16858344? ago

i haven't done anything illegal bro. i just reuploaded what was spammed on IRC - qresearch dug into it, discovered a pastebin with a bunch of rothschild emails - reuploaded to 4chinz and here we are full circle.

i dont do anything illegal on the internet, m8. i'm monitored

16858348? ago


Yeah, we totally believe you.

16858346? ago

i'm monitored

I'm not even feeling like questioning that but the reason why you're monitored is that in some point in time you fucked up. People just need to take precautions to make sure that does not happen, these rotten depraved kikes are among the world's most powerful and connected but they're not bullet proof.

16858350? ago

i intentionally fucked up, dude. i purposefully put myself in the position i am in. basically all i've done is be le epic shitposter… cant arrest someone for that

16857703? ago

It is batch 1 of 8. 8 being the most recent. So, it's a little dated. The way to use it is to try the credentials on other platforms. Best if you use a virtual machine and rotating browsers using a VPN through your neighbor's WiFi. But nobody is coming after you if you get into someone's Instagram. You think they got the guy who posted on Podesta's Twitter?

Like I said, everyone's everything is going to be leaked, eventually. GPS data. Internet histories. Start NOT using your name on anything.

16857709? ago

Start NOT using your name on anything.

i've been doing this since 2011 anon

16857707? ago

You think they got the guy who posted on Podesta's Twitter?

nigga people got killed over pizzagate when that shit broke i guarantee it. people we're dropping info from deep web investigations over onto toxic and from toxic a lot of it made it way to the chans - but not everything.

one guy claimed he actually did find some video footage and said it was one of the most fucked up things he ever saw. he said he was going to get it posted out there everywhere and he was respected on toxic… but nope - he fucking disappeared.

16920975? ago

Post a link to toxic

16857712? ago

I don't doubt that, but once the information is in the hands of everyone, it gets harder to kill someone. This is why I dump everything as I find it. I used Xhydra to get into Comet Ping Pong's login with everyone else who did it and I'm fine. I get harassed a bit, online but most of what I do is scripted, so I have a lot of people trying to gaslight my bots. I've been digging since before Pizzagate and I've been on board all along. I haven't had any real serious trouble, just a ton of censorship.

16856901? ago

Ok. I'll do those. Takes about 5 minutes. Standby.

16856132? ago

lol, i feel like seeing you guys here has conditioned me so well, i can tell you apart from actual user base so easily now.

16859810? ago

They really do glow don’t they

16857315? ago

They glow in the dark.

16856128? ago

16856126? ago


16856125? ago


Is it the email address followed by the password?

16856131? ago


its email address, then password

16856124? ago

Domain Name: R-PAC.COM.HK

Domain Status: Active

DNSSEC: unsigned

Contract Version: HKDNR latest version

Active variants

Inactive variants

Registrar Name: Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited

Registrar Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Hotline: +852 2319 1313


Registrant Contact Information:

Company English Name (It should be the same as the registered/corporation name on your Business Register Certificate or relevant documents): R-PAC HONG KONG LIMITED

Company Chinese name: r-pac Hong Kong Limited


Country: Hong Kong (HK)

Email: [email protected]

Domain Name Commencement Date: 16-07-2002

Expiry Date: 26-07-2020

Re-registration Status: Complete

Administrative Contact Information:

Given name: KINSON

Family name: TANG



Country: Hong Kong (HK)

Phone: +852-26116301

Fax: +852-22099203

Email: [email protected]

Account Name: HK1411717T

Technical Contact Information:

Given name: NICKY

Family name: LO



Country: Hong Kong (HK)

Phone: +852-22099103

Fax: +852-22099203

Email: [email protected]

Name Servers Information:





16856122? ago

16860504? ago

Use a python script to mass backup all the accounts in one go. I think its called imapsync

16859034? ago

password tomatotable

pizzagate confirmed

try logging into some of those pizza place or that trash company teras website with those password logins

16859037? ago

Ho ho

https:// www.linkedin.com/in/xavier-lucas-05376937

16856121? ago

this is better, it's archived



16856117? ago


Pic unrelated

16854986? ago


16854983? ago

Bump keeping this thread alive

16854973? ago

Hey, hey, ya notice how they have a list of people who work for them on their site??? Do any of their names match with the emails? Do they?

16854367? ago

you know how sophisticated the fuckery is. encryption is a joke. the people who run things have complete control over the flow of information. I often wonder what their interface is like. I'll bet its awesome. no Microsoft windows for those special boys. I imagine they have holographic displays and software that pulls up dossiers on individuals instantly. likely with little tabs that link to live video and audio feeds to all available devices. hello fuckwits! (talking to the flys on the wall) you know this shit is outrageously illegal, but you just cant stop, can you? too handy. you ever think about the moment when it comes time to pay the piper? not just for the spying. for EVERYTHING. I think about that moment a lot. ooooweee. take solace in the fact that you'll likely never see the inside of a prison or a brig. noooooo, not for OUR special boys and girls.

16853686? ago

So, I'm not sure why searchvoat doesn't work to find what I posted, but I've posted a lot more than just Rothschild stuff in QRV. In theory, searching "Collection #1" should conjure up what you need. Clinton stuff. Podesta stuff. NXIVM stuff. Perkins Coie. I've lost track, I've done so many.

I tried to fulfill all the requests, but it has gotten like zero attention, until now.

16853200? ago

Dude! Thats their fucking passwords as well?!?!?!?! The fuck?!

16852052? ago

This submission was linked from this v/news submission by @65Creedmoor.

Posted automatically (#23975) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

16850665? ago

looking through the passwords

Dark Satanic globalist conspirators or edgy horny emo sk8r bois? You decide.

16860483? ago

I have seen the face of god

16859815? ago

16857700? ago


nigger what?

16858337? ago


now what do we have here

16858338? ago

Use to HTTracker to see if you can get the https pswd file.

16858343? ago

i dont know how many times i can say this

i created operation lazarus. i absolutely can not do any fucking hacking at all. i'd probably get ass raped for running dirbuster at this point in time. just because i know how to do the digging doesnt mean i can… i'm under surveillance fren

16858345? ago

Alright. I'll give it a shot.

16858347? ago

16857716? ago

kush is weed (marijuana) aka mary jane, the devil's leaf, reefer, ganja, pot, wicked herbage, doobie, the dank stank, cannabis, mamma's juul, dope, stupor smokes, spliff, hash, grass, purple haze, paper pussy, Seth Rogan's brain, the stuff woahs are made of


16854978? ago

So fake and gay then?



17138397? ago

Has anyone found anything interesting yet?


I love Yuuko!

16854977? ago

16854989? ago


16850664? ago






16850663? ago

Holy shit, maybe 4um isn't completely worthless.

16850657? ago

bump. Huge.

someone connect over VPN and suck-down entire accounts over IMAP. Start from the middle and work your way down. I'll hit the 7/8ths mark.

16850655? ago

16850647? ago


Starting Nmap 7.01 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-02-17 16:55 EST

Nmap scan report for colossus04.safebrands.com (

Host is up (0.10s latency).

Not shown: 987 filtered ports


21/tcp open ftp

80/tcp open http

110/tcp open pop3

143/tcp open imap

443/tcp open https

465/tcp open smtps

587/tcp closed submission

993/tcp open imaps

995/tcp open pop3s

8443/tcp open https-alt

30000/tcp closed unknown

30718/tcp closed unknown

30951/tcp closed unknown

16853445? ago

Running lantronix products... Only places I've seen run lantronix are hosting 80s tech or running some really high end glow nigger shit.

16850641? ago

Bumping an ebin bread.

16850639? ago

So anybody got any good shit yet ?

16849245? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/kDOZZWJESXAe - ( Rothschild Emails Leaked )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/PYATqnVTACX9 - ( Globus - Preliator (English Lyrics) )

16849105? ago

16848707? ago

Where are the VPNiggs at?!

I am trying to install tails on my comp but IDK I can do it fast enough!

16855652? ago

Just use tor browser. The whole point of tails is to not save data, and in this case the whole point of going into those emails is to save data.

Tails is the wrong tool. Tor browser. Or VPN. It's worth 4 bucks at nord to get this.

16850659? ago

16854972? ago

They aren't working for me fam…

16854974? ago

That's wordpress admin login. Only admin password works with that.

But at this point they probably either changed all the passwords by adding a salt of some sort to the password string, or they removed login authentication for all users. Atleast if they arn't amateurs.

16848708? ago

I tried many, none worked

16854248? ago

Outlook worked for me on many of the passwords from the Collection 1 leak. I have more data than I can ever read in a lifetime. What proved more useful, was finding peoples alternate accounts by reverse searching their passwords.

16850652? ago


4chan has an order of magnitude more users, and thus is going to have a higher volume of unique/interesting finds. it also has an order of magnitude more shills, retards, and boomers than this place. A trade-off, if you will. I'm fine with using finds from 4chan, but I'm not going to discuss them there.

16850635? ago

You have tried the emails? Maybe we weren't fast enough…

16850637? ago

Yeah, also tried login through office365. It sometimes redirects to a rothschild page. Not sure if thats helpfull

16848701? ago


This board is compromised by Jared Kushner spread it around

Proofs of threads deleted





16863547? ago

Oy vey! Stop reading the Rothschilds' e-mails, goy! Don't you know Kushner compromised the board?

16848711? ago

The IDs on that board are all fucked up.

16848702? ago

Q2: electric boogaloo

Fuck off to your kamfpy exodus board, faggot. Nobody cares.

16848696? ago

My body is ready.

16848695? ago

16848694? ago

Nice honeypot, Chaim.

16848691? ago

16848683? ago

Ok, somebody is gonna have to check this shit on TAILS. I found the link to their login:


but it looks like it starts a remote desktop connection which will jump right out of Tor and expose my IP so I'm not logging into that shit.

16859039? ago

Someone is spoofing the SSL certificate, were comped…..

16856875? ago

Has anyone tried using Qubes. You can create a VM and utilize whonix. That way if the vm is compromised it doesn't matter.

16848689? ago

Any group we can pass this on like /baph/ or similar? They have a new doxbin on tor going now.

16858357? ago

Go straight to /baph/ or doxbin. Don't even bother with /dox/, just noticed my list of 100 has been shoah'd from there.

<t. Abraxas

16848693? ago

I raw dog /baph/, if I have it, they have it.

16848686? ago

You would think the person who got into the system database and got the passwords would have also saved the actual content of sent and received emails, or atleast the type of email client they use internally

16855385? ago

The fact whoever released this info didnt release actual documents proves, to me at least, that this is a honeypot.

16858029? ago

Not a honeypot. I've already proven that time and again. Please edit your comment with this statement:

"This is legitimate information from the Collection #1 Breach that can be verified by anyone who downloads the torrent then runs querys on the binaries. It is really easy to do. Like... less than script kiddie status. Next to leak will be everyone's GPS location data and personal Internet histories. Stop using your real name on anything."

Point being is that you are wrong about it being a honeypot. A million people trying to login to Rothschild accounts is a win, no matter how you look at it. Unless you are loyal to the Rothschilds, you will review the history of @followthemoney to see where I have posted exactly how all this works, and edit your post. Please stop calling it a honeypot. It is not. You are in Collection #1, your parents are in it. Everyone you and I know are in it. That includes the Podestas and Rothschilds.

16858167? ago

Hey fuck you JIDF faggot tell me how to fucking edit my comment kill yourself kike

16858200? ago

Cry harder you technologically illiterate virgin.

16858215? ago

I'm saving myself for marriage, thank you very much!

16857210? ago

Let's be honest. We hack the most powerful family in the world. We are going to download EVERYTHING before we say shit. Then we release the names, passwords, and data at the same time EVERYWHERE. Torrents, clearnet boards, darknet boards, hell I would drop it in /r/pol just to watch the meltdown. This smells of honeypot but I hope I'm wrong. Fuck that evil family and all their machinations.

16853543? ago

I was the one who posted the information, originally. Somewhere in QRV because 8chan kept deleting my threads. Generally, people use the same password for different accounts, so if everyone played around with this, they could probably get somewhere. I also posted new Podesta emails and passwords.

Oh yeah, and I got the NXIVM stuff, too.

[email protected]:aadm1n

[email protected]:lofgoudz35

[email protected]:mYoHTsWgmOVilYCAIvG

[email protected]:morra93941521

[email protected]:egilmor28

[email protected]:xewrwjxs12

[email protected]:iloveeric1

[email protected]:madam1

[email protected]:hedera

[email protected]:helix

[email protected]:mzrtdnqh39

[email protected]:555953

[email protected]:davila6

[email protected]:proctor

[email protected]:mybelle

[email protected]:35223522

[email protected]:jtljkju17aebb3x

[email protected]:bpdhbulw59

[email protected]:bpdhbulw59

[email protected]:dkvqzbhg04

[email protected]:dkvqzbhg04

[email protected]:ulyksvmv33

[email protected]:uqrejlhv78

[email protected]:uqrejlhv78

[email protected]:fbchsuhs10

[email protected]:fbchsuhs10

[email protected]:d2rjml3

[email protected]:primes86

[email protected]:runner

[email protected]:nxivm11

[email protected]:danny1

[email protected]:rhiannon

[email protected]:sh1516

[email protected]:95Wrangler

[email protected]:sweet

16856776? ago

Tried some on yahoo, did not work

16853608? ago

My hero.

16850662? ago

They are probably dead, anon. Lets be real.

16848692? ago

One WOULD think that wouldn't they? Same bullshit. Where's the meat?

16848676? ago

links to kikechan crap

Fuck off nigger. Come correct.

16856118? ago

Shill on 4cucks.

16848697? ago

halfchan actually fucking does something unlike this board does anymore


Shut the fuck up kike.

16848672? ago

Those passwords are fucking stupid, almost as dumb as every other kikepost on that thread going NO DONT DL PLS ITS A NOTHING BURGER

16848682? ago

Most of them are less intelligent than the average 8/pol/ user, they just have tons of money to throw around.

16848678? ago

Brought to you by the race of parasites that employs retards like John Podesta who made his password p@ssword and probably even thought it was clever somehow.

16848667? ago


16898233? ago


16898238? ago

16848661? ago

install tor

find web mail interface for rothschild.com

initiate real holocaust

16848659? ago

If this is legit, prepare for Operation: Phönix

16848657? ago

looks like there is two domains in there. foxrothschild.com is a law firm

16848653? ago


Holy shit - emails and passwords

16848654? ago

please tell me these were all raided and downloaded before the breach was made public

16848656? ago

Seiously though - read this first


16848655? ago

wtf? I just got this 4 minutes ago too

16848651? ago

16848648? ago

Ok. What to do with them? Any ideas?

16856887? ago

First, find someone who interests you. Then, identify other places they might login. If you have the database, available on torrents, then write a script to query the binaries. Reverse searching passwords can help you find other accounts.

Download everything you can, then move on. Don't worry about sifting through the info, yet. Just focus on getting some, then we sort through it all, later.

As I was one of the first to do this, I've had some success. At this stage, it's all getting autoposted somewhere and I'll share the link when I feel the value of going after the logins has dried up.

By the way, you, yourself, are in the database. Everyone I know is in it. Everyone you can think of is in it. Next, will be location data and your Internet histories. It is only a matter of time.

Also, any requests?

16856889? ago

Also, any requests?

yes - have you found any dirt yet? any damning information associated with any of the accounts? do we have actual emails or access to any of their social media yet?

16854985? ago

Sign them up for blacked.com

16891190? ago

it's been a LONG time since i've had a genuine out-loud laugh. absolutely devilish anon

16854988? ago

Gave it a shot. Already an account.

16848646? ago


16848645? ago

Is this legit? Holy shit, archive everything.

16859814? ago


Can't wait to get home and dig into this.

16848660? ago

Yeah it's real, they deleted the thread after 4 minutes on 4chan.

16848664? ago

Okay but - won't they just delete them or at least change passwords asap after seeing this? What can even be done with the info?

16850649? ago

change passwords

these boomer scum are totally clueless, judging by the password strength. Even if these particular servers reset the passwords, these morons likely re-use the fuck out of them. These people probably avoid 2FA as well. You'll probably be able to get into a few gmail accounts and banking sites with this info.

16848674? ago

Gotta be fast.

16848671? ago

WE can write funny emails! I can write Jared telling him to get Karen a strawberry birthday cake for her office party next week! Karen HATES strawberry! GLOBALISTS BTFO. EUROPE SAVED.

16879247? ago





This is a marketing firm under investigation with 6 federal indictments for being a sex cult with ties to (((Hollywood))).



Allison Mack, along with NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere continue to face legal issues regarding sex trafficking as a result of allegedly running a master-slave sex ring.

They own a company called Rainbow Cultural Garden.

Rainbow Cultural Garden is a state-of-the-art educational system that nurtures and promotes children’s cultural, linguistic, emotional, physical and problem-solving potential during the most critical learning period of their lives. The program’s unprecedented success continues to draw the attention of child development experts, private investors and dignitaries from North and Central America and Europe, and has led to the creation of Rainbow programs in the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, England and Spain. To learn more, click here.

Website 403’d




voodoo doughnuts

Are these from the new leak or the old DNC dump?

16879248? ago

These have been up for days and people are only just noticing NXIVM in there?

What happened to us? There was a time when this would have been combed through in 20 min by the mass of autists decending on the leaks.

I feel that we haven't acted quick enough on this one.

16879915? ago

also people are afraid to dig into shit now days. they know that this isn't fucking 2010 operation payback anymore.

they WILL prosecute us. we are in a very, very bad position anon. sometimes i fear only god can save us if there is one

16879250? ago

What happened to us?

people are fucking giving up

and people think Q is going to fucking save them. their ignorance will be their own demise.

16848681? ago

16848669? ago

they will that's why we're waiting for based VPNiggers to sift through and find some good shit