KillerKap ago

Make this legendary!

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nickbell9939 ago

amazing dig OP!

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bebeQ ago

This starting to read like a Dan Brown Novel!

0cra_tr0per ago

Did you end up getting the site down a lot soley because of your post? Yes. Did you reveal info the left won't be able to cover up so easily? Also yes.

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letsdothis3 ago

Thanks. Alist of our Unilever posts HERE


Many thanks!

letsdothis3 ago

Charles Borromeo

Carolus Borromeus, 2 October 1538 – 3 November 1584) was Roman Catholic archbishop of Milan from 1564 to 1584 and a cardinal. He was a leading figure of the Counter-Reformation combat against the Protestant Reformation together with St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Philip Neri. In that role he was responsible for significant reforms in the Catholic Church, including the founding of seminaries for the education of priests. He is honored as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, with a feast day on November 4.

Charles was a descendant of nobility: the Borromeo family was one of the most ancient and wealthy in Lombardy, made famous by several notable men, both in the church and state.[1] The family coat of arms included the Borromean rings, which are sometimes taken to symbolize the Holy Trinity. Charles' father Gilbert was Count of Arona. His mother Margaret was a member of the Milan branch of the House of Medici. The third son in a family of six children, he was born in the castle of Arona on Lake Maggiore 36 miles from Milan on 2 October 1538...

...On 25 December 1559 Borromeo's uncle Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Medici was elected as Pope Pius IV. The newly-elected pope required his nephew to come to Rome, and on 13 January 1560 appointed him protonotary apostolic.[3] Shortly thereafter, on 31 January 1560, the pope created him cardinal, and thus Charles as cardinal-nephew was entrusted with both the public and the privy seal of the ecclesiastical state.[4] He was also brought into the government of the Papal States and appointed a supervisor of the Franciscans, Carmelites and Knights of Malta.

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Drenki ago

The ID of this post is the same as a phone number from this place. Do an internet search for "3346357"

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AlphabeticalAnon ago

Please let me know if these scumbags have used universities in Fort Smith to get a scumbag like Steve-Felix Belinga into the country from Cameroon who has used his position to corrupt an already corrupt Clinton cesspool of a place called Fort Smith, Arkansas. Having a "God" complex and able to distrubute Fentanyl is massive quantities due to his "position" and his involvement in their local universities to get his own army of thugs fake certificates of whatever he can to buy more loyalty. A scam. To keep those who are violent and psychopathic to stay in service to him. And he bought whole swathes of properties too so he could own the whole city. Being connected to Ephraïm Inoni and Bruno Bekolo Ebe, this piece of shit has threatened my friend and those who support her, and made false police reports going after a friend of mine as he doesn't want his convicted felon of a violent thug to be exposed! And that violent thug wants to destroy his whole family FOR this piece of shit because he is Satanic and wants only GAIN! But then the thug has killed before - to get into a gang in Salem, Oregoon!

I know this is a different rabbit hole but if anyone is willing - PLEASE look into this! (mugshot of Gerald Harrison)

Forum discussion links / breads:

And the reviews of Belinga on facebook:

There is also a list of lawyers, cops, so-called "advocates" who are only there to PROTECT Belinga's violent thugs, and judges who are connected with Belinga through bribes, being "cut in" on the cartel and all coming from the deep swamp of the Clintons!

Also the scumbag known as Daniel Shue is on record as saying that Belinga "is his last source of inflow after Copeland destroyed a lot of things for him" yeah. I'll just bet.

theooeht ago

Found this pretty thorough article that ends up with a pretty convincing argument that patient data will be sold to a Google-backed AI start-up, but there's literally tons more:

On June 16th 2019, Nicole Junkerman’s NJF holdings website issued an article under the title “London Hospital’s Could Offer Patient Data to Google-backed AI Startup in a Bid to Develop Better Drugs.” It was exactly as I had expected. The convoluted title was celebrating the fact that OWKIN had already been promised NHS patient data, and they’re already confidently announcing it to their investors, and their other associates. We need to call for Matt Hancock to remove Nicole Junkermann from the Healthtech Advisory Board as of immediate effect, and we should have an inquiry into how NHS data can be protected from hostile foreign intelligence agencies.

Junkermann and Epstein - Conclusions

I believe that the future unsealing of previously hidden evidence will confirm that Jeffrey Epstein had been working for multiple intelligence agencies. But he is most likely to have been recruited by the Israeli state. Junkermann has managed to avoid her connections with Epstein being out in the open, until now. But she is skilled at controlling her public profile. Nicole Junkermann has become more powerful over the past eight years, and I have seen negative information relating to her previous scandals being removed from the search results. Go check yourself. Type in Nicole Junkermann on Google search and go through all the articles which appear. They are overwhelmingly positive, or simply relate to one of her businesses, and this is very different to what you would have found only a few years ago. When I first started investigating Nicole Junkermann, there were many negative articles which have all but vanished. I’m not even sure that this story will survive.

I'm including the last part because I really am now getting the feeling that a lot of what is going on is Israeli-backed. Remember how I didn't trust Isaac Kappy? Well, there's now a woman trying to garner attention and taking over his spotlight. Like any good disinfoist, she does speak a bit of the truth, but the truth is so long ago. Nothing current. Nothing that's happening now. Just hammering away at actors involved, but you know what? When you read enough of her hype, you'll discover good old socialism as its cause. Yes, you know that already, you say. No, you don't. This is a separate plot to takeover the headway made by the four harpys. This is a sneak to capitalize and keep that momentum going and I would swear the intelligence agencies of Israel are in on this which is pretty damned scary. Oh, and this woman? No, will not do her the favor of directing you to her site. She's a damn socialist and can do her own destroying America all by herself.

PizzagateBot ago

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PizzagateBot ago

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altaccounttwo ago

Putt linked this as where the DDOS was targetted. Hitting a nerve, keep up the sleuthing patriot!

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SearchVoatBot ago

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apple-bag ago

Strike a Nerve Much haha

argosciv ago

Just in case anyone wanted to see for themselves, Nicole Junkermann does indeed appear in the flight logs for the "Lolita Express":

Found on page 8 (March 22nd, 2002) and page 13 (August 31st, 2002 & September 2nd, 2002) in the following, first published by Gawker:

Original html link, with zoom capabilities:

Above html version via, with zoom capabilities

PDF version via

LDT3, you might want to add this into your main post here or your previous post about Nicole Junkermann.

@Vindicator @kestrel9 @darkknight111


NJ => Brachetti Peretti Oil Family => Vatican City => The Holy See

They are the foundations registered in Vatican City-State that collect and manage real estate and other assets with the aim of assisting the most varied initiatives of the Holy See.

A list of them can be found in the final section of the Annuario Pontificio, the massive volume of almost 2500 pages with a red cloth cover that year after year records in detail the organizational breakdown of the Roman Curia and the institutional structure of the entire Catholic Church.

Most of these foundations are connected to Vatican agencies and are headed by churchmen of various ranks. But some of them are organized and directed by more or less prominent laypeople.

In their leadership structure, in fact, can be found the names of nobility, especially Roman and German, but also those of outstanding entrepreneurs or of managers experienced in the world of business. In some cases there are names that have been caught up in events that, rightly or wrongly, have not been good for their reputation.

Brachetti Peretti Oil Family Connection to Vatican City-State/Holy See

Two foundations were instituted by John Paul II in 2004: "Il Buon Samaritano," connected to the pontifical council for the pastoral care of health care workers, with the aim of "providing financial support for the neediest of the sick, in particular those sick with AIDS," and the foundation "i beni e le attività artistiche della Chiesa," organized by the pontifical commission for the cultural heritage of the Church, the activity of which "is embodied above all by the promotion of artistic and cultural events, as an example of appreciation in the ecclesial sense of the historical and artistic heritage."

... members are Count Maria Brachetti Peretti, an oilman, and the president of the electric company Terna, Luigi Roth.

This mirrored blog accuses Ferdinando and previous wife Mafalda Hesse's families of connections to all kinds of extremist/elitist groups, 9-11, nazis, Rothschild's, and the Royal Family:

Princess Mafalda of Hesse was married to the Italian Count Enrico Marone Cinzano and later married and also divorced Count Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti also of Italy.

Red Cross National Inspectors Mila Brachetti Peretti:

"Count Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti, Princess Mafalda Von Hessen and Karl Lagerfeld" of CHANEL :

Elsa Peretti: >“The village is becoming a bit of a nightmare! People come and peep through windows,” Peretti complains. “Maybe I should open up a pizzeria.”

letsdothis3 ago

Excellent. Thank you... I'm looking further into this and your comment is very useful.

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Love seeing @letsdothis3 research and voat attack recap reddit post, on the first page of web results, while searching Ferdinando :

Worth 1,000 words :

pew_pew_pew ago

Spreading far and wide. They fucked up and drew far more attention to it by attacking this. They can't silence us all.

Gorillion ago

Include me in the screencap!

Anomalia ago

Nicole Junkermann might have the same connection to high society, money and power as Claudia Schiffer. Both are from Dusseldorf Germany around the same time period. Both look good, Models ... connection might start there. How was the club called where Claudia was "discovered" ... have to dig a little more... club is no more.

Found it: Checker's - favourite party location of Nicole as well?

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Narcissism ago

@letsdothis3 just posts piles of unconnected garbage - I just caught him out doing it with his BS post on Mandalay - could be the DOS attack was to give this Junkermann theory some attention. The original website that it comes from is suspicious, it has that Deep State BS look to it and the guy who claims his life is in danger yet doesn't know why he does the research?? also has a Gmail account as his address - just a steaming pile of BS distraction/ Straw Man if you ask me.

think- ago

Well, Junkermann flew with Epstein on his private plane, she is in the flight logs. That alone would be a reason to do some digging.

Also, she is connected to the dubious Carbyne company, which offers a very questionalble 911 app. You might want to do some research about it. Former Mossad guys are associated with it.

So not sure why you think looking into the Epstein - Junkermann connection is garbage.

And it's worthwhile to look into a possible Epstein - Vatican connection also.

And, with all due respect, the hypothesis that @letsdothis3 paid a foreign troll factory to attack Voat for several days, only to get more attention for their post is a bit.....outlandish.

Narcissism ago

Just suggesting that the whole Junkermann thing could be a distraction/ straw man like Alfantis and the pizza shop.

The attack on VOAT could be part of a disinfo campaign not just part of some individuals effort.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

thank you for thinking the way you do. i wish everyone here had true critical thought like this.

Benkitchen105 ago

@letsdothis3 this Junkermann connected to many dissolved firms that also involved Chinese film producers, Italian dentists, various doctors on board. Very strange ties.

pby1000 ago

Thanks for getting voat crashed, faggots. Lol.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

They will never stop free speech. Thanks for standing strong.

inspiretk ago

Nicole Junkermann reminds me of Nicole Kidman (Kid Man), and Rachael Chandler (Child Handler) - So Nicole Junkermann - the person that does/coordinate all the burying? Junk Man. Meaning the one that you contact to do the disposing of the bodies? Very interesting.

think- ago

Hey @PizzagateBot, great to see you're back! :-)

PizzagateBot ago

Thanks. Not 100% back. I had to rewrite everything from scratch last weekend. Testing posts manually to find bugs right now. Will be automatically archiving again soon.


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gamepwn ago

You are a genius. The Deep State panicked with their attack today. I gained a new profound respect for you letsdoit3.

TetrahedronOmega ago

Thank you, Letsdothis3, for highlighting Jeffrey Epstein's associates.

Regarding Epstein's Pedo Island and Lolita Express elite pedophilia ring, this is not a sideline issue for the globalist oligarchy, but rather is one of their principal means of blackmail-control over their members. It has often come out that the top members of the political and business elite are into violent and lethal pedophilia and cannibalism. Such as with the cases of the Franklin Scandal; Marc Dutroux; the Finders; Jimmy Savile and the British royalty; Haut de la Garenne; the Texas Youth Commission; etc. Just to name a few such cases that have come to light.

For those who are interested in extensive scholarly documentation regarding elite Satanism and its practice by the globalist oligarchy, see under the heading "The New World Order: Government's Attempt at Autoapotheosis", pp. 87-98 of my following article, being sure to read the footnotes, since much of the information on this is contained within said footnotes:

  • James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, , , .

My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies (i.e., transhumanism) in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.

70times7 ago

The concept of man being gods and becoming ever-more Godlike is simply traditional Christianity, going all the way back to Jesus’s teachings (e.g., see John 10:34), that of Paul and the other Epistlers, and that of the Church Fathers. In traditional Christian theology, this is known as apotheosis, theosis or divinization.

This is utter nonsense Redford.

suave200 ago

Gnosticism taught that man may become a god. It persists is secret societies today and includes Mormonism whose first 5 “prophets/presidents” were Freemasons. It was a basic teaching of Joseph Smith who set up a Freemason lodge in navou, Illinois prior to his death when the populace turned on him after he had the navou printing press burned down. Not even other Freemasons in the crowd would help him when he called out the Masonic call for help, “my lord my god is there no help for the widows son”. If your a mason, get out. If your not a mason, stay out.

TetrahedronOmega ago

70times7 wrote:

The concept of man being gods and becoming ever-more Godlike is simply traditional Christianity, going all the way back to Jesus’s teachings (e.g., see John 10:34), that of Paul and the other Epistlers, and that of the Church Fathers. In traditional Christian theology, this is known as apotheosis, theosis or divinization.

This is utter nonsense Redford.

And yet it's perfectly true. The full paragraph of my writing that you're quoting from runs thus:

The concept of man being gods and becoming ever-more Godlike is simply traditional Christianity, going all the way back to Jesus's teachings (e.g., see John 10:34), that of Paul and the other Epistlers, and that of the Church Fathers. In traditional Christian theology, this is known as apotheosis, theosis or divinization. For many examples of these early teachings, see the article "Divinization (Christian)", Wikipedia, July 9, 2018, , . Though this traditional position of Christian theology has been deemphasized for the last millennium.

Fiction, in order for it to sell, has to be believable; whereas reality is under no such constraint, which is why few people buy into it. Reality is the most absurd and outlandish thing that exists.

'T is strange,--but true; for truth is always strange;
Stranger than fiction; if it could be told,
How much would novels gain by the exchange!
How differently the world would men behold!
How oft would vice and virtue places change!
The new world would be nothing to the old,
If some Columbus of the moral seas
Would show mankind their souls' antipodes.

What 'antres vast and deserts idle' then
Would be discover'd in the human soul!
What icebergs in the hearts of mighty men,
With self-love in the centre as their pole!
What Anthropophagi are nine of ten
Of those who hold the kingdoms in control
Were things but only call'd by their right name,
Caesar himself would be ashamed of fame.
--Lord George Gordon Noel Byron (1788-1824), Don Juan, Canto XIV, Stanza 101.

The naturally-evolved Jaynesian demons seek to distance people from genuine knowledge of God so that the demons may instead falsely present themselves as God. Among many permutations of this, it often manifests as various forms of fear-based irrational beliefs. Demons are quite real, they however exist as naturally-evolved Minskian agent subset programs operating on the wet-computer of the human brain. For more on this, see my following article:

  • James Redford, "Societal Sadomasochism", Free State Project Forum, May 31, 2018, , , .

70times7 ago

Then allow me to narrow the objection for a more clear rebuttal from you.

The concept of man being gods and becoming ever-more Godlike is simply traditional Christianity, going all the way back to Jesus’s teachings

The concept of man "being gods" dates back far beyond Jesus rebuking of the pharisees quoted in John 10:34

In the garden of Eden the serpent told Eve she would become like God. Genesis 3: 4-5

And she shows to walk that path.

Thousands of years before "Jesus teachings"

TetrahedronOmega ago

70times7 wrote:

Then allow me to narrow the objection for a more clear rebuttal from you.

The concept of man being gods and becoming ever-more Godlike is simply traditional Christianity, going all the way back to Jesus’s teachings

The concept of man "being gods" dates back far beyond Jesus rebuking of the pharisees quoted in John 10:34

In the garden of Eden the serpent told Eve she would become like God. Genesis 3: 4-5

And she chose to walk that path. To godlikeness.


Thousands of years before "Jesus teachings"

The entire point of Christianity is for us mortals to become immortal gods in Heaven, i.e., Heavenly saints; divine angels. As I wrote:


The concept of man being gods and becoming ever-more Godlike is simply traditional Christianity, going all the way back to Jesus's teachings (e.g., see John 10:34), that of Paul and the other Epistlers, and that of the Church Fathers. In traditional Christian theology, this is known as apotheosis, theosis or divinization. For many examples of these early teachings, see the article "Divinization (Christian)", Wikipedia, July 9, 2018, , . Though this traditional position of Christian theology has been deemphasized for the last millennium.


The Jaynesian gods of old--who were never actually gods, but rather presented themselves to humans as such--lied to mankind about the gaining of self-consciousness. There was never any serpent in the Garden of Eden. Rather, the image of the serpent was used by the false gods in order to scare humans regarding the process of gaining greater self-consciousness.

The naturally-evolved Jaynesian gods of old--i.e., the demons--seek to distance people from genuine knowledge of God so that the demons may instead falsely present themselves as God. Among many permutations of this, it often manifests as various forms of fear-based irrational beliefs. Demons are quite real, they however exist as naturally-evolved Minskian agent subset programs operating on the wet-computer of the human brain. For more on this, see my following article:

  • James Redford, "Societal Sadomasochism", Free State Project Forum, May 31, 2018, , , .

The Torah is itself quite evil in many places, such as requiring any Israelite picking up sticks on a Sabbath to be stoned to death (see Numbers 15:32-36; Exodus 31:12-17; 35:1-3). No one alive today actually believes in much of the Torah laws, and there is quite rightly no place on Earth where it would be legal to practice many of them. These days no Jew is lethally stoning another Jew for gathering wood on a Saturday.

The only thing morally God cares about, in a human context, is that we treat others as we would like others to treat us (viz., Luke 10:25-28; Matthew 19:19; 22:36-40; Mark 12:28-34; Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31; John 15:12,17; 13:15,34,35; 1 John 3:11,12,23; 4:11,20,21; 1 John 2:10; Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 5:13,14; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13). For more on this, see Sec. 7.4.2: "God’s Relation to the Old Testament", pp. 46-47 and Sec. 7.4.4: "The Soteriology of Existence", pp. 50-53 of my following article:

  • James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, , , .

My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies (i.e., transhumanism) in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.

70times7 ago

You did not address your claim that was proved false. Of the time period you claimed was the starting point.

You gave no rebuttal.

TetrahedronOmega ago

70times7 wrote:

You did not address your claim that was proved false. Of the time period you claimed was the starting point.

You gave no rebuttal.

I do not know what you are referring to.


70times7 ago

The concept of man being gods and becoming ever-more Godlike is simply traditional Christianity, going all the way back to Jesus’s teachings

It has been proven to you the idea of becoming gods predates your claim of its origins "Jesus’s teachings"

That is a 100% false, inaccurate statement.

Why you are doubling down on something so easily remedied, speaks volumes to your character. For the worse sir.

TetrahedronOmega ago

70times7 wrote:

The concept of man being gods and becoming ever-more Godlike is simply traditional Christianity, going all the way back to Jesus’s teachings

It has been proven to you the idea of becoming gods predates your claim of its origins in "Jesus’s teachings"

Yours is a 100% false, inaccurate statement.

Why you are doubling down on something so easily remedied, speaks volumes to your character. For the worse sir.

Your great struggle is with language itself, a struggle which you seem determined to lose at.

Here is what I actually wrote:


The concept of man being gods and becoming ever-more Godlike is simply traditional Christianity, going all the way back to Jesus's teachings (e.g., see John 10:34), that of Paul and the other Epistlers, and that of the Church Fathers. In traditional Christian theology, this is known as apotheosis, theosis or divinization. For many examples of these early teachings, see the article "Divinization (Christian)", Wikipedia, July 9, 2018, , . Though this traditional position of Christian theology has been deemphasized for the last millennium.


In other words, I was writing within the context of Christianity, of which movement started with Jesus Christ. Hence, within the context of the movement of Christianity as founded by Jesus Christ, it is not possible to go earlier than Jesus Christ.

If one wishes to actually obtain veridical understanding into the most crucial fields of sapient knowledge, then I have made it as easy as possible for one to do so via my own writings. My below articles explain to people (1) theological ethics and soteriology in a comprehensive and logically-coherent manner; (2) how the known laws of physics prove God's existence while demonstrating the exacting and extensive consilience of the New Testament with said physical laws; (3) the nature of God in light of said physical laws; (4) the End Time, the Tribulation, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the foundation of Heaven on Earth, and the universal resurrection of the dead in light of said physical laws; and (5) the End Time in light of the history of the globalist oligarchy's self-termed New World Order world government and world religion agenda.

Item No. 1 is important vis-à-vis salvation for those who maintain that they already believe in Jesus Christ's Godhead. Items Nos. 2-5 are important in letting atheists, believers in other religions, and nominal ersatz "Christians" know that God as described by the New Testament does exist and that the New Testament is true. Items Nos. 2-5 are additionally important in giving believers in Christ a much deeper understanding of God and of the End Time, so that they may be strengthened in their faith during the events to come.

My following articles distill all of the most important aspects of veridical human knowledge into a comprehensive, coherent and unified whole: from theology, physics, science, ethics, legal theory, political theory, economics, sociology, evolutionary psychology, epistemology to history.

  • James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, , .


    James Redford, "Video of Profs. Frank Tipler and Lawrence Krauss's Debate at Caltech: Can Physics Prove God and Christianity?", Apr. 18, 2019, , , .


    James Redford, "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 4, 2011 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2001), 60 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761, , .


    James Redford, "Libertarian Anarchism Is Apodictically Correct", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 15, 2011, 9 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1972733, , .


    James Redford, "Societal Sadomasochism", Free State Project Forum, May 31, 2018, , , .

70times7 ago

Be a liar. Free will.

29again ago

And so now we all die. Trying to become gods, we die....

TetrahedronOmega ago

Hi, 29again. You wrote:

And so now we all die. Trying to become gods, we die....

Here is how Paul put it in 1 Corinthians 15:35-38,50-55 (New King James Version):


But someone will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain—perhaps wheat or some other grain. But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body.


Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”

“O Death, where is your sting?

O Hades, where is your victory?”


29again ago

WE don't become gods. WE die. We will be raised again, but we still die first. And that is not the way God intended things to be, but after the Fall in the Garden, it is the way it must be for us to enter Heaven. Satan/Lucifer is the one who deceived Eve by telling her that she would not die, and would become like God.... Both lies.

I really have problems with people who preach that WE can/do become gods.

70times7 ago

Rightfully so.

It is unbiblical.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

No wonder they are ddosing this.

a combination of activities such as deliveries, transportation, refining, sale and marketing of oil)

A military connection, that is tied to oil? Whenever oil is mentioned there are 4 degrees of separation from the bushes.

think- ago

Whenever oil is mentioned there are 4 degrees of separation from the bushes.

Four or even less.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

Giving this the "IMPORTANT" flair, since someone is DDoSing Voat focusing on this URL. :-)

remoirclaire ago


Devilish Tricksters of Nemi

The Theodoli family are a powerful bloodline of the Black Nobility involved with the Vatican and Papal States. They intermarried with the Roman-German Braschi family creating the Theodoli-Braschi line which represent the Theodoli family today. The Jesuit educated Pope Pius VI or Giovanni Angelo Braschi came from this family. Don Giovanni Angelo Theodoli-Braschi is the head of this nobility and Duke of Nemi in Lazio. Nemi comes from Lake Nemus and Nemus means wood and has been used to reference Holly wood. The Italian Nobility are the ones overseeing Hollywood. Nemi is also like the word nemesis. The Italian word for nemesis is nemesi. Satan is described as an adversary or nemesis. The Black Nobility are extremely adversarial towards humanity. The word Theo means god or deity. The word Doli derives from the Greek and Latin words dolus which means trickery. Theodoli means “deity of trickery” and Nemi refers to adversary. The Theodolis specialize in using religion to brainwash people into submission.

Drenki ago

Look what comes up when you search the internet for this post's ID (3346357):

ShakklezthaKlown ago

lol what kind of shit would that even be? they changed the ID to direct people to their shitty front operation for a kidnapping ring?

exactly why does that ID link up?

and why would they do that if it is legitimately some fucked up "james bond villian" shit?

Drenki ago

it's someone's phone number that matches the posy ID, I linked them to Free the Children / WE Charity which did shit in Haiti. but the link is so tenuous, even I don't believe it holds much water.

Gorillion ago

Voat should have a special award or achievement for this.

The "Heavy Flak Over The Target" award?

altaccounttwo ago

I believe a flair badge is in order. Similarly, if a goat gets us mentioned in mainstream "media" for breaking news they should have done first, should be one for that too :)

"According to" i can see it already

Searchingfortruth ago


Swervish ago

According to neo-nazi right wing conspiracy site vo...

Thats more likely.

altaccounttwo ago


think- ago

Usually, the MSM just copypaste our Pizzagate research, without telling their readers where they got the info from. ;-)

AssfaceSandwich3 ago

It is a thing though, not being able to share this site with friends because their heads would explode with the constant, and ignorant as fuck, racism etc.

That alone has set this place back quite a bit.

How many more people would we have on our side if you clowns could control yourselves.

Vindicator ago

That would be cool, wouldn't it?

Kekalicious ago

Glownigger Badge, Shilling badge, and the Amalek 25 alt achievment. What could go wrong?

inspiretk ago

I'm here because of that too. They just bring more attention when they fail. Eyes on! Good job Patriot!

Monkstar1 ago

What if that's the plan? Bring a ton of focus to something in order to remove attention from another post.

inspiretk ago

I doubt it. I remember Wikileaks published info - email communications of them sniffing the internet of info they don't want on the internet. They wouldn't use ammo on misdirection - these people are stupid.

The_Oogie ago

If so, I wonder which one?

Skskain ago

This is most likely true

Vindicator ago

Glorious :-)

ASolo ago

Wah ha ha ha, 100th upvoat for this post. Fuck your DDOS

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Congratulations on digging so deep you got specifically DDoSed!

inspiretk ago

Agreed! Badge of honor!!!

blumen4alles ago


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NotHereForPizza ago

Alright I got some more eyes for us. Good work, as per usual.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

All of this is product of a group of people which believe it is their duty to usher in the end times. Whether out of pure evil, belief in pure evil, belief in alliance with pure evil in order to return this place to God, or willful ignorance to all of this....every major religious sect is culpable. This is man believing he is in charge and deceived into believing it is HIS duty to bring forth end times events. We will never learn and that will cost many souls, as it is written.

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dvvt ago

@letsdothis3 has anyone noticed the connection further down in the Wiki article...The "State" of the Borromeo

"The "State" was subdivided in ten podesterie: Mergozzo, Omegna, Vogogna, Val Vigezzo, Cannobio, Intra, Laveno, Lesa, Angera and Arona. The Podestà of Arona was the main justice administrator for the Borromeo Counts over the area and was independent from both the Novara and Milan jurisdictions, the former controller..."

Interesting coincidence...

letsdothis3 ago

This may need looking further into:

Connected to both James Alefantis and the Rockefellers, there's no question that the Luzzatto family represent a powerful element of the DC pedophile ring. I have recently uncovered evidence that the Luzzatto family are both linked to occult kabbalah worship and the Black Nobility, a globalist faction based in Northern Italy and Switzerland. Moshe Chaim Luzzatto was a messianic cult leader accused of promoting black magic through a secret cult during the 18th century, and his descendants have included freemasons, Club of Rome members, zionist bankers, international art collectors and of course, Rockefeller foot soldiers like Tamera Luzzatto.

This pattern is in line with Tony Podesta's ownership of the "art blu" restaurant in Venice and his mysterious residence in Lausanne, Switzerland, a location I have confirmed is directly tied to actual Illuminati members.

[I have recently connected the Lausanne movement with a California megchurch, Obama, Clinton, McCain and the UN. This requires another post which will be linked with this comment.]

PODESTÀ, GIOVANNI BATTISTA - Collection de L'Art Brut Lausanne

Related? Google image of Alefantis instagram re Tony Podesta in Copenhagen : So what was James Alefantis doing in Denmark with Tony Podesta?

Pré-du-Marché 23, 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland

Holy shit.

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see parent

think- ago


letsdothis3 ago

And have you seen Q posts 3550 : Red Cross and 3563 : Pope ? He's confirming the targeted post.

think- ago

No, I'm not into Q, and tbh, I don't care whether he confirms anything (sorry for being so blunt). He has been piggybacking on our research from the beginning. He can go and fuck himself.

think- ago

'Podesta' is the Italian term for an official / governor of a district or community. Nothing unusual about it, it's a surname like 'Baker' or 'Miller' or 'Smith'.


nothing unusual, but it is a title of prestige and indicates noble lineage. Generational Satraps

letsdothis3 ago

Well spotted. I missed that. I'm sure we've written about the Italian connection for the Podestas in the past.

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fuspezza ago

Thanks putt and may the armor of God keep us all protected.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

OP caused a ddos. They really do not want this getting out.

Vindicator ago


Well done @letsdothis3.

carmencita ago

Not good at copying links from my phone but I did a couple of posts on the bones of a girl being found on the grounds of the Vatican. Jodi my personal opinion but the pope is covering up for crimes committed by priests and other holy officials that have murdered children there. Her brother is tirelessly pursuing truth and justice still.

Vindicator ago

@letsdothis3, I notice the Borromeo coat of arms has a snake eating a child in the upper left. That is apparently the emblem of the House of Visconti of Milan which supposedly died out.


letsdothis3 ago

Read up on the 'Cult of Medea' :

The Cult of Medea is headed by the nobilities of Milan like the Sforza, Visconti, and Borromeo families. Medea was an enchantress or sorceress from Greek Mythology. The media uses enchantments or mind control spells to bewitch the minds of society. Milan is believed to take its name from the Latin word Mediolanum. Milan is considered an international media center. The multi billionaire and politician Silvio Berlusconi is from Milan and he owns and runs the largest broadcasting company in Italy called Mediaset. Silvio Berlusconi has extensive ties with the Sicilian Mafia and served four terms as prime minister of Italy. Silvio was also listed as a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy which was involved with political corruption and considered a "shadow government".

Princess Beatrice Borromeo went to the University of Milan and she is an international reporter who has worked for The Daily Beast and Newsweek. The Sforza, Visconti, and Borromeo families all use the image of a serpent eating a child on their coat of arms which is an allegory for pedophilia.

Some unsubstantiated claims there but article provides food for thought.

Princess Beatrice Borromeo

She is the wife of Pierre Casiraghi, younger son of Caroline, Princess of Hanover.

Pierre Rainier Stefano Casiraghi (born 5 September 1987) is the younger son and youngest of three children of Caroline, Princess of Hanover, and her second husband, Stefano Casiraghi

From 30 January to 13 February 2007, Casiraghi accompanied his mother on a humanitarian tour of Africa.[4] They visited Niger, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Africa on behalf of Princess Caroline's role as President of AMADE Mondiale.[4]

In June 2009, Casiraghi became the majority shareholder of the Monaco-based construction company Engeco, which his father founded in 1984. His uncle Marco remains in the position of President over Engeco. The acquisition of the majority shares to Casiraghi's name was handled by the Milan-based legal firm Bird & Bird.[5] Casiraghi is also the majority shareholder of Monacair.

Casiraghi is on the Management Committee of the Yacht Club de Monaco.[8] In this capacity, he sponsored the “Sail for a Cause" charity race,[8] a cause which was organized by his cousin Leticia de Massy,[9] using her social network LeSpot.Net to promote it.[10] Sail for a Cause raises money for two charities: the Monaco Collectif Humanitaire and the Maison Notre Dame de Paix in Chad.[1][9] The former funds surgeries for children around the world;[9] the latter helps migrants


Since its creation in 1984, under the initiative of Stefano Casiraghi, Engeco S.A.M. has consistantly been at the forefront of the construction industry in Monaco. ..n 2004, the group Pizzarotti of Parma, one of the most important construction companies in Italy, took a stake in Engeco beside the Casiraghi family.

The Pizzarotti Group, which has always retained its head office in Parma, today consists of a number of companies operating in total synergy in the infrastructure, hydraulic engineering, civil and military airport, building and construction sectors.

Pizarotti Group was also involved involved with the building of the Gotthard Tunnel

Gotthard Tunnel: Inside Opening Ceremony

Vindicator ago

Not a very big club, is it?

gosso920 ago

And you ain't in it.

letsdothis3 ago


the capital of the canton of Ticino in Switzerland. The town is famous for its three castles (Castelgrande, Montebello, Sasso Corbaro) that have been UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 2000.

coat of arms

Conflicts between the Pope and the Emperor – The House of Visconti

During the Investiture Controversy of the late 11th century the town of Bellinzona with its castle came under the control of the Hohenstaufens of Swabia. However, in 1180, Frederick I (Barbarossa) placed the town under the jurisdiction of the town of Como.[13] In the following years Como tended to support the Pope in his conflicts with the Holy Roman Emperor. However, in 1239, Como sided with the Emperor Frederick II who quickly moved forces into Bellinzona and strengthened the Castelgrande. In 1242 Milan sent Guelph (or pro-papacy) forces under the command of Simone di Orello to take Bellinzona.[13] The town and castle were taken which weakened the Emperor south of the Alps. However the town was back under the jurisdiction of Como in 1249.[12] Conflicts in northern Italy continued, the Castelgrande was besieged several times in 1284, 1292 and 1303. During this time the Rusca family in Como, a Ghibelline or pro-Imperial family, fought the growing power of Milan under the pro-papacy House of Visconti with limited success. Around the end of the 13th century the Rusca family built another castle, Montebello, in Bellinzona, which they controlled. This was fortunate because by 1335 the Rusca family had been driven out of Como and had to retreat to Bellinzona. Five years later, in 1340, Milan besieged Bellinzona. Following a lengthy siege, the town fell to Milan but the Ruscas were allowed to keep Montebello.[13] Pro-papacy Milan would dominate Bellinzona for the next one and a half centuries, though the pro-Imperial Rusca would also occupy part of the town.

Remember this? and

Vindicator ago

Remember this?

Hell yes, I remember it! I hope that guy still walks among the living!

Musical1inNM ago

Odd too that Nancy Pelosi and that Baltimore rep. Racissyman are in Italy this week. She at a five star hotel

letsdothis3 ago

Yes. I noted that. Have you seen the Q drop about the Red Cross?

Kofiannan ago

I saw these all over the place in Milan:

It is also found on Berlusconis lawn:

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letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for that (again).. It led me to 'the Cult of Medea'.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding that.

I read on one of the heraldry sites that some say this represents Jonah being eaten by leviathan, but that seemed a bit weak to me.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you need to understand that some things in this world are not covered by the books of the desert.

Musical1inNM ago

See the Alpha Romeo insignia for their cars?? Yikes

Iornukrum ago

Doesn't look like a child, more like a brown man.

Neon__Wolf ago

Projection of your own evil divisive psychology.

CrudOMatic ago

Says the fag on the side accusing everyone else of being Russians, especially those weeding out psychotic child molesters and treasonous faggots like yourself trying to start a race war.

Iornukrum ago

Why don't you magnify the damn picture and look at it?

Neon__Wolf ago

You're still projecting.

Evil is not blood determined.

Worship of Satan is not limited to any ethnicity or supposed religion or political party.

The evil was everywhere.

You're trying to deflect away from the Satanists by getting the people to attack each other based on artificial 'enemy' tribe lines.

CrudOMatic ago

oy vey, Jews are good people who don't do the thing I'm literally accusing you of doing goy.... I'm I mean guy...


Neon__Wolf ago

STFU you victim seeking projecting kike

bb22 ago

Goddamn you fucking snowflake, he didn’t even make a nigger joke, he just said it looked like a “brown man” instead of a child. Grow the fuck up you loser.

Monte_Carlo ago

The original heraldry is suppose to be a snake eating a turk.

Iornukrum ago

fundie ago

Bwahahahaha!!! Now shut your fucking mouth @Neon_Wolf

Vindicator ago

I'll stop there for now. But y'all have heard about the thousands of bones found buried in the Vatican City, right? Wonder what that's all about.

It's somewhat suspect that the media is reporting bones under the Vatican as some strange and suspicious discovery. In Roman times, Vatican Hill was the site of a necropolis outside the walls of Rome (an above ground cemetery). Peter, the first pope, was interred there after his crucifixion by Nero in AD 67. It was not originally the site of a church, though Christians did gather there and at the graves of other early matyrs like Saint Sebastian to pray for their martyred heroes.

Vatican Hill didn't become the site of a church until over two centuries later, when Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Catholicism and made it the religion of the Roman Empire. He decided to build the first St. Peter's Basilica over the grave of the original Keeper of the Keys, which involved partially leveling Vatican Hill to fill the necropolis so the church could be built on top. Wikipedia has a pretty good article on the topic, which includes diagrams showing the construction. Their entry on the Tomb of St. Peter says

Between 320 and 327, Constantine built a five-aisled basilica atop the early Christian necropolis that was purported to be Peter's resting place.[17] Much of the Vatican Hill was leveled to provide a firm foundation for the first St. Peter's Basilica. The altar of the Basilica was planned to be located directly over the tomb. The matter was complicated by the upper chamber or memoria above the vault. This upper chamber had become endeared to the Romans during the ages of persecution, and they were unwilling that it should be destroyed.[16] The memoria was turned into the Chapel of the Confession. Above that was the main floor of the Basilica, with the raised altar directly over the Chapel of the Confession.

Following the discovery of bones that had been transferred from a second tomb under the monument, on June 26, 1968, Pope Paul VI claimed that the relics of Saint Peter had been identified in a manner considered convincing.[3]

The grave claimed by the Church to be that of Saint Peter lies at the foot of the aedicula beneath the floor. The remains of four individuals and several farm animals were found in this grave.[4] In 1953, after the initial archeological efforts had been completed, another set of bones were found that were said to have been removed without the archeologists' knowledge from a niche (loculus) in the north side of a wall (the graffiti wall) that abuts the red wall on the right of the aedicula. Subsequent testing indicated that these were the bones of a 60- to 70-year-old man.[5] Margherita Guarducci argued that these were the remains of Saint Peter and that they had been moved into a niche in the graffiti wall from the grave under the aedicula "at the time of Constantine, after the peace of the church" (313).[6]

There are literally thousands of bones under the Vatican from Roman times. More are uncovered every time any major construction is undertaken.

Verite1 ago

Thank you for this.

Musical1inNM ago

The anti Chrstian stuff is booming.. on fedbook, twitt, etc. first they came for AlexJones this time last year, what will internet and censorship be like this time next year?

if THEY did it to Peter, then when will history repeat?

Leatherwood123 ago

DNA analysis will reveal if any of the bones are recent, according to the article.

Musical1inNM ago

What a task!

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Why are they under there though?

literallly ago

What better place to dump fresh bones with old. Also maybe a cultural spiritual significance putting fresh SRA bones there.

letsdothis3 ago

Borromean Rings - The Holy Trinity

Borromean Rings According to the Athanasian Creed we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in unity and so Borromean rings have been used to represent this idea. An association can be traced back to Saint Augustin of Hippo (354-430). He described how three gold rings could be three rings but of one substance. A now lost 13th century French manuscript described the word "unitas" at the intersection of all rings and the three syllables of "tri-ni-tas" distributed in the outer sectors.

Konran ago

What the fuck is that meant to say?

'How about a date baby' or am I completely wrong?


youre right

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Cults, secret societies, and mystery schools like to jump on mathematic principles. It is a universal truth that they latch on and use to as a means to prop up their belief system.

Piscina ago

This is Peretti being interviewed about his 'art', which features dead animals, butchered carcasses, horns and a final shot of him showing only one eye.

letsdothis3 ago

Good find. Grim 'art'.

letsdothis3 ago (translated from Italian)

Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti is managing director of api holding, president of api energia and api nòva energia spa. api is written with the initials strictly in lowercase and with the horse logo, operating for about 80 years in the oil and energy sector and family safe. One day before this affirmation Jim Rogers, founder with George Soros of the Quantum Fund, a fund famous in the world of finance for double-digit returns, had predicted a rising price up to $ 150 a barrel for oil; and Paolo Scaroni, CEO of ENI, had assessed the world reserves sufficient for another 70 years. Meanwhile, between the stock exchanges of London and New York there was a surge in prices for companies operating in the photovoltaic sector, along with an unmotivated loss for those operating in the wind farm. An energy world, therefore, in full turbulence. At the Rome Fair, where the World Energy Congress was taking place, Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti looked to the future of the companies entrusted to him and planned new developments. Representatives of Iberdrola, a Spanish company operating in all energy sectors, awaited him.

...Great commitment to work, confidentiality, mutual respect of people and roles in the company and in the parental group are in the family tradition. The founder of today, the knight of Labor Aldo Brachetti, at the time of his marriage with Mila Peretti wanted to unite, to his own, the surname of his father-in-law, founder of the company, starting the lineage of Brachetti Peretti. No interviews, very few public appearances, no gossip, despite being related to important names of Italian high society. Ferdinando is married to SAR Mafalda d'Assia, nephew of the princess Mafalda di Savoia, second child of Vittorio Emanuele III and wife of Filippo d'Assia.

Ferdinando's brother, Ugo, who heads the oil sector, refining, marketing and distribution, married Isabella Borromeo of the princes of Angera, elder sister of Lavinia Borromeo, wife of John Elkann, heir of Fiat. 47 years old, tall, thin, Ferdinando starts the day early in the morning. Exercise bikes in the home gym, at 7.00 race in the avenues of Villa Borghese, then at work to take care of the oil holding and the two electricity companies entrusted to his particular care. After the classical high school, enrollment in the Faculty of Economics and Commerce, the move to London for two years, the start of the oil trading office. Then to Paris, to follow administration and finance at the Paribas Bank.

At the same time he practiced various sports, he was an Italian helicopter pilot champion, he participated in motorbike competitions, he was an officer of the Carabinieri in the 1980s and 1981, earning the solemn commendation from the Head of State Sandro Pertini on the occasion of the earthquake of the 'Irpinia. This has been the case for 25 years, during which he first followed all the sectors of the Group managing the "downstream" cycle which he considers one of the most alive and interesting, that is the set of activities from the supply of crude oil to transport on ships, to refining, marketing, selling oil and its derivatives, as well as green gasoline, diesel, lubricants, LPG in cylinders, turpentine, sulfur soap, up to the asphalt with the latest product of the non-stick bitumen from the Alma refinery of Ravenna,

Reversible ago

I don't mean to sound completely off-the-wall here, but have you been following the transvestigation field in the last two years or so? Many of these elites are transgendered. I'm fairly sure that the Fiat heir referenced in the article (Johan Elkann) is an FTM.

sirRantsalot ago

Dude. You're good at this. We're watching.

derram ago : :

Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape | World news | The Guardian

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