YogSoggoth ago

I am a Trump fan to a certain extent, at the moment, as always. I know who to talk to for evidence against the Clinton's. I spent nickles when I did not have a dime on this project. Give me a call Trump.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The Clintons have way less power now than they did before. All the power riding on this atrocity now is literally run by a couple of psychopaths named Harrison and Belinga. That's who owns all the authority through fear and intimidation and through the money that supposed to flood in.

YogSoggoth ago

Yeah, I am not sure you understand how big this organization is.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh I know. It's way less than you think, though. There's a reason they're called the 1% and the only thing that gives them power is deception and lies. But that 1% has never trained to lie their way out of the coming wrath. Or exposure. Like I said; you're giving them too much credit.

YogSoggoth ago

He just gave them jobs with a pen. You give Obama way to much credit with your words. He is just some kind of sick human experiment in my personal opinion. The sub-humans behind him are what this is really about.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Not giving Obamination too much credit. Look up Steve-Felix Belinga and you'll see he's just one of many that the nigger clown got into places to best benefit the drug and human trafficking enterprise. And these niggers always get low IQ white trash thugs to make all lives they come in contact with a living hell.

YogSoggoth ago

I was there, and I could take you there. This is a federal investigation.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I don't doubt it, but it's a friend of mine that has been victimized brutally by this regime set up in Fort Smith. My interest in this is that she gets justice. She was brutally attacked. Then her mom was basically taken hostage. Her mom's rights as a tenant was stripped without any legality or cause. Then they were dragged to court by the CORRUPT advocate, P.A. named Erin Callous, and a very corrupt judge and all were doing this for this "landlord" Belinga who isn't even the land owner! He's just a minion of the BelClin, LLC. And they all fell over themselves to do his bidding all because he has a psychopath who gives him free maintenance work and lets that psychopath do all manner of assault and battery via his mommywife. So while Belinga Scumbag wasn't necessarily targeting my friend and her mom, his fucking maintenane psycho was! Psycho and his wife were targeting my friend because she would never give them money and wasn't worshipping their trailer trash narcissists asses. I'm wanting justice for my friends.

The psychos will assault anyone in their own homes, they went into my friend's mom's house and assaulted her. And the police were there to make sure the psychos would not be arrested because they are the police for the corrupt P.A. Daniel Shue. They don't work for the people. Ask George Lawson about that.

YogSoggoth ago

O.K. I do not know anything about that. I am not from Arkansas. I did go out there to find out what was going on in Mena. Hatfield Trucking was trucking logs with contraband inside from some sources. Train that is. Once they got de Mexican truckers in there they got it out by truck. Coke, and crystal meth. Everyone there knows everything, and are still too afraid to speak out due the e unfortunate incidents.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

In the situation I have described is that they're not just moving drugs now, they're moving human slaves. The key to staying under the radar is the buy up properties and have them run by the same traffickers and these demonic slimes have foundations of their own, all the money going into these foundations come from the buyers (donations) but in order to launder the money, the maintenance and upkeep of properties gets nicely tucked away as that. Although he's not paying a cent for maintenance but by materials maybe. But for an actual professional to do the work? No. It's totally free. How to keep someone working for you for free? Offer them a unit to live in, and let them terrorize tenants. In a psychopath who loves power and to bully this is a dream job.

And Clinton's other properties all over Fort Smith are run down, drug infested nightmares where the upkeep is pretty much non-existent.

YogSoggoth ago

Somehow I think the Clinton's are going to have some legal problems soon. Lot's of people say they are untouchable, I am not one of them.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Also this is a case of corruption that was so caught up in itself that it shot itself in the dick.

You have two trailer dwelling trash who are so narcissistic and full of themselves that they think they can make it be against the law to expose anything about themselves and their precious boss, child trafficker Belinga. But mostly the psychotics just think they own everything now because of a maintenance job and can censor anyone now. Read the May entries in the pastebin link.

What you have here is a psychotic bully, two of them, actually. And what the head of the snake did in this life of hell he's made for everyone else is to have someone assaulted - his OWN family member means than nothing to this psychotic Harrison and he planned for the assault to happen. He made sure it would get carried through and he blabbed about it going to happen before it did, he was really excisted that someone was going to be beaten within an inch of their life and he saw to it that it would happen and his mommywife carried out the deed as was planned!

Then he went about taking everything he could away from his victim, everything that she loved, and dumped those innocent lives in some dark place where there was allegedly "a body of water" but abandonment is abandonment and he'll get abandoned entirely when full judgement by karma finally kicks his ass. But he made sure that she would lose as much as he could possibly rip from her.

Then he threatened more injury and death on her and then he had the fucking nerve to go to some court clown and claim she was this big, bad monster. Everything they accused her of - they DID to her and to her mom! The coward fat blob of brat who needs a protector mommywife claimed that he was afraid of her! All that ranting he did and the lies he told only to try to come off as Billy Badass when he said he was a fighter (another 'tell one lie' then tell another!) They sat there and lied through their teeth, then attacked her character! The projection of those psychotics is staggering! They got all their methods from the Demoncratic playbook alright. But their M.O. is to play victim while literally victimizing others and this corrupt judge and advocate should be forever shamed and ruined for all eyes to see! They allowed an obvious bully do that to innocent people all because of this Belinga guy.

YogSoggoth ago

Clean up the language. Shorten it. This is not a political blog.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The language I'm using has nothing to do with it. It's just me saying it like it is. I want those victims to finally have justice that's been denied to them for so long.

I mean the corrupt judge is the one who flew into a RAGE over something my friend's mom did which was an innocent gesture of gratefulness to get a continuance, that bitch just flew right into a hissy fit. But let Belinga's thugs snicker and make under the breath comments to insult my friend and her mom and then looked for ANY excuse to blow up over a word that that corrupt judge has allowed by the thugs whose assholes she publicly licks.

YogSoggoth ago

I am not talking about the cursing. I am talking about the fact that if you said that to anyone on the street, they would walk away from you like you are crazy. Your writing style is rambling and incomprehensible to me. I read it and am left wondering who, what, where, and why. I am not sure what a mommywife is also.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Did you ever read the pastebin pages? It would clear up a lot of things for you. The reason it sounds rambling to you is because you haven't read that. It's like I put the links that explain what I'm talking about, but if you haven't read it, then it'd be like you reading what I'm saying in the middle of the book, and then blaming me for what I relate, because you didn't read the beginning.

YogSoggoth ago

I am from the South. We actually shoot people that threaten us. Sometimes just in the ear, or the big toe. It is probably a different culture you live in up there.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I don't live in Arkansas. My friend who this happened to is living in Fort Smith.

Astonisher667 ago

I agree. I read the links so I know what exactly you're talking about. But then, I read the links.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I REALLY hope so! Because her network of criminal slimebags need to be taken down pronto! That includes the police, attorneys, managers and lowly maintenance psychos that are part of her network. They'll destroy lives for a tiny bit of that money.

Clinton never seemed to draw the line between taking money for her "services" as one would pay a lawyer, and her "public" service.


babes if you had a clue you would know niggers is a cute name for SUBSAHARAN CANNIBAL, literal cannibals... define your opposition correctly and know them better than they know themselves in order to defeat them easily... wisen up babes!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well this particular asshole is an Obama elitist and he wants to eat flesh prepared for him. Too much of a coward to actually do the killing himself but...on that note, I refer to the character of Gus Fring from Breaking Bad. He'd slice a throat himself as long as there's no consequences or retribution. If you catch my meaning.

Imnotshocked ago

Am I way off here ? Are these the same people ? I’ve been comparing photos and even the tattoo on jinks arm looks like it could have been modified . This couple lives in Fl but this Is a pretty new FB https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100022458731463

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Although that woman looks like a druggie, no, she is somewhat prettier than the brute thing bigfoot from Oklahoma.

Imnotshocked ago

Haha yes I noticed that but that FB account is susp because she opened an account in 2017 and a new one in 2018 and Then there’s the little girl who she says is her daughter that has cancer yet there is no info on the cancer or what she went through . It just shows her posing in pictures with her little hairless daughter ( from chemo I suppose ) . It just stuck out to me . I’ll delete it so not to confuse anyone .

AlphabeticalAnon ago

It's okay, yeah it's good to get as much data as one can.

kazza64 ago

secret societies have judges who are members or compromised planted everywhere

dundundunnnnn ago

Does it stop at judges?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

No. Doctors. Landlords. Maintenance. Anything that seems legit.

IShallNotFear ago

Thanks for the info. It was a good read, even the GA comments. However, I'm having trouble connecting the dots. Could you list the sources for these allegations, especially the lawsuit in the first couple of paragraphs?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

In 2009 the mother moved into this place called Tremont Circle. Then owned by a guy named Leggitt. For years there was peace and quiet, then 2013 came along and this Obama thug named Belinga was put in as a maintenance guy of all these properties. Working as a doctor at Mercy hospital during the day. The reason there was still, at this time, peace and quiet was because Gerald Harrison Jr. and his violent bigfoot wife had not been able to do anything to anyone at these properties. But this changed in 2018 when Belinga made him the maintenance. From then, this chaos unfolded. Without going into detail of what the Harrisons are, suffice it to say that they are unhinged psychopaths. Testimony.

During the years 2009 - 2013 the Harrisons were living in a trailer in Oklahoma, they really are trailer trash. Drug addicts and horribly violent people. They use their fists in place of talking and the psycho Jr uses his mouth for screaming and yelling and then has his wife do the actual battery for him. He's went through about 9 other spouses before finding someone who was willing to be a physical threat to anyone who opposes him. Especially when he has many enemies and has had plans to beat up those around the family that have denied him money in the past. He's a meth addict and has done nothing with his life but cause chaos, damage and all around shit for anyone unfortunate enough to have even had to deal with him. He is not human. He is, like his Sasquatch wife, a monster. He got out of a 20 year sentence in 2010 by snitching on a drug lord he ran with, who was the lesser violent of the gang. Jr should have stayed in prison imo. This is him. This is what Belinga has subjected all these tenants to. And why? Free maintenance. The psychopath Harrison/Jinks are willing to work for free to keep control over this woman and keep her daughter away. The same daughter that would repeatedly say no to Harrison whenever he asked for money. Grudge.

So you have a basic idea of where this is coming from.

Now let's discuss Belidiot.

A dumber than a bag of rocks shit fuck for brains. A lousy doctor with 90% negative reviews, had basically been kicked out of Mercy hospital and resigned on August 1st this year. Resigned with an "effective immediately" and by witness accounts of him and how he conducted himself, he was a lousy ass doctor and they were going to kick him out. Also other tenants of the Belcorp, LLC properties has stated that Belinga told them he was just the maintenance. Belcorp has not paid any taxes in over a year.

A mere 15 days later he sets up a foundation! What is it with these Clinton fuckers? Foundations must be the go-to to launger money! I'm telling you.

So this Leggitt sold everything to this Belcorp. Owned by the Clintons but run by Steve-Felix Belinga who operates as the "maintenance" for this Belcorp. BelClin is also his pet LLC but is also owned by the Clintons. BelClin is a combination of the names Belinga and Clinton.



Leads to:


Leads to:

BELCORP LLC Company inactive Name BELCORP LLC Address PB 10172 SUITE 101 FORT SMITH, AR 72916 Position agent (note: mailing address looks fake)

Then a search in the same site for this name resulted in:


Company inactive BELCLIN, LLC Name STEVE-FELIX BELINGA Position agent

BELCLIN, LLC Company Number811082916 StatusRevoked Incorporation Date9 August 2015 (almost 3 years ago) Company Type Limited Liability Company JurisdictionArkansas (US) Agent Name STEVE-FELIX BELINGA Inactive Directors / Officers• STEVE-FELIX BELINGA, incorporator/organizer •STEVE-FELIX BELINGA, agent


There's no way to actually contact the real LLC owners, just managers and other minions but Hillary Clinton and Obama both own all these LLC's. The electronic trail goes right back to them. Which is a different database than what you can see here.

This Belinga also set up a foundation to launder the drug money through:


Notice the date on that.

August 15th, 2018. Just 15 days after he's pretty kicked out of Mercy hospital, he gets a stint at some heart center on Jenny Lind and sets up a foundation?

I gave all this info up front to show how this connects the dots.

Psychopath Gerald Harrison brings on this frivilous lawsuit victimizing the victim that he and his wife had already assaulted and the victim had gotten an order against them back in March. When one of her friends uncovered the blog where it showed that Belinga had a PRO against him in 2017, the psycho Harrison Jr. wanted to avenge Belinga and get revenge for him on those that uncovered this info. It's actually a mutual friend of ours named Andrea Ledin (check facebook posts) and there you'll see her May entries of what was uncovered. Since the psychos are stalking everyone connected with the victim, they saw that and flew into a rage and threatened serious injury to the victim, something like breaking her jaw with a baseball bat. This is what was uncovered regarding Belinga and Harrisons went over to the victim's mother's house and barged in and threatened all of that - because of what was posted by Ledin on facebook. I told you, they're fucking psycho. But then they got the idea, either by their own psychosis or from Belinga to file this frivilous PRO against the victim. This was all revenge pure and simple. There are the dots that connect these events.

It was only after all this that the judge and everyone involved in the kissing of Harrison's asses that all this intel was discovered.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I had a nice long reply all typed up and the damned thing ate it. Give me some time to get back to you.

Z11Mama ago

Adoptions through corrupt courts. No big deal. Ha! Great post. I wonder if anyone has researched this statistic in all courts. Number of adoptions versus local population. There has got to be a baseline that allows abnormalities to show through numbers alone.

fogdryer ago

I heard “Gloria “ made her fortune in illegal adoptions in ca. When it comes to ark mafia......well we all know who’s gonna win.