19958065? ago

Q has mentioned Godfather III >> Vatican and within the last 24 hours >> Red Cross... Think Junkermann's husband ...

19951608? ago

The chans have talked about it but only briefly.

19951434? ago


19951430? ago

I've checked the chans and couldn't find any mention of it. Not on any Q board either. Wonder what is going on. I understand trying to silence this website but you'd think there's be some mention somewhere.

19951463? ago

there were a few posts on 8chan with people asking about Voat.

no substance I saw though.

19951417? ago

Been wondering myself why Q hasn't mentioned what's going on with VOAT...

19958078? ago

Y'all are too literal... Q has dropped hints re the targeted post.

19952011? ago

and how would that help, or are you looking for praise? don't you think Q knows that WE are strong enough on our own?