SearchVoatBot ago

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The_495715 ago

Waddya know! It worked! Thank you, my friend!!!

LuciferMF626 ago

Its always something. but the pizzagate doesn't surprise me, I don't see how they will minimize the impact of the documents being released.

SearchVoatBot ago

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QCrumbCatcher ago

I'm a filthy skimmer and may have missed this but are registrations down on purpose or due to the DDOS situation. There are quite a few redditors looking to jump ship and a lot of frustration that they aren't able to join the ranks.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Thanks for updating this post but could you put a date on the edits next time?

PolishKing ago

Thanks for taking the heavy flak for us.

gnostikoi ago

It's back!

The_495715 ago

My friends, having so much trouble reaching you from Australia since you’re blocking VPNs...

Scrooblemeyer ago

I'm fine with the privilege checking goat. I flew to Vegas the weekend before last and had to get a special search since I have an implanted medical device, so I can say without reservation that I prefer my bits & pieces being fondled here on Voat. No homo, Putt.

dunklederf ago

how's your arthritis, boomer?

Barfin ago

why do you guys think trump won't relate his taxes?

ChimpStenographer ago

Because he cheated. But I don't care. Taxes money doesn't go where you think it does.

Patti_McGreen ago

You really think he cheated?

ChimpStenographer ago

yeah, and it doesn't matter. The enter fiat money system is a scam. Money is created(unvaulted) and destroyed(restolen) as (((they))) needed it. It's NOT collected and recirculated like your told.

Barfin ago

why not release tax info then. I think it just shows he is not a billionaire, not sure about cheating just he has like 20 mill from his apprentice show at most and in debt on all the properties.

rektumsempra ago is down :(

Barfin ago

Voat is being attacked Bigly! We simply can't withstand this volume.

Voat's top 5 countries by fan base (number of requests):

Russian Federation, Thailand, Indonesia, Ukraine, and Brazil!

AvariciousNose ago

I appreciate you @puttitout

ideologicidal ago

Naught but the occassional Turing Test to be reported. Smooth sailing, as she goes.

Deadleftist ago

Israel is in an all out war on the USA and is attacking everyone not under their control.

user9713 ago

Hey, Putt: any chance at updating the canary notice? Seems like a wise idea after everything that's been happening.

moviefreak ago

Just block any incoming traffic from the top 5 DDos spamming countries by their IP. 99% of your user base will be fine.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

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thebearfromstartrack ago

To bad some of the good goats in the shithole nations can't see voat now. Can't be helped. Sucks to be allied with evil I guess.

user9713 ago

@puttitout I know you're busy, but whenever you get the chance, please don't forget to re-enable thumbnails! Thanks.

ChimpStenographer ago

Unfortunately, I think the attack is fulfilling it's purpose, that being to keep Voat and its message closed to outsiders at a critical time and to buy time for the shills to regroup. Voat needs to be viewable again worldwide asap. Still too many goats out there who are made to think they're sheep.

StudSupreme ago

Dear Voat admins,

One of the last Red Boards - - is shutting down Sunday nite.

There will be more red board nomads who will want to register and post on the FCDiaspora subverse.

One of them, though, said that new registrations are closed.

Is this true?

If yes - do you have an estimate as to when this might change?

lovehate123 ago


When Can I Post Cyrillic Russian stuff?

For example:

Шедевральные высказывания Профессора Преображенского в фильме Владимира Бортко Собачье сердце

This story Shows Russian Visitors that Communism has a bad History.

24601_JeanValJean ago

Sweet bro, no problems. Goats signing in is a good thing. You fight the good fight.

1stResponder ago

What happened to: ????

It transfers to:

and only provides a link to the FrontPage after logging in. The Username is now shown and the anonymity is gone.

Before the DDOS attack, you could go to the QRV page as an observer to read the posts without having to log in. Logging in was only required for posting a comment.

What gives?

ideologicidal ago

best lameduck period, evar..

TYVM, you dear, overworked Putts. I hope you get some well-earned rest and recuperation soon. But, Putt, please, keep an eye(i[aye!]) on any potential "replacements", please.

heygeorge ago

Does this smack of Putts blaming a bug in the code on the terrorists? This is how the terrorists win

BillyLuath ago

Is it actually possible you made a mistake using M$ products and that LAMP is your savior?

Anon22022 ago

I love this place and all you fags...can’t thank you enough for all your tireless work! You are very much appreciated!!

Barfin ago

wait so russia is top country sending requests . . . cmon russia why you trying to ruin us I thought you were based

mxcviel ago

This is probably not related to DDoS attack at all; but lots of Russians, specially younger are still on cracked Windows Versions, so I was told that "normal" person still get it all free. That probably means that is more vulnerable to be hijacked with some malware. Also is trendy there to use chrome, they don't care about goog at all.

auchtung ago

Kernel hooks are often times included in hacked windows versions.

thebearfromstartrack ago

We will win.

hang_em_high ago

Which of the “shithole countries” do you think aren’t shitholes?

Fatgirl9852 ago

Man you guys really pissed someone off! Good job if you weren't pissing someone off you aren't hitting the right buttons. Truth hurts🇺🇸

danimalplanimal ago

yay silencing dissent! yay digital book burning!

Indiana_Jones ago

I am Very proud to Server in this war with you gentlemen

LaRiver ago

Wow, this hit a nerve and must be of truth, something for us to pay attention to.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/theawakening comment by @clamhurt_legbeard.

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clamhurt_legbeard ago

(@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @clamhurt_legbeard)

What the fuck, bot?

Are you saying puttputt might not like my pingspam?

tentra ago

@PuttItOut, can you start adding a timestamp to your updates? I want to know which updates are corresponding to which outage.

rusnoob1 ago

Putt, we LIKE IT without thumbnails. They are shitty distraction and dont serve the purpose

NotaQjackass ago

Scofield bible reading dog shit ((( evangelical christfags))) think the vatican is behind these attacks.

SRS-Airbag ago

Is it possible to route the traffic to another site? Keep all of the normal traffic US traffic to and route non us traffic to the

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I think it's just amazing how fucking afraid they are of all of us. Well, not ALL of us, some "goats" are brain-dead retards, but by and large, we're just average blue-collar folk who see through the programming and can't listen to the lies anymore.

It's both terrifyingly frightening and hilarious. Dichotomous, I know, but (((they))) still manage to look like children playing with dynamite C4.

Heidenwut ago

An Epstein thread being targeted? Interesting it would be that one..

SearchVoatBot ago

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Liberty76 ago

Is QRV gone?

sunshine702 ago

Argry Goat. 🐐

Goats stand on near vertical dams.

We are.strong and mighty and stubborn.

Glad we are still here.

think- ago

Goats stand on near vertical dams.

We are.strong and mighty and stubborn.

True. :-P

MayorMcBullshit ago

dam this is real af tho. (((they))) successfully set the world on fire but we got goats to @puttitout



wild honest advice to anyone with property. farm hemp asap. those that r already doin it kno wat im screamin

fuspezza ago

Is it legal in cali?

MayorMcBullshit ago

50 states legal in US. plenty of economic opportunity for hardworkin americans. hemp is like corn in the eyes of the law. (((they))) want u to think its JUST about cbd but its about sooooo much more af

SpicySphincter ago

“Why did you wake me from my sleep?” - Unused Voat Account.

kingminos ago

Gawdsakes ... got to smash-face the Trotsky-slut hackers. We will buy VOAT better servers! Please post an address so I can send a snailmail check!

Andthentherewere10ds ago

So glad voat is back! I waited days!!

Adminstrater ago

Is there a chance that someone just fell asleep on the f5 key?

I did that once where I fell asleep on the key that spawned chicken eggs in this farming simulator that I was playing. By the time I woke up it was too late, the farm was full of starving and dying chickens, and my corn reserves were drastically devastated. The upgrades to the farm and farm equipment that I was planning on funding were going to have to be put off until after a few new yields, and that could run into the next season if I was not careful. If that happened, I wouldn't get the bonus points I was hoping to give to my in-game children, to help them grow big and strong, but I am afraid I might not have enough experience points, overall, to gain access to the next level before the time limit runs out, which will force me to start all over again at level one.

Farming is hard man.

donotreply2 ago


ideologicidal ago

TYVM, putts, for magnifying the information that was attacked, localizing the source of the problem, and keeping the trip informed.

jammicsmith ago

Any chance you could make a whitelist? Allow users who reach certain criteria to add their IP to their profile and whitelist that group of IP addresses so the most devoted would be able to continue to be engaged while this is happening. It would then be really easy to drop any IP's that are still a problem (I think?).

My biggest concern is that the attack continues for long enough that things move elsewhere and I'm out of the loop. This is the only site left that I follow and feel is actually free speech, and I want to continue to follow the discussion.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

That is a terrible solution for long term viability

venturer5 ago

And ... you know, privacy?

jammicsmith ago

he has our IP addresses anyway.

blit416 ago


once he gets thr MaC addresses then he'll really have our collective nuts in a vice. THANKS OBAMA

I_Love_Hentai ago

The goat looked at me in a mean way while it was checking my privelage.

cursedcrusader ago

These faggots need to fuck right off already.

StudSupreme ago

You need to counterattack.

PuttItOut ago

When you can laugh at your misgivings, you've won.

Think about this, because it's funny: when we shut the site down we SAVE money while they spend it.

GasChamber ago

I love how hard the left was telling us that if you believe pizzagate you must be an idiot and/or a nazi. Now they are DDOSing people who know its true.

PuttItOut ago

What's up is down.

Joe10jo ago

You’re the best, Putt!

Nadakai ago

Thankyou for all that you do!

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Maybe you shouldn’t have sold free speech to s gaggle of wcumberds putt.

It sucks you ruined the site for the likes of virge crensch gabara and scrayzie.

Lay in you bed of shit because when you side with fascist people over free speech you get the expected results. I have said it should burn down and I mean it.

Firinmahlazer ago

Great job Putt. We're here for the long haul. Good luck and God's speed.

OsoCovfefe ago

I really appreciate the thoughtfulness you showed in wearing those nice silk gloves, it almost isn't like being groped at all.

think- ago

Thank you for showing them the middle finger.

SearchVoatBot ago

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PizzagateBot ago

You guys are doing some sneaky stuff. Making it hard for my archive bot to log in :P

SearchVoatBot ago

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enormousatom ago

Fuck yes!!! Bring it!

Redpills_Beyond ago

You're the real MVP

PizzagateBot ago

What was the peak bandwidth of the attack? You should be able to get that metric from your cloudflare dashboard.

TIEMC0 ago

Love you Putt

TheCompanionCube ago

I need an Angry Goat t shirt!! Keep it up putt

PuttItOut ago

This will happen. 100%

casualgoat ago

Haven’t logged in in awhile. Happy to see we’re giving them cause for concern. Keep up the good work!

PuttItOut ago

Welcome back fancy pants

casualgoat ago

Pretty sure I just had my first celebrity encounter.

I should screencap this and post it to reddit! They love it when e-celebs mingle with us common folk.

Seriously though’re a stud hand and appreciated more than you know. If it weren’t for Voat, I’d truly be questioning my mental state for seeing the world as I do. As it stands, with Voat, I recognize I’m a little island of sanity connected to others in one arguably fucked up, but still vast archipelago.

Thank you.

PuttItOut ago

Stop lurking then! Voat needs more people like you.

LaRiver001 ago

Thank you for your tireless work. It's for the awakening of humanity on the whole earth. May God bless you! Much love! WWG1WGA!

PuttItOut ago

Let's hope so. I've sacrificed plenty of sleep for it.

Caliope ago

Caliope here, glad I've discovered that Goatlandia is back. I am praying to the statue of the Baby Jebus on the dashboard of my Vietnamese pushcart that it will be possible to block those areas of the world where the denial of service attacks come from. I would prefer that all kikes, shitskins, goatfuckers, pajeets, streetshitters, et al, be immediately defenestrated by the Great Chulthu, but lacking His Scepter of Anniliation, perhaps some kind of Internet thingies?

I, Caliope, sign this missive with my personal Seal of Gravitas: fuckashitpisscockcuntniggerjewkikewophumphumphump!&/-£<€

blit416 ago

youre a beau5iful goddess Calliope. Ar yu single? bobs please?

Otter5000 ago

I fucking love Putt, what a great goat!

BowlOfWeedies ago

Godspeed, @PuttItOut

lbruiser ago

As I browse voat on my phone, I kinda like the lack of thumbnails. So all good with this goat.

PuttItOut ago

You an turn thumbnails off in your account settings too.

lbruiser ago

Huh. Never knew that was a thing. Thank you for everything Putt.

HonkyVitamin ago

just because they targeted an epstein thread doesn't mean you know who the attacker is.

drakesdoom2 ago


Would it be a bad idea to put an angry goat on a freedom dispensing machine before use?

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Cannot access voat through VPN. I use PIA. Understand if you must lock out their IP addresses for a while. Hope it's not permanent.

PuttItOut ago

Try a different location, US/CAN/AUS etc and let me know.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

It seems to have resolved. I changed to PIA's server in Canada Vancouver BC and it worked. Then I tried several within the US and they are now working correctly.

Mamasays ago

Keep fighting the good fight!!

SmokeyMeadow ago

So fucking glad to have this place back. Poal is a shithole filled with Voat outcasts, and all of them have some weird vendetta with Putt. I don't even know the guy well enough to defend him, but my god. Those losers need to get a grip.

PuttItOut ago

I have a theory on this. I'll share later.

SmokeyMeadow ago

There's always these narcissists that think everything is a personal swipe. If you disagree with them, you become part of the invisible army they constantly fight against. I get the feeling talking to a lot of these types, that they think there's some kind of Legion of Doom assembled to thwart them. They never stop to think that maybe they just might be an asshole.

PuttItOut ago

So true. Lot of assholes and a lot of men acting like woman is what I see.

But there are 100x good people to each bad one, they just avoid it all so you don't know they exist.

Sitnikoff ago

Please do asapip

user9713 ago

Hi Putt, in the event that Voat gets attacked again, is there any chance you can use Gab (or whatever) to keep us updated? I noticed you have a vacant Gab account, that's why I mentioned them.

PuttItOut ago

I will consider it.

FakAwf ago

I can no longer archive any voat posts, it just saves log in page. Tried and wayback.

PuttItOut ago

Yup, it's going to be this way for a while unfortunately. I'd suggest viewing page source and saving the html if it's that important. We also have remote backups so don't freak out.

FakAwf ago

Cheers for your response. Will continue to save offline.

user9713 ago

Thank you for the response and everything you've done!

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Fucking cunts! KILL THEM ALL! This is NOT what America is about! Don't fuck with us cuz WE FUCK BACK!

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

When we are getting creamed, what can you do besides just wait it out? Not trying to be an asshole or anything. I'm just genuinely curious.

Better yet, what can we do?


PuttItOut ago

I'm 100% cool with waiting it out. I used to stress but not any longer. Turning off Voat frees me entirely and I can work faster.

This will be the strategy going forward and I have the advantage in this kind of fight.

Caliope ago

We, your faithful masses of voat fags, will wait with you. Until defenestration do we part.

nzmc ago

Blocked countries: Ukraine and Russia

Does it mean there are many infected with botnet computers there ?

Red_Menace ago

Hey Putt, how come the cloudflare recaptcha and javascript test can't prevent ddos requests reaching the voat server?

PuttItOut ago

7 layer attacks. These are capable of passing.

blit416 ago

serious adversary eh? rather... complicated / advanced virus/ botmaker coders.

Red_Menace ago

The "Advanced DDoS Attack Protection" services offered by CloudFlare wouldn't work for layer 7? They advertise it for HTTP flood as well.

Red_Menace ago

Wouldn't it be possible to create such a firewall in CloudFlare which kept a time counter for each connected IP and let through only that traffic for which the site-defined timeout period had expired. Essentially, rate limiting requests at the firewall? Would it be possible if CloudFlare servers did it?


Glad to see the Goat back on it's feet.

I don't mind having to log-in just to surf, beats the hell out of not seeing / hearing from ya'll.


PuttItOut ago

You know, a login would prevent google from indexing this, and that would prevent bad guys from even knowing it exists.


I'm wondering how new Goats would be able to join, or newly red pilled folks would be able to find it / browse it.

I'm not an IT guy, though I've got a fair amount of experience in the communications field.

I"ll leave it up to the experts to finger this stuff out.

I'm just glad I can get onto voat.

Keep up the good work....

PuttItOut ago

Voat's been here for 5 years. I don't really care about users that don't have an account yet with all that is going on in the world.

My goal isn't quantity.


Fair enough.

WildTyroneFoundation ago

In Putt We Trust

lanre ago

Putt, any idea on the type of DDoS?

PuttItOut ago

I don't think we've ever had a non-7 layer attack.

bloodguard ago

I've blocked nearly all "shit hole" countries (Trump term, not mine).

Whoa. Site seems way faster with most of the miscreant countries blocked off. Is there any why would could make the happy fun-house good-time ban permanent?

CokeOrPepe ago

Can you provide the source of Trump calling shithole countries 'Shitholes?'

Moon_Central ago

You need to clowdfare your website but they probably don't want your business for political reasons.

PuttItOut ago

No, they are actually very good and have helped when they didn't need to. I have a lot of respect for Cloudflare.

StudSupreme ago

Can you counterattack?

WickedVocalist ago

My 160k Quora readers.. are all legal trolls who despise me and thats ok. Haters I have more than I cant count of fans I have 0 to my own knowledge and of my publications, only one is going to federal case. Which was the Cover my Ass rant about utility default outing the principal filer of the plaintiffs who I am recused from contacting yet it appears the rules I am bound to dont stop them from harrassing me.

My personal experience cable appears to be wrapped about my own neck I wonder when they hang me.


Rip my inbox 865 hate mails I no longer read replies.. never mentioned the site name to anyone. All my death threats I get but I dont read them. I dont know who does.

Eavesdroppers heard about us thru word of mouth apparently.

Just think of the whitewashing ceremony we all must have.

I personally blame every shithead who still uses reddit the trolls.

They got us ddos doxxed it wont end here someone is paying them to get to us via any means they can find.

10/10 Voat, Google, and all of them are being subpeonaed for reference docs.

All I ever recounted was my own experience and if thats wrong shoot me dead before they find and kill me. Antifa or alt right equally theyre closing ranks to target us unlawfully.

lilomeunq ago

Master stroke putting up the link on the front page while in the heat of battle. Much respect and admiration for employing the Streisand effect. Inspiring efforts by Puttitout and crew. Thank you!

6574839201 ago

""Or perhaps they are just trying to download every copy we have. ¯_(ツ)_/¯"


I hope you don't run out of 1's and 0's!

Why not 303 them back to each other

CheeseboogerHimself ago

What if it is Russian midgets?

PuttItOut ago

Is there a different kind?

CheeseboogerHimself ago


51rH0n3y84d93r ago

Keep up the good work, Putt. Hopefully, someday, you can use a distributed model similar to Mastodon / Plemora which will make this type of attack more difficult.

PuttItOut ago

Not really. That is all a false sense of security. It would take too long to explain, but that isn't a solution imo. I have thought about it though, a lot.

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

Are you thinking individual nodes would be susceptible?

ViperCarbz ago

Rough few days, boys.

PuttItOut ago

Why what happened? ;)

RumpRangerRick ago

On a serious note, is there a chance we can get official "Angry Goat" t-shirt merch to support the place ?

PuttItOut ago

Oh hell yes. Consider this certain. I'm pissed so the goat is angry for the foreseeable future.

Dagobert1488 ago

poking the hornets nest

NatSocTemplar ago

I hope Isreal is included in shithole countries. In fact, we could just leave them blocked.

deanna ago

I'm likintg the goat messages on the 404. Information is power. As always... Thanks for the effort.

Paranoiaattack ago

Well done @puttitout, you're doing a helluva job.

darkknight111 ago

What’s the results as to the cause of the attack this time?

I know that about 40 minutes before the recent attavk, v/pizzagate posted a thread linking Jack Dorsey to the Standard Hotel.

Can you check the traffic to see which threads were attacked in this recent attack?

sguevar ago

I hope Costa Rica isn't one of those countries blocked because I am, I believe, the only tico here. Thanks for the effort you put in this.

Good vibes and Godspeed!

ghost_of_aswartz ago

I get the white privilege goat every time I go to voat or don't load a page for an hour. It's extremely disruptive. I also get "voat is being bad" with an angry goat about every time I submit and have to double submit, which then induces the wait one minute thing. I'ts very frustrating. I feel like someone has broken VOAT

also VOAT doen't support RSS, which is very anti web 2.0 / web 3.0 and I think it's dumb. People think rss is not relevant, but that's what THEY want you to think. There are many in the media that are using RSS as a critcal appilcation. How do you think the breitbarts and daily callers and examiers of the world get their reuters stories? eh? Yep it's rss

My10thaccount ago

Told you I'd stop it

LilPap ago

that's so wicked wthh

Skskain ago

It seems weird they would DDOS a specific post if you are able to see which URL they are aiming for. If they go for any url on voat the whole things goes down right? So why would they actually use the one with the specific information they are trying to suppress. Are they actually that stupid? Or is that something they might want you to share for some reason?

mxcviel ago

for heaven's sake why don't you leave it be, .  you have such a fine music taste, c'mon dial. in v /music, can't you be a good ghost and post there moar   -please

FracturedButWhole ago

Having a hell of a time getting &/or staying on voat. Checks my privilege then says being bad but will let me get on it I directly go to a subverse instead of front page but keeps kicking me off. Been like this for days & my withdrawls are painful lol ... Thought you should know some of us are still having problems


Holonomic ago

Good stuff @PuttItOut, if I could be of help I'd offer, but my skills wouldn't help you most likely. I DO wonder about your comment about "your position"....are you looking for someone for the front lines so you can be more effective with other aspects of the site?

Nadeshda ago

Lol, no u!

Holonomic ago

If it's a big problem for you, why not just go back and suck on [d]eddit's confused, sticky clit-dick where you have plenty of safe spaces.

Nadeshda ago

Good morning you!

Not sure what to think about you wanting to interview people. Hope you are not leaving? Moving up the chain hopefully...

If there is anything I can help you with, just let me know. Obviously customer service and functionality is where I am better suited.

Secondly, @terannotterran would be a good person for the team. Trustworthy!

Well I hope you have a great day Sir! Thank you for getting us over these last few days and all the shenanigans it involved.

You are much appreciated!

qwerta77 ago


logos_ethos ago

If you need part-time help with maintenance, I can help. But I doubt that I can take your position. We love you where you are :-) Try not to burn out.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I would love your position but I don’t know all the requirements.

Please send me the basics on being s complete and utter sellout. I don’t know how to whore myself out so anything you can offer will speed up my learning curve.

One other thing...,

Is sucking jew cock mandatory? If so I may not be able to replace you. Sorry.

PuttItOut ago

This was funny. I love Voat.

TheTrigger ago

If you were being even a smidge more sarcastic, might even take this comment seriously. Burn out? :/ I'll leave voat, with you, man. This isn't the first time I've had to do this. It sucks, but it is what it is: at least this time, the admin fought to the end instead of being bought out. You should realize, by now, how much trust us users (who aren't idiots) have given you. If you leave voat: I'm gone. That's not a threat or anything; moreso a lament.

PuttItOut ago

I updated the post, my humor needs work. Thanks for your trust.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @TheMystic.

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Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Jews and Catholics are faggots.

CrudOMatic ago

@PuttItOut - you may call us conspiracy theorists, but this shit happens all the time when people are close to what is actually happening...

The fact you get these DDoS' happening when people start talking about powerful families...

boomeredpill ago

ThankQ to all the team working with @PuttItOut to get this back up and running. You all deserve angel wings. Praying for you along with POTUS and the team in this amazing time in our lives.

Lrmicha1 ago

Thank you for all you do!

TheTrigger ago

On a side note: I am interviewing candidates for my position. It doesn't pay well but you are always needed. ;)

Uhhhhh... say what now?

Fuckityfuckfuck ago

Damn Putt you don’t get enough credit and love. We appreciate you and atko do. You’re irreplaceable man, please choose well when choosing your successor and Godspeed in what ever you do man

kaosmonk ago

@PuttItOut I read you’re interviewing for a position and I do not have enough points to send you a PM. Mind reaching out to me with some more details on what exactly you guys are looking for?

PuttItOut ago

Well for starters not a dormant account.

kaosmonk ago

Ok, fair enough. I thought you were looking for someone with more tech skills.

PolishKing ago

Noticed the site was completely offline.

Next time to a dns redirect to the fbi's website.

Let's see how the fbi likes ddos attacks.

PuttItOut ago

While funny, I think this is actually illegal. Funny though.

ShineShooter ago

Plot twist, ddos is from the feddies.

Fuckyounigger ago

WHERE IS SANEGOAT WHEN YOU NEED TO IDENTIFY AND FIX work in progress Markdown library?????!!!!

GritD2 ago

If it is a specific thread, does that bypass the privilege goat?

Quinceberry ago

:D I will enjoy the pat downs

numina18 ago

Thank you very much for your hard work!!

Action_Bastard ago

Release the ip addresses?

Gorillion ago

Thanks for the work. The brokepage link was an interesting read too.

Who knew people were so passionate about pizza toppings...

thantik ago

What do you mean "candidates for your position"? Are you abandoning work on the site? Handing over the reigns? Kinda worried what that all entails.

Jsmyogi ago

Oh boy I bet highlighting that article really got their goat! Baaaa Ha Ha. Truth is a force of Nature. Fight Fight Fight! Good job patriot! Exposing truth is their biggest fear.

dundundunnnnn ago

Thank you for all you do <3

heygeorge ago

Thanks for hiring me, Putts! I’ll have the site ported over to BASIC in no time!

Caliope ago

COBOL you foole! Honeywell 6500 System and Code with ReportWriter/360.

user9713 ago

I noticed that when upvoting/downvoting, you guys changed the display from the total of which way you voted, to the net amount of votes. Nice little change. 👍

belrial ago

The dumbasses are Streisanding us.

think- ago

Yep. And the post that seems to have triggered them had 1,300 views when @PuttItOut archived it.

Now it has more than 11,000 views. :-)


PuttIsAtranny ago

Youre a tranny

Niggertown ago

The Jews did this.

followinga ago

Hey, I have a suggestion if this becomes a common tactic of the deep state: make a static backup of the site every hour or day or whatever and serve that through cloudflare cached with a message like you had yesterday added on. That way the content they are trying to censor stays live while you work on the backend

dfgsdfgsdfg ago

On a side note: I am interviewing candidates for my position.

im the man for the job! just show me where the banhammer is and I'll have this place in tip top shape in no time!


Fresh-Oxygen ago

After one day that "Will Westcott on Twitter" (Video who strangely dissapeared from the internet quickly).

We know with this Netflex Documentary that the powerful Kuschner (the guy with Soros on his left and Lord Jacob on his right) is in fact a Christian who is controlling the World.

His Wife Ivanka who is a Nazi blue eyes Aryan and just make an alliance with the samurai (see her white dog, surely a Japanese expirement furry from the Japaneses laboratory).

We got a DDoS from our best allie on a Pizzagate subject where the rulers of the world, so the Christians were helping the ebil Nasbis.

At the same time, Chans and websites where fllood by special agents trannys discord directing to these incredible post speaking about the incredible discovery of skeletons under religious Christians sites, it is incredible that there are catacombs under old Christians place, really. Also saying that Voat is even worst than the Gamergate, "Voat is the most racist place on the internet"

Like it is incredible than certains people goes on Epstein Isle just to add some credibility on his business.

These Christians nazis are controlling the world. (Narrative pushed on Chans and other The_Cucknald from a moment).

So we got trannies saying that the pizzagate on Voat are the most nazis people on earth on a subject critizising Christians helping nazis in the past with the narrative that Christians are ruling the World behind the shadows.

It make so mush sense.

Heil Hydra and Heil the Hypnogoat!

TL;DR: I am suspicious about all of this, that this specific post was target as an excuse to block the entire website when Epstein Scandal is exploding and when we know who flighted a lot on the lolita plane. Useful post describing the Chistians as Nazis helpers.

Obviously targeting the normies who could have gone to lurk.

I could be on the error, of course.

Also, we know that Ramesses II had red hair, He was a caucasian, we know how a certain tribe really love the Egyptian empire who has surely dissapeared because of ping pong Aliens if you have watched Ancient Aliens, a completely another story if you have historical knowledge, a story really similar to what is happening today on our places.

Could it has a link with all the redhairs being remplace by Negroids in the pop culture today?

Kolobus101 ago

I am sure this is the Obama's doing... Don't watch Another Life on netflix either unless you want your brain cells to die off..

dawnbandit1 ago


Catholics aren't Christians.

Realclamwrangler ago

Any idea how large the attacks are?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

10 days of normal traffic in 8 hrs large.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#55076) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

maurice1 ago

Thank you for the hard work, keeping voat up and running.

I'm now wondering if someone targeted that thread so you would global announce it and many more would look into her and the connections.

Sort of reverse psychology to force people to help investigate her.

smallerhobo ago

Of course they're targeting a post about Epstein. I think someone might be scared. Keep up the good work

Yuke ago

Log-in today asked to save password, an option I won't take anyway but, something suspicious or added by yourself?

Rotteuxx ago

Your browser asked to save your password ?

heygeorge ago


TheStapler ago

I’ve been building enterprise web servers for over a decade. How can I help with the site? Is there a bug backlog? I would be quite sad to see this place fail.

heygeorge ago

Is there a bug backlog?

LOL! Nah, at this point they are all ‘features’!

Gopherurself ago


haggl ago

Thanks for all your work! @PuttItOut

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

The beauty of this is .. you get to see the page they are trying to prevent from being seen, as your first option, because the site is down.

Brilliant 7D underwater chess @puttitout

( we better stop attacking the site because the thing we are trying to prevent is the first thing people see now )

TestForScience ago

"...interviewing candidates for my position."

What do you mean by that, exactly?

oneinchterror ago

Yeah, I really hope he clarifies that comment.

SexMachine ago

I think he wants an assistant admin, so he's not on call 24/7 dealing with niggerfaggots

TestForScience ago

Hope you're right.

The thought of pretty much anyone else taking over Voat is... worrisome.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

There's already a secret investor whose identity you're not allowed to know and you don't find that worrisome?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Voat is probably the only site I visit where I do know the anon identity of the site owner.

justregtoasku ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago


TestForScience ago

It was at first, but after all this time things have really only gotten better.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Downvoting facts don't change them

TestForScience ago

Believe it or not, I wasn't one of the people that downvoted your first comment.

Or this one.

USN7480 ago

I wish I could help you but code is far beyond my capacity. Thank you for your effort.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#55067) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

TIEMC0 ago

We love your freedom kung-fu computer dick!

ViperCarbz ago

And we're back!

@PuttItOut you're a hero. Keep up the good fight!

lovehate123 ago

Dont Give up Putt.

You have have played a Major part of Changing the Landscape and the direction of Mankind.

Im Sorry, I had to do what I did.. Iv done nothing against You... Friend. Forgive me.

Just remember. Even if Statues of You will not go up en mass. You have a heart of Gold Putt.

Please forgive me. I was not culled. I played my part and here we are.

Keep pushing to the end Putt

SexMachine ago

One of the last places online to speak freely.

lovehate123 ago

A place targeted by elites. To Put Fear in Your heart.

Putt is a True Hero, He knows what he's doing.

The Old Guard is falling and taking everything with it, Hoping something Will fall Favorably in their way.

We have won, Keep Pushing, PUTT keeps Pushing.

This is no longer about fear-


This is not Victory, this is what they trained You for.

This is feel good Music. Keep Moving!

Zulu2Oscar ago

Thanks for all your hard work and dedication!!

kestrel9 ago

In the year of our Lord 2019, voat returned

(fingers crossed that this posts)

doomfish ago

epstein on suicide watch

Free5peech ago

Thanks you little goats. Unprecedented attacks and the goat stands. Bravo!

vandilx ago

Thanks for keeping our ship afloat, Captain.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Here to stay . Thanks mods. MAGA

courtjester1111 ago

This is good.

Adminstrater ago

Or perhaps they are just trying to download every copy we have.

That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about internets to dispute it.

sunajAeon ago

Hope the Voat AI is female

1moar ago

Fucking pedohiles.

Obrez ago

To be clear, just because it's one specific thread doesn't mean that is actually the target, all of voat is going down, they should know you can see which page is receiving the most requests, they are probably selecting that thread simply because they want attention drawn to it. It may well be a red herring.

70times7 ago


Caliope ago

"Pat Downs"??? I felt a very invasive cavity search just now. But happy to accept that slight indignity in order to protect Our Voat. Ooooffff! There it goes again! Oh ghod! Yes Yes! ... Find anything Ossifer friendly?

BeingReplaced ago

Doing something right then :)

StudSupreme ago

I truly hate this kind of cuntery.

We used to get these sorts of attacks frequently on the red boards. Somebody would post a thread critical of a leftist trope, myth or figure, and a particularly neurotic and noxious leftie would DDOS the board.

Sometimes the red board admin would successfully resist the psychotically urgent pressure from the leftie; most of the time, the admin would fold and that particular red board would afterwards get flooded with spam posts of such a level of mental illness that everyone else would flee and the red board would either die or be reduced to 2-3 of the most insane leftists posting mentally diseased screeds or picking on the cowed admin sadistically and gleefully. Truly, the redboards that knuckled under made Democratic Underground look like a chess discussion bbs.

Wishing you all the best, Voat admins. The people who launch these ddos attempts are some of the most verminous creatures lurking on the web.

Shotinthedark ago

It's the God damned jews!

swordfish69 ago

@letsdothis3 I hope one day you tell your grandchildren that something you wrote caused the Global Satanic Order to launch a massive cyberattack. Sometimes I forget that we are unironically fighting a spiritual battle that will determine the course of evil for future generations.

cantaloupe6 ago

A single candle lights a dark room.

Nesano ago

People get so angry when you're right.


Thanks for keeping us in the loop putt

think- ago

Sorry for any chagrin we Pizzagaters may have caused, @PuttItOut.


Thank you for hosting us, and for having our back.

We investigated Epstein and his accomplices, and demanded that he gets charged in the past 2,5+ years, and now it's finally happening. :-)

Suddenly MSM articles read like Pizzagate posts. :-)

(And I swear, they sometimes do copypaste our research. ;-).)

If child rapists and traffickers should get convicted now, you also had a part in it. I hope you realize.

Beccacat3089 ago

Thanks for the heads up on this.

Wooden_door ago

It's the same feeling cucks get when their wife's holes are filled with so much black cock that there's no room for your Netanyahu chipolata and sprouts. An empty void of something you once had but now all you get is a lousy participation award.

Well not quite, at least we got our bits fondled on the way in.

think- ago

DillHoleBagHands ago

Well, not the bit checking I was searching for, but the bit checking I will accept! ;)

I am honestly surprised that we don't get DDOS attacks more often.

Ps4Freedom ago

Attaboys for PizzaGate!

Many thanks to Putt!

Happy Saturday!

EpiPendemic ago

I though pizzagate was private sub so this wouldn't happen anymore, probably there are other considerations eh.

think- ago

It's a public sub, and has almost 23,000 subscribers.


Crazy8s ago

Hey everyone.... What’s going on in this thre-



Chokaholic83 ago

Qanon did say attacks will only intensify. Well, here we are, and it's still going to be worse yet. Buckle up, bitches!

PGLiterati ago

Archive offline, now.

Deceneu ago

Do a nslookup/dig for on ( is blocking and add the result to your Host file.

Not ideal but gets the job done.

bowyang ago

Will it help to rate limit connections:

iptables --new-chain RATE-LIMIT
iptables --append RATE-LIMIT --match hashlimit --hashlimit-upto 50/sec --hashlimit-burst 20 --hashlimit-name conn_rate_limit --jump ACCEPT
iptables --append RATE-LIMIT --jump DROP

Now each SRCIP is limited to 50 new connections per second.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I think its Owen Benjamin because I made him mad here at Voat last night.

think- ago

Dear DDOS attackers,

Thank you for vindicating us, and for single-handedly redpilling the whole Voat community. :-)

Yours truly,

The Pizzagate researchers

@new4now @gamepwn @darkknight111

darkknight111 ago

If pizzagate is fake, then why was all of voat taken down over a pizzagate thread.

That’s something to rub the leftist shills like Are We Sure’s face in.

ghost_of_aswartz ago

Because conspiracy theories are harmful to society. That's why we kept up the flat earth shit...oh wait...dangit they caught us, Jim

think- ago

Poor AWS, lol. He already has to cope with the fact that the Norwegian police confirmed that the FBI pedo symbols are real, and were used by the pedo ring they busted.

He has always claimed they were fake.

UnscathedViolet ago

think- ago

He knows. I kept pinging him, but he never replied. :-P

UnscathedViolet ago

Gee. I wonder why. Lol

auralsects ago

Obviously because it is a JewAnon maneuver. Did he not send them here in the first place?

Why highlight in this way a 5 day old thread that would have simply sunk to oblivion absent their direct intervention?

Presumably because it mentions MUH EVIL Nazis lol. You should think more

shawnfromnh69 ago

I just took all the royal family prince andrew links from that page and reposted them on 2 other sites, that should piss them off really good having a whole different group of viewers see that shit and have the royal family on the defensive for the next few months or years when this keeps spreading.

new4now ago

Was wondering if that was the reason

I was having so much trouble the days before it totally went down

TetrahedronOmega ago

Thank you, PuttItOut, for highlighting the Voat PizzaGate forum thread concerning Jeffrey Epstein's associates that the Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attackers seem upset by.

Regarding Epstein's Pedo Island and Lolita Express elite pedophilia ring, this is not a sideline issue for the globalist oligarchy, but rather is one of their principal means of blackmail-control over their members. It has often come out that the top members of the political and business elite are into violent and lethal pedophilia and cannibalism. Such as with the cases of the Franklin Scandal; Marc Dutroux; the Finders; Jimmy Savile and the British royalty; Haut de la Garenne; the Texas Youth Commission; etc. Just to name a few such cases that have come to light.

For those who are interested in extensive scholarly documentation regarding elite Satanism and its practice by the globalist oligarchy, see under the heading "The New World Order: Government's Attempt at Autoapotheosis", pp. 87-98 of my following article, being sure to read the footnotes, since much of the information on this is contained within said footnotes:

  • James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, , , .

My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies (i.e., transhumanism) in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.

Goys-R-Us ago

Thanks Putt. Seems pizzagate is real after all.

Sweettendiesloving ago

The Podesta artwork and weird aflantis faggot were what saucepilled me

bnard88 ago

So buckle up buckaroos.

Thanks, Bruce Jenner.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Been a while since voat fondled my bits, got me all frisky.

TIEMC0 ago

The privelege goat touched me where my bathing suit covers.

My10thaccount ago

I will stop them for you.

Firevine ago

Funny thing about DDOSing a site like this, is that it proves that there's truth in the content.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

So they ddos the place, and the response is to let everyone know what they are going after.

God i love this place.

Makes me wonder what other posts are scaring them.

Phantom42 ago



Basically all of Voat, except for the Qultist subs.

fluhthreeex ago

Makes me wonder what other posts they want attention drawn to

Not so much me but I speak for myself. Giving DDOS'ers what they want isn't something I'm really into.

amendthediscourse ago

These attacks don’t seem very good at achieving their supposed intended goal of disabling the site. Is it possible they are instead collecting user info somehow? Like whatever IP passes the privilege check is captured?


Judging by the fact that there are multiple billionaire funded intelligence/cyber-weapons/hacking companies named on that specific PG thread, We should assume that our information has been revealed. Welcome to the Age of Transparency where our only hope is to Wake Up enough of humanity, and let the 'mass of awareness' overwhelm their ability to 'target the individuals.'

Kekistani_SS ago


Deplorable_Me ago

Check your goat here. We need a cute goat check girl.

Anarchy99 ago

If you were not getting Flack, you're not over the bagel

Anarchy99 ago

The Vatican and the Red Cross let the Nazis Escape? What kind of bullshit is that? The Red Cross were at all the camps once a month. Not once did they say any Jew got gassed. That's a disinformation post. One of my submissions got six downvotes and that makes no sense I haven't gotten that since I started. So you probably have the Mossad and the IDF and the circumcised monkeys downvoting all the "Nazis". It's clear if you are in American government you have to work for the Jews and Israel. This is why Epstein is going back to Israel and intelligence. He is the guy who gets the politicians on video tape for blackmail.

smokratez ago

Yeah, voat attacked itself and then put the bullshit story about the red cross and that the attack is coming from Russia.

ArcAngel ago


ArcAngel ago

the flak gets heavy over the target

Holonomic ago

Hi ya @PuttItOut...

I noticed the 'out of order' pages a few times the past couple weeks or so. I figured it had to do with the rollout you mentioned before. I looked-up what "DDOS" means. I knew what DOS meant, but not this one.

For anyone that doesn't know it means "Distributed Denial Of Service" attack.

This HAS to be something one could digitally follow back to [d]eddit.

Anyway, thanks for the shout-out and hope all goes well on your end. I couldn't care less about the extra security and pat-downs. DO what ya gotta do! : )

we_kill_creativity ago

Why don't you just always have the privilege checking goat up. Why not always keep out malicious traffic. It takes about 3 seconds for me to get past it, more than worth it if you ask me.

think- ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#55042) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

RumpRangerRick ago

I love you, man.

No homo.


petevoat ago

Seems they don't like this post. (This is the url they appear to be trying to flood.)

Ironically, I didn't know anything about the topic but I do now :D

ExpertShitposter ago

6 million soon

videocodec ago

Pizzagate isn't real so (((they))) try to shut it down.

magamoo ago


Nadeshda ago

Hello good morning! :)

BTW: that link that they are trying to flood is very telling. A few years ago, about 2013 just before I left facebook, the only posts that would be deleted were ones pointing out the lunacy or strange behavior of the Vatican.

They have never liked any narrative other then their own, displayed on social media.

Thank so much for what you do, you are so much better then TSA , lol... ;)

petevoat ago

I had panic attacks when voat was down.

GinormousGuy ago

Thanks a million 👍🏻!

Killeratlarge ago

Putt youre enjoying new age south park too much. It fuckin sucks now ]:<

American-Patriot ago

Now you know they are scared of us if they are attacking. Why else would they?

bandjox1 ago

if your gonna check my credentials can i get my upvoting capabilities back?

QuestionEverything ago


19924751? ago


DontLookAway ago

If they were trying to shut down access to a particular piece of information, they wouldn't draw attention to it by targeting exactly what they don't want people to see.

If they were trying to shut down the site and they were a sophisticated attacker, they would know that DDOS attacks haven't worked in the past.

The fact of the matter is, if they were someone with connections they would simply use traffic analysis to locate the offending user's computer and download their keylogger for their password to the site, log in, delete the account, have the ISP shut down all access to the site for their ISP account, then over the coming week get a court order to prevent that individual from using the internet ever again.

Supposing they didn't have the ability to do one or more of the elements of the above plan, they would flood the site with bogus information along the same lines to discredit the information presented.

A DDOS attack doesn't really serve any purpose for a site that is resistant to them and has a history of recovering from them.

think- ago

The fact of the matter is, if they were someone with connections they would simply use traffic analysis to locate the offending user's computer and download their keylogger for their password to the site, log in, delete the account, have the ISP shut down all access to the site for their ISP account, then over the coming week get a court order to prevent that individual from using the internet ever again.

No, they wouldn't, member for 2 days with -1 CCP.

The author of the post in question hasn't done anything which would justify going to court, a move like that would mean unnecessary attention for the bad actors.

DontLookAway ago

First of all, there are many things people don't like that are not illegal. Being legal doesn't mean someone won't take action.

Every action taken comes with some risk. I assume we're talking about psychopaths, they got into the positions they did by taking risks.

You are also assuming that the post they are targeting is the reason for the DDOS attack.

The_Oogie ago

You're assuming these people are smart and have forethought.

DontLookAway ago


letsdothis3 ago

And this is the post that I posted just before voat went down:

Hortance ago

WHy not sticky targeted threads? Or a temporary category between sticky threads and normals ones called "Targeted threads". So "they" know that another downside of DDOS is highlighting of the triggering threads.

think- ago

WHy not sticky targeted threads?

Yes. @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall - please see Putt's OP.

Would you consider flairing the post 'Potential Lead', and sticky it on v/pizzagate for a while - thank you! That would be terrific! :-)

We are over the target. :-)

lilomeunq ago

Streisand effect. But for the trolls, I would have missed that informative post. Glad you Puttitout there.

frankenmine ago

Are you sure it's not six million?

fuspezza ago

This is why Voat hates fucken Jews, because every dam time!

Authorpatriot ago

That pat down was the biggest thrill I've had all day. Thanks.

Battlefat ago

Knocking on random walls in airports has roughly the same effect — pat downs for days

Fambida ago

Well I'll be double fuckered. I always figured the Pizzagaytards were generally correct, but I didn't figure 'em to be on target enough to get DDOS'd specifically.

Well done, ya cunts, and I'll give you more respect and attention going forward.

ghost_of_aswartz ago

Just call it calzonegate. because it's mostly pizza and it will take all the epstards a couple of weeks to catch up and push out their algobanns to their mediamatters ploppo reeeesearch affiliates

WickedVocalist ago



Wake up. Most of them are monetized stage parents using other peoples kids as props like the caravan.


DNA test.

Find out if theyre using those channels as an undercover cop front.

That sounds like digital entrapment.

Officials dragnetting every kid and adult who gets on youtube using a honey trap channel filled with immunity driven bs that no civ gets away with sounds pretty fucked.

I know why pizzagate and elsagate are like a staging ceremony. Because theyre intended to out everyone who tried to out them and their SOPs as civil abuse of the public and entertainment and using entertainment as their personal sting op because its cheaper to piggyback and sink someone elses startup than use their own.

90% of you have something to lose if im not wrong, and thats your kids.

Even their audiences and view counts up to the commentators are fake. Nothing but a huge coverup for and by officials.

Paid commentators on catfish spoof screen names are their colleagues. Makes it all looks so normal to the real viewers who are wondering why those videos arent pulled down over privacy concerns. No one who got smeared lives to sue the publishers of those videos either.

I have never seen one of those videos depicting me or myimage, so as far as i am concerned non exist or ever existed. I guess if I am a star of their targeted smear campaign scene then I will be dead like the others as soon as someone tells me where to find my own url.

invisiblephrend ago

i hope this all ends with epstein getting fucking executed.

WickedVocalist ago

See thats your problem. You latch on to the msms distraction and thats it.

ForTheUltimate ago

Well done, ya cunts, and I'll give you more respect and attention going forward.

That's what semi-NPCs do.

Real Neos rethink their credibility algorithms.

spaceman84 ago

Perhaps your reaction is the desired outcome. Pay for a DDOS on any conspiracy thread and its basically good as gold forever after.

Fambida ago

I had considered that too. I won't call it impossible, but I think it's not the case this time.

darkknight111 ago

July 2017 may have been a v/pizzagate correlated incident too. Likely over a thread regarding the Jesuits.


Well I'll be double fuckered. I always figured the Pizzagaytards were generally correct, but I didn't figure 'em to be on target enough to get DDOS'd specifically.

If the general public knew how much censorship has been thrown against pedogate research, there would be more calls for action from our political leaders, and law enforcement.

This isn't a game. These people are sick. And they rule over us. People either live in their bubbles, and generally ignore what has been going on, or else they sustain mental injury, and become a part of this war.

Anarchy99 ago

I've been telling people about pedophiles for 20 years on the internet. Long before it was fashionable. Podesta pizzagate all these child rapists. This has been going on for centuries thousands of years where they rape kill and eat children

logjam ago

Once they got the boot from reddit - you knew there had to be something up.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Jews love children, blood and adrenochrome. Where the fuck have you been?

madhatter67 ago

it's not the first time the pizzagate verse has kicked off an attack on voat

the q ones not so much

Phantom42 ago

Pizzagate is almost certainly true. Q is just a government run "deep propaganda" machine (Not posters or great broadcasts, but made for a very specific crowd) designed to lull in people who honestly want the truth into a weirs cult that is designed in such a way that it makes someone truly believe in some stupid shit.

Take SerialBrain for example. The qultists lapped his bullshit up, and are only now waking up to the thought that this guy may be up for a visit to an asylum.

Then you have actual fucking dumbasses that should never/never have reproduce(d) like that LauraIngalls charcter, or GodsAngell. Go read their shit. It's physically revolting just trying to read it.

The Q crowd must be eliminated if the pursuit of Truth and waking the world up to the kikes is to happen. Rookie truth seekers will fall into the rabbit hole, see this Q bullshit, and stop right there, never learning about the kikes and how Hitler was probably the "most rightest" individual on Earth since Christ himself.

Well played, government. Way to fuck over your own people in yet another way.

I'll see you all in Hell.

WickedVocalist ago

If he is up for being dissapeared then I guess his fans or followers are up for a manhunt.

Since we know you operate as a blackmail protection racket front now. Here you are trying to advocate genocide and worse.

I dont even know who youre going on and on about.

What I do know is if youre a dirty cop your time to call and reveal your hand has come and gone and you cannot act like it isnt.

All I know is that theres a lot of people around who feel they can act like a mob boss ruining lives without putting people on a fair trial and get away with it. Theres also a lot off officials criminally protecting other officials guilty of and capable of murder and worse.

One thing I do know is that its pretty illegal to both make the laws and enforce them as one evil corrupt entity.

Phil_Free ago


HoneyTrap1488 ago

Q predicted this DDoS attack.

GuantanamObama ago

All I know is Q did say that 8ch was safe and under "patriot control" ... and now it's offline.

nonameanarchist ago

It's the same reason I'm on voat, got banned from the conspiracy subreddit for talking about the salt lake City creepy day-care that wasoh so obviously a child trafficking front

WickedVocalist ago

Well that town is also owned, founded and operated by the flds church. Flds is on the domestic security watch list.

Anarchy99 ago

What isn't a child trafficking front?

Phantom42 ago

National Socialism.

More of a child-rearing front, or child protection front.

Hell, it's both.

Anarchy99 ago

That made no sense

GrandNagus ago

Why would they ddos their own qtard psyop?

Just sit back and trust the plan, goy.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

QMAP, Qanon, Qresearch CBTS...have all been DDOS'd multiple times and continue to be DDOSd which can be expected on any forum where people discuss 'taboo' topics...Voat not excluded...Pizzagate CERTAINLY never excluded.


Assuming they and they, are the same. Many different they.

TwitterBannedIt ago

Many different they.

Very true. Would love to analyze the origins and paths downwind.

On second thought, I'd rather live, someone should tho, someone with a bodygaurd.

WickedVocalist ago

Until you wake up and realize that Dr. King had bodyguards -- who the feds hired to assasinate him. Those who knew him knew he lacked the funds to hire personal security


He should have been a federal official himself -- but he was black and ineligible for duty at that time in history. He died so we would all know he wasnt equal. Thats why black people have more rights today. If he had lived under oppression steadfastly no one would have bothered to demand civil rights they did not know they lacked systematically.


The wildcards they are the hidden people in the deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B) (google it, not made up)

Another one is that there are secret 'circles' inside the various intelligence services, very much like the 'deep state' in politics.

There is a very good book written about it, 'the secret team'

Not least, MOSSAD piloted the drone/bomb into ONI's part of the pentagon, seems to be some bad blood there.

Worth keeping in mind is that ONI was connected to the Philadelphia experiment and all the potential lessons learned from that etc.

TwitterBannedIt ago

I am familair with the DUMBs and the idea that a split off society is being bred and indoctrinated in these facilities.

I would call it crazy, except they exist and millions go missing from our surface society daily.

I will check out that book, thank you for the recommendation.

WickedVocalist ago

Yeah and people in this very thread keep suggesting people on Voat they want there like they are new Nazis.

Whether they have already doxxed those people or not remains to be reported.

I miss the good days when you actually had to commit a crime to go away and k ow that you committed said crime as well as Good amount of people agreeing you did it.

Now its as easy as a pointing finger and printing a debt or two up. As easy as saying someone owes someone else.

Say we are already at the stage where a mental health or court appointed official can take a semi high functioning adult and post them indefinitely in unmarked accomodations in plain public spaces like motels.

Then whats to stop them from taking a field trip to CO and euthanizing them?


Glad to help

european ago

What sorts of thing do they do down there?


There is only leaks and a few hints, but its 'another world' compared to ours.

Richard Sauder Black Projects and Underground Bases - 2017


Not saying he have all the answers, but he have put a lot of hours into researching a lot about them.

Dark Journalist: Catherine Austin Fitts Dancing With The Breakaway Civilization Part 1

Should be enough to get you started.

This guy claims to be a geologist/son to a high-ranking military father, worked on the bases in that capacity.

He 'hung himself' shortly after this lecture.

Phil Schneider Lecture Dulce ET Underground

There are others like him, to some extent and they all 'tell the same story' in a sense, but maybe its a to big pill to swallow.

WickedVocalist ago

If I told you I have been inside a coed facility like that unlisted and hidden from my family for nearly two years without having been convicted of a crime then what would you say?


Hmm, wanna elaborate on that?

MadoffShillter ago

Either way, Q isn't a big enough threat to silence. What's that tell ya?

070978098098 ago

oh yea fucktard, mainstream NEWSPAPERS have written hundreds of articles about Q, never once about you or any of us on ANYTHING OTHER than PG or Qanon, yet you sit here in your echo chamber (repeating with other shills) lies to yourselves. It seems you're at the point of believing your own horseshit.

oneinchterror ago

All Qtard traitors are to be summarily executed on the day of the rope.

070978098098 ago

Pain = Panic

It's logical.

Hello little boy.

oneinchterror ago

Kys Qoomer

Phantom42 ago

It's a Jewish sleeper account.

070978098098 ago

Does making up words that appear to be "insults" in your mind make you feel better?

it is so juvenile and ineffective.

We are not children on a playground faggot - we are speaking about innocent kids and the like - the actions of you and yours represent a problem that will be solved with biblical level intervention.

Popcorn is popping.

dan_east ago

"oh yea fucktard"

then you typed:

"Does making up words that appear to be "insults" in your mind make you feel better? it is so juvenile and ineffective."

So I guess you're also guilty of making up words that appear to be "insults" in your mind that makes you feel better.

You Qoomers are mentally retarded.

auralsects ago

Lol jfc you Qtards and your gay little catchphrases and cartoon lions. You're calling someone juvenile, fucking boomer??

568785878687 ago

what in the fuck is a qoomer man you're retarded. nobody thinks this is clever and a grand total of no people have ever thought "oh Qanon must be BOGUS because this guy said QOOMERS"

you fucking people man... they really hire the lowest of the low IQ wise.


auralsects ago

That's right, you stupid old FAGGOT.

CARTOON LIONS representing the Lion of Judah of course


Hmm, I don't fully understand the implications of your question, but I came to the conclusion that Q is a psy-op months ago, maybe even a year at this point.

"trust the plan" = relax, go back to sleep.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Yes. Watch that shabbo’s goy Sean Hannity at 8. Trust the plan. Do nothing.

MadoffShillter ago

I mean even if it wasn't a psy-op, the information isn't substantial enough for any of the various "they" groups to give a shit.

Tzitzimitl ago

not very useful to anybody really, except maybe the freemasons

bdmthrfkr ago

Keep up the good fight Putt, they are only angry for the obvious reason.

maurice1 ago

I would like to lodge a formal complaint. The Goat didn't wear gloves or wash its hands before patting me down!


I like it like that. Makes me feel dirty! I keep jumping out and coming back in just to do it again!

PuttItOut ago

He's kind of dirty like that

modsrcuntz ago

The plot thickens

Salicaz ago

How you know you're winning.

darkknight111 ago

It would be interesting to see if past DDOS attacks are linked to specific threads.

Anyway to check? For example, the incident of July 2017.

flyingcuttlefish ago

ok ...

necrophagist79 ago

Back of the hand please.

gentlemanadventurer ago

Why does it log me out when I view the thread?

PuttItOut ago

It's Hard Cached.

gentlemanadventurer ago


Dismal_Swamp ago

It’s those black cube fuckers I bet. Someone should stick a road flare up their consolidated asshole.

Free5peech ago

They just tipped their hand.

MadJackChurchill ago

So... Voat's getting hacked by the Pope

Far2Long2 ago

Hey, can I dox myself? I'll take one for the team. Let them come for me - I have already paid an enormous price for exercising my free speech. Got fired and chucked out of my home for naming the Jew back in January. I'll take the heat for the Goat community. Let the games commence. I have nothing left to lose. maaaaah (goat sound)

cantaloupe6 ago

No, have kids instead. When you're ready.

big_fat_dangus ago

Post the story! Some faggot tried to get me fired for the same thing last year, had me pretty scared but work ultimately let it slide.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'd like to hear the whole story.

big_fat_dangus ago

Mine? I'll pm it if you'd like.

justregtoasku ago

Yeah id be interested in your story

(Or even for a few tips you might have in that situation)

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I would like to read it. PM me.

TwooPsy ago

based and Tarrant pilled

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Same here, im so pissed, I'll fight anybody that wants to fight, god damn I'm sourounded by niggers and spics all over the place. Some thing like 400,000 spics here. Here! Like wtf! Do anybody around here know the number for ice..?

big_fat_dangus ago

I'm starting to think spics just pop out of the ground like Uruk-Hai. Just the sheer amount of them is insane. There are cities in my state that of been completely over run and are now upwards of 90 percent hispanic.

14WordsToFreedom ago

There are almost twice as many people in central and South America as there are in the US.

Far2Long2 ago

Here's a secret: these darkies worship the Whites. Why else would they break in to our countries?

Stand tall, wear a suit and tie, polish your shoes to mirrors, and speak softly. The rozzers love us and will take the fight to them, on our behalf.

It's Saturday. Put your feet up and have a beer. The Niggers, Spics and Pakis are hard at work serving our interests. That's where they belong. You've done the heavy lifting Monday to Friday. Now it's their turn.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Also. Ild rather be around my kind day to day, place to place . Fuck them send em all 50ft past our border in what ever direction they came from or chose to go in. And i don hive a fuck if that location is the ocean. Out out out.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

I don know if what your saying is that accurate bit certainly they are here because we keep feeding them.

Conspirologist ago

It's probably because of a post. These POS are afraid of people telling the truth.

Mumbleberry ago

Like the post Putt included in his statement?

Conspirologist ago


Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Fucking jews... Every time.

PuttItOut ago

It's the typical suspects: Ukraine, Thailand, China, etc.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Yeah the "Asians" spammed my site perty good. Jordan's, purses and sunglasses, seems to me that they think that's all you need in life. Ya got that your good.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Hmm. That big Hay. Wow. I guess they are getting very scared to ddos here.

I always had my own private analytics when I had my sites. Is there any public analytics we can look at for here? Just curious of daily return and unique visits.

fuspezza ago

Yeah I'm just a fellow goat I love grass does everyone here eats grass, this is Fun!

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Celontro and clover, definitely clover.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Not 6,000,000 ?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

It was 6 Million Qs

Musical1inNM ago

And then include the aborted ones what yotal is that now?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Wait wait wait... I forget how to count in Yiddish... what is it .. Yentledyseven or something like that?

AlabamaNigger ago

So they say

ARsandOutdoors ago

It’s 1 billion. And anything less and you’re an anti-semite

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Surely you're not referring to the 60,000,000 lost.

BollywoodUndead ago

600,000,000? Oy vey, the 600,000,000,000 is no laughing matter!

Kekistani_SS ago

Oh my god, the poor jews. Every single jew alive has to bear this pain...

PuttItOut ago

What a missed opportunity.

White_pride_cis ago

You could’ve still gotten 6,000,000 boomers heads to explode, if you gave credit to some Qtard post.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

I think your comment made rustled their jimmies

White_pride_cis ago

They’re boomers. Their proverbial jimmies have been rustled since they first started selling out our future.

oneinchterror ago

They're very easily rustled. They live in a separate reality.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

I was thinking the same thing. I was trying to find some way to equate knock knock to 6, since it would be 6x1,000,000.

HateCumbuckets ago

Alright lets do this. unzips

Far2Long2 ago

PutitOut for president 2024!

bowyang ago

Nah, that dude issues arbitrary bans.

PraiseIPU ago

Member for: 13 days

(joined on: 7/14/2019)

bowyang ago

Been on voat for almost 5 years. New account every week or two.

Far2Long2 ago

Bring it. If they need me to bend over for a search of the shit that flows from my arse, then good luck to them.

OrganicImpulse ago

B o/t B

CRKT_M16Z ago

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Voat by having our bits checked."

WickedVocalist ago

Think of all the interpretations available in your statement bro. You consented.

Derpfroot ago

Ahh, the 18 words.

WickedVocalist ago

Yeah from a guy whose wife keeps checking out my dogs ballsack without my (dogs owner) consent and telling me what to do.

shawnfromnh69 ago

he should be called the dognut voyeur. I will peek at your puppies testicles please, I am an expert sir, trust me.

WickedVocalist ago

Thats disgusting, my canine is not going to be sexually molested sorry.

Phil_Free ago

or 17.

fuspezza ago

That's what the patriot act promised and now they fondle Gramma and spread athletes foot trough out the world. I say he who is willing to have bits checked for a little bits of freedom, deserves no bits and no freedom!

CRKT_M16Z ago

I appreciate your sentiment but at the same time, would you let me into your home if you didn't know me and I wasn't invited? Not before you at least did some sort cursory check, right?

14WordsToFreedom ago

1: you’re already in the country, so you don’t need checked.

2: I’ve never grabbed anyone’s crotch before allowing them into my car or home.

DorothyMantooth ago

"I’ve never grabbed anyone’s crotch before allowing them into my car or home."

Methinks you're doing it wrong, then.


fuspezza ago

Nobody has ever presented an argument so eloquently, you have a way with words and are right.

CRKT_M16Z ago

You have a point as well and I get where you're coming from. I do like the quote about sacrificing freedom for security.

The gun control act is a good example of what we need to be careful about. The Patriot Act is another good example. Good looking out, goat.

fuspezza ago

To be perfectly clear I would like to refer you to my first post on this very subject

We are in this battle together bro

fuspezza ago

To be honest I was trying to be funny. The reason I made lite on such a serious situation is because I feel protected and trust @puttitout to keep the wolves away from this PEN.

CRKT_M16Z ago

It's all good. I was trying to be funny as well.

bananasplit35 ago

Over the Target, be ready

Ina_Pickle ago

Everyone wave hi to the Pope. We get such illustrious guests.

Smokybubbles ago

The voice of God himself has sanctioned the DDOS.

Don-Keyhote ago

Reminder that v/pizzagate is a controlled sub by blatant Qtard shill @Vindicator

Deep cover jew shill and Captain Qtard @Crensch

2nd most commented thread site wide of 2018 was their elaborate frame-up job that said ANYONE CASTING DOUBT ON Q OR TRUMP IS "MANUFACTURING CONSENSUS" WHEN THATS LITERALLY WHAT HE WAS EXPLICITLY DOING LMFAO

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

That attack happened right as I pushed submit on the archives I ran last night. I got so pissed off, I just went to bed.

If it gets so you can't edit in links, let me know.

Hey_Sunshine ago

A single year rolls down my cheek whilst I play for you a most downtrodden song on the worlds smallest violin.

Crensch ago


fuspezza ago

Crensch is a major fucken pos we can all agree on that

Crensch ago

Impotent faggot globalist Jews have no power on this website anymore. Welcome to irrelevance.

fuspezza ago

Projecting much jkjk ima parasite dont feed me and I'll leave you alone. 10 sec head start now run

Deltamikeoscar ago

Oy vey! Who could be behind this?!

Tzitzimitl ago

why am i smokeymeadow when i check out that link?

MrBrizola ago

Great that you can identify the specific threads being targeted. Not surprised its an Epstein one...



sherlock_holmes ago

Attacking a specific post wouldn't make that post any more or less viable than any other wouldn't it?

senpaithatignoresyou ago

the shills will come. It will be interesting watching the posts over the next couple of weeks.

think- ago

TwitterBannedIt ago

"If it had been your boy...."

Damn straight. Good shot, solid handling.

dmt3rdi ago

What is the point of targeting a specific thread? I would think for a given amount of hits, you could hurt the server a lot worse by crawling thousands of pages - doing things to maximize memory use and cache misses. And behaving like a large number of humans so that your botnet is harder to distinguish from real users.

Astupidname69 ago

It's just a coincidence, I assure you goyim.

Goys-R-Us ago


Conway2 ago

Lot's of epstein posts, how many are connecting epstein and the vatican.

40KFTAGLView ago

More like Israeli MOSSAD!

MrDarkWater ago

forcing your narrative.

hes a jew silly..

Anarchy99 ago

Vatican is just another customer. The Vatican is just another Jewish front.

SonofSuebi ago

so is the vatican

bloodguard ago

So's the current usurper anti-pope.

CrudOMatic ago

Nice try goy...

MrDarkWater ago

i would bet

Conway2 ago

Hmm, I wonder. Is there some kinda pedo rule that doesn't allow pedo priests and pedo jews to hang out?

Shizie ago

Probably the same reasons that Bruce Wayne and Batman are never seen together.

Strontium_Dawg ago

No. Just their junk can’t touch

MrDarkWater ago

probably not

Trudeaus_Socks ago

That’s you forcing that narrative, shill.

Do you even Q, bro?

ARsandOutdoors ago

Stfu Q tard. Qanon is likely Jared Kushner and his shithead Jewish friends from college. Q is a Pied Piper and has been playing you low IQ faggots like a fiddle ever since he started posting

MrDarkWater ago

Get lost, kike

Trudeaus_Socks ago

(You) want us divided by race.

Til_My_Last_BREATH ago

we naturally devide ourselves by race faggot.

do you see killer whales and seals sharing a school of fish together.?. do tigers and hippos share a bed together.?. no.. race is nature's way of letting us know we ARE different.. no multiracial/cultural system lasts. systems of control are formed in communities that help regulate a level playing field so to speak. it's only natural to wanna help your group first when given a chance to control the system. I have nothing against any other group or rheir culture , I just don't want them forced on me or my country. if America dosnt get back to 85% white in the next 50 years, it is fucked..

Trudeaus_Socks ago

You have (intentionally) inaccurately conflated “race” and “species,” shill.

Besides, I don’t care that you share your point of view here. I just wish you’d add that you are not a Q supporter.

Of course, for you, the fact that noobs would see your posts and think Q supporters are all racist is exactly why you post this BS.

Til_My_Last_BREATH ago

Q?? really??

MrDarkWater ago

yes, i do.

Trudeaus_Socks ago

Well then wtf are you doing here pretending to be one of us? This is explicitly not a racist movement.

Shizie ago

That "you're anracist" shit doesn't work here faggot!

MrDarkWater ago

You aren't in your containment board atm, fella

Don-Keyhote ago

Lmfao Trudeaus Pink Sock fucking Qtard boomers are gonna die of soon cuz Trump will give their pensions to niggers XD

Trudeaus_Socks ago

That is better. At least this shill doesn’t pretend to be one of us in an attempt to fool anyone who comes here that we are all racists.

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

I dare you to read the Naturalization Act of 1790, you fucking faggot. Go on, I dare you to, retard. Finished? Now, are you going to sit here and call the founding fathers "wayciss" too, you spineless worm?

You sound 100% like a fucking antifa faggot when you go around calling people "wayciss". In fact, all you're doing when you use that COMMUNIST word is validating and perpetuating the left's narrative. Is that what you want to do, retard?

Thomas Jefferson even stated that blacks and whites cannot live under the same government. Is he a "wayciss" too, you braindead moron? Stop playing by the enemies rules, you neutered coward. "OMG PLS ENEMIES, I PROMISE I'M NOT WAYCISS! PLS LIKE ME, ENEMIES! SEE, I'M SUCKING BASED BLACK COCK! I PROMISE I'M NOT WAYCISS, ENEMIES! SEE?" Its sad how easy it is for our enemies to control weak little cowards like you, with a FUCKING WORD no less. You're so afraid of being called a name ("wayciss") that you fold and act like a woman at the very utterance of it.

You're so fucking pathetic it makes me want to vomit in your face. /rant

ARsandOutdoors ago

Why does the rest of the world have to dig Africa’s water wells for them? Have you looked at all into race and intelligence. Aswell as human accomplishment by ethnicity. We don’t need niggers or Asians. They need us more.

Shizie ago

If it wasn't for white people, most of the overwhelmingly brown world population wouldn't have survived!

antiliberalsociety ago

Q predicted this


BarbaricHamSammy ago

aww..aren't you precious...thanks for playing though.

MadoffShillter ago

Q predicts everything and you faggots ignore the stuff that never happens.

Steelerfish ago

And interestingly enough, when there is a flurry of Q posts regarding something happening, the shills come out in full force. If the deep state didn’t exist, why would we be such a threat that resources are spent on DDoS attacks and paid disinformation/subversion. They aren’t subverting the national PokeMon fan club. We knew the Epstein stuff years ago. We know about Fusion GPS, and the foreign governments such as The UK and Australia colluding with the deep state against. canadate Trump, we know about the surveillance of Ted Cruz’s campaign. We know about Uranium One, about NXIVM.......

MadoffShillter ago

why would we be such a threat that resources are spent on DDoS attacks and paid disinformation/subversion.

The point was they haven't ddosd any q shit. Epstein, yes.

Camulos ago

Exactly, Q is to keep the countless dumbfounded dipshits preoccupied and not thinking about anything that actually fuckin' matters so why the hell would they DDoS Q garbage.

weezkitty ago

There is some deep and dirty shit connected with Epstein

40KFTAGLView ago


HorseIsDead ago

Yeah and it's sitting in the oval office tweeting angrily while inhaling hamberders

Inaminit ago

He has served his purpose. Nothing like leverage to have people do what you ask... The only thing now is to see who starts getting whacked.

sherrybean ago

Look up 8200 and nso group

Xax ago

Yes. Israel.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Well he's a Juden on a first name basis with the Clintons, that raped and molested children.

So yeah...

HorseIsDead ago

Trump rapes children

WickedVocalist ago

And I guess you arrest their parents and drive them to DC

TransAthelete69 ago

Yeah no shit, everyone pointing shit out like this is being targeted for political reasons. Democrats are in full panic mode, who would have thought that the degenerate bastards who run it were all degenerates. Guess (((they))) don't want people to know. Shalom.

ArcAngel ago

epstien is mossad. think not just 5eyes, but the UAE, china, n.korea.... its world wide. top leaders & pop-stars...

40KFTAGLView ago

Water board Ghislane Maxwell - we demand the truth. And the Whole Story!

thatguyiam ago

It look like whole world uniting to destroy whitey and the religion it thinks belongs only to the whites, christianity

ArcAngel ago

christanity is the 3rd side of the abrahamic coin

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

I think he's being protected by Hillary and the Deep State. I don't believe he's intel at all. It's a protection/blackmail racket. They get dirt on everyone important, which extends their reach and power. Powerful people then tell everyone else to back off, because they are CIA, but they are not. They just hold blackmail privileges over powerful people.

If parts of the NSA and FVEY are on their side, yikes.

WickedVocalist ago

"Its a protection/blackmail racket".



Its standalone proof that I was never scoffing when I used those words to describe them back when I first called it out.

sunajAeon ago

ACT OF WAR against the USA by Israel

kestrel9 ago

yes ^^^

trseeker ago

The question I have is: where does the shit stop and Epstein begin?

Trick question, Epstein is shit.

Anarchy99 ago

Trust me there are hundreds more of Epstein's. Israel wants to bring down America it's working.

cantaloupe6 ago

More islands

White_pride_cis ago

Well... most kikes are.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

most ALL kikes are

White_pride_cis ago

Good catch

OrsonKaarte ago

It’s that crazy trans thingy looking for volunteer to wax its balls!

argosciv ago

In order for this:


to work, you must escape the backslash.



Noob. <3

dan_east ago


sakuramboo ago

This is our version of "newfag can't triforce."

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Maybe he's just leaning back on that side. It's a matter of perspective.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks for the TIL, That's my favorite.

argosciv ago

No worries :)

it's also how you can mimic the chans:

>>link to thing


>quote\"be me" style


Also how you can do a 'signoff' without it becoming a bullet list:



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Maybe sometime in the future I'll understand the words between, 'No worries...' and ...'-YourName'.


Now you know why it's my favorite. :)

gentlemanadventurer ago


PuttItOut ago

Aww, he is "special"

argosciv ago

escape the backslash

This means adding a second backslash; the first tells the markdown parser that the next character should be treated as raw text.

The backslash character is for escaping markdown, so, in order to actually show a backslash, it must be escaped using a preceding backslash.

\\ becomes \

PuttItOut ago

How do you escape the underscores? (I should know this)

Fambida ago

Welcome to the nightmare of regular expressions.

argosciv ago

You need to do that?

In any case it would still be a backslash.

Unescaped: test


Escaped: __test__


PuttItOut ago

¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ = ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

argosciv ago

Ah right, I get ya. Didn't notice it was meant to have underscores because they didn't show :P

CRKT_M16Z ago


Vindicator ago

This comment is fucking hilarious

PuttItOut ago

Sorry, kind of busy over here.

Plant_Boy ago

Ooh, we're going to have our bits fondled?

crazy_eyes ago

felt right at home

Ltlgeneral64 ago

I HATED IT...... at first..... 😎

argosciv ago

/presents his bits for inspection

Germ22 ago

So that is what is going on.
I miss getting my bits checked. they have not been checked for a while. i'm told to check my privilege often enough.

Germ22 ago

@puttitout your archive link is not working

argosciv ago

It should be redirecting to <- works.

Germ22 ago

doesn't work for me. maybe my internet is broken.

argosciv ago

Does any other link work?

Germ22 ago

Usually yes.

argosciv ago

Heh, try a browser restart.

If that doesn't work, try disabling then reenabling your network connection.

If that doesn't work, try restarting your device and/or modem.

If still no dice, /shrug, wait it out I guess. In any case, the archive link is just the linked v/pizzagate submission, so you're not missing out on anything.

Mumbleberry ago

Firefox hates arch lately, had to use opera to look at that link.

argosciv ago

Heh... install the "https anywhere" plugin for firefox, might help

Mumbleberry ago

Thanks for the tip, will give it a try.

BrennKommando ago

If they don't like it, why not give it a global sticky for them to rage about?

SithEmpire ago

Over the target!


Oyvey target

ObamasPinkSock ago

Oy vey!

TheBudhha ago

Right on.

Mumbleberry ago

This rustles my bits.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

'member when we just got our bits checked and not our privilege?

19924074? ago

I feel violated.