Could someone explain what is happening with Voat? (theawakening)
submitted 5.6 years ago by Radar01
Is anyone else experiencing Voat going up and down in the last few minutes? (online and off)
Also, what is happening to create all these coordinated attacks from shills? Did I miss something important?
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clamhurt_legbeard 5.6 years ago
Try reading the god damn sticky the owner put up.
Radar01 5.6 years ago
You don't have to be so grumpy to us newfags. thanks clam.
Lagmonster 5.6 years ago
Get off my LAWN!
Six_Cents 5.6 years ago
Voat immune system. Stop whining.
You ARE a big grouch!
That's why bitches love the clam.
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clamhurt_legbeard ago
Try reading the god damn sticky the owner put up.
Radar01 ago
You don't have to be so grumpy to us newfags. thanks clam.
Lagmonster ago
Get off my LAWN!
Six_Cents ago
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Voat immune system. Stop whining.
Radar01 ago
You ARE a big grouch!
clamhurt_legbeard ago
That's why bitches love the clam.