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Lost_Body ago

I User to think, People hear were being serious. But I got very disappointed with this community. It only took me 2 minutes to find out, this is not Miley, proof was within the comments! The person was clearly identified. Even though this post is up for two days, no one doubted this yet? WTF, you must be the worst researches ever!?

Secondly this community seems to have more of an political interest, than a moral. All the people defending trump who obviously doesn’t give a shit about women’s honor is just laughable. You claim to be here in the name of moral, but in the same time do justify a scumbag like trump? I say they’re all deeply having their hands covered in shit. But defying trump over all this just makes you completely blind to the subject. And unreliable.

I am very disappointed with this site! The tweet is probably deleted cause it was fake news. Even though the part with the trip to the island seems to be true.

But remember if only half of your story ist right, it’s worth shit. So be aware of what you claim and get the facts right before shouting out loud any shit you find.


TheMystic ago

Hey, how about Voat was down most of the day yesterday? I couldn't access it every time I tried, so kind of hard to call out the disinfo on the post when you can't get the site to load.

Why was is it down? It was being DDOS attacked because of a post that was here on pizzagate done by a great researcher that someone didn't want seen.

And why the long Trump Derangement Syndrome meltdown... What does that have do with this post?


As you stated you aren't from the United States, so you don't know what exactly is going on here. There has been more progress here in the last couple of years then I have seen in decades.


I would love to know who the leader of your country is? How is he/she doing? You happy with them? If not I hope you are also spending your time calling them out on their morals as you are doing with mine? Pizzagate is a worldwide problem you know....

Lost_Body ago

Im from Germany and I call out Angela Merkelout for her Morals, too ;)

I posted this before the site was down. Well I wish I would’ve saved the prof this ain’t miley while I was able to :/