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This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @TheMystic.

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Vindicator ago

Per abc's comment, below, I am flairing this "Debunked" @nottfadeaway. We all need to be vigilant about the spreading of disinfo. I will be watching this Tiff_FitzHenry Twitter account more closely from now, on.

argosciv ago

We all need to be vigilant about the spreading of disinfo. I will be watching this Tiff_FitzHenry Twitter account more closely from now, on.

That said, the Robert Maxwell & Mother Teresa association checks out, and T_FH has deleted her incorrect tweet. May be a genuine whoops on her part. Noted regardless.

Vindicator ago

Did she delete? That's good. Thanks for adding that tidbit here.

I suspect they are going to open the disinfo floodgates (if they haven't already) to try to get folks to believe everything is fake news. Our crowdsourced collaborative fact checking is more important than ever!

YogSoggoth ago

I just clicked the link above and it said sorry link does not exist. Derrams went through below.

Oh_Well_ian ago

'for fame'

Not necessarily.

Many of these parents are members of a cult.

They are breeders and willingly offer up their own children because they believe it is their duty.


The fame and riches confirms the rewards/punishment system they worship since childhood.

crownedfive ago

that's not miley, but to make a weird turn, didn't y'all hear the "conspiracy theory" that the "real" miley died abandoned in the mojave desert a long time ago, around the tie of her death hoax? idk, pretty weird.

crownedfive ago

though it's not much billy ray cyrus is quoted as saying something about disney being the devil, when being asked about his daughter and his experience with hannah montana

kazza64 ago

they've deleted the tweet

Fateswebb ago

Tweet deleted? Sorry that page doesn't exist.

remixedcat ago

shit the tweet is deleted

abcdefg222 ago

This should be marked disinfo. This photo is NOT Miley.

There are plenty of real facts out there to focus on. STAY VIGILANT.

Baichu ago

Thank you. It does not look like cyrus at all.

Vindicator ago

Abc, if you have evidence confirming this, please post it -- maybe a side-by-side of Miley at the same party so we can compare? If you are correct, I will put a Disinfo or Debunked flair on this. Thanks.

abcdefg222 ago

Here is a picture of this woman, Kim Burns with actor Josh Lucas at a Ghislaine Maxwell event.

abcdefg222 ago

@vindicator Sorry for the delayed response. I don’t get on here much anymore but per my comment above the girl in the photograph with Epstein was Kim Burns who can be seen at Ghislaines house at a party with actor Josh Lucas.

Vindicator ago

Thanks, abc. I've flaired the post, now. :-)

think- ago

You can always check pics with doing a reverse image search, choosing 'use all search engines'.

This way, I found an interesting photo that was taken at the party, showing Epstein and the girl in front of a wallpaper of the 'Naked Heart' foundation - @swordfish69 might remember that we discussed this foundation on his Matthew Freud thread.

Many of our usual suspects donate to this charity. Might be worthwhile to do some more digging.

@letsdothis3 @darkknight111 @gamepwn

Lost_Body ago

Proof was within the comments of the Tweet. She was identified as a model he worked with. There were more pictures of her and a name. It’s 100% disinfo.

Vindicator ago

Thanks, LB. I've flaired the submission "Debunked"

Lost_Body ago

I User to think, People hear were being serious. But I got very disappointed with this community. It only took me 2 minutes to find out, this is not Miley, proof was within the comments! The person was clearly identified. Even though this post is up for two days, no one doubted this yet? WTF, you must be the worst researches ever!?

Secondly this community seems to have more of an political interest, than a moral. All the people defending trump who obviously doesn’t give a shit about women’s honor is just laughable. You claim to be here in the name of moral, but in the same time do justify a scumbag like trump? I say they’re all deeply having their hands covered in shit. But defying trump over all this just makes you completely blind to the subject. And unreliable.

I am very disappointed with this site! The tweet is probably deleted cause it was fake news. Even though the part with the trip to the island seems to be true.

But remember if only half of your story ist right, it’s worth shit. So be aware of what you claim and get the facts right before shouting out loud any shit you find.


TheMystic ago

Hey, how about Voat was down most of the day yesterday? I couldn't access it every time I tried, so kind of hard to call out the disinfo on the post when you can't get the site to load.

Why was is it down? It was being DDOS attacked because of a post that was here on pizzagate done by a great researcher that someone didn't want seen.

And why the long Trump Derangement Syndrome meltdown... What does that have do with this post?


As you stated you aren't from the United States, so you don't know what exactly is going on here. There has been more progress here in the last couple of years then I have seen in decades.


I would love to know who the leader of your country is? How is he/she doing? You happy with them? If not I hope you are also spending your time calling them out on their morals as you are doing with mine? Pizzagate is a worldwide problem you know....

Lost_Body ago

Im from Germany and I call out Angela Merkelout for her Morals, too ;)

I posted this before the site was down. Well I wish I would’ve saved the prof this ain’t miley while I was able to :/

Lansing-Michigan ago

"You claim to be here in the name of moral, but in the same time do justify a scumbag like trump? " There are some here who notice all the arrests and convictions of pedophiles have happened in the Trump administration. If you have not noticed, don't stop researching. What exactly is a write operation?

Lost_Body ago

Hm.. I can’t find the “write operation” part? I edited the text right after posting it to correct writing mistakes, maybe you still see the old version?

Well, I don’t do research myself, I’m more of a silken reader for quiet a long time. I know about the arrest while Trump is president, but I have no comparison to how t was before Trump. But just because Trump there are those arrests under Trump, it doesn’t mean, he ain’t any player in all this. Neither I say he IS a player in it, but one thing is obvious as F***, he ain’t a saint, being alive to save all people or Even just treat them respectfully. He has many times prove himself to have more respect for his own lust, than for women. But this fight we can’t settle here I guess.

I’m more disappointed in this post being still hot topic, but people couldn’t find out this isn’t Miley. How can this be? I’m honestly too lazy myself to research, this just makes me think if even reading is a waste of time.

I didn’t post the identity of the girl here, cause I was sure, if find it out, by reading the comment section, you guys gonna find it out in seconds.

Nevetherless, thank you for your polite comment and forgive me if I sound harsh. I was just very Dias pointed and also English is not my mothertounge. Hope to somehow gain trust again. Have a good day!

bringlight ago

Satanic pos. Epstein the epitome of true evil.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

That doesn't look like Miley. There's a resemblance, but I don't think that's her.

I_Helppp_1 ago

It was her before she turnt out. That's why you don't recognize her.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I don't recognize her because there are facial differences. 😅 It's not her.

think- ago

Nope. It's an unknown girl Epstein brought to the party.

I_Helppp_1 ago

Damn! Doppelgänger.

NinaSparrow ago

Is her tweet down now? I cant seem to pull it up.

QCrumbCatcher ago

Page doesn't exist. You have another link?

Baichu ago

The satanic way of life is soooooooooooo appealing. "Do what thou wilt, is the whole of the law". Epstein needs to suffer big time for what he's done and you know, I actually think he will. Scum of the earth doesn't deserve to be alive.

Cicoisplenty ago

A lot of people are supporting Thelema without realizing it.

mithrednir ago

This picture needs to be spread everywhere:

kazza64 ago

twitter doesnt want it retweeted

crownedfive ago

yeah that ain't miley

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Madrigalian, my entire US midwest region is full of Disney love. Like many if not most people take a 10k personal loan to go down to FL with their kids for a week! It's beyond cultish.

remixedcat ago

I have some friends that claim to be MAGA but support disney, the most cucked and evil company. it's fuckery in a can

nottfadeaway ago

My grandparents lived two hours away so we'd visit them then go to disney. no loans. that's insane that people do that. very cultish.

Madrigalian ago

I truly do not understand why everyone seems to love Disney so much. Outside of the original Mousecateer, Annette Funicello, is the only Disney Child Star (Female) that I know of or remember who did not grow up to be a complete and utter mess. All the rest of them have turned into little tramps, sluts and whores. All of them acting like they survived constant sexual abuse from those whom they trusted.

There's a pattern here. One among many. (But that's for another day on Disney topics) I just don't understand how so many people can be so blind, or just refuse to see it.

Musical1inNM ago

Studies out there.. trauma and abuse cause major musculo skeletal health problems.. Funicello got MS later in life. Lots of trauma is said to come out later as Dis-eases of the cells in body. Prove it wrong if you are knowledgeable of this.

abcdefg222 ago

This photo is NOT Miley.

There are plenty of real facts out there to focus on. STAY VIGILANT.

Baichu ago

Why do people love Disney. It is called social programming and it started a long long time ago, with cartoons....Mickey Mouse. All the cute little cartoon characters were inundated upon the unassuming public for years and years and years. Bambi, Cinderella, etc. etc. etc. THAT is how so many people can be so blind. Programming. We have all been programmed since birth and now it is worse. Especially when you see babies with cell phones. It is time for people to turn off their cable, tv's, netflix....the whole shebang.

If people only knew (but they could never do it) that if you stop funding things like disney, they will go down so fast.

We live in a world with people who are truly truly dumb, ignorant and could care less that old walt disney was a pedo. Yes, he knew how to hook the kids.

nottfadeaway ago

I used to live near Orlando. Wish I could go and check some of the things out I've been's crazy...though I'm afraid I'd get killed with what I know honestly.

GritD2 ago

I can confirm first hand Rhonda was a mean bitch, who ended up working in HR and would mistreat employees with ridiculous demands and items , and was completely unreasonable. Chip on her shoulder, no one could stand her. Took ~10 years but they ended up canning her ass

derram ago :

Tiffany FitzHenry on Twitter: "Disney / Epstein / Weinstein, a thread:

WARNING, the world you've known has been a fiction.

Behold, Jeffrey Epstein, his hand resting very comfortably on Disney star Miley Cyrus' back side, during the weekend long celebration of her 16th birthday. Where? Disneyland, of course.…"

This has been an automated message.

NinaSparrow ago

OMGAHHH!! Hes such a POS Scumbag

NinaSparrow ago

Thank u for saving it because her tweet is gone. OMG HIS HAND IS ON HER ASS! WTF!?!?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

We've had this info for so long now, I'm surprised people are acting this way. Must be the hysterical Q-tards causing all the info to be scrubbed so quickly. They have no discretion.