1Paydaddy ago

Will the Queen sacrifice him to stop the Declass?

letsdothis3 ago

Y'all know that POTUS and Q are highlighting Hampstead at the moment, right? Santa Fe Relocations is an international moving company that is run by the trustees of the school involved with the Hampstead case. (We have many posts about that)


Santa Fe Relocation works with the British Chamber of Commerce...And who works with the British Chamber of Commerce? Prince Andrew..ahem..

Is that why.... Prince Andrew touted as Donald Trump's golf escort on UK trip, a dodgy property deal, Sir Alan Reid and an Honours system under scrutiny after sex abuser kept title for years

Trump must have had some very interesting conversations with Randy Andy over those three days.

think- ago

Y'all know that POTUS and Q are highlighting Hampstead at the moment, right?

I beg to differ, as you know. POTUS isn't highlighting Hampstead, he only replied to a tweet by an account that uses a pic of the Hampstead kids as his account thumbnail pic.

The tweet exchange was in a totally different context, and on a totally different subject.


Sorry for being such a stickler, @letsdothis3. :-P

letsdothis3 ago

No worries about being a stickler. I'm one too .

Then you can read that statement as Q is highlighting Hampstead :-)

think- ago

Then you can read that statement as 'Q is highlighting Hampstead'. :-)

Will do. ;-)

siegnagel ago

He used to be nicknamed in the Press over here 'Randy Andy', shortly after his relationship with Koo Stark if irc.

think- ago


DerivaUK ago

Thanks again @Think.

think- ago

Kindly welcome, Deriva.

Kahlypso79 ago

Hello @think- Prince Andrew (DUKE OF YORK) to Jeremy Epstein :

2011 - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1364010/Did-Prince-Andrew-ask-billionaire-paedophile-Jeffrey-Epstein-fix-Fergies-debts.html "Billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein paid off the Duchess of York’s debts within days of Prince Andrew flying out to visit him in New York. "The two men were pictured strolling through Central Park together during a four-day break at the start of December, after the Duke of York abandoned plans to stay at the exclusive Carlyle Hotel in favour of Epstein’s Manhattan mansion."

2011 - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358954/Prince-Andrews-choice-friends-called-question-AGAIN-day-stay-sex-offender.html "The financier has stayed for a weekend party at Sandringham, the Queen’s Norfolk home, and was a guest at the Queen’s birthday party in 2000 in Windsor. In 2001 he holidayed with the prince in Thailand, when Andrew was photographed surrounded by topless women on a yacht. '"

2011 - Peter Mandelson stays silent over his contact with Prince Andrew's disgraced financier friend https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1364001/Peter-Mandelson-silent-contact-Prince-Andrew-friend-Jeffrey-Epstein.html "The former Business Secretary did not respond to questions about why the convicted paedophile’s ‘little black book’ featured ten entries for him and his partner Reinaldo da Silva. The online contacts book had 16 numbers for Prince Andrew and home numbers for politicians including Lord Heseltine and former Northern Ireland Secretary Shaun Woodward." The inclusion of Lord Mandelson and an office address for Tony Blair has raised questions about the extent of his relationship with the Labour government." "The two men have a close mutual friend, the Kazakh socialite and businesswoman Goga Ashkenazi, and both attended her 30th birthday party in February last year."

Need to look closer at Goga..

The Prince is close friends with British-based Kazakh socialite Goga Ashkenazi." (She is close friends with Prince Andrew, Duke of York, as well as banker Nat Rothschild, real estate developer Nick Candy, Duran Duran band member Nick Rhodes and Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill

Also you'd want to look into Andrews business with Gaddafi and why Tony Blair was talking to Menendez (who likes young prostitutes) . . . https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/21252, but it goes away from 'pure Pizzagate'..

think- ago

Great summary and links, thank you. :-)

Kahlypso79 ago

You're welcome - remember.. Mandelson !!! (who ended up falling out with NAt King Cole.. sorry Nathanial Rothschild around the same time Epstein/Andrew's bromo child raping spree came out in the news)

1978 Peter Righton and PIE Manifesto author Micky Burbidge team up. 1980 Edward Heath chairs his Youth Affairs Lobby (YAL) and meets with Burbridge and Righton (1980ish..) Burbidge meets directly with Clement Freud MP (Liberals), Charles Irving MP (Con) attending with 4 Labour MPs and Mandelson, as head of the British Youth Council, get to partake in some gay teenagers.

think- ago

Yes, Mandelson....somehow he has always managed to stay under the radar, although he has been Epstein's friend.

Just found an old guest list of a dinner party Epstein hosted at his NY mansion, which Mandelson and Trump attended.


There is a reason his nickname is 'Prince of Darkness'... :-/

Kahlypso79 ago

dont forget - Dr Brongersma,

Truthseeker3000 ago

And to think this sick deranged prince had two daughters around the same age as the underage girl he was raping. No wonder princesses Beatrice and Eugenie are messed up, one more so than the other it seems.

Piscina ago

Are the daughters messed up? They seem okay from what I've seen.

Baichu ago

He's no prince but rather a sodomite and pedophile.

think- ago

Well, his brother Charles was friends with Britain's most notorious pedophile, Jimmy Savile. Go figure.

Kahlypso79 ago

Jimmy Savile used to dine with Margaret Thatcher every Xmas. He was part of the procurement ring for N°10..as left in place by Heath.


Their statement said: “Witness 125 said Savile was taking part in 'Liberation Walk' on the island in 1976. He then came back to Haut de la Garenne to have his photo taken with a group of children, including 125. 125 said Savile sexually assaulted him beforehand.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=csFXLzLczVQ :

Prince Andrew’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein in 60 seconds - YouTube

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