SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago


the many pedophile cases connected to Her Majesty's Crown


See Jim Hutchinson for lots of info on the royals.They are 10/10 on your scale.Worse than scum.From depleted uranium to SRA.Best wishes Roy Belfast N I

LeeDoverwood ago

I have to wonder how much Avicii knew before he died:

MolochHunter ago

wew. dark video.

LeeDoverwood ago

It is. I sent it to my aunt one night after I downed a few beers and was having flashbacks about my pervy uncle. She is still pissed. She knows what I am thinking. Anyways, Trump has been burning down pedophiles by the thousands so I'm good now! Let's lighten the mood with a 2016 flashback:

madhatter67 ago

Superb work ....and great information from other contributors.....I'll be busy archiving this stuff

I'm on the side of the Buckingham palace video being fake.....if you find images of the palace showing the wing it happens is completely different in real life

On the political side of things I'm not sure I've spotted any mentions of elm house or dolphin square.... Two important rabbitholes

Going back further there is also Lord Boothby/Ronnie kray and all the connections around them.....such as the story of cliff kitty Richard being dumped in the middle of nowhere in drag by them....and the less fortunate victim of the "suitcase murder"

Weird to see Cavendish Hotel mentioned as a royal mid 80s I had a summer job working for their dry that point there were lots of Arabs in residence there...they would take over entire'd have to check their suit pockets before cleaning them....often you'd find wallets in them that you'd have to give back....but I did once find a "menu" in one that was clearly not a standard takeaway....and strongly suggested underage girls were available

MolochHunter ago

Sounds like you have some links to contribute :)#)

madhatter67 ago

I'll see what I can dig out!

Silverlining ago

And in 2015 there was quite the tourist video of a naked man or boy climbing out a Buckingham Palace windowYouTube, as if escaping his captors.

FAKE - the side of the palace in the video was photoshopped in very cleverly - it is from some other stately home [don't know which] but I looked into it closely at the time. It looks very realistic...

MolochHunter ago

yer i included that. im not 100% sure its fake but I used google street view

the wall section is definitely of buckingham palace but maybe of a separate section - there appears to be additional columns (horizontal) between the top window and the roofline when you look between the Streetview version and the video version

DerivaUK ago

There are also those who claim knowledge that Prince Phillip was present on Heath’s boat ‘Morning Cloud’ (of which there were three) when young boys were removed from Haut de la Garenne children’s home in Jersey to be taken aboard and buggered - with some never returning to shore. Bill Maloney includes this in his films of the subject

MolochHunter ago

savile was on that boat, too, yer?

DerivaUK ago

Yes. Saville was the procurer for many

flyingcuttlefish ago

this post goes way, way back into the House of Windsor - House of Windsor and the New World Order

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/UnitedKingdom submission by @bunnysupreme.

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Lansing-Michigan ago

" Another such scandal involving abducting native children is said to have occurred in a 60's trip to Canada, but the testimony is given to an NGO calling itself an 'International Tribunal' - but with no acknowledged power or jurisdiction"......Rev. Kevin Annette has a world wide following and his tribunals are a way to bring attn. to western elite pedophilia. When he went to GB, he took a Native man who had been at the boarding school , when 10 children went into the woods with queen and prince phillip, and never came back. The Native man got suddenly sick, went to the hospital and died very quickly..... In good health prior to going more research before casting aspersions.

MolochHunter ago

thanks for that, very interesting. If you have a source ill edit it in, that's what these collaborative posts are about. But my point remains , though - however highly you may regard Annette and his work, his 'Tribunal' is misleadingly named because it has no legal standing or powers

think- ago

Annett is a POS and a fraud.

Podge512 ago

I recalled watching this short documentary about Princess Diana speculating that the real reason for her murder was her knowledge of the child sexual abuse going on inside Buckingham Palace.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Lots on missing children in Mohawk lands of western Canada - relates to the Queen -

more when you look up sme key words online.

think- ago

On a side note (not necessarily for the thread):

Queen Elisabeth (at the time princess) got initiated into a Welsh Druid order in a public ceremony in 1946:

Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) in a robe of green is led by an acolyte to Archdruid Crwys Williams, who will initiate her into the Mystic Circle of Bards at the national Eisteddfod, or festival, at Mountain Ash, Glamorgan, Wales, August 6, 1946. Men and women who have made a significant and lasting contribution to Welsh culture are sometimes initiated or ceremonially welcomed into Druidical mysteries.

see photos in link:

Bern666 ago

Remember Kate Spade😂......her real name? You are right on target on (THEY) top tier of it all.....

MolochHunter ago

is there any pedo / sacrifice stories in modern Druid/Bard circles? i havent come across any

think- ago

Pagans: yes. The Bard druids: Haven't heard about it, but will look into it.

RedPillEh ago

Order of Canada recipient Peter Dalglish accused of abusing children he pledged to help

Few searches will show you this guy was probably raping and kidnapping kids all over the world working for Canadian government and the UN

from article: "His citation from the Governor-General’s office for the Order of Canada in 2016 says he “has devoted his life to helping children escape poverty.”

Governor General awarded Pedo Dalglish with Order of Canada

Wikipedia: Governor General of Canada is the federal viceregal representative of the Canadian monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II.

MolochHunter ago


if i hadnt hit the caps limit i might have edited that one in, Governor Generals are sort of 'silent prime ministers' - they can even sack the prime minister

think- ago

Prince Philip's former royal aide accused of three sex attacks on girl aged 12

A trusted former aide to Prince Philip and Princess Anne will face court next week accused of sexually assaulting a girl of 12 while he was working for the Royal Family in the early 70s.

Ex-Marine Benjamin Herman, 79, has been charged with three counts of indecent assault and one of attempted indecent assault on the child when he was Philip’s equerry – or personal attendant – at Buckingham Palace.

The Lieutenant-Colonel later went on to become Princess Anne’s private secretary, before returning to the military.

Detectives at Scotland Yard are believed to have examined the prince’s official diaries covering the two-year period from January 1972 to January 1974, when the attacks are alleged to have taken place.

They have also taken statements from former palace staff but it is not known if officers have quizzed Philip or any other members of the Royal Family about the claims.

The alleged victim, who is now in her 50s, came forward in the wake of the Jimmy Savile child abuse scandal.

Herman is due to appear before Wimbledon magistrates in South London on Monday.

Tonight he said he intended to fight the allegations. When asked to comment he looked shocked and added: “I don’t talk to the press.”

But when asked whether he planned to deny the charges, he replied sharply “of course” before climbing into his car.

Earlier in the day Herman – a grandfather – left his £600,000 home in Hook, Hampshire, wearing smart chinos, desert boots and a blue and white checked shirt before heading to the town’s train station nearby.

He had been on bail since he was arrested 18 months ago after voluntarily attending a police station.

Today a Crown Prosecution Service spokesman confirmed he faced three counts of indecent assault on a girl and one of attempted indecent assault.

Herman was Philip’s equerry from 1971 to 1974, during which time he shadowed the royal at the Palace and on public and private engagements.

He became head of ­Princess Anne’s household when she married in 1974, with reports at the time claiming she had picked him to be her private secretary herself from her father’s staff. He returned to the Marines two years later.

During his career he served with 40 Commando, Royal Marines, and was made Military Assistant and Aide-de-Camp to the Commandant General Royal Marines.

At the time of the alleged offences Herman lived at Windsor, Berkshire, but also had a base at Wellington Barracks, near the Palace.

think- ago

@MolochHunter, would you maybe consider including the above info into your OP as well? I feel it is as important as the story about the Queen's pedo butler, especially since there have always been rumours that Prince Philip might also be a pedo. Thank you.

On a side note, it would be 'Rolf Harris', instead of 'Rolfe Harris' in the OP. Thanks.

MolochHunter ago

yer i nearly included that one but im at the cap limit (jack the ripper has already gone)

it doesnt contain an allegation against Prince Phillip or others - just one aide, and its not clear whether the abuse took place onsite a royal property

think- ago

The question is why did Prince Ph. employ him in the first place? Isn't it an odd coincidence that he had a pedophile aide, and later the Queen had a pedophile butler?

Imo it doesn't matter where the abuse took place to make that important.

But I'll leave that up to you, of course. :-)

If you're at caps limits anyway, you might want to use the archives @shewhomustbeobeyed provided, and put those into the OP instead of the long original sources.

Or you might want to delete this paragraph, when you think you can't update the post anyway: ;-)

This is a COLLABORATIVE post - I invite you all to submit your independent knowledge and findings which I will edit into the main body of this thread (so apologies if comments below dont seem contiguous with the main body of the post’s text as I edit and re-edit)

think- ago

An old scandal from the 1970s - members of the Queen's guard were accused of usinng rent boys, and forcing young guards into prostitution:

MolochHunter ago

thanx , this is one worthy of adding to the main body

think- ago

About the trial of Queen's guard Simon Davies (NSFW):

A SOLDIER with the Household Cavalry arranged depraved sex parties for perverts at which children and animals were abused, a court heard yesterday.

Lance corporal Simon Davies was at the heart of a paedophile ring whose members indulged in group sex, bestiality and rape of girls as young as eight.

Davies, 37, admitted a string of sex charges, including repeated rape of a minor.

Retired sheep farmer Nicholas Cordery, 62, who owned a squalid bungalow where the abuse took place, and two others, Peter Malpas and Anthony Flack, 53, admitted similar charges.

Davies’s teaching assistant wife, Fiona Parsons-Davies, 44, admitted a charge of child cruelty relating to the abuse.

Police infiltrated the gang and raided the isolated farm building in Murcott, near Malmesbury, Wilts. There they found sex toys, 32,000 indecent pictures, a battered-looking teddy bear and a pair of child-size knickers.

Christopher Donnellan QC, prosecuting, told Reading Crown Court: “This case is about the sexual abuse of children by a number of people who met on the internet. They also arranged to meet up in person to take part in acts of rape and other sexual offences.”

The RSPCA seized Cordery’s seven dogs, some of which were at sex parties.

Details emerged as the trial began yesterday of child-minder Joanna Gale, 35, and rail consultant John Connolly, 41, also alleged to have been part of the gang.

They were said to have conspired to rape a girl. They deny all charges.

think- ago

We should take a closer look at the Queen's guards at Windsor castle.

Daily Mail, 3 September 2011

Police arrest another of the Queen's guards in Windsor Castle paedophile ring probe

Police investigating an alleged paedophile ring at Windsor Castle have arrested a second soldier from the Queen's elite Household Cavalry.

Detectives raided the home of Lance Corporal Mark Neal, 28, on the Broom Farm Estate, Windsor, yards from the home of child rape suspect Lance Corporal of Horse Simon Davies.

Neal, who has guarded the Queen and was decorated for his service in Afghanistan, was away on exercise 90 miles away at a tank training range in Bovington, Dorset.

Detectives have questioned him on suspicion of conspiracy to sexually assault a child and possessing indecent images, the Sun reported.

Neal's arrest comes just a week after his colleague Davies, 37, who lives just 100 yards away on the same estate, appeared in court charged with raping a pre-teen girl.

Davies's 44-year-old wife, Fiona [a teacher!], appeared alongside her husband accused of aiding and abetting rape.

The cavalrymen were arrested after police found footage of Davies allegedly raping a young girl during a raid on a London home.

The cavalrymen were arrested after police found footage of Davies allegedly raping a young girl during a raid on a London home.

Police swooped on the house as part of an investigation into a child porn ring. It is believed the footage was being circulated online by paedophiles.

Davies was allegedly identified from the video clip by specialist officers who traced the file through various internet service providers.

Police swooped on the house as part of an investigation into a child porn ring. It is believed the footage was being circulated online by paedophiles.


There are reports about the Davies trial, but I wasn't able to find any news report about a possible trial of Mark Neal. So maybe he wasn't charged? Will keep digging to find more info.

Vindicator ago

So, zooming out to 40,000 feet, if the blackmail theory of pizzagate is correct, those at the very top of the power structure would not necessarily be pedophiles themselves. I think we could expect them NOT to be. It's those they want to control whom they lure into heinous debauchery. Hence the Queen's butler, Kidd, Bishop Bell, and royal confidante Savile.

The question I have is how does pedo leverage play into the massive geopolitical power shift that occurred between WWI and the end of WWII?

Conventional history tells us the time of global peace, prosperity and free trade of the "Pax Britannica" and "Belle Epoque" under the imperial monarchies of Britain and Europe was destroyed by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, which tripped an inevitable chain reaction of interlocking treaties that set the entire world at war, a war like nothing seen before, involving mass conscription, mass casualties, chemical weapons and the first modern land, sea and airborne war machines. Before the war, imperial monarchy and industrial capitalism were the norm. By the end their dominance was broken and socialism on the rise everywhere.

The years between world wars saw the birth and rise of mass media (radio, Hollywood, then television) and celebrities, mass medicine (vaccines, epidemics), and mass consumption (cars, appliances, safety razors).

It also coincided with the shift from imperial control of geopolitics to monetary hegemony -- control of world affairs via the Petrodollar.

A number of things QAnon has said imply that Armistice Day was somewhat of a fake and the two world wars were false flag operations designed to concentrate power among those behind what became the Bretton Woods System and then pure fiat currency and the enslavement of rampant debt.

We need some redpilled historians who understand money!

Has there always been a Satanic pedovore cabal controlling governments? Or did this arise after the feudal system and religion lost their grip on the populace? Was pizzagate blackmail only necessary (and effective) once technology gave us mass media and effective personal armaments?

And where did creation of the United States fall in all of this? The blackpillers would have us believe that this, too, was a false flag orchestrated by "Jesuits" and "Freemasons" -- which fails to account for the fact that the Bill of Rights was successfully added to our founding documents and we are here having this conversation at all.

@think- @Blacksmith21 @Crensch @kevdude

Sub-Urban-Monk ago

When one truly wakes up one does so at the expense of coming to see and understand that the world one has created around oneself is one big illusion. It is very painful to watch one's personal reality crumble into nothing, so much so that many only can face a little at a time. Only after letting go of one's sense of illusion does one truly taste Freedom. It is a time where one is weaned off of milk and starts to taste meat, as in hard facts. The truth is the truth and does not change due to whether one chooses to believe it or not :)

Vindicator ago

I prefer the use of logic when discerning between truth and illusion. What would the logical reason be for a bunch of control-freak Satanist Masons bent on human subjugation to found a government on the principles of Freedom of Speech, the Right to Bear Arms and other principles which even a retard could see would empower the common man to throw off the yoke of tyranny? Makes no sense.

NoBS ago

The Royalty have a simple rule. What ever evidence they don't eat is fed to the dogs. The adult whistle blowers might be lucky enough for the pigs but most just heat water for industrial boilers.

Lansing-Michigan ago

"So, zooming out to 40,000 feet, if the blackmail theory of pizzagate is correct, those at the very top of the power structure would not necessarily be pedophiles themselves. I think we could expect them NOT to be. It's those they want to control whom they lure into heinous debauchery. Hence the Queen's butler, Kidd, Bishop Bell, and royal confidante Savile." ..........the problem is systemic and those at the top are not innocent. Why would so many openly blatant pedophiles become knights etc.? Even from the Vatican? Pedophilia is satanic and these rulers are too. You are missing the entire point. It is not politically correct to write or talk about it......but think of a good reason for raping, torturing and killing babies?

letsdothis3 ago

The aristocracy is renowned for it's paedophilia and incest. (I have seen examples up close.) Don't kid yourself. I think it's one of the control devices to ensure that they only marry into their own kind, thereby ensuring that assets are kept within the club and not dispersed amongst the great unwashed. They really do have a different view on sexuality than you and me.

think- ago

So, zooming out to 40,000 feet, if the blackmail theory of pizzagate is correct, those at the very top of the power structure would not necessarily be pedophiles themselves.

I don't think so. The Rothschilds f.i. are clearly satanic, and this seems to have been a generational thing in the family.

Remember that I discovered that the Belgian king at the end of the 19th century was a pedo, and he certainly wasn't the first in his family.

If we allege that those at the top of the pyramid are Luciferians, they are certainly pedos, too.

Has there always been a Satanic pedovore cabal controlling governments? Or did this arise after the feudal system and religion lost their grip on the populace?

You will have to understand that many aristocrats dabbled with the occult and alchemy in former times.

There were kings that seem to have been pedos, others weren't. But a lots of aristocrats were into dark stuff, and were pedos, since they got away with everything.

The more power you have, and the more money you have, the more you can do sinister things, and get away with it.

MolochHunter ago

I'm not sure its accurate to characterise it as a 'clean apex, pedo underneath' structure. Bc the pedos will eventually find their way to the very top.

Think about this collection of evidence - prince andrew has the most damning dirt. What happened if Lizzy, Charles and his sons died in quick succession - he could well be king. & from that juncture on all under him would need to participate or be on the outer

think- ago

Well, Charles was a good buddy of Savile, and was on friendly terms with Archbishop Ball (to name only two known pedos), his father is also said to have this kind of interest - so we will certainly have a British king soon who is at least pedo friendly.


turitelle ago

Not to mention his close relationship with Mountbatten.

mintmachine ago

Many links - Royal Family, Paedophilia, Satanism & Murder

Kahlypso79 ago

This isnt only contained to the British Islands.. In order forr this to stop the Order of the Golden Fleece needs to come to justice..and that's where you're going to start hitting problems... None of them can be arrested. " "It received further privileges unusual to any order of knighthood: the sovereign undertook to consult the order before going to war; all disputes between the knights were to be settled by the order; at each chapter the deeds of each knight were held in review, and punishments and admonitions were dealt out to offenders, and to this the sovereign was expressly subject; the knights could claim as of right to be tried by their fellows on charges of rebellion, heresy and treason, and Charles V conferred on the order exclusive jurisdiction over all crimes committed by the knights; the arrest of the offender had to be by warrant signed by at least six knights, and during the process of charge and trial he remained not in prison but in the gentle custody of his fellow knights" "

Kahlypso79 ago ( sidenote :

Politicians :

Government Cover up : UK Government document confirms over 2,000 child sex abuse files destroyed : Tony Blair Caught Protecting Elite Paedophile Ring:

M I 6

P.I.E. :

How did the pro-paedophile group PIE exist openly for 10 years? -> -> leads to : - > ->

Kahlypso79 ago

Still compiling...

Queen Victoria ...Married to : Albert de Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha

Had lots of pervert children...

Edward VII had sex with Sarah Bernhardt in a silk-lined coffin which she kept in her bedroom. Edward VII slept with a young maid called Rosa Lewis. Rosa told Edward about several little servant girls who were available. Edward gave Rosa the money to set up a brothel. This brothel was the Cavendish Hotel in Jermyn Street, next to Fortnum and Mason's. Members of the British elite took their teenage sons to the Cavendish Hotel. Edward VII's eldest son was Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, known as Prince Eddy.
Implicated in..
"Lord Arthur Somerset, an equerry to the Prince of Wales, was a patron. Both he and the brothel keeper, Charles Hammond, managed to flee abroad before a prosecution could be brought. The male prostitutes, who also worked as telegraph messenger boys for the Post Office, were given light sentences and no clients were prosecuted.

(Lets not forget the Royal's love affair with Poppies...)

Morphine was first isolated from opium in 1805 by German pharmacist, Wilhelm Sertürner. In CHINA in 1839, the Emperor, Tao Kwang, ordered his minister Lin Tse-hsu to deal with the opium problem. Lin requested help from Queen Victoria, but was ignored. As a result, the Emperor confiscated 20,000 barrels of opium and detained some foreign traders, many of whom were British. The Chinese believed that because their ceramics and silk technologies were superior to their British counterparts that their naval ships would also be. They were wrong. The British retaliated to this interference with their drug trade by attacking the port-city of Canton. This was the beginning of what would become known as the 'First Opium War'. It was launched by the biggest, richest drug cartel that the world has ever known; the British Empire. When the Chinese were defeated, they had no choice but to sign the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. They were required to allow the trade of opium, to make large payments to the British, and even to open five new ports to the foreign drug trade. They were also forced to give Hong Kong to Britain In 1856, the Second Opium War began and ended, with the Chinese being defeated once more. By the end of the nineteenth century, an estimated quarter of the male population of China was addicted to the enhanced opium. In the United States, many of the early Americans cultivated their own opium. Thomas Jefferson cultivated opium at his garden in Monticello. Warren Delano worked for Russell & Company and was instrumental in importing Opium to instigate an Opium dependance on the Chinese population.
In 1851 he settled in Newburgh, N.Y. There he eventually gave his daughter Sara in marriage to a well-born neighbor, James Roosevelt, the father of Franklin Roosevelt. In 1874, an English pharmacist, C. R. Alder Wright had boiled morphine and acetic acid together, producing diacetylmorphine. Diacetylmorphine was synthesized and marketed commercially by the German pharmaceutical giant, Bayer. In 1898, Bayer launched the best-selling drug-brand of all time, Heroin.

2015 - "Former Blackwater gets rich as Afghan drug production hits record high"

Prince George, Duke of Kent, is said to have been addicted to drugs (notably morphine and cocaine).,_Duke_of_Saxe-Coburg_and_Gotha (full blown Nazi)

Royals and Satanic Mind Control....

The first work in Behavioral Science research was established in England in 1882, while much of the early medical and psychiatric techniques involved in mind control were pioneered at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany. The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up in London in 1921 and financed by the Royal family and the Rockefellers to study the breaking point of humans. Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932, about the same time Nazi Germany was increasing its research into neuropsychology, parapsychology and multi-generational occultism. When Hess came flying across to speak with the duke of Hamilton, crashing down 12 miles from Dungavel House, he should have been trying instead, to get to Hastings Russell, 12th Duke of Bedford. . . . . .One of his honorifics is : Marquess of TAVISTOCK. His father donated the building that would be used by the Tavistock Inst1tute to study the effects of shell shock on WW1 troops. Lord Tavistock... Nazi Sympathiser, hated by his own wife and also called Duke of Bedford - and their family name is RUSSELL.

Lucis Trust is a satanic publication house that has undue influence in the UN. Lucis Trust is run through an international board of trustees whose membership is said to have included: John D. Rockefeller; Norman Cousins; Robert S. McNamara; Thomas Watson, Jr. (IBM, former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow); Henry Clausen, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite and Henry Kissinger. Here is an archived page from the Windsor Bank, where they showed they're affiliation with LUCIS TRUST. Once it was remarked upon, Windsor Bank scrubbed Internet as hard as they could.... (oops.. Ar-chive motherfu**er!

Kahlypso79 ago

Edward VIII, who eventually abdicated the throne because of Wallis Simpson, met Hitler in October 1937. They gave him full Nazi salutes, and Hitler considered Edward “friendly towards Germany and thought that Anglo-German relations could have been improved through Edward if it were not for the abdication.”

Queen Mother..
Homosexual inclination seems to be required to be hired.. Sexual predators showing off their latest groomed acquisition to the Queen Mother... 2008 -

The Queen Elizabeth II.. William Combes said he witnessed "the abduction of ten fellow residential school children by the Queen of England and her husband in October, 1964 at the Catholic school in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada."

In October, 1964 when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited by the Queen of England and Prince Phillip. I remember it was strange because they came by themselves, no big fanfare or nothing. But I recognized them and the school principal told us it was the Queen and we all got given new clothes and good food for the first time in months the day before she arrived. "Queen Elizabeth II also celebrated the centennial of the Confederation Conferences in Charlottetown on 6 October 1964. On 10 October, as she was touring the streets of Quebec City, a turbulent riot occurred and opposed anti-monarchist Quebec nationalists with the police. Since then, the event has been known as Samedi de la matraque ("Truncheon Saturday")."

Oct 13 - 30 - Preparation for all Hallows Eve, Abduction and preparation of individual for sacrifice. Oct 28- 30 Sacrifice needed each day Nov 1 Satanist High, another blood sacrifice Nov 4 Satanic Revels 7 yr old + female required...

Philip - Bohemian Grove

Prince Philip's uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten "was particularly attracted to boys in their early teens; it was this characteristic which made him especially vulnerable to the IRA , because he needed to slip away from his personal bodyguards to keep dates with such boys, some of whom came in contact with IRA men. His vice habit was similar to that of the former British Secret Service Chief , 'Sir' Maurice Oldfield , who was appointed ' Ulster (sic) Security Co-Ordinator ' by Margaret Thatcher in the wake of the Mountbatten assassination . In 1973, Maurice Oldfield became Director-General of MI6. He held the post under Edward Heath, Harold Wilson and James Callaghan before retiring in 1978. In 1979 the new prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, asked Oldfield to coordinate security and intelligence in Northern Ireland. He left this post in 1980 after his positive vetting clearance was withdrawn. Apparently this was because he admitted that "from time to time engaged in homosexual activities."

Kahlypso79 ago

Stephan Ward and ¨Profumo"

Allegedly Stephen Ward was a member of 'The Thursday Club', later renamed the 'Monday Club' . Dr. Stephen Ward was reportedly the pimp for a ring of call-girls that operated out of Ward's cottage on the Clivedon estate of Lord Astor. Ward befriended Christeen Keeler. In 1963, Secretary of War John Profumo was compromised by his affair with Keeler. It seems that she had also been sleeping with a top Soviet KGB agent in London, Capt. Yevgeny Ivanov. "Steven ward was running a spy-ring investigating the whereabouts of 'the Hess files', thought to be kept in the home of one of the nobility (or even in the palace archives). Ward and prostitute Ronna Ricardo came upon a paedophile ring run by Anthony Blunt, and included ... a lot of top people incl polititians... Profumo survived because he had evidence and powerful friends, Ward was killed ... Peter Rachman was Mossad..." Ward attended private parties run by the likes of David, Marquis of Milford Haven and the cousin of Prince Phillip. These 'often developed into full-blown orgies lasting over an extended weekend, with participants as varied as the photographer Baron and American superstar, Bing Crosby.' Christine Keeler worked at Murray's cabaret club.There she befriended "Mandy" Rice-Davies. Both women 'become celebrated players in Ward's celebrity sexual circus centred on his Wimpole Mews flat, equipped with two-way mirrors, Lord Astor's country mansion of Cliveden or weekends at Spring Cottage, parties and other rather more dubious social events.' Dr Stephen Ward had an MI5 controller, Keith Wagstaffe (cover-name 'Woods').

Who gained from the Profumo Affair? Harold Wilson became Prime Minister.

Anatoli Golitsin, a spy who defected from the KGB, claimed that Hugh Gaitskell was murdered in 1963 so that Harold Wilson, a 'KGB agent', could become leader of the Labour Party.

Special Services and Perverts in control.

It is known that MI5 ran a brothel in Church Street in Kensington throughout much of the 1950's and early 1960's for the use of visiting dignitaries, diplomats and intelligence officers. While for those too important to visit such an establishment certain discreet gentlemen were called upon to provide young female or male company directly to the VIP hotel bedroom.

VIP peadophile ring in Buckingham Palace. "At Buckingham Palace, the 16-year-old boy was approached by Sir Peter Hayman, the deputy director of MI6, who was a pedophile. Hayman asked the boy to work for him in Canada, where he became ambassador. Hayman was a member of the top paedophile ring operating within the UK government." "The late Sir Peter Hayman, who rose to become a senior spy, and Lord Henniker, who died in 2004 and also had a background in intelligence, were two peas in a pod, although how far they shared interests remains unclear. What is known is that the Queen liked them both so much that she awarded each the CVO, an unusual honour in that it is granted by her personally Henniker provided a sanctuary on his country estate at Thornham Magna in Suffolk to Peter Righton, who supplied boys to paedophile VIPs at Dolphin Square and elsewhere. "Mrs Cairns found the vice-chairman of the school governors, Peter Righton, former Director of Education at the National Institute for Social Work, had for years openly advocated sex with boys in care. "Righton and I had sat together on the body which regulated social work training. I researched everything he had published and I felt sick. I was devastated by the betrayal of trust, and social work's naivety. "He got away with this, and influenced social workers to this day, because they feared seeming "homophobic" by challenging him." It prompted Mrs Cairns to begin confiding secretly with Scotland Yard. The impasse ended in 1991, when police discovered Rabet's Sussex children's centre was partly financed by convicted child pornographers and that he was part of a ring of wealthy, well-connected paedophiles.

Police also discovered that Righton was a founder member of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange, which campaigned for the age of consent to be reduced to four."

2015 -

Kahlypso79 ago

Anthony Blunt : - still compiling....

Andrew :

Prince Andrew (DUKE OF YORK) to Jeremy Epstein :

2011 - "Billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein paid off the Duchess of York’s debts within days of Prince Andrew flying out to visit him in New York. "The two men were pictured strolling through Central Park together during a four-day break at the start of December, after the Duke of York abandoned plans to stay at the exclusive Carlyle Hotel in favour of Epstein’s Manhattan mansion."

2011 - "The financier has stayed for a weekend party at Sandringham, the Queen’s Norfolk home, and was a guest at the Queen’s birthday party in 2000 in Windsor. In 2001 he holidayed with the prince in Thailand, when Andrew was photographed surrounded by topless women on a yacht. '"

2011 - Peter Mandelson stays silent over his contact with Prince Andrew's disgraced financier friend "The former Business Secretary did not respond to questions about why the convicted paedophile’s ‘little black book’ featured ten entries for him and his partner Reinaldo da Silva. The online contacts book had 16 numbers for Prince Andrew and home numbers for politicians including Lord Heseltine and former Northern Ireland Secretary Shaun Woodward." The inclusion of Lord Mandelson and an office address for Tony Blair has raised questions about the extent of his relationship with the Labour government." "The two men have a close mutual friend, the Kazakh socialite and businesswoman Goga Ashkenazi, and both attended her 30th birthday party in February last year." “We are concerned that Prince Andrew is used to sell arms, and where you sell arms it is likely to be to despotic regimes. He is the cheerleader in chief for the arms industry, shaking hands and paving the way for the salesmen.” A spokesman at UKTI told Channel 4 News in response: “Prince Andrew supports and represents all sectors of UKTI and promotes business across those sectors.” He added that there is no campaign for fighter jets in Indonesia, saying: “We are unaware that Indonesia wants or needs fighter jets. We have very strict export licences and anything like that would have to go through proper procedures.” "During his talks with Gaddafi, Prince Andrew is believed to have discussed the release of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi. Megrahi was released from prison in Scotland in 2009 amid reports that Britain had won a lucrative oil deal for BP from Gaddafi in return.

Gaddafi later said Andrew had pressed for Megrahi’s release.

Buckingham Palace went to extraordinary lengths this week to try to conceal the Libya trip by the Duke and Mr Rowland. Acting on a tip-off from a well-placed source that Andrew made several flights with Mr Rowland, most of which were organised and paid for by the businessman, The Mail on Sunday first approached Buckingham Palace on Friday. The Palace did not respond until noon yesterday. It said the Prince had made one official visit to Libya in 2007, but did not meet Gaddafi, and ‘Mr Rowland was not on this trip’. After several evasive replies, senior sources eventually admitted the Prince met Gaddafi in Libya in 2008 and privately on two other occasions. Challenged to confirm that Mr Rowland and the Duke flew to Libya together secretly when the Prince met Gaddafi,a spokeswoman effectively admitted that they did." "The Prince is close friends with British-based Kazakh socialite Goga Ashkenazi." (She is close friends with Prince Andrew, Duke of York, as well as banker Nat Rothschild, real estate developer Nick Candy, Duran Duran band member Nick Rhodes and Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill )

Lockerbie .....


Menendez just called Date: 2010-08-23 02:00 (Weird text about Menendez wanting to talk with Hillary followed by a bunch of Q type stuff..)


Interestingly enough.. Tony Blair wanting to talk with H, and Menendez at the same time... Interesting because..

Abdelbaset al-Megrahi dead: a timeline of the Lockerbie case Sunday 20 May 2012

1988 - December 21 - 270 die as Pan Am flight 103 explodes over the Scottish town of Lockerbie. 2001 - January 31 - Following a trial at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi is found guilty of mass murder and jailed for life 2003 - August 19 - Libya accepts the blame for the Lockerbie bombing and agrees to compensate the victims' families 2004 - March - Prime Minister Tony Blair offers Colonel Muammar Gaddafi “the hand of friendship” following talks with the Libyan leader in a tent outside Tripoli. 2007 - May - An exploration and production sharing agreement between oil giant BP and the Libyan government is signed. 2009 - August 14 - US secretary of state Hillary Clinton urges Mr MacAskill not to release Megrahi. 2009 - August 22 - Libyan television shows pictures of Col Gaddafi meeting Megrahi and praising Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the UK Government for their part in securing his freedom 2010 - July 15 - Mrs Clinton says she will look into claims by a group of senators that BP lobbied the Government to release Megrahi in order to smooth an oil deal with Libya 2010 - July 29 - Senator Robert Menendez says the committee will send members to the UK to question witnesses. 2010 - September 29 - The Senate Foreign Relations Committee hears that a review of US government records found no information about BP attempting to influence the release of the Lockerbie bomber. 2011 - July 26 - Megrahi appears in a televised pro-government rally in Libya and says his conviction was the result of a “conspiracy”. 2011 - October 10: Megrahi says “new facts” surrounding the tragedy would be announced in the coming months. 2011 - October 20: Deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is killed by rebels in Sirte.

For those following recent political news in America may remember seeing Menendez being a dick over North Korea when Donald Trump was being busy ending war in the area and finally getting their nuclear program de-railed... by blowing up a hydrogen bomb under a mountain.. but that's a different story. Senator Bob Menendez only ‘likes the youngest and newest girls’ says Dominican prostitute who 'attended alleged sex parties with him' Published: 18:25 BST, 31 January 2013

Kahlypso79 ago

Charles : - Human hunting - pedo parties in furry - Still compling

Who is Michael Fawcett and is he Prince Charles secret gaytime lover?? Who really cares.. As long its amoungst consenting ADULTS right?

13 February 2018 10 March 2018

Elm Guest House. 1990 Elm Guest House boy brothel owner Carol Kasir gives a list of top people to whistleblower. Apparently the idea to turn the guest house into a gay brothel came from a guest living there called Barry Haddon, with another man called Terry Dwyer. Haddon was a pimp and pornographer for young boys.

Soon after, Carole Kasir is found dead, age 47, in her flat. ** " Carole Kasir was held without charge for three days, and you don’t do that on a run-of-the-mill vice raid"

HARVEY PROCTOR MP - still compiling

1990 - In Rochdale, up to 20 children are taken from their homes and parents after social services believe them to be involved in satanic or occult ritual abuse.

Rochdale is the home of child abuser Sir Cyril Smith.

"Willie McRae was said to have discovered child abuse by cabinet ministers and other leading members of the establishment on both sides of the Border. Shortly before his death he was seen photocopying a dossier of names in case something should happen to him" "His death also came just months after the late Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens handed his own infamous paedophile dossier to then Home Secretary Leon Brittan – only for it to be lost or destroyed by Home Office officials.

Fionna Borders, whose late husband James was a barrister involved in a number of child abuse cases, said she was convinced that McRae was on the verge of “shaking the establishment” to the core when he lost his life."

In 1998 the first articles began to appear on what was a limited internet distribution regarding the paedophile ring around 10 Downing Street. On the 6th September 2010 an internet blogger posted an article naming Sir Jimmy Savile as the man who procured children for 10 Downing Street. Yesterday in the House of Commons the same allegation was aired for the first time publicly by Tom Watson MP.

BBC - Knatchbull..Ester Rantzen.. Jimmy Saville - Still compling.. oh my god...... Its Knatchbull by the way.. he's maried to Montbatten daughter..

MolochHunter ago

wow. motherlode

thx for that theres deffo sme things here i can edit into the main body

i shudder everytime i read even just a glimpse of those 'teddybear picnics' stories

cutelobster ago

Jimmy Savile on the Parkinson chat-show tells about smuggling a young girl in the boot of his car to see Prince Philip. The video is very telling. Savile seems to have been a supplier of young/underage victims to the British Royal Family and to other members of the Elite - he more or less admits it on national television.

letsdothis3 ago

Hey @MolochHunter isn't this timely? Prince Philip rushed to ask if mum and baby were safe after horror car crash -

Can't find any further information on who the women were. The Daily Mail earlier had a headline with the word BABY in capitals.

MolochHunter ago

i saw that

im sure he had a cheuffer, yer? cunt must be too old and blind to drive now

cutelobster ago

He was driving the car (or so it says in the British press.) His continuing to drive has supposedly been a source of concern to 'The Firm' (as the British Royal Family call themselves.)

letsdothis3 ago

Or maybe it wasn't an accident at all.

lamplight ago

Thank you for putting this together. I am no longer trustful of any "royalty" when seeing all of the evidence of pedophilia. How convenient to lose the files in the Westminster Dossier. I wonder where they are.

think- ago

According to a sworn deposition by Juan Alessi, a former employee at Epstein’s Palm Beach estate, Andrew attended naked pool parties and was treated to massages by a harem of adolescent girls.

At least three of the girls were questioned under oath about whether Andrew had had sexual contact with any of the masseuses. One of them, Sarah Kellen, refused to answer, citing her Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. Another, Adriana Ross, was asked, “Has Prince Andrew ever been involved with underage minor females to your knowledge?”

She reportedly replied, “I refuse to answer.” (Prince Andrew says he neither attended nor was aware of any naked pool parties.)

Under the protection of the Queen, Prince Andrew was untouchable.

“Epstein was a friend of the duke’s for the best part of 20 years."

“Does that mean that Andrew has broken off all contact with Epstein?,” I asked.

“Hereinafter,” the source said, choosing his words with care, “we won’t see a photo.”

That seemed to leave open the possibility that Andrew intended to carry on his friendship with Epstein, but out of public view.

“I remember when Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein first became friends,” said someone who knows both men well. “Jeffrey had Andrew put on a pair of sweatpants for the first time in his life. He had him wear blue jeans for the first time. It was Jeffrey who taught Andrew how to relax.

There have been newspaper reports that Sarah got £15,000 [$24,500] from Jeffrey, but I think that Sarah has actually received hundreds of thousands of dollars from him.” (Ferguson’s spokesman confirmed that she had received £15,000 from Epstein but wasn’t aware of any additional amount.)

think- ago

Just found this little gem:

Epstein visited Windsor Castle in 2000 for Queen Elizabeth’s official birthday celebrations and went to the Royal Family’s country retreat at Sandringham the following winter. Andrew also entertained Epstein at the Scottish estate of Balmoral.

Despite Epstein’s jail term (he served 13 months of an 18-month sentence) after his 2008 conviction for soliciting sex with an underage girl following a plea bargain deal, Andrew remained in contact with him and was seen walking in New York with him after the businessman left jail. Andrew stepped down from his position as ambassador for U.K trade in the wake of the controversy.

That he remained in contact with Epstein despite the conviction raised eyebrows – but clearly Andrew hadn’t realized the impact it would have.

MolochHunter ago

great stuff. added in

think- ago


TrishaUK ago

Tbh I don't know a lot about the Royals, only what I've read/watched since pizzagate. I did not want any of this to be true, I love watching when they have any ceremonies. Does the Hampstead Cover up come under the British elite? It involves the police, teachers and authorities in charge of children etc? If its not right for here I will delete it but will post first:- HAMPSTEAD COVER-UP Hampstead Christ Church Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Cover-up - Police testimony of Child 1 Alisa - ------- **at 2:12:45 mins is the most obvious points where poor little Gabriel has been told to lie and deny his dad did anything - the policeman, imo, is trying his hardest to get Gabriel to retract what he has testified earlier, but he just cannot bring himself to commit to their rehursed lie 100% when he says his dad does to hit him and adds 'not hard' AND when he says his dad does not kill so many babies, 'just some' this is so sad, his conversation is not flowing naturally like it was in the first 2 interviews! ** - Hampstead Christ Church Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Cover-up - Police testimony of Child 2 Gabriel - -

MolochHunter ago

i havent included the Hampstead case because i think the Royal linkage is too tenuous. Their father did business with someone who also does business with the Royals - i really want something of more substance before inclusion. Fair?

TrishaUK ago

Removed :)

Vindicator ago

Great thread, MH! I've created a new "HELP!" flair to let folks know collaboration is needed on a post. I'm going to sticky this, as well.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Maybe a great thread but the lack of knowledge on what Rev. Kevin Annette is doing is very odd , to be on this website.

Vindicator ago

Are you saying you take that guy seriously?

Sub-Urban-Monk ago

I was 15yrs old when The Pistols were playing at a local sports centre in 77, I was a total rebel then and JR was in many ways an idol for me. The common thread of truth that runs through "this thread" was compounded when JR (Lydon) spoke in the manner only he was capable of.

There is no "convincing" some people basically coz if one can be convinced one can also be un-convinced. Truth is not about being convinced, it is about getting out of denial :)

Lansing-Michigan ago

If you don't, you aren't paying attention. Just as Annette was bringing attn. to the royal family, some guy by the name of Alfred Webre' or something like that told of how he took a girlfriend with him on his missions. ...paid for by donations. It was all over for a while. As turns out, Alfred comes from a family of Jesuits....I never thought it was a big deal that his girlfriend went around with him.

Vindicator ago

He uses dishonest tactics. Untrustworthy.

letsdothis3 ago

Coll. 1:

I acknowledge that there are those who don’t necessarily believe that the Royals paedophile network, if there is one, is the same or integrated with the Washington D.C. one which is the epicentre of the scandal given the moniker ‘Pizzagate’.

I'll start here- the American connection.

Prince Harry is the Royal who seems charged with maintaining the 'special' relationship with America. The Queen vs The President: "Boom" - BBC News

Here he is with John Studinski a US Morgan Stanley banker who lives in London, is a director of the Blackstone Group is heavily involved in charities, has co-founded the Genesis Foundation (Eton) and the Arise Foundation. He chairs the American Friends of the Royal Foundation.

Voat related posts:

Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead - Excerpts from the thread:

Another who is named is the US banker John Studzinski. He combats human trafficking apparently. Sounds like an ideal contact for Ivar Mountbatten and co. and Helen Windsor’s ex-boyfriend at SCL in making sure that the “Ukrainian girls” they supplied around the world were all properly kite-marked, wouldn’t you say? Everything above board and shipshape. Nothing untoward going on. All “compliance” boxes duly ticked.


Comment : Blackstone Group's John Studzinski is the guy we've read about before, who sends out 1,100 nuns posing as prostitutes to purchase children from brothels! That's part of the Talitha Kum project of his Arise Foundation....

Studzinski being a director of the Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies (FAPE) is concerning in light of the information in this thread, including FAPE's special shipping considerations and its connections to Pedogate persons of interest....

In this thread I commented about Harry's attendance at the Four Season's restaurant in New York at the Seagram's visit. An event put on by the American Friends of the Royal Foundation and attended by 190 supporters of the foundation. That restaurant is partly owned by Classic Restaurant Corp. which leads to a ranch in Santa Fe, coincidentally.

The Blackstone Group features heavily in many pizzagate posts. One example post which relates to the Child Mind Institute : More Child Mind Institute board member connections with Goldman Sachs and the Blackstone Group. Also Tribeca ,Robert De Niro, and why the vaccine and autism movie Vaxxed was banned.


We also know that Harry and his American wife Meghan have a lot of business and social connections with the online art auction house people Paddle8 Meghan Markle, the Royal Family and Paddle8 which leads to the Child Mind Institute and Dyncorp and ...I knew it! . Through their Heads Together charity there are connections with Blackrock and Dyncorp.

MolochHunter ago

the band-aids on the fingers of the royal gals ... initiation rituals

ranch in Santa Fe - is that where Scalise died? is that the reference ?

swordfish69 ago

@MolochHunter did you know the Folgers are descendants of the Plantagenet Royal Family Bloodline?

MikeRottenChild ago

One of daughter’s of the Folgers fortune was one of the girls that was murdered by the Mason family when they murdered the rest like Sharon Tate. It is believed that Manson was MK-Ultra which seems to line up with the girls saying they do anything for Charlie and how he prop them up on LSD at the ranch.

Another thing I heard was a satanic ritual was being performed by the famous people in the house before the killing started, and one of the boys murdered was named (Steve) I think and is the Branson guy that has an island close to epstein in the British Virgin Islands.

Kahlypso79 ago

Sharon Tate was murdered for Occult reasons, there is a reason that she was positioned like the hanged man. She was (supposedly) the head of a pedo trafficking network with Polanksi. He escaped to Switzerland.. he didnt give a fuck about being wanted for child rape, he was running for his life. If you want to cry a little into your pillow, check out the similitudes between Charles Manson and David Koresh. By that I mean.. what did they both want to be, where did they both go, what did they both do after being there? Messiah is a product.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Manson 's girl followers who were there the night of the Tate killling were from wealthy backgrounds....lots of govt. "help" for that entire scenario.....

MikeRottenChild ago

I am glad you saw that too, as I have been starting to believe this was FF too.

madhatter67 ago

Interesting.....Branson is someone I'd love to see outed....I'm sure he's rotten....but never saw him linked to Manson before....I'll be looking at that

MolochHunter ago

Tate wasnt just an innocent victim, she was a participant - a witness to the cult said this on a TV chatshow, its in one of the episodes of 'programmed to kil/satanic coverup'

think- ago

What exactly do you mean? A participant in the murders? Or a cult participant?

MolochHunter ago

the allegation came across as just a participant in rituals

think- ago

K, thanks.

MolochHunter ago


auralsects ago

I.e. Davidic i e. Jewish

auralsects ago

European aristocracy is thoroughly infested with Jews both as a natural consequence and an intentional strategy that continues to this day. They also want to hide that fact.

Also see the Jewish owner of the Standard Hotel (a huge lead posted by me 6 months before JewAnon did)

Obviously Jews have controlled UK for centuries since establishing their central bank to loan to the crown and finance their wars.

Queen Victoria even believed Brits were a lost tribe of Israel.

Unlike the vast majority of Brits the royals are circumcised, by a rabbi.

There will never be a Pizzagate topic, incident, or figure not directly related to kikes. I dare you to post one.

Vindicator ago

Interesting, Donkey. Do you happen to have links to the actual sources for these? JPGs make it difficult to properly vet sources.

auralsects ago

LMAO go fuck yourself you old bitch. People know how to Google keywords and verify.

Keep trying to gaslight the most basic history and cast doubt on anything said by the only Jew-namer on the sub, further exposing yourself as a filthy kike shill.

Vindicator ago

You'd be a lot more successful at "naming the Jew" if you cited your sources instead of having tantrums. Do you have ODD?

auralsects ago

nobody thinks I need to falsify screenshots like the above -- what am I, a Holocaust survivor?

That's precisely why you feel the need to speak up and plant that seed of doubt with your cringey concern-fagging tone.

I've never even been accused of posting something fake, and I've been accused of a lot.

Eat shit, kike shill.

Vindicator ago

I wasn't accusing you of posting something fake. I was pointing out the hole in your rhetorical approach -- a hole your resistant audience will slip right through.

You should take a lesson from this guy.

MolochHunter ago

just when i though you were almost going to prove yourself useful to this subverse and investigation .... you go and prove yourself a demented freak again


letsdothis3 ago

Unlike the vast majority of Brits the royals are circumcised, by a rabbi.

I didn't know that. Interesting.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Excellent summary. Thank you

Pablolove ago

Funny how the police will acknowledge the said paedophiles in high places only when they're dead. Try to get a case against them when alive through the 'justice ' system it isn't happening. Tells me that it's a very complex web with people in positions of power all involved. Glad I have such a strong faith because there's no human beings capable of bringing these people to account.

LeeDoverwood ago

So, then after the death and exposure the links to those in high offices can be exposed. That doesn't actually prove involvement in a technical sense but birds of a feather will always be found flocking together.

Frankenblock ago

They know they're not getting away. Death comes for all of them, and that's when the trouble starts.

think- ago

Savile was so close to the Royals that he made the arrangement for Royal parties, and Prince Charles would come to visit him at his cabin retreat

What's more important is that he tried to help both Charles and Diana and Fergie when their marriages were about to go downhill, as all three of them trusted him. This should tell everyone how close he was to the Royals.

For an historical hint, the 1888 reign of terror in London’s East End, where 7 prostitutes were murdered by the never identified ‘Jack the Ripper’ held Prince Albert Victor as a leading suspect. The Prince’s bloodlust was attributed to late stage syphilis, however, and even if true it cannot be construed to imply a continuum of hereditary depravity to the contemporary heirs.

I would suggest to delete this paragraph, as the victims here were not underage IIRC. And the Prince as a being the murderer seems to have been a fringe theory.

MolochHunter ago

if i end up hitting the caps limit with other evidence the Jack the ripper stuff'll be first on the chopping block

Kahlypso79 ago

Jack the Ripper was due to a royal Basterd being born on a whore. The women killed all knew who the father was.. everything else is propaganda, yet he was insane due to syphyllis, that was true

MolochHunter ago

Interesting theory, but it doesnt quite match up with the Modus Operandi, though. The killer mutilated victims with a depraved surgeons skill (the prince having doctors training being one of the 'clues' as to his identity) - youd imaging the royal father of a bastard son (or his pissed off parents) would use proxies to murder witnesses

Kahlypso79 ago

Do you believe everything you're told ? :) The Black Dehlila was cut up with a surgeon's skill.. The whores were gutted and police reports tell of a surgeon's skill... were the police surgeons? Annie Elizabeth Crook was catholic. a catholic heir to the throne, bastard or not, the Royal Marriage Act of 1772 would have made any claim illegal to the throne.. not that that would have mattered to Catholics and the Pope. Its not as if there's been a battle for supremacy ever since Anne Bolyn offered her asshole to Henry 8... stupid man. Fucked everything up for a bit of ass..

think- ago


MolochHunter ago

i forgot Rolfe Harris! well, tie me kangaroo down, sport.

need to add

letsdothis3 ago

Savile was introduced to the Royal family by Mountbatten.

Kahlypso79 ago

Where did you see this please? This changes everything...I havent looked enough yet into Saville... but he's a seventh son, that I know.. Do you know how Saville knew the Mountbattons? Or... (most of all..) when?

letsdothis3 ago

If you google it there are numerous links... some here:


How Jim really did fix it -

He was first introduced to the Royal Family, he reveals, by Lord Mountbatten. In 1966, Jimmy became the first civilian to be awarded a Royal Marines’ green beret. Mountbatten was comm­and­ant general at the time and realised that Savile could be a useful contact.

“Coming from Lord Louis, who was the favourite uncle of Prince Philip, that was quite something,” he says. “So obviously I hooked up with the Prince – what was good enough for Lord Louis was good enough for him.”

Why is Kincora so important? Because there is abundant evidence that MI5, MI6 and other British intelligence agencies know that many high-ranking British Establishment figures were personally involved in the abuse. These included Lord Mountbatten — great uncle and mentor of Prince Charles.

May’s refusal to include the Kincora boys’ home in the general inquiry is certainly because it would expose the connection between paedophiles, MI6, MI5 and the royals.

Prince Charles often described Jimmy Savile as one of his best friends. He wanted Savile to be Prince Harry’s godfather — wiser counsel stopped that but the two men shared holidays and much else.

Kahlypso79 ago

I havent gotten to Charles yet.. It would certainly explain Savile's 'closeness' to Charles... Montbatten wanted Chjatrles to marry his daughter. Diane was a fallback option and it's interesting that she was controlled so closely by 'the friendly shoulder to cry on' Jimmy... Its like a calf crying on the shoulder of a butcher whilst waiting for the axe to drop.....shit this is more twisted that I thought..

think- ago


MolochHunter ago

Specialist knowledge invitation to contribute also goes out to: @UnicornAndSparkles @UK_Bloke_Awoke @Kahlypso79 @Vindicator

MolochHunter ago

Specialist knowledge invitation to contribute (thanks @Think- ) goes out to: @The_Savant @letsdothis3 @TrishaUK @DerivaUK

The_Savant ago

I'll see what I can do but I'm really no specialist - I'm a special needs faggot who bookmarks shit about Jimmy Savile. Let me just rummage through and throw some shit at the wall.

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the ping. I think you'll be surprised with how much we have. I'm currently working on something else at the moment which will require a proper write up instead of the raw data dumping I tend to do here. So I'll contribute in chunks linked to well sourced posts that we already have. I suggest that you curate the information as we go along.. I'll edit and/or cull info according to your remarks. Let's get started...