catslovejustice ago

I thought it was odd when Harry and Megan said someone set them up but they did not want to say who to protect their privacy. Really??? First thing I thought of was this was not an introduction but an arranged relationship for some "higher" purpose. Harry seems fun to have a beer with but not marriage material. Megan is a lesser known actress and somehow gets speaking gigs at the UN?? hmmmmm


Aren't the spirit cookers always putting their "heads together?" No wonder they're always hanging around the mentally ill, it's where Savile got most of his victims too.

fromagefrom ago

an objective repoet by a C BS

Cheesebooger ago

The Royals are circumcised by Rabbi's.

letsdothis1 ago

Another partner of Heads Together is Best Beginnings

They have made an app for pregnant mothers called Baby Buddy. Endorsed by one Dr. Ranj Singh who came out to his wife as gay

Dr Singh was previously married in his 20s but the pair divorced and soon after he began identifying as gay.

Does anyone know anything about him?

migratorypatterns ago

The Royals becoming relevant and reinforcing the agenda the NWO/globalists want us to follow.

Girl is such a zombie and Harry isn't much better for going along with this. The two will have a marriage on paper and exist for the tabloids and propaganda.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Did u notice Harry kept doing the hiding hand Freemason sign in the photos? He typically always does this. He portrays himself as the down to earth good guy but he’s a Freemason and not to mention his rampages with hookers and blow for years. This Megan broad seems odd as I once read about her child, I think it was an 8 yr old daughter and a previous marriage yet no one ever talks about the child anymore. Where is she? Was that false info? So many questions about who Megan really is.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, her mind has been messed with big time. She's vacant upstairs. Probably just attends pizza parties. That's her claim to fame. Don't know about the child. I never followed things that closely, but I should have. Damn!

DonKeydich ago

LOL what a stupid bitch! Even when you're right you're wrong! What agenda could their marriage promote besides RACE-MIXING AND DILUTION OF TRADITIONAL BRITISH INSTITUTIONS?


PrideOfOshtekk ago

Royals are the biggest Luciferians around. They certainly aren't the "useless figureheads" they want you to think they are.

migratorypatterns ago


They play many parts and don many disguises. Yeah, Kate Middleton is a looker for sure, but I will not be deceived. They're all in on it and submit to doing the job they need to do.

DonKeydich ago

Paddle8 was my lead, so you're basing this on a shill post and it should be deleted.

Or is it only disinfo/shilling when it Names The Jew? Who's the biased one here again LMAO I love you goyz

argosciv ago

Well shit the bed, I'm upvoating donkey again and talking to him.

Is it Crensch? Fucked if I know, but, you better believe there's something big coming.

Love you too, jerk :P

letsdothis1 ago

Btw, I know a lot more about Paddle8 than you realize.

DonKeydich ago

Lol but why haven't u stated that CMI is 100% founded and run by intergenerational Jewish pedophilic families? Unreal.

letsdothis1 ago

That's your job :-)

DonKeydich ago

If I write it up will u post it

letsdothis1 ago

Hahaha... Crensch is that you?

DonKeydich ago


  1. The basis for saying that is that we both talk shit on Jews and used the internet fallback "slit your ___" akin to "go drink bleach." That's 99% of voat. Are u aware?

  2. Wouldn't him being a mod be more cause for alarm than being an alt of mine?

  3. I know you know far more about Paddle8 than me because you've done more posts on it and I think your posts are great. So don't be a bandwagoner RETARD like the rest -- refer to point 1 and how it might reflect on your ability to evaluate suggestive evidence.

TheSunIsWithin ago

Yale = Skull n Bones


derram ago :

Meghan Markle’s social circle set to take London by storm | Daily Mail Online :

Clement Freud and the family that fell from grace :

Police launch probe into what Clement Freud knew about Madeleine McCann | Daily Mail Online

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