2impendingdoom ago

there is a pizzagate/wiki I'm not sure whats going on with it right now but you can get in touch with @RebelSkum and see about adding these corporate connections if they aren't already on it.

TrumpBangsIvanka ago

I posted about Trump's secret adoption meetings and Russia being a source of children for sex. It will probably get deleted because the people who run this place seem to like their president's to be child fuckers as long as they cut taxes or something.

cantsleepawink ago

Would love to put some kind of graphic together, I just don't have the time right now. But it's on my To Do list.

TrumpBangsIvanka ago

Yep. This guy is a huge Trump supporter and even has a secret meeting with Russia in the Seychelles. The whole Russia thing for Trump was about opening up "adoption" to the US. He and his son have admitted that multiple times. But of course we know that Russian adoption is favored by the elite in this country who want good, sweet white girls rather than the Mexican girls they usually get. We know Trump had no need for Russian help with the election. But Russian help for a pipeline of underage white girls was NECESSARY. That's probably why he's so nervous about this Russia investigation. Hes had this whole scheme hidden, but hes afraid they might find out about what really goes on at Mar-a-Lago. ("Mar-a-lago club" is a clever anagram of "Glamour cabal" Here's a Google image search for that term: https://www.google.com/search?q=glamour+cabal&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRofar5p_VAhUT8YMKHRlSAeQQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=728.))

It makes me sick that i used to support this guy.

duhiki ago

Cynthia McKinney called out Rumsfeld for Dyncorp's trafficking of women and children through the eastern bloc... so Dyncorp has trafficking of day-glo white girls down, Trump doesn't need Russia's help for that.

Jem777 ago

The scariest part of that is Steve Feinberg & Dyncorp. They are completely corrupt have been involved in child sex trafficking, organ harvesting and worse since at least Kosovo.

cantsleepawink ago

Blackstone or BlackRock, confused? CEOs Steve Schwarzman and Larry Fink actually did it on purpose

The business that would become BlackRock started under the umbrella of Schwarzman's firm in 1988. "They used to be called Blackstone Financial," Schwarzman said. "We started in business together. We put up the initial capital." Schwarzman started Blackstone three years earlier in 1985.

We've had a number of Blackstone posts:

More Child Mind Institute board member connections with Goldman Sachs and the Blackstone Group. Also Tribeca ,Robert De Niro, and why the vaccine and autism movie Vaxxed was banned.

https://searchvoat.co/?t=blackstone&s=pizzagate&u=&d=&nsfw=off :

  • James Alefantis lived at the SAME address as Randall Rothschild who was Managing Director of "Blackstone"

  • Soros/Rothschild connections; MORE Soros money Jared Kushner failed to disclose, plus a $1 billion dollar loan from sources including BLACKSTONE

carmencita ago

He is also the brother of DeVoss. Head of our Education Dept. Is that not lovely.