privatepizza ago

Fascinating. You're doing amazing research @cantsleepawink and it's inspiring to read your posts. Thanks for all you're doing.

2impendingdoom ago

I learn so much here, this post is a perfect example.

DonKeyhote ago

Thanks for following up, as im working on a diferent post to be revealed today inshallah. I agree we have done well establishing means (fake charities and fake art sales) and this is a strong motive to redpill parents

ReddittRefugee ago

Concerning antidepressants in children and teenagers, this article summarizes some research that the drug industry has been trying to suppress for decades: the link between fluorinated antidepressant drugs like prozac and spontaneous violence.

cantsleepawink ago

Funny thing is, after finding that article on alchemy and endocrinology, I believe that the alchemists of the past would tell our modern scientists the same thing. I'm understanding more and more that there is more than one path to knowledge. Thanks for the article.

YingYangMom ago

I always like to read the posts where there is actual research being done and connections being found. Excellent post, thank you :)