pittsburghisapedoden ago

Golf rumors is a conspiracy theory

letsdothis3 ago

Related: Cambridge Analytica, Atlantic Bridge, Thatcher's govt, Michael Hintze, Espirito Banco and the financier of the Hampstead cult.

Prince Andrew was one of the well-known figures to whom Bell Pottinger claimed to have access in a video covertly recorded by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

David Wilson, managing director of Bell Pottinger Group, told reporters posing as potential clients: 'We have links there'. He added: 'There have been suggestions in the media - if you do a background check - that he [Prince Andrew] is liable to follow where the chequebook is, i.e. people will pay him to go to a certain country.'

...d longtime Tory/Conservative donor named Michael Hintze who provided the majority of those donations and lent his private jet to Fox for schmoozy jaunts to meet with D.C. defence contractors. With a strong interest in geopolitical wargames, a habit of supporting Defence Secretaries, and a predilection for hiring senior military officials at his powerful firm Convertible & Quantitative Strategies, it’s small wonder Hintze sought to establish a Western security superhighway before the Bridge collapsed...A group of bondholders that lost more than 1 billion euros after the transfer of bonds to the failed Portuguese bank Banco Espirito Santo (BES) in 2015 have asked parliament to question the head of the central bank over the decision.

The so-called Novo Note Group, which includes large investors such as Pimco and Blackrock, argue they were treated unfairly when their holdings, initially included in Novo Banco - the “good bank” carved out of BES in 2014 - were transferred back to BES, which is being wound down.

Hampstead connections: Will Draper worked for BES, then went to work at Mirabaud at the same address as Michael Hintze's company - company mentioned in Strafor emails..

letsdothis3 ago

Blackwater: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academi

Academi is an American private military company founded in 1997 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince[2][3] as Blackwater,[4] renamed as Xe Services in 2009 and now known as Academi since 2011 after the company was acquired by a group of private investors.... Academi provides security services to the United States federal government on a contractual basis. Since 2003, the group has provided services to the Central Intelligence Agency.

In 2014, Academi became a division of Constellis Group along with Triple Canopy and other security companies that were part of the Constellis Group as the result of an acquisition.

Private Military Companies: Blackwater - https://silentprofessionals.org/blackwater/

After the departure of Erik Prince from his former company, Prince stayed active in private military interests around the world.

He was hired by the crown prince of Abu Dhabi and moved to Abu Dhabi in 2010. He founded a new company called Reflex Responses (or R2) that entailed a roughly 800-man unit of foreign fighters for the UAE, where Prince retained a majority 51% ownership.

On a separate front, he oversaw recruitment for private military companies, such as Executive Outcomes which is a former South African private military firm that gained fame when they were hired by several African governments during the 1990s to defeat violent rebellions in addition to protecting oil and diamond reserves. Then in January 2011, Prince began training ~2,000 Somalis for anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden. This program was funded by several Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates and was backed by the United States.

Erik Prince currently heads a private equity firm called Frontier Resource Group (FRG) and is chairman of Frontier Services Group Ltd (FSG Ltd), a Bermuda-incorporated logistics and transport company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Frontier Services Group is backed by China’s state-owned CITIC Group and Hong Kong-based investor Chun Shun Ko. FSG Ltd advises and supports Chinese investment in oil and gas exploration operations in Africa. Prince had planned to build a diesel refinery in South Sudan but the operation was suspended, even though $10 million (USD) had already been invested in the project.

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

One of the companies which work with Andrew's Pitch at Palace is Red Nine: http://www.rednine.co.uk/

Rednine was founded by Robin Worrall

He is currently appointed as Creative Adviser to HRH The Duke of York to direct a suite of initiatives including Pitch@Palace and iDEA (Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award). In addition, he has fulfilled the role of Creative Director for WANdisco, a San Francisco based software company, regularly travelling to California to plan, manage and orchestrate a new brand positioning across their worldwide operations.

He has also originated several brand campaigns for The International Festival for Business, Ella’'s Kitchen, Quill, Summit, Tech City UK, Tech Nation, Tech London Advocates, Sevenhills, Vonage, Mishcon de Reya, British Business


Ella's Kitchen is a company that makes organic baby and toddler food, sold in supermarkets internationally including UK, China, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Iceland, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands, Canada and the United States. Ella's Kitchen has a 30% share of the UK baby food sector[2] and a global turnover of $121m.

The Henley-based Ella's Kitchen was founded in 2006 by Paul Lindley. After graduating from the University of Bristol he trained and qualified as a Chartered Accountant at KPMG in London and Los Angeles. He then spent 9 years at Nickelodeon as deputy managing director before setting up Ella's Kitchen. The business is named after Paul's daughter, Ella.

In May 2013, it was announced that Ella's Kitchen had been sold to The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.,[3] a North American natural and organic products company.... In 2015, Ella's Kitchen partnered with leading children's charity Save the Children,[11] for its limited edition Jingle Belly Christmas Dinner pouch, for which 30p from every sale is donated to Save the Children's FAST (Families and Schools Together) programme.

Hain Celestial Group is involved with the Core Club NYC - Core Club: $50K Initiation Fee - Overnight Suites - Secret Entrance - Members: Clinton, Burkle, Ghislaine Maxwell, Rothschild - Focus on Modern "Art," Which May be Involved in Child Trafficking and tied up with the Vanguard Group https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2755863/14175554

Here's an image of Paul Lindley in this article, surrounded by all those hands with holes in them https://www.welltodoglobal.com/paul-lindley-founder-of-ellas-kitchen-on-why-the-food-drink-industry-must-cultivate-innovation/


He is an author of a best-selling book Little Wins: The Power of Thinking Like a Toddler and is a co-founder of a social enterprise called The Key is E with former child soldier and international hip-hop artist Emmanuel Jal. He was previously deputy managing director of Nickelodeon UK.

In January 2012 Paul joined “Business in You” a partnership between private enterprise and Government to support start-ups and growing businesses and encourage entrepreneurship.[5] Four months later he was appointed an ambassador to the Family and Parenting Institute, a charity dedicated to making Britain a more family-friendly nation.

Paul Lindley sits on the Santander SME advisory board and is an ambassador for the Family and Childcare Trust. Between 2013-2015 he served as a Counsellor at One Young World, a non-profit organisation that brings together the world's future leaders at a 2,000 person, 190 nation, annual summit to discuss their ideas for solving the world's most pressing problems....Paul is a Chairman of Robert F Kennedy Human Rights (RFKHR) UK

letsdothis3 ago

Re One Young World:

Prince Harry's Meghan Markle has a background that needs further investigation... she appears to have all the connections a cabal person would have by @Commoner

Markle was a counsellor for international charity One Young World, speaking at the 2014 annual summit in Dublin


Not sure if this is related but FBIAnon said that Muhammad Yunus needs to be looked into. He also said to be careful with this name. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in developing the Grameen Bank. He is a pioneer of microcredit and microfinance...Hillary spoke out in support of Yunus. After Yunus resigned from a group called the "Elders," he became a regular at international conferences, including a youth leadership conference called One Young World. http://archive.is/aeHZk

letsdothis3 ago

OMG.. further to this comment: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3262526/19036592 ...

Two Princes: How a secret meeting signaled the UAE’s pull in Trump’s D.C. [archived: http://archive.is/8snYU]

A meeting in the Seychelles between the Blackwater founder and a Putin ally has drawn scrutiny. It also indicated another backchannel to the White House.

..another important story has been overlooked: the attempts by the United Arab Emirates, many successful, to influence the Trump administration, especially concerning its archrival Qatar.

The de facto ruler of the UAE, crown prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, or “MBZ” as he’s known, has met with members of the Trump coterie in two informal circumstances that we know of: in December 2016 in New York with campaign advisers Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, and on January 11, 2017, in the Seychelles. There, MBZ arranged for the drink between Erik Prince—the Breitling-wearing founder of the now-defunct paramilitary firm Blackwater and brother of Trump secretary of education Betsy DeVos—and an associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

...Prince told the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in November 2017 that he was invited to the Seychelles by “one of the members of the Royal Court” to discuss everything from “security issues to mineral issues to even bauxite.” The Emirati customers “mentioned a guy I should meet who was also in town to see them, a Kirill Dmitriev from Russia, who ran some sort of hedge fund.”

Dmitriev is the CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, the state’s $10 billion sovereign wealth fund. RDIF’s links with the Kremlin may have led the U.S. to sanction the fund. It also boasts tight links with Abu Dhabi: The UAE sovereign fund Mubadala has co-invested with RDIF in 40 investments in Russia since 2013.

...That year, Prince began building a private army for MBZ for a reported $529 million and helped train a Somali anti-piracy force funded by the UAE. Through a post-Blackwater company R2, founded in the UAE in 2010, Prince has also trained mercenaries who fight under the UAE flag in Yemen. In 2012, when Prince launched a private equity firm, FRG (Frontier Resource Group), eventually listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the investors included both the UAE’s Sheikh Tahnoun bin Mohammed Al Nahyan and Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Court.

(Broidy has previously run afoul of the law: In 2009 the 61-year-old fundraiser plead guilty to paying New York pension fund officials almost $1 million in return for $18 million in management fees. In 2013, he withdrew his original felony plea prior to conviction and in return for his cooperation and restitution of the $18 million, the court allowed him to plead to a lesser misdemeanor charge instead. Broidy is now under investigation for influence peddling in China and Malaysia, the Washington Post reported in August. Nader has a criminal history as well: in 2003, he was convicted in the Czech Republic on charges of child molestation and child pornography.)

....Some Trump-Emirates links suggest MBZ may be managing financial ties with Trump companies in other ways. One example is his bidding in the auction of a Leonardo painting belonging to Dmitry Rybolovlev. In 2008, the Russian billionaire paid Trump $95 million for an oceanfront Palm Beach estate that Trump had purchased for $41 million in 2004; the house sat empty for years before being demolished. The property has since been divided into three lots, two of which Rybolovlev has re-sold for over $71 million.

In November 2017 Rybolovlev sold Leonardo’s “Salvator Mundi” in a Christie’s auction that set a new world record price of $450 million. The price of the 26-inch painting–valued at around $80 million the year before–was driven high by a bidding war between a representative for Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince bin Salman and the UAE’s MBZ, each of whom claimed they mistakenly thought they were bidding against the Qataris. MBZ was trying to buy it for the Louvre Abu Dhabi. Saudi Arabia “won” the painting, but then gave it to MBZ in exchange for the crown prince’s $450 million superyacht, the Topaz. (MBZ has donated it to the museum, where it was scheduled to be have been unveiled in September, but its exhibit has been delayed.)

Could the bidding war have been a way to funnel UAE funds to the Russian tycoon? While it’s unlikely the painting sale–which made Rybolovlev over $320 million–was related to the Palm Beach purchase, it is conceivable that these two deals are part of a larger number of transactions we don’t yet know about, in which the UAE rewards Trump indirectly for his support.

There is a UAE link straight to Trump’s business holdings, too. As Trump prepared to run for president, MBZ would have known that in April 2014, Trump bought the Turnberry golf course in Scotland from Leisurecorp, a UAE state-owned enterprise, for what was termed at the time a “bargain price,” in a £35.7 million ($63 million) “cash deal.” The UAE had put a total of £92 million into the property, which it bought in 2008. Leisurecorp paid £52 million for the resort–which comprises three courses, a golf academy, a five-star hotel, as well as lodge and cottage accommodations–and then proceeded to spend a further £40 million on renovations.

It’s unclear why the UAE effectively made a £58 million gift to Donald Trump in 2014. But this is one of many questions about the Trump-Emirates relationship that needs more attention, especially before that relationship drags the U.S. into more dangerous adventures in the Middle East.

Highly significant article for us.

Voat posts re Mubadala:

Aby Rosen of the CORE Club buys the Chrysler Building. He also owns the Gramercy Park Hotel, home to Maialino restaurant. What's that about a Podesta email and AMGEN?

A purchase-sale agreement between RFR and the sellers, Tishman Speyer and an Abu Dhabi government fund, was expected to be signed on Friday, a source familiar with the deal said......CBRE’s Darcy Stacom and Bill Shanahan are marketing the property on behalf of Tishman Speyer and the fund, formerly known as the Abu Dhabi Investment Council but now a division of Mubadala, which controls a vast portfolio of global assets including a large stake in New York’s Park Lane Hotel and the Manchester City soccer club.

Coindence? 2 men killed in the Limo accident worked for Global Foundires, had DOD contract worth 755 million

According to Google, Global Foundries is owned by Mubadala Investment Co. Then I found this article linking Mubadala to Rothschild & Co. It doesn't seem to involve semiconductors, so how it all connects, or if it even does, I don't know. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-09/mubadala-is-said-to-near-hiring-rothschild-for-cepsa-stake-deal

Mother claims her 8 year old child is being sex trafficked by NXIVM to the elite. The kidnapper works with high clearance in the government and is able to alter medical records.

Abu Dhabi's state-owned fund Mubadala has no plans to sell contract chipmaker Globalfoundries or United Arab Emirates satellite operator Yahsat.. Links to Hampstead ...

Israeli busted for child prostitution ring in Portugal was active in Cartagena

PO BOX 3444; ROAD TOWN; TORTOLA; BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS....So all those companies are connected to that PO Box... Notice the link to Google maps: So that address is close to Port Purcell. In that area of the world the best way to get from one little island to another is by yacht. Googling Port Purcell, the first company that pops up is PEGASUS IX yacht charter... https://www.charteryachtpegasus.com/...ELIZABETH LEE (Warren's wife)..On her FB page she has hundreds of friends so I didn't go through many.. stopped at this one: Margot Franssen Co-Founder and Co-Chair at The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking. She co-founded the centre along with......Sheila O’Brien,has held executive positions in the areas of human resources, investor relations, public affairs and government relations with Amoco International, Petro-Canada and NOVA Corporation

NOVA Chemicals Corporation is a plastics and chemical company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, with Executive Offices in the Pittsburgh suburb of Moon Township, Pennsylvania and Lambton County, Ontario.

On July 6, 2009, the International Petroleum Investment Company (since 2016 IPIC merged with Mubadala), which is wholly owned by the government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, completed the 100% purchase of NOVA Chemicals, and transferred its place of incorporation to the Province of New Brunswick.[9][10] In the United States, NOVA Chemicals has focused recent expansion in the Gulf Coast area.

OMG, this totally lines up with the yachting post I keep saying I'm going to do. This is another highly relevant piece of a puzzle and now I can do that post. This is why Voat rocks as a forum.

TrustTheTruth ago

Are you still unsure what side Donald Trump is on?

Are you still unsure why Paul Ryan resigned?

Are you still unsure why Q was created?

What was The Deal Trump made for the 8th Wonder of the World?

What does it enable?

Where did The Deal happen?

What are the Odds?

What is Community Policing?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

Note to self: Main article mentions BlackRock and Cambridge Analytica, see: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3259946/19034663/10#19034663

letsdothis3 ago



Centurion is the private airline owned by the VanAndel and Devos families (Amway). They have several private jets stationed at Gerald R Ford International Airport, as well as their own private runway near Ada. These people are way up there as far as elite people go and from what I understand are part of the Bilderberg Group. I live mere minute from the Amway world headquarters.


Centurion is the private airline owned by the Devos and VanAndel families (Amway). They have several private jets at Gerald R. Ford International Airport, as well as their own private runway near their estates in the Ada/Forest Hills area.


Centurion Aviation also hides as a legitimate company, offering single engine plane rentals, and private pilot classes. There is very, very little to be found about the company online, though. But there is another Centurion Aviation in Fayetteville, which is one of only 15 companies with permission to land inside government installations and bases... I have heard that the Fayetteville company is one in the same as the Ada company, and is highly suspected of being a company that secretly transports people for the US Government( http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2006-09-13/news/0609130176_1_european-parliament-secret-prisons-combatants/ )...

I live mere minutes from them, and actually used to live with a friend right down the road from the Devos estate.

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letsdothis3 ago

@think- please see the update on the parent re Mubadala threads...

think- ago

Also, Nader paid an Israel social media company to launch a pro-Trump campaign before the 2016 elections.

letsdothis3 ago

That's interesting. Thanks.

think- ago

Will try to find a link, and edit it into my comment above later.

letsdothis3 ago

So Andrew runs an organisation called Pitch At Palace (Pitch@Palace): https://pitchatpalace.com/about/

Related voat post: Will Draper update and more connections re the Hampstead case and Christ Church School

I recently made a connection between a London property management company that Will Draper was involved with (for the home of Ella Draper and the children as it appears he owned the apartment), a United Arab Emirates satellite company YahLive, SES the European satellite company that works/ed with the Clinton Global Initiative and a recent NXIVM post : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3141061/17856656. ..

..So, I was looking for further information on Guerretta when I came across a document which contained the police report with the names and addresses that the children complained about. One of the addresses was 9 Pattison Road, NW2 2HL which threw up a company called IDENTICA LIMITED : https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/officers/SfMhSHQWD4q8CrQg-yVdVihelLs/appointments . According to the records Carole LAUGIER NAIM was a director there between 2001 and 2003. It was her CV description of the company which caught my eye:

I worked as joint Creative and Managing Partner at Identica in London for 15 years and managed a team of 35 designers. We worked on many different projects including branding work for the Queen's Bank (Coutt's), NatWest, Vodafone, Universal, Diageo, The Prince's Trust and Aeroflot. https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/smoek7OEuZktlI

She started off working in Chicago and now works in the United Arab Emirates.

Identica Limited register address is 101 NEW CAVENDISH STREET, London..Associated company BLOOD http://bloodglobal.com/

Tweet from George Prest, Co-Founder of BLOOD: https://twitter.com/georgeprest/status/1060858006894796800

What an evening last night @pitchatpalace with @TheDukeOfYork ! Buckingham Palace resplendent, amazing presentations, especially from @citystasher @_goodbox @ideabatic and @Lilypads_UK. Also great shouts out for @uandmrjones fam @ZapparApp and Gravity Road

letsdothis3 ago

Yahlive = Yahsat.

Aug 3, 2018, Yahsat acquired by Etisalat


Etisalat is one of the Internet hubs in the Middle East (AS8966), providing connectivity to other telecommunications operators in the region. It is also the largest carrier of international voice traffic in the Middle East and Africa and the 12th largest voice carrier in the world.[5] As of October 2008, Etisalat has 510 roaming agreements covering 186 countries and enabling BlackBerry, 3G, GPRS and voice roaming.[6] Etisalat operates Points of Presence (PoP) in New York, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris and Singapore. In December 2011 Etisalat announced the commercial launch of Etisalat 4G LTE Network

Emirates Telecommunication Group Company PJSC – Etisalat was founded in 1976. as a joint-stock company between International Aeradio Limited, a British Company, and local partners. In 1983, the ownership structure changed – United Arab Emirates government held a 60% share in the company and the remaining 40% were publicly traded.

July 2016, Etisalat partners with Canonical to Deploy NFV Telco Infrastructure

..The NFV-based telco infrastructure has been built with Quanta servers, Arista switches and Canonical’s Ubuntu OpenStack, a multi-vendor combination integrated for production for the first time ever globally.

Based on open-source OpenStack cloud platforms used by the likes of NASA, CERN and leading web companies, further clouds are in progress in more sites across the UAE.

letsdothis3 ago

Related :

British Intelligence Agency MI5 Did Not Tell Police Of Deceased Minister Peter Morrison's 'Penchant For Small Boys', Inquiry Hears by @think-

Giving evidence anonymously to the Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), a lawyer with the security service apologised for it having taken a “narrow, security-related view” of the accusations against Sir Peter Morrison.

letsdothis3 ago


The Verita Report: What did Green Party know about child rapist?

The clue to the depth and width of the long-awaited inquiry into the Green Party’s response to Coventry party member David Challenor’s conviction and imprisonment on 22 charges of the sexual torture of a 10-year-old girl, is the inquiry’s brief.

It is, in fact, very brief: last autumn the Verita consultancy was invited, at great expense, to investigate the party’s actions in response to the charges. That meant a narrow aperture, focused on who knew what, when and what they did about it.

The Verita report published on 10 January, has to be read, therefore, as much for the questions it asked and answered, as for what it didn’t ask or answer.

The Verita inquiry was not invited to address the context and culture which sustained the Challenors. It did conclude, however, that child safeguarding awareness was ‘low’. https://www.greenparty.org.uk/assets/images/national-site/Final report - Executive summary- cover.pdf

Read more at: https://www.byline.com/column/85/article/2394

think- ago

This öwould be probably worth a post of its own.

think- ago

Thanks for taking one for the team, and reading the Guardian article, I had skipped it, since I thought it might probably be too boring to read.

letsdothis3 ago

I have to admit I don't follow the Guardian...too much left-wing propaganda.. It's the video at the end that turned me onto the articles..

think- ago

I have a love-hate relationship with it. It's still my morning paper. In the headlines section, you can always find what 'they' are up to - when the Guardian pushes something there, you know it's fishy. ;-)

I always read Voat v/news in the morning as well, so I get a pretty good overview of more conservative voices, and a complete picture of what is going on. Works well for me. :-)

letsdothis3 ago

Always good to have a range of media sources.

think- ago


letsdothis3 ago

IICSA Inquiry-Westminster 14 March 2019 https://www.iicsa.org.uk/key-documents/9870/view/public-hearing-transcript-14-march-2019.pdf

References to the Green Party... highly significant...

letsdothis3 ago


I happen to think that Dearman and the children may be in Hove, UK. The MP for that area is from the Green Party, Caroline Lucas https://www.brightonhovegreens.org/contact-us/contacting-caroline-lucas-mp/

That's where his Slime business is based.

Historically, Green Party Pro-Pedophilia, according to this Thomas Sheridan documentary - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1741651

David Challenor, (father of Aimee Challenor: rising Green Party star) being convicted of torturing and raping a 10-year-old girl.

"A rising transgender star in the Green Party has withdrawn from the deputy leadership race after her father, who had twice previously acted as her election agent, was jailed for the rape and torture of a 10-year-old girl in the attic of the family home....