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OrwellKnew ago

Yeah, exactly. Centurion = DynCorp = State Department = CIA

edit: AND I would also add the US State Department to those connections

westmiguy ago

Centurion is the private airline owned by the Devos and VanAndel families (Amway). They have several private jets at Gerald R. Ford International Airport, as well as their own private runway near their estates in the Ada/Forest Hills area.

Centurion Aviation also hides as a legitimate company, offering single engine plane rentals, and private pilot classes. There is very, very little to be found about the company online, though. But there is another Centurion Aviation in Fayetteville, which is one of only 15 companies with permission to land inside government installations and bases... I have heard that the Fayetteville company is one in the same as the Ada company, and is highly suspected of being a company that secretly transports people for the US Government( )...

I live mere minutes from them, and actually used to live with a friend right down the road from the Devos estate.