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Labourmix ago

Reminds me of Celtic Football Club and their paedophile ring. The manager at the time Jocm stein discovers that the youth team coach is abusing the children and fires him from the club but didn’t inform the police.


think- ago

Thanks for the reminder that Gerry McCann worked for Celtic Glasgow.

@letsdothis3 @Factfinder2 @TrishaUK @The_Savant @kestrel9

think- ago

what the MI5 did there.

Right. I think it was a honeypot set up by MI5.

ASolo ago

Let us not forget that the UK Child Sex Abuse Scandals are the NEXUS from which ALL OTHER SRA/CSA trafficking/extortion rings ORIGINATE from. As melting pot of freemason, lubavitcher, nazi and the elite think tanks like Tavistock, England is the wellspring that harbors the occult eye of horus and certainly is from where all conspiracy continues to arise from. Of course most of you know the preeminent authority on the UK sexual abuse scandals is the infamous Aangirfan - here: with thousands of blog entries testifying to the aboveand over a decade of research following how the United States has been compromised in the same manner mirroring the approach the UK security services used child sexual extortion to bend their politicians to the will of the globalist bankers.

Keep reminding these fuckers that BRITAIN is NOT our friends - the bloody wankers.

think- ago

Of course most of you know the preeminent authority on the UK sexual abuse scandal is the infamous Aangirfan

They do great work, but I always take it with a grain of salt, because they often throw in some allegations without being able to prove it. And with 'prove' I mean they don't have plausible evidence.

@letsdothis3 @The_Savant

ASolo ago

I disagree. There was and still is NOONE that writes like Aangirfan and noone that has had the focus that Aangirfan has had and who has been able to connect the dots like they do, absolutely NOONE. They have been the only impetus for the major stories about Institutional Child Abuse and SRA/CSA that keep circulating and breaking new ground every day. I ask you to name one blogger that has been writing like they have for over ten years, I honestly cannot think of one beside David Icke, and of course he has always backfilled with well, you know.

And one more thing about "not being able to prove" the allegations, it's called nuance, metaphor and the power of suggestion, a simple picture can tell a story of a thousand words and prove all kinds of things for the reader and that's exactly what Aangirfan has done for over ten years.

think- ago

Err....@ASolo?! I didn't say that there content isn't valuable, or that they are compromised or anything.

But they sometimes throw around allegations that people are CIA etc., without even explaining why we should believe this, and sometimes their posts are partly based on posts of other bloggers that don't care to provide plausible explanations.

And one more thing about "not being able to prove" the allegations, it's called nuance, metaphor and the power of suggestion, a simple picture can tell a story of a thousand words

I beg to differ here when it comes to aangirfan. See above. Because sometimes their posts lack 'nuance'. That's their weakness, and that's why I take everything they write with a grain of salt. Sorry.

ASolo ago

Your blood pressure must be crazy from all that salt because there was no-one writing about the UK sex abuse scandals and extortion rings 10 years ago and there still isn't. Aangirfan seems to have been the only one for a very long time, the only one, so I'm not quite sure how you cannot give credit where credit is due. I'm not sure what your sorry about it's the indisputable truth what Aangirfan has contributed to the world no need to apologize for anything at all. Not quite sure where you have been throughout all of this but I have been here the entire time as well and there was noone writing about ANY of this before Aangirfan.

many have parrotted the same argument as you and the problem is they never set out to "prove" anything at all and you still don't get my drift, the way they write along with the pictures tells the entire story, no need to prove anything.

think- ago

Your blood pressure must be crazy from all that salt

Thanks, my blood pressure is just fine.

and there still isn't

That's simply not true. There are a couple of sites writing about it, or people redpilling on Twitter.

so I'm not quite sure how you cannot give credit where credit is due

Maybe you would like to re-read what I wrote.

Not quite sure where you have been throughout all of this but I have been here the entire time as well and there was noone writing about ANY of this before Aangirfan.

I am not running a competition here about 'who wrote about sexual abuse in Britain first'.

I have been talking about their content.

and you still don't get my drift, the way they write along with the pictures tells the entire story, no need to prove anything

Well, obviously you don't get my drift either. It's not enough to throw around allegations and add some 'telling pics'.

The whole reason why I'm a bit unnerved by them is that I often felt I stumbled into a trap - I was enticed by a clickbaity headline, and then was disappointed when I found I couldn't use and quote what they'd written, because they didn't even try to present evidence.

And no, accusing nearly everybody of being CIA is not enough.

Many have parroted the same argument as you

Well, I'm not surprised. The flaw the blog has is just so very obvious.

One question (and you don't have to answer it): Are you in any way connected to the gals who run the blog? Is this why you are defending them in this manner? Because you're usually more critical, @ASolo.

Not sure why you're glorifying them the way you do.

ASolo ago

I am not connected to the alleged nuns that run the Aangirfan Blog no think- and my loyalty to them is only because they are such pioneers in maintaining such a stance for such a long time, and have followed their work for just as long and have contributed from time to time.

Think-, I don't want to "argue" with you. I know this isn't an "argument" per say, just a discussion, and I am amazed at your need to break down every single sentence with a rebuttal, it is impressive yet slightly alarming lol. I only mean that in jest as well it truly only means that you care what people perceive and that you are a true 'autist' and empath. I don't ever mean to confront you or make you feel like you have to reply in such a manner and maybe I do come off some sort of way, I have to rethink the way I approach those that are in on this with me because surely think- I don't ever mean to offend you.

I guess my rebuttal to your points remains the same, of course you are free to believe what you want about them but for me they have always had a sort of ability to convey in a manner I enjoy that I can't really quite put into words at the moment.

Hugs. Sorry.

think- ago

and maybe I do come off some sort of way

Well....I guess the fierceness of your replies irritated and puzzled me.

Let's agree to disagree, shall we?

Hugs. Sorry.

It's ok. Blessings.

ASolo ago

😊Thank You & to you too.

Yuke ago

You say:

We know that pedos are blackmail material

And they say:

MI5 lawyers said, was that Hayman had rendered himself vulnerable to blackmail

Not a direct quote of course, but that's fairly good confirmation of this.

think- ago

Not a direct quote of course, but that's fairly good confirmation of this.

Actually, I think this is a very important and exciting statement - they really confirm that Hayman was into pedo activities imo. While still to this day, people claim that anti-pedo activists made the allegations against Hayman up.

@letsdothis3 @The_Savant @TrishaUK @DerivaUK @UnicornAndSparkles

B_dog ago

Is it possible that, after a couple years of media screeching "fake news" at this issue, something is finally happening in the UK?

letsdothis3 ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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B_dog ago

You're almost certainly right based on past history. I just wanted to grab a reed of illusory hope.😭

Yuke ago

And cooking programmes, don't forget the cooking programmes!

truthdemon ago

The British empire wants us stupid

derram ago :

MI5 did not tell police of minister's ‘penchant for small boys’, inquiry hears | UK news | The Guardian

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The British Empire Wants You To Be Stupid