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19924837? ago

Link to the apparently over target post

19925284? ago

Meh thread. Why would they care about this one? Nothing ground breaking

19925700? ago

Thread directly links the Vatican to human trafficking. Whenever (and I mean WHENEVER) I try to link these two, I get forum slided, and a slew of shill responses. Actually, I fear many of the “shills” are actually genuine Catholic Qanon Patriots who are having an impossible time accepting that their seemingly beloved institution is rotten to the core. I suggest they leave, and then I get accused of hating Catholics, when actually the complete opposite is true.

To digress: Sincere Catholics, read the Bible with an open mind, discover “Salvation by Faith alone,” through Jesus Christ and his precious shed blood on the cross for YOU to pay for YOUR sins (the very same which Luther discovered many years ago to institute the Protestant Reformation). Before you hate on me for this, I suggest you please prayerfully try it out! Once you see it, you will be more than happy to leave!!!

19926664? ago

If Catholics can’t look at Francis’ devious grin and Benedict and how evil to the core his face is, they’re crazy. My husband and I were born/raised Catholic but one look at those two and we fled.