Labourmix ago

Over a month and this lead seems to have gone cold. I tried calling the number on the Teris website, it goes to a voicemail system which I assume sounds Spanish?

I find that odd for a Swiss based company. ‭+41918500624‬

Vindicator ago

Crossposting from submission by @pizzagateishell:

Here's a Level 2 footprint done with Maltego CE on I hope this can help.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Anyone else notice at the top of the teris swirl photo it says SITEMAP XXX?? @Vindicator @think-

Vindicator ago

You're right. I don't think anyone caught that here!

Zzzmmm333 ago

I don't the anon OP is with us anymore..

Zzzmmm333 ago

Seems to be a legit part of the site too, looks like part of the search bar.. Nothing suss but

Shizy ago

Did anyone else catch where this anon used klass instead of class? It was either a typo or was he signaling a possible surname?

Zzzmmm333 ago

I was just thinking the same thing when reading his posts! Pretty sure it was only using the word class that he changed it?

Labourmix ago

I think it’s just because he’s foreign.

epiphany504 ago

Reminds me of the method Statfor used...a secondary "order" site linked to a legitimate pizza ordering site ie papa johns - the Global Intelligence Files in Wikileaks showed communications between what they claimed were informants for intelligence, & selling that intelligence. After reading through the files, I thought it looked much more like a child-trafficking set up. People go to a legitimate Pizza site but put in the "password" and the secondary secret site comes up, with all the options for ordering a pizza.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I don’t believe he was killed in the helicopter crash in Europe as he stated he had poor internet connection in the islands. I also don’t believe it is actually him posting saying everything is a lie and the people are innocent. The recent writings do not match up at all. It is highly concerning that someone is pretending to be him and ending this whole thing. I don’t want to put him but I’m quite sure we know the car company and one of the three owners was an aristocrat when it started. It is difficult to find family information on that person to look into the tree further as Anon mentioned elites pay money to be removed entirely from Ancestry websites and geneology information. I’m really hoping he’s still alive but it’s not looking good. His family is likely tracking his whereabouts and internet activity somehow.

ttssyf ago

that's why we need to dig

letsdothis3 ago

If you are thinking that this is related to Fiat and the Agnelli family then I would be interested to know:

Truthseeker3000 ago

Actually, no. That is not the one I’m thinking it is.

letsdothis3 ago

I don't think so either. He said his family is from Bellinzona which would make him Swiss. This article names the one italian helicopter pilot who died in the crash. His bio doesn't fit :

Labourmix ago

If RoyalAnon has been suicided could it be related to this;

Would coincide with when he went dark.

Labourmix ago

Looks like the RoyalAnon who posted this info originally has been compromised and or killed. This was posted from his account this morning;

“ The statements I have made here are all lies. The people discussed are innocent. Please have this removed“

I’m not buying it for a second. To drop such a specifically named company as Teris and then for that site to have pedo imagery, it’s no fucking coincidence. Hopefully we can keep unravelling the threads of what he gave us and investigate some of these names and companies.

srayzie ago

I was sick yesterday and just got on. Wtf? Is there anything new? I want to look deeper into this.

@Shizy @MolochHunter

letsdothis3 ago

Have you got the link?

think- ago

Have you guys seen this update? I'm a bit concerned that they harmed the anon. :-/

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

MolochHunter ago

yer or he got really scared

think- ago

Dunno - you'd expect he would write a more lengthy explanation then? Like 'I had too much coke, and was drunk' etc.?

Just typing one sentence is odd somehow.

srayzie ago

Very interesting. I’m going to look deeper

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

fogdryer ago


why racine? a small wealthy town on water!

fogdryer ago


this link, while on the internet, says he was a victim of his, but when I click the clink I cannot find the words on the page saying such...…….

Labourmix ago

Ok, could be nothing but finding three different waste companies using the name TERIS is a bit of a coincidence right?

InsiderAnon on 8chan said in one of his posts that the guys from this Teris company in Switzerland go to a company event once a year in Paris.

Teris waste management with an address set up in France -

Then I found another waste management company called Teris LLC founded in ARKANSAS in 1992

Seems a bit of a long shot that we would have three different companies in the same line of work in three different companies all using the same name?

carmencita ago

Strange alright and wouldn't you know one of them is in Arkansas. Who knew. Clinton country.

Labourmix ago

Yeah and the timeline matches while Bill was Governor of Arkansas. It’s an astronomical coincidence.

carmencita ago

Well Well Look at this. A fire in of all places in the Ark. location. It is in PDF form and I am awful at PDF. Here is copy.

Emergency Response Review 2 SUMMARY OF INCIDENT On the morning of January 2, 2005, a report to the National Response Center indicated an explosion and fire had occurred at the Terrs LLC facility in El Dorado, Arkansas. The initial explosion occurred at approximately 0800 hours. The facility reported initially that an employee attempted to extinguish a small fire within a warehouse storing various waste containers, but that the fire soon grew out of control. The cause of the accident is not addressed within this report. Response organizations (El Dorado Fire and Police Departments, as well as the Union County Sheriff Department) quickly responded and established a unified command with Teris personnel to establish a strategy and response procedures for dealing with the emergency. Local responders closed nearby streets, as well as evacuating approximately 200 residents downwind from the facility. EPA Region 6 dispatched its Airborne Spectral and Photographic Environmental Technology (ASPECT) plane to monitor the plume. Preliminary review of the data collected by ASPECT showed low concentrations of trimethylamine in the immediate downwind plume. No other significant compounds or concentrations were detected. Fire fighting was conducted by Teris personnel on-site, with off-site assistance from local response organizations. Due to the reactive wastes involved in the fire, water was not used as an extinguishing agent. Efforts focused on cooling areas not involved in the fire, as well as movement of materials not involved. By 1900 hours on January 2, local officials lifted part of the evacuation area. By 1600 hours on January 3, all evacuations and road closures were lifted. On-going monitoring of the ambient air was conducted by the Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health (CTEH), who was contracted by Teris. Additionally, EPA START contractors monitoring throughout the community. No significant concentrations of contaminants were detected during the air monitoring efforts. CTEH did detect elevated levels of particulate matter immediately adjacent to the scene. Sampling was conducted by Teris, with EPA and Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) coordination, from fire suppression runoff. These samples were to analyzed to determine proper disposal of this water runoff. Additionally, wipe samples were collected by Teris (CTEH), in coordination with EPA, ADEQ, and Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) at 10 locations within the community.

kestrel9 ago

I'm playing catch-up on this topic but here's something intriguing:

Institute for Research in Biomedicine Member of The Foundation Council (governing body of the Institute): Paolo Agustoni

Seems worth checking out.

Vanni Bianconi pictured here with Paolo Agustoni

Babel is a Swiss literary festival. Its main focus is translation, understood as linguistic hospitality and a most powerful means of relation and exchange.

Babel Literary Festival: The Pussywarmers

Switzerland: Philippe Rahmy & Vanni Bianconi 2pm - 3pm Philippe Rahmy and Vanni Bianconi are young Swiss writers who have been writing about London in different languages and genres. Rahmy, who suffers from brittle-bone disease, after a book on his journey to Shanghai, has just published a novel based in London during the Olympic games. Bianconi is a poet who lives in London, and he is working on a travel book on the transient qualities of the city.

many more names, countries on the linked page.

siegnagel ago

Quick heads up Goats. One poster suggests to contact a Wizard who's EH (Esoteric Hitlerist). Please note, one of Serrano's followers is a convicted pedophile in Chile. He's currently in prison for raping his girlfriends daughters in a supposed 'esoteric initiation'. Avoid at all costs. His online name is Wolfram Von Odal. Real name, Vladimir Ferrada.

think- ago

one of Serrano's followers is a convicted pedophile in Chile

Sorry, but who is Serrano?

siegnagel ago

All the teachings of Esoteric Hitlerism follow two people, Miguel Serrano, a former Chilean diplomat and Savitri Devi who was an Anglo-French author during and post WW2. Serrano is very popular. They're not Satanists, but follow a mashed up religion of Hinduism/New Age/Heathenism and cult like following of Adolf Hitler. This Wolfram Von Odal guy is Chilean, many folk left EH because of him and his pedophilic revelations. He was a big player for a few years, the rest are New Age edgelords.

think- ago

Interesting, thank you! I saw that Wolfram Von Odal was convicted of Ritual Abuse.

I thought of Satanism due to the Order of Nine Angles (= Satanists), which also seems to have an overlapping with Esoteric Hitlerism? Not sure, though. Any thoughts on these guys would be welcome. Thank you.

siegnagel ago

O9A is a different entity all together, it's much newer was created in 1970's by David Myatt as a possible honeytrap for the youth to become interested in National Socialism. Myatt I'm sure intended this alone. It's not really Satanism either. It advocates a path which he calls the Numinous Way, which led him to where he is now in his path. Serrano's stuff isn't Satanic either, it's just kooky edge lords hanging on to the inane ramblings of an old guy who met a load of people in his life.

think- ago

It's not really Satanism either.

It doesn't seem to be traditional Satanism, more Luciferianism? And what exactly is the 'Numinous Way'?

Any thoughts about the 'Temple of the Sun', one of the alleged predecessors of the ONA?

think- ago

Wizard who is an Esoteric Hitlerist most certainly means he is a Satanist.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @think-.

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Epitaph-101 ago

Newfag account. But have been involved with the movement since pizzagate 1st broke and researching this true evil since 2003. Really sucks that we can't trust Leo's. Such a great job by anons. Will try to help with what I can do from a phone for now. Getting a new laptop in a couple weeks.

Labourmix ago

Quick search shows that Sandler and Aniston were indeed in Italy last August filming a new film for Netflix, filming was at Lake Como, a mere 39 miles from Bellinzona.

think- ago

@carmencita, have you seen the comment above? The woman from Friends involved in this seems to have been Jennifer Aniston.


Lansing-Michigan ago

Jennifer Aniston lives in Laurel Canyon. According to Dave McGowan's book, the evil is pervasive there.

Shizy ago

Jennifer Anistons father was a naval intelligence officer who was active duty in panama. I'm looking more into this.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Fathers in naval intelligence seems to be a common factor in Laurel Canyon.

Shizy ago

Absolutely! That's what I stuck out to me.

Sharon Tate's father was naval intelligence too.

think- ago

Jennifer Anistons father was a naval intelligence officer


carmencita ago

Holy Cow. Not far for Clooney and his bf either. So this is really sick. Jen is a tranny and is she gf of Adam and they are both pedos? They do this together? I’m going to be sick.

fogdryer ago

so what does that make George...…………….

and don't ruin my fantasy

carmencita ago

Um, if you really want to know then it will ruin your fantasy. Supposedly, he is gay and has an ongoing affair with Cindy Crawford's husband Randy. It's been going on for quite a while and the talk is that they live this way freely in Lake Como. Remember I said supposedly. So you still have your fantasy.

fogdryer ago

omg----------------------Ill keep the fantasy.

btw why cant they live life honestly...… the open ?

carmencita ago

Personally, I think the like fooling the people. Putting us on, but when studios get crazy like with the tranny stuff then it is destructive. But these goons fall for it for the money and excitement. Also it's all about the corruption of our young people. The lifestyles start looking normal when so many of them do it. Believe me I think a lot of people know what's going on but they think it is old fashioned to care. Just my opinion.

think- ago

Jennifer Aniston certainly isn't a tranny, @carmencita.

fogdryer ago

ive heard this before.idk

carmencita ago

No? I don’t keep up much with them. I never watched Friends. I am a Noir Girl. But these stars are so wild I would readily believe. Even if she’s not hanging eith Pedo Adam is creepy enough

think- ago

There are some shills here who spread - for reasons whatsoever - that nearly everybody in the show biz and in politics is trans, so we have to be careful not to fall for such rumours (although there are of course some trans people).

carmencita ago

Ok. Hard to know which ones are the ones now since there surely have been many improvements. There has been much speculation.

darkknight111 ago

I should probably check some of the blind items to see if anything shows up on those two.

assistance1010 ago

Mountainous areas are more suitable terrain for tunnels for storing children.

fogdryer ago

Mountain Top Hotel--myanmar

assistance1010 ago

New lead? If so, please further elaborate.

fogdryer ago

im just thinking-asia close to swiss. high elevation place loose laws on child crimes......maybe they fly the kids there

auralsects ago

well this is 30min north of Bellinzona proper

assistance1010 ago

Hopefully that girl is ok.

assistance1010 ago

Emphasis on Saturn too.

dundundunnnnn ago

Pegasus imagery, too

The1stLantern ago

Of course it fucking is. Goddamn it all to hell.

darkknight111 ago

I think I found Riccardo

Vindicator ago

Has anyone seen /qresearch/ folks working on this? It went down on /pol/. We should get a link added in this thread if /qresearch/ digs into it.

The1stLantern ago

I xposted to theawkening and Greatawakening

Johncarpenterlives ago

If OP Pedo Insider is lurking: Get in touch with President Trump! Do whatever you can to contact him! Ivanka is also a good contact to get to him! You have money, and connections of some kind. There is a reason the flee from him!!!!

Johncarpenterlives ago

The Cardinals, and the Fake Pope. Is there a real Black Pope, or did he just mean the Cardinals? Who controls the Cardinals?

Also, I assume this was figured out almost as soon as PI (Pedo Insider, is there a different monicker?) mentioned it, but here you go:

Wolftrail7272 ago

Will look into this shortly, but just a thought: does this waste management company have any ties to any companies in the healthcare world, walk in freezers, or access to strong acids and bases? Will proceed to dig.

pby1000 ago

If the pattern holds, then there should be a shady pizza joint nearby. I wonder if Alefantis or Podesta have been to Bellinzona.

fogdryer ago

wait-----------a shady pizza place near---------where ??

The1stLantern ago


pby1000 ago

Freemason temple, too. It all fits.

kazza64 ago

well ...... that was quite the trip down the rabbit hole

darkknight111 ago

8 chan “breads” have classifed our thread as a notable post with request for people who know Itallian.

We should look into the plane crash of Richard B Russell. One of the people in that crash was a convicted pedophile with sewer systems connections.

fogdryer ago

wtf! you cant make this up...…………..

dundundunnnnn ago

Name of pedo?

NotHereForPizza ago

From Anon:

Remember Richard B Russel - He crashed on a island with 17 people living on it - and one of them was a convicted pedophile with massive sewer systems connections too

drstrangegov ago

How the fuck do I post on that stupid site? If the op of that post is here. Contact me. I would like very much to talk to you. And DO NOT kill yourself. You need allies, people like me all over the world want to help. We want to END these fucks.

darkknight111 ago“TERIS”

Hits for teris on wikileaks.

darkknight111 ago

Wish there was a way to translate Italian on that site.

Would make navigating to find the people in charge easier.

fogdryer ago

I know an italain here in usa

The1stLantern ago

Help me get the word out. Someone here has to speak Italian. Or we can xpost on 8chan for translation.

Piscina ago

i can translate Italian

The1stLantern ago

Then your services have been requested - can you check out the archive links SheWho posted in this thread nd/or the Teris site and provide info we can use to research connections etc

Piscina ago

Nearly all of those have options for translation into English. If there are any that do not, then let me know and I will translate it for you.

Teris has English translation.

darkknight111 ago

Already spread the word requesting Italian anon help.

Piscina ago

This is it: It has an option to translate into English. If there's anything you don't understand, I can translate it for you.

YogSoggoth ago

Too many telling him to spend money here and there on Pol. Veritas was a good idea, but Judicial watch would be my choice for the protection. Track record is everything. Bitcoin is safe in smallish amounts to convert into travel/other, but nothing I would sink any real capital into. If real, this guy needs real friends quick. Funny thing is, he is talking to them, and does not know which ones are real. Who here has wanted to contact someone they met online, only to realize there is no safe way? Well, if you are in the Carib stay away from the British ones, and dom/haiti. Never port in Miami or Jacksonville. Hire on CB, that is Communications Band.

The1stLantern ago

Youre sadly outlining the plight of the modern world. The value of crypto is in its ability to move assests independantly. Cant freeze his cash if its in the chain, and he can retrieve it later once he has moved locations.

How I wish it were easier to determine who was real, Id gladly sign up in a pedo hunting army / rescue unit.

YogSoggoth ago

Could be a larp trap too. Let us not kid ourselves. Giving false leads to waste our valuable time.This could also be a anti pedo hunting army / elimination unit designed to dox us and worse. Remember, you pissed off the Clinton's just by signing in. They are really desperate right now with all those exposed crimes and such. Moving cash is also a trap if you think about it. There is almost always a fee. I would move cash organically, and legally. Heck, I would prefer to do it lawfully, if possible. Emotions are high in this conversation, and mine are thankfully drowned in high spirits.

The1stLantern ago

Deus volt.

YogSoggoth ago

No, I meant alcohol, but not much different somehow.

Truthseeker3000 ago

NobelAnon aka poster on 8chan, please read.

Thank you beyond for having the balls to come forward. Do NOT consider suicide, you are extremely valuable not only to us and the many kids you have seen and know about, but as a human with decency and courage. Yes you absolutely MUST get off the drugs and alcohol and women, these vices will drain your funds completely and fuck with your head doing far more harm than good. I AM VERY CONCERNED ABOUT THE GUARD/FRIEND YOU HAVE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW. This person is allowing you to abuse coke/drinks while under their care. They must go and you should not be surrounded by anyone allowing this to happen to you as you are very vulnerable right now. Next, do NOT offer the money to people willing to help. There are far too many wolves in sheep’s clothing on these threads (look at American Craig “Sawman” Sawyer looking for donations to save kids he’s just one example of a fraud). Do NOT trust anyone. You are 100% correct on Switzerland, home of the Pharaohs lol!!! Watch Dr. Sean Hross’ Youtube channel for a breakdown. He is 110% trustworthy and could use help, the two of you should connect as you have the same goals and each have a wealth of knowledge to share. His YouTube is called: ‘Central Intelligence Agency’ (main one) “The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil” should give you a good breakdown of everything you need to know. Please do NOT give out any more info of personal identification as you are likely being targeted and identified. Thank you so, so very much. This means everything to us.

If anyone could post my comment on 8chan so he could see it I would be very grateful. Thank you all!!!

think- ago

They must go and you should not be surrounded by anyone allowing this to happen to you as you are very vulnerable right now.

If he is his security detail, and trustworthy and reliable, it would be a very bad idea to let him go now. The anon needs good security now more than ever.

Truthseeker3000 ago

True, however, he is using coke and has admitted having a problem with it. Someone who could help him with his sobriety is ideal.

drstrangegov ago

get this guy away from these people. he is a vital resource and can blow open the whole thing. come to montana and we'll put him up in a hotel or even my home, get him clean, and learn all that he can tell. lets get organized, people. i can have 30 pissed off, armed to the teeth rednecks guarding him at all times.

assistance1010 ago

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

theHubrisOfMan ago

This is the lost legitimate claim I’ve seen on this topic since Wikileaks.

Vindicator ago

This statement by BellinzonaAnon jumped out at me as something worth looking into:

I do know when Donald Trump visits Europe that the pedo network go on holidays to Asia.

I am not familiar enough with the European who's who and vanity press publications that follow them to research this effectively. However DJT visited Europe on these dates:

  • May 23-27 2017 | Italy
  • July 5-6 2017 | Poland
  • July 6-8 2017 | Germany
  • July 13-17 2017 | France
  • Jan 25-26 2018 | Switzerland
  • July 10-12 2018 | Belgium
  • July 12-15 2018 | UK
  • July 15-16 2018 | Finland
  • Nov 9-11 2018 | France
  • Dec 26-27 2018 | Germany

Who is "they" and where do they go in Asia?

fogdryer ago

they ---------kids

Wolftrail7272 ago

This is probably more important than we think.

Vindicator ago

That's what my spidey senses told me, too.

pby1000 ago

It is interesting that they fear DJT so much.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/8chan comment by @16345537.

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Vindicator ago

Thanks for posting this, 1stLantern. I'm giving this the Potential Lead flair and stickying it for a bit. People need to read the entire thread from /pol/. This looks promising. Here's the archive: (please add to your post).

Keep up the good work!

The1stLantern ago

Good God how I love this sub and all you beautiful bastards with it.

Vindicator ago

Agreed! There were pizza goats all over that thread, encouraging him. :-)

drstrangegov ago

Get his ass over to voat if you know how to navigate that clusterfuck of a site. We can rally around him and help him out, give him purpose, and he can fill in gaps. We NEED guys like that. I'll open my home as a safe haven or whatever is required but we need that information. I can't make heads or tails on how to navigate that bullshit site.

think- ago

He was here, and read this post.

drstrangegov ago

I want to be involved. I'll do it anonymously I don't give a shit I want these fuckers ended. I'm here to help, let me know what I can do.

think- ago

Thanks, that's very kind of you.

You could help digging into the TERIS company, the Babel festival, and the names mentioned in the /pol OP.

Maybe start with the Babel festival? Who organizes it, who gives money to them? Who went there? What kind of events do they have? You can help by archiving all websites you find, before they might get scrubbed.

You could do a post about it here on v/pizzagate at some point. If you haven't posted here before, @Vindicator and @EricKaliberhall, the mods, can help you with that. Or you can post what you might find in comments on this thread.

If you want to help him in real life, it would be more difficult, I guess. But he might come back here again, and read what you wrote. I think that you and others want to help him will give him strength.


drstrangegov ago

I'm really terrible with the internet. I think I lack that special brand of autism that allows people to focus on the minutia. And I'm always out in the world on mobile. But I'll try, maybe I'll stumble across something important feel free to tell me I'm not helping with my internetting in the future. I am, however a whiz with everything out in the real world and have been thinking a long time about providing a safe house for people with information vital to the cause of shutting these scumbags down. I live in a rural area in an unspectacular town in a state that Texas wishes it still was. Have a b&b with good facilities. I want very badly to start snapping these peoples necks but I unknowingly sidelined myself when I moved from the city.

think- ago

You might want to delete the comments in your comment history that reveal where you're based, @drstrangegov. ;-)

And you've already helped tremendously just by offering shelter, even if the /pol anon might decide he has other plans.

And please don't be too modest regarding your internet skills - every tiny bit of info will make a difference. :-)

drstrangegov ago

Yes I see how that could be a problem. Will do.

think- ago

K. :-)

Vindicator ago

Get his ass over to voat if you know how to navigate that clusterfuck of a site. We can rally around him and help him out, give him purpose, and he can fill in gaps.

It was suggested to him :-)

Vindicator ago

You mean a single thread like this one, or the whole of 8chan?

drstrangegov ago

I'm sorry I don't know what you mean. Maybe I'm just used to voat but the format of 8 chan is utterly unusable to me. Could just be that I'm old.

The1stLantern ago

His last msg after learning of VoatPG was goddamned inspiring.

"Fuck, OK. I WILL FIGHT. I want to fight. I want honor, I want to help the children. The face of hurt needs to go away. Fuck the Jew, Fuck the Pedo, Fuck the politicians. The world is ours"

If we even cut the bastards, it was all worth it.

loooooongtimelurker ago

i cried real tears when he acknowledged voat - there is hope on the horizon fellow pizza goats - i love you all - we have waited so long but this is worldwide now and nothing will stop the exposé of the pedovores

Vindicator ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Most recent /pol/ archive -

think- ago

Thanks for stickying the post, Vin. Much appreciated.

think- ago

In case the OP of the /pol thread should be reading this:

Thank you for your courage, please stay safe. Unfortunately, there isn't any charity that could be recommended to help those kids, as all charities that pretend to help children might be fishy.

Please leave a 'dead man's switch' (insider info that will be published in case something should happen to you) with people you trust.

You might want to find a quiet place somewhere abroad for a while where you can relax, feel safe, and get away from your alcohol and drug habits. It will clear your head, and make you stronger.

Be careful whom you trust, as there will certainly be alphabet agents trying to contact you now, pretending to be on your side.

God bless.

doofface99 ago

Archive on .fo mirror as well (.is may go down in less than a month.)

MolochHunter ago

Contact the Hollie Grieg Justice Centre

they seem to be trustworthy to me - Hollie is a survivor herself and all the Grooming Gang survivors on twitter seem to collaborate with her in awareness/justice campaigns. Its a UK outfit but maybe she has some trustworthy contacts on the Continent

think- ago

We would need some more people to help digging here - @letsdothis3, @Factfinder2, @darkknight111. :-)

think- ago

from the /pol thread:

'Have you considered moving to Russia and trying to contact someone in the US who is on Trump's team? You could be of great use if you are able to work with others that are set on bringing pedo network down.'

And this is where the whole Q story is getting dangerous - pretending that Trump is going to take the elite pedos down is fine if it is only a personal delusion, if it might actually endanger someone in real life who might naively think the people connected to Trump are the 'good guys', and might innocently reveal his insider info about pedo networks to the wrong people, it isn't funny anymore. :-/ sigh

And on a side note: Moving to Russia? And what he is going to do when he will find out about the Russian elite pedo networks? bangs head on table

fogdryer ago

cant say it is true, but there is negative info on trump being part of the club...……………

I don't know what she should do...…………..great news/awful news

think- ago

I think the anon is legit. Could you, @The1stLantern, or someone else who is familiar with the chans please go over to the /pol thread, and post the link to v/pizzagate? I think it might give OP hope to see that there are people out there who fight pedos, even if he only wants to lurk.


NotHereForPizza ago

We got you covered, man.

You're in good hands.

loooooongtimelurker ago

was afraid i would be eaten alive for being a "newfag" but WWG1WGA and all that

think- ago

Welcome to the board, @loooooongtimelurker. Just tell people to fuck off if they aren't polite. ;-)

loooooongtimelurker ago

thank you @think- i've read on here every few days since 13th Nov 2016 but never brave enough to register and post, until today. there's been some dark days but hopefully the masses are waking up and things can change for the better xx

NinaSparrow ago

hey!! I was exactly like u..lurking every day since Nov 2016 & scared to post till recently. welcome! happy you're here!

think- ago

Kindly welcome, @loooooongtimelurker. I was also a lurker for nine months before I signed up, so I can relate to your feelings. :-) Thank you for joining! Please always feel free to PM me if you need help with posting or something else.

I think we have already made a difference. So many people got redpilled about elite child abuse. And remember how ten years ago nobody would dare to speak about sexual abuse by priests, and how this has changed completely.

I promise ten years from now, nobody will believe that Pizzagate once was called a 'conspiracy theory'. ;-)

smiter ago

Good call. is offline already. Timed out. Was hosted on

The1stLantern ago

Many thanks she

think- ago

Doesn't work for me? Tried three times...could you maybe check it, swmbo? Thank you! :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago - - -

These are the ones that have been made, could you check them too?

Brand new for you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


think- ago

Updated the /pol thread archive (discussion still ongoing, so we might want to archive it again at some point later):

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


think- ago


Piscina ago

Thank you

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome @Piscina

Piscina ago

Samuel Golay from Locarno Switzerland is another person mentioned. His Facebook page is FILLED with photos of him and lots of children, some toddlers.

dundundunnnnn ago - this fellow? I do not have FB and cannot see his pictures.

Piscina ago

yes, that is him.

Piscina ago

I believe him. The bishops killed Pope John Paul I and elected JPII, one of their own. Ever since, all popes have been freemason-friendly.

I have seen some of these wealthy ex-royals. They are entitled and bored. They spend their lives travelling from one jetset scene to another eg summer yachts in Mediterranean/Sardinia/French Riviera. Then in winter they go to party at their ski resorts. They don't work and take drugs, and still sign their names as 'prince so and so' and 'countess so and so'. They take drugs just because.

If the children coming from Iceland are dark, aren't they Middle Eastern refugees?

carmencita ago

Upvoat. They spend their lives traveling from one jetset scene to another on Yachts. Virgin just trotted out an Adults Only Yacht for the Elites. Wonder if it sails to Bellinzonna.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Something tells me we will soon find out.

carmencita ago

I am thinking it will. There will be much money to be made from those that want to travel there not to mention what will be provided for their sick fun on board. Branson has already made bundles of cash off the backs of Children through his charities. I have slowed my research. I am in mourning. A loss close to me.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Oh no carmencita I’m so very sorry to hear this. I was wondering why you hadn’t been posting much over Christmas. Please take good care of yourself.

carmencita ago

It’s been ver hard. I have lots of support. This was a total shock to all. One moment he was in ER sitting up and then we heard they were trying to revive him. A mortal shock. One of the kindest men ever - was what a coworker said. I so agree. God recruited another Angel. I miss him so. ❤️

NinaSparrow ago

So sorry about your loss. You're in my prayers dear 🙏🏼

carmencita ago

Thank you. I have kind people near me but prayers are always helpful. This will be the hardest thing I go through - I hope. 💕

NinaSparrow ago

Glad to hear that you have good people around you, that's so important. I lost my father, and a very dear friend within the same month late last year, so I do understand what you're going through and how your heart is just totally shattered. The pain does get a little easier to bear with time, but it will always be there. I am truly very sorry. We have to just learn to carry the pain and the memories with us and honor them the best that we can. Lots of love, hugs and prayers to you dear. God bless you 🙏🏼❤

carmencita ago

Thank you so much. We are just in shock because there was no warning. No time to say goodbye. Your kind words have helped a lot. So sorry for your loss. Yes it is something we have to learn to live with. 💕

toutedesuite ago

Very very sorry you have lost someone dear. I hope your memories will comfort, sustain and inspire you.

carmencita ago

Thank you 🙏. It’s been very hard. Nothing seems to be going right as well. Sick as well. But as I have always said that you never get over losing someone close. You just learn to live with it. Your kind words have helped. 💕

NinaSparrow ago

Oh goodness, that's awful. Prayers to you love. And thank you. Try and take it easy ❤ 🙏🏼

carmencita ago

And to you 🙏 as well ❤️

think- ago

Lake Como where Clooney has his house

Lake Como is in Italy though. Switzerland is elite Luciferian territory due to all the bankers. John Podesta has a house there too (I believe in Lausanne, but not sure.)

Piscina ago

Yes, Bellinzona is just inside Swiss border, very close to Italy.

think- ago

Ok, I misunderstood, sorry.

Piscina ago

That's OK :)

carmencita ago

So on 8 Chan it says this whistle blower claims Macron Adam Sandler came with a chick from Friends. They came at different times for pedi parties. They are underground in Bellinzona. Theresa May also went for pedo party.

pby1000 ago

The dyke Merkel is probably not far behind. I wonder why she is so fearful of dogs?

carmencita ago

I agree. She understands Putin for they go way back to the East Berlin days bHe has large black dogs. This may be a reason. She knows there is not much difference from him and his dogs. He is in to her. If anyone looks like a Tran she does.

pby1000 ago

I am wondering if the Satanists use dogs to terrorize children during MK Ultra programming. Putin would know...

Shizy ago

There was some artwork from that MKUltra victim artist which depicted some scary looking dogs.

I'm sure @think- knows what I'm referring to. Do you have any posts about that on v/pizzagateart?

think- ago

I'm sure @think- knows what I'm referring to.

This would be Biljana Djurdjevic.

Do you have any posts about that on v/pizzagateart?

Not yet (on my laundry list...;-) ). A v/pizzagate post where we discussed her work was

Hope this helps! :-)

Shizy ago

Yes that's the one! I knew you'd know what I meant 😉

think- ago

;-) :-)

think- ago

Putin would know because he is awoke. I hope that Putin would not particiate in such activities. Just wanted to be clear.

Putin is awoke? OMG. LOL. Yes, he calls out Western predators. You have no idea how bad the situation in Russia is regarding child trafficking.

pby1000 ago

Ukraine, too. Probably all the Slavic countries. Putin is still dealing with the remnants of the former Soviet Union. They control the local levels.

carmencita ago

Would not surprise me. They know each other from their KGB days. Do the KGB dogs and MKU have a history and connection. That’s a good question.

F1RST ago

Link shows Jennifer Aniston with Adam Sandler in lake como only 4 days before Anon says they were in Bellinzona which is 35 miles away from Lake Como.

Manmethodsurgical ago

Plausible - Sandler is suspect / friends chicks are all trans - so is May

benjitsu ago

Sandler is repped by the biggest of the big, and like Jim Carrey his talents are no so great that he could make it big without being corrupted (take that shampoo bottle out of my ass quality)

carmencita ago

Wow. All of Friends chicks are trans. Wow. I believe about May. She wore a girl love necklace once and someone posted a pic. Who is she kidding? This stuff needs to get out. Wonder how many leaders are trans.

think- ago

I don't think that May is trans.

What is interesting that the pic showing her wearing the spiral was scrubbed, not only from the original page, but from too. Wonder if it can still be found somewhere.

carmencita ago

Yeah I remember seeing it posted. So it did exist. Erasing evidence is their MO.

toutedesuite ago

I remember that pic as well👍

carmencita ago

She’s not fooling anyone because I am sure it has been archived. So it is floating around somewhere.

The1stLantern ago

Need to research this town and whos been there. Good start - would you link images here via archive for others?

carmencita ago

I can’t do it on my cell. Not good at that. It also said mentioned party in the Casrle as well. These are very sick and evil people. Wish I could do more. A bit under the weather right now as well

tokui ago

Definitely kooky.

Unrelated but that spiral pedo symbol: Remember that guy who lives in small "hobbit" hole in hillside? Only at end does he (divorced) mention having a "partner". There's like a couple secs where a man asks him about the little metal figure on back doorway, figure with spiral, and man mentions he's noted it elsewhere in the dwellings. The guy claims it symbolizes a hobo, free spirit.

fogdryer ago

I think the kids look healthy the adult in the phot needs a bath and comes across as an idiot idk

The1stLantern ago

My understanding was reference to yellow brick road swirl - mk monarch programming language.