ESOTERICshade ago

Excerpt from an article. Link below. I have not really dug into this. Found it a while back and thought it was interesting so I saved it.

Your High level Masonic Knights of Malta representative politicos bend their knee to the likes of Matteiano, Flaminio, Vaticano, Dogali, Solare, Lateranense, Minerveo, Macuteo, Sallustiano, Quirinale, Agonallis, Pinciano, Esquiline, Ancient bloodlines of Saturnia. The Saturnalian Brotherhood.

House of Borja, House of Breakspear, House of Somaglia, House of Orsini, House of Conti, House of Chigi, House of Colonna, House of Farnese, House of Medici, House of Gaetani, House of Pamphili, House of Este, House of Aldobrandini {Satan}, House of Pallavincini. These are the Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers in full control of the Company of Jesus, High Grey Council of Ten pulling the strings of the Jesuit Superior General, The Black Pope, controller of the White Pope. This is the Ultra hidden ruling fist from the grey zone. The foundation and binding for the visible white and black Egyptian duality system.

carmencita ago

AI Artificial Intelligence has Zampolli as it's CEO. Also he is connected to Malania Trump in some Escort Service during her modeling career. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt has said that some sites are just fronts and do not really exist only on paper and they are probably a front for their trafficking. There was a Sustainability site in Haiti that B Clinton and Bill S of Linkin Park were both invested in and @Gothamgirl and I researched it. Website but no official address and it seemed to us that there was something fishy about pictures of people recycling plastic bottles, etc. very odd. So this AI of Zampolli could be another bogus front.

cantsleepawink ago

It seems that Dominica is an important haven for global elite criminals:

Iranian born, Alireza Zibahalat Monfared, became a citizen of Dominica through the “Passport for sale” program when he received his passport number R0097918 that was issued on September 4, 2014 to be expired on September 3, 2024. On March 3, 2015 a Diplomatic passport from the Commonwealth of Dominica bearing the number DP0000426 was issued to Monfared. In January 2016, the Head of My Dominica Trade House(MDTH), Monfared was on the run from Malaysian law authorities and he ended up in Dominica. As an International fugitive, Monfared was being harboured in Dominica by Roosevelt Skerrit and Vice President of the West Indies Cricket Board(WICB) and head of the CBI unit, Emmanuel Nanthan for about 6 months while they failed to cooperate with International Law Enforcement officials. On January 12, 2017, Monfared was arrested in the Dominican Republic after a lengthy international manhunt and was extradited to face trial in Iran after extradition through Havana and Moscow. Monfared along with Reza Zarrab and Babak Zanjani were involved in Iran’s biggest-ever corruption scandal, when they embezzled $2.7 billion using the UN Oil Sanctions. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was president of Iran during that time.

cantsleepawink ago

Also, check out Paolo's links to the Chicago mafia. We know that Hillary has links there too:

In 2015, Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit and Zampolli tried to name as its ambassador to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization one Mafia Boss Francesco “Corallo, a gaming magnate on Interpol’s most wanted list on suspicion of “organized crime, transnational crime and fraud.”

ASolo ago

Whoa. I'll be back in a few with some info on this guy.

cantsleepawink ago

Just found this in comments section:

ZAMPOLLI is an old world BLOODLINE of the Italian AGNELLI/FIAT family.[24] The Agnelli family intermarried with one of the leading ruling families of old Europe that goes back to ancient Etruscans. They are part of the ancient HOUSE OF BOURBON.

Paolo Zampolli is using the island nation of the Dominican Republic as a front in the old Masonic Agnelli Family business of running a secret international network of Luciferians, Mafia, SS, Nazis, Fascists, Mercenaries, Criminals, Prostitution and Pedophile rings for the Knights of Malta, CIA, and a Demonic New World Order.


ASolo ago

Yeah, I made that comment last year. Thanks for the cred.

ZAMPOLLI is an old world BLOODLINE of the Italian AGNELLI/FIAT family.[24] The Agnelli family intermarried with one of the leading ruling families of old Europe that goes back to ancient Etruscans. They are part of the ancient HOUSE OF BOURBON.

Paolo Zampolli is using the island nation of the Dominican Republic as a front in the old Masonic Agnelli Family business of running a secret international network of Luciferians, Mafia, SS, Nazis, Fascists, Mercenaries, Criminals, Prostitution and Pedophile rings for the Knights of Malta, CIA, and a Demonic New World Order.

At the age of 13, Ivanka Trump signed on with the new look department of Elite Model Management - under the tutelage of John Casablancas.

In 2004, ID Models boss Zampolli was exposed as a former business associate/partner of the infamous convicted Pedophile Island financier, Jeffrey Epstein. In 2004, Zampolli and Epstein unsuccessfully tried to buy Elite Model Management at auction. Now, very few if any tie these two figures together in the inner circle of Donald Drumpf, Bill and Hilary Clinton.

He brought Melania out of Milan, Italy to New York where his front, ID Models, paid her rent. A Slovenian magazine, Suzy, investigated Melania and Zampolli. Their conclusion was Zampolli was a pimp, and she was a Zampolli executive “WHORE.” -

Lucifer Is In The White House: Trump; Chabad-Lubavitch and the New World Order


ESOTERICshade ago

Thread got scrubbed. Says no longer exists.

The specified thread does not exist.

Lucifer Is In The White House: Trump; Chabad-Lubavitch and the New World Order

ASolo ago

I see that. Damn. Well, I'll just have to revamp it here. Much of it however can be found at Prince Ray's site.

ASolo ago

That's what I was going to contribute to this thread...more, including Epstein's involvement, here:

independenceday ago

I pulled up their website and it is not even operational. There are no links, just a picture of 4 kids with their mouths wide open! Yes, this deserves much more attention and investigation.

cantsleepawink ago

Very interesting. I missed that. Looking more and more relevant to your previous submission on the United Nations.

RHID001 ago

Yes, I think The UN could be more intertwined in the entire PedoGate story than we think. Not to mention the 300 already known cases of sex crimes against children committed by the UN.