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think- ago

The way in which this connects to pizzagate seems to be pretty obvious. Hopefully these mods don't fuck with me like they usually do. I guess we'll see, though, won't we?

The mods have actually stickied the post @The1stLantern did three days ago:

You're a bit late to the party.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy @Crensch

kestrel9 ago

Thanks think- I just posted a couple links there:

I'm playing catch-up on this topic but here's something intriguing:

Institute for Research in Biomedicine Member of The Foundation Council (governing body of the Institute): Paolo Agustoni

Seems worth checking out

Vanni Bianconi pictured here with Paolo Agustoni Babel is a Swiss literary festival. Its main focus is translation, understood as linguistic hospitality and a most powerful means of relation and exchange.

Switzerland: Philippe Rahmy & Vanni Bianconi are young Swiss writers who have been writing about London in different languages and genres.

NotHereForPizza ago

I thought it looked familiar...

Shizy ago

Awww, so I guess you can't play the victim after all?! 😢

Well done @think-

think- ago


NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not sure who you are...

Shizy ago

Thanks for the laugh!

srayzie ago

How do you NOT know who she is? Did Neon Revolt sale this alt? 🤔 Why are you all of a sudden not stalking me, and acting like a normal human being?

Shizy ago

I think you called it! This must be someone new operating the account! 🤣

NotHereForPizza ago

If you weren't just some incompetent nobody, you would have seen the exchange that prompted me to cease this "fued", as some would frame it.

Don't misunderstand, I've never stalked you. I've never even cared much about you. But, you helped me highlight what newfags and unsuspecting anon's should avoid: people that haven't spent much time with the Q thing as a whole.

This is still, to this day, verifiable by your continued ignorance. Sure, I used you as a springboard. Just know, you weren't exactly the target.

The other guy you kept trying to frame me as being, thisistotallynotme, revealed himself to be a giant fucking faggot.

You should really start paying more attention to the places with which you claim familiarity.

Shizy ago

Just know, you weren't exactly the target.

Then what was the "target"? What kind of fuckery are you involved in here?

The other guy you kept trying to frame me as being, thisistotallynotme, revealed himself to be a giant fucking faggot.

We all know he's a massive faggot, but what led to you forming this conclusion?

@srayzie @argosvic

MadWorld ago

XD It is @argosciv.

Edit: as in Argos Civilization

Shizy ago

Thank you for that!

NotHereForPizza ago

Thanks for playing along. I'm glad I could get you to admit you know we're not the same person.

But, I'm not going to inform of you of anything. Nice try, though.

Maybe quit being so lazy and actually go lurk like you've been told to.

Shizy ago

I'm glad I could get you to admit you know we're not the same person.

Where exactly did I "admit" anything?

And I thought you didn't know who I was? 😂

srayzie ago

Oh sending me emails blackmailing me when Reddit Refugees were migrating was no biggie huh? Go listen to your lame audio book some more Neon.

NotHereForPizza ago

I have no idea what your email is and I don't listen to audio books...

Glad to know you know nothing about me.

argosciv ago

Is there something you'd like to talk to @Crensch and @srayzie about, NHFP?

Seems they might have missed this due to your lack of pinging them: |


Rent free, @NotHereForPizza. Rent free.


Funny that that's the same thing Crensch always used to say until he got removed from the GA mod team... I wonder why that happened. Any guesses?

NotHereForPizza ago

50 days ago.

But you're living in my head?

argosciv ago

50 days ago.

But you're living in my head?

  1. It isn't hard to do a quick search through your comments to find anti-GA mod/anti-PG mod rhetoric.
  2. I'm not @gabara.
  3. You're certainly not in my head; you are a very low priority to me.

If you wanna have a chat to @srayzie and/or @Crensch regarding your obvious hangups about them, well, now that they're aware, you might get to air out your grievances.

srayzie ago

I would so love to see an archive or real screenshot showing that @Crensch was a mod of v/GreatAwakening! Crensch is too mean to be a mod there. Lmao! I would get mad at him! I would rather him be himself and get under the skin of faggots like @NeonRevolt and @NotHereForPizza

NotHereForPizza ago

I didn't say you were gab...

Do you get paid per post?

All of your faggot discord friend group know how I feel about them. I know how they feel about me. Quit trying so hard. No one cares about you.

argosciv ago

Do you get paid per post?

Do you get paid every time you say this? Seriously, it's like that is your go-to every time.

All of your faggot discord friend group know how I feel about them.

*/sad trombone*

I don't use discord you pathetic grub.

Quit trying so hard. No one cares about you.

Literally right back at ya.

NotHereForPizza ago

Did I upset you?

srayzie ago

You’ve tried to dox @Crensch at least twice! 😂

NotHereForPizza ago

Nothing I revealed about Crensch was private information.

The moment it was posted in a public setting, it was no longer private information. Nothing I revealed was information that could lead someone to understand more about Crensch, beyond his enjoyment of rabbits. That's hardly enough to know much more about him than his name and that he's... a man.

argosciv ago

Not even remotely. Apparently I upset you, though, considering that you defaulted to "Do you get paid per post?" and "faggot".

Jeeze, this is why you're a low priority, pathetic little grub. You're not even remotely good at what you do.

I mean really, fancy pretending that you don't know who @Shizy is, when you clearly monitor v/GreatAwakening to the point of trying to be snarky about @Crensch's temporary involvement there.

srayzie ago

He literally tried doxing @Crensch twice and failed miserably lol

Crensch ago

This username has been picking at me from the sidelines where I haven't even noticed for a few months now.

Like the beta Wallflower that can understand why the alpha gets the girl on the Dance Floor. He's never even been important enough for me to really dig into. About as much of a threat as a fatty without their scooty Puff.

But I suppose that was a character he was playing for the time. Making sure he was just this side of getting me to really take notice.

I like how he doxes me now and then.

argosciv ago

*/tips hat*

I'm off to bed. I'm spent lol.

Have a good'n.

@Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

Uh oh, am I doing that again? I'm sorry, I have ADD this week!

MadWorld ago

Think of @argosciv as Argos-Civilization.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, by the way, I'm not stupid enough to use the same screen names on multiple different websites. You'll have a to try a lot harder than I did.

srayzie ago

I do, because I have nothing to hide. Everything is Q and Trump. People in my real life are not into Q, so I might as well just have the same username

NotHereForPizza ago

Expect (accept) you know little to nothing about Q, like certain phrases from given drops, you don't know anything about memes like "namefags" and why we hate them. You don't know about tits or gtfo or how the pool's closed. Yo don't know how to be anonymous, like Crensch when he freaks out that someone found out he likes bunnies (again... Wtf. Why would he care if someone knows he likes bunnies?). You don't know how to lurk in threads or where to find them unless I show you. You don't know how to find the meta thread or that anon's wretch at the thought of someone obsessing over control.

You're not an anon. You don't exactly follow Q, at least to the extent at which you claim, and sooo much more.

You have nothing to hide because you're stupid and like it or not someone has to help you understand how fucking arrogant and naive you've been. I didn't mean to volunteer to do it but you fucks have sort of forced my hand here.

If that's really you, Rayann, grow up, drop this shit, and abandon your ego. It's consuming you, you're lashing out at people that don't deserve it (people that tried to help you... at least initially), and just fucking drop this like a grown up.

I'm tired of dealing with you every day because you think you know better than any other dumb ass normie. You have no idea how persistent people like me can be and while this isn't a threat, you should really calm down with this internet fame points and internet tough guy shit. It won't do you or your family any good.

Whether or not you'd like to believe it, you've been targeting the wrong people. I've been trying to help show the people that visit this site what sort of tactics people use by amplifying things. It's something I tend to be good at. Just don't make the mistake of thinking I care about this place.

I've considered leaving soon and not coming back. For the record, no, it's not because of you or any of the other "goats" here. Learn to read between the lines and stop being lazy and go search in the places I've subtly told you about. Maybe then you'll understand a little better.

For now, calm down and be patient. Enjoy the show.

srayzie ago


Well at least you’re finally explaining why you don’t like me...

Expect (accept) you know little to nothing about Q, like certain phrases from given drops.

Like what?

you don't know anything about memes like "namefags" and why we hate them.

I make memes and gifs. I’m known for that! I know about Name fags. But I don’t give a crap. That’s an 8chan thing. On Voat, I like the personal relationships that I made with like minded people here. I don’t have people in my real life into the things I’m into. Being anonymous on a forum is not my cup of tea. When you guys were on Reddit, you weren’t anonymous. Now all of a sudden, everyone who isn’t anonymous is a name fag. It’s ridiculous. Just because I disagree with something, does not mean that it’s because I don’t understand it.

You don't know about tits or gtfo

Of course I know about that. It’s said to me all the time. Why would you think I don’t know what that means? Females have to deal with a lot more insults and criticism here than guys do.

Yo don't know how to be anonymous, like Crensch when he freaks out that someone found out he likes bunnies

I admit that I was really naive when I joined. I wasn’t into forums. I wasn’t into Twitter or even politics. All this started when I found out that red pilled Trump was going to run. So it’s not that I don’t know how to be anonymous, it’s that I made the mistake in the beginning of thinking it was no big deal.

You're not an anon. You don't exactly follow Q, at least to the extent at which you claim, and sooo much more.

Where do you get all this? When you sent me those private messages, the day that the Reddit Refugees were migrating, you were as confused as I was. You kept acting like I didn’t remember talking to you in the past, when I did remember. I was tripping out on how your personality changed from shill hunter/dox wannabe, to all of a sudden sounding like a glow in the dark nigger trying to infiltrate. You became condescending, manipulative, and acted like you were the leader of r/GreatAwakening,

I had people flooding in like crazy. I had nothing but notifications for 3 days straight. I had you and BuilderAnon, who’s either you, or in your group, trying to play games with me. Not only that, but type-o-negative, and another user that knew some “high up people”, saying that if I let him be a mod, he would get the people from v/TheAwakening to come to v/GreatAwakening. I have all those screenshots too. I, of course, didn’t accept help from any strangers. I took advice from people I trusted. People you hate, like @Kevdude and @Crensch. Obviously, I made the right choice.

When I was trying to figure out what the hell you were up to, you started talking as if I didn’t know anything about anons or 8chan, and how it all worked. I knew all about 8chan. I wanted to know what YOU knew. I went to 8chan often. I’ve done everything on an iPad, so I didn’t have the functionality that people do on PC’s. Now, I even post there.

You have nothing to hide because you're stupid and like it or not someone has to help you understand how fucking arrogant and naive you've been.

If I was stupid, I wouldn’t have been able to expose all the shit you and your group did to try to tear me and v/GreatAwakening apart. I documented every little thing you guys did to us. I have even more. Anons helped me. I organized it, annotated it, have it all saved in the cloud. I wrote it all out, connected the dots, and I’m still not even done, because I have a life.

My first impression of you was bad. So I made screenshots since the beginning, and archived everything. You did not break me. That’s why I get under your skin. That’s why you would never leave me alone. You know I’m not stupid, and for you to even seriously say that, shows that you are the arrogant one.

For someone who likes to say how stupid others are, your dumb ass just messed up again....

I didn't mean to volunteer to do it but you fucks have sort of forced my hand here.

You just said exactly what Neon Revolt has said to me twice... “You forced my hand.”

How many more proofs do we need before everyone realizes that you are @NeonRevolt? Btw Neon, the audio book you’re reading, shows how absolutely narcissistic you are.

If that's really you, Rayann, grow up, drop this shit, and abandon your ego. It's consuming you, you're lashing out at people that don't deserve it (people that tried to help you... at least initially), and just fucking drop this like a grown up.

Up until now, you have done nothing but come after me and my mods for no reason. Did we deserve it? You didn’t offer me help. I didn’t even know you. You played games, and then you blackmailed me by saying that you would tell the others I was compromised if I didn’t pass your test. Drop the act. You’re a fraud and you’ve been found out.

Why would I trust you when I saw you try to dox the Pizzagate Owner twice? Why would I trust someone that is so interested in people from Reddit, yet acts like Crensch would have been awful if he were a mod there? You found me suspicious because I didn’t judge people for those kinds of things. Platforms didn’t mean anything to me. I have a different view about Reddit mods now tho! But, thank God that someone’s platform didn’t matter to me, because that made me accept the Reddit Refugees without a second thought. I think the majority of the Redditors that migrated, are good Patriots.

I'm tired of dealing with you every day because you think you know better than any other dumb ass normie.

Why don’t you not worry about what you think I think? Who made you Voat police? Nobody wants you. I don’t like you. You don’t like me. Who gives a shit? That doesn’t mean that you have a right to try and take me and a whole Q sub down.

You have no idea how persistent people like me...

Oh really? I don’t? You and your group are defeated. I can see the change in you already. That’s fine. I’m willing to step back, as soon as you leave us alone.

this isn’t a threat, you should really calm down with this internet fame points and internet tough guy shit. It won't do you or your family any good.

If that isn’t a threat, then why bring my family into it? What does my family have to do with any of this? You’re the piece of shit that said horrible things about my son. Fuck you.

What am I doing for internet fame? I didn’t know that v/GreatAwakening would be this big. I didn’t know that I would become targeted by several people. I didn’t know that you would go post about me and v/GA on your blog. I didn’t know that I would have threats by assholes that don’t give a damn about this movement.

All I’ve done is tried to run a forum out of the love I have for my country, and my president, who actually gives a damn and cares about our children’s future. I was stuck having to defend myself, defend v/GreatAwakening, and try to stop the division of the Q community on Voat. If that gave me some “Internet Fame points”, then blame yourself. It hasn’t been enjoyable to me. But, it has made me stronger and more determined to fight for what’s right. What you don’t like, is that my “Internet Fame Points,” came about by exposing YOU.

Whether or not you'd like to believe it, you've been targeting the wrong people.

The only ones I have targeted, are the ones that came after us.

I've been trying to help show the people that visit this site what sort of tactics people use by amplifying things.

You’re paranoid. Voat is home to me and I do care about this place. I care about the Q movement, pizzagate, and the Patriots that are fighting evil. What YOU do, is stir up drama and cause doubt by lying, and participating in Consensus cracking, using several alts to make it appear as if several people are saying and believing the same thing. You know all about it because you write about it in your blog. You don’t give a damn about anyone but yourself.

It's something I tend to be good at. Just don't make the mistake of thinking I care about this place.

No you aren’t good at it. You either have mental issues, or you’re paid to be here. Nobody wastes so much time, and goes thru so much effort, on a forum they don’t care about, just to help strangers they don’t know, learn tactics used here, and then lie about fur ones using the tactics.

I've considered leaving soon and not coming back. For the record, no, it's not because of you or any of the other "goats" here.

It’s because you’ve been exposed, and you are defeated. You won’t leave here. You will continue using alts. You aren’t fooling anyone.

Learn to read between the lines and stop being lazy and go search in the places I've subtly told you about. Maybe then you'll understand a little better.

You haven’t taught me anything, other than how disgustingly ugly people can be. Obviously you haven’t been seeing my posts lately. I’m on 8chan everyday, and I’m in the process of putting together a big post with tons of information and graphics I’ve gathered. What the hell have you done? What’s the point of “searching places” if you do absolutely nothing with the information? All you do is talk shit.

The best thing you can do, is fade away, stop worrying about other people, and worry about yourself. Accept the fact that “my will wasn’t broken”, and that “this girl” didn’t back down, but instead, caused you to crack.

For now, calm down and be patient. Enjoy the show.

You to m8 ;-)

NotHereForPizza ago

Again, not a threat. I think you being consumed by chasing ghosts on a website will reflect poorly upon you, and cause you to lash out at other people, like your family. Don't forget, you're the one that revealed to the world that you have kids.

I came here to help (or at least stay updated on) circumstances for kids improve around the world. I would never see them threatened. I'm not sure why you would have wanted me to threaten you or your family. I completely reject that I made any threat (I'm not really a very threatening person...) against you or your family or that I've ever used an alternate account at this website. Putt would verify that in a heartbeat if he had to.

srayzie ago

Again, not a threat. I think you being consumed by chasing ghosts on a website will reflect poorly upon you, and cause you to lash out at other people, like your family.

You don’t give a damn about me or my family. All someone has to do, is look thru your history, and see that your innocent act is fake.

NotHereForPizza ago

I wish you nor anyone else that comes here harm, let alone your family.

Ive been trying to help you understand that you don't know enough about anonymity to protect your family enough. You used the same name here as you did elsewhere and left a trail leading back to yourself. You must have annoyed someone so much that they felt like digging on you...

Again, I'm not what you think I am. I'm good at provoking people, yes, but that doesn't mean I would ever reveal anything about someone that would bring harm to them. All I did with Crensch was find pictures of his bunnies that he forgot to delete on Reddit. If he wasn't so uptight he would've simply said, "oh thanks anon I fucked that up kek". But he didn't for some reason...

As much as you'd like me to be someone else, or apparently to threaten you or someone else, I saw someone actually do that to you and it annoyed me. You're too innocent to be involved in this at a level that someone would threaten your family and your ignorance has brought the biggest potential of harm to your family. No, not because someone like me could find out who you are, but because you don't know how to cover your tracks (this is a big reason we denounce name fags).

Maybe you don't realize this, but I did try to help you. Again, I wish you no harm, obviously not your family, and no one else that visits this site. Whoever tried to reveal you any further than "srayzie" was in the wrong and should be condemned site wide for it. I suspected freshmeat before, if you actually want someone to be mad at.

Now quit freaking out. All you're doing is annoying me.

Shizy ago

All you're doing is annoying me.

Good! Get really annoyed, and then fuck off already 😂! @srayzie has exposed you. You're a joke! None of your lame ass attempts to discredit and shut down v/GreatAwakening have worked, and they won't because you're too arrogant and egocentric to realize that you failed!

NotHereForPizza ago

Your trying to hard and this is evident to all of them.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not Neon and I'm not reading that. I don't care what other people have said about you. I don't care about your information or anything else about you.

Whoever made threats or doxxed you not only wasn't me (even if I observed it), they went a bit too far. Normies don't deserve to be endangered, even if the danger is at times genuine in these places.

I'm done entertaining you.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#21245) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

How many more proofs do we need before everyone realizes that you are @NeonRevolt?

Everyone else does, but he doesn't realize that fact.

No you aren’t good at it.

Jews always have an inflated sense of self-importance, it seems. They think they're human, or better than human, when they're nothing but inbred parasites.

What you don’t like, is that my “Internet Fame Points,” came about by exposing YOU.

You stole his PAYtriot shekels from him. Biggest Jew sin ever right there.

I’m willing to step back, as soon as you leave us alone.

HUMANS only want to be left alone to live their lives - Jews cannot even begin to understand this phenomenon. They're simply too stupid and needy, and must insert themselves everywhere they are not wanted.

Jews: Low IQ, meddlesome, parasitic, morally-bankrupt, inbred child rapists. Every. Damn. One of them.

Crensch ago

I've considered leaving soon and not coming back.


Look at the little liar "considering" leaving soon. Because he got his ass handed to him multiple times.

"Hey guise I r betr n u bcuz not namefag but dont notice that I just told @srayzie that I deal with her every day when I definitely don't do so on this username. BUT YOU CANNOT FIND ME BCUZ I R NOT NAMEFAG. BWAHAHAHAHA"

NotHereForPizza ago

That's not why I'd considered abandoning Voat. Give it a another month or two and you'll probably see what I mean.

Crensch ago

No, you're stupid enough to piss off @srayzie.

NotHereForPizza ago

Ah!!!! And admisson!

You continually prove me right. Thanks, crensch!

srayzie ago

He is not Creq retard.

NotHereForPizza ago

But why do you care?

Crensch ago

And you're stupid enough to write a comment like this.

gabara ago

Nah, @NotHereForPizza is MYG.

argosciv ago

Wait a minute...

Is this fucker actually MYG ak-fucking-a Amalek?

That would certainly jump NHFP up the priority list...


argosciv ago

Holy fucking shit!

It might actually be!!!

^^^ @Crensch @kevdude @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

I did a pretty decent dig on MYG, freshmeat and a bunch of the other alts he uses a while back:

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't you get bored cooking the same shit up day after day?

Why haven't you guys just given up and stopped caring about me? It just gets more and more curious how I, one person, am constantly confronted with your group consistently annoying me. Yeah, I get it, I brought it up in this post and I could've avoided this, but I figured we were at least at the point where we could make light hearted jokes over stuff like this.

It's almost like every day you wake up and search for something I said that day only to coordinate "bugging me" about it over several accounts. But, you wouldn't do anything like that, would you?

MolochHunter ago

oh, la-dee-fucking-da, @NeonRevolt -alt

after those despicable death threats you made against @Srayzie and her CHILD , you think we can all play nice and jokey-joke ?

go gargle Satan's cum

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not who you seem to think I am.

MolochHunter ago

what? In this alt? or in the others? or the person you are when you're on an anonymous sub? I'm pretty familiar with a bunch of 'who you are'

srayzie ago

we could make light hearted jokes over stuff like this.

I’m down for that if you’re ready to be cool and stop accusing me and my mods of lies. Are you ready to accept us and quit the bullshit?

NotHereForPizza ago

Please stop calling us out.

You're the one(s) harassing me.

srayzie ago

Maybe it’s because you use your different alts and harass others.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're delusional.

Shizy ago

Why haven't you guys just given up and stopped caring about me?

Looks like an admission @argosvic

gabara ago

Nice try. You were already busted: