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letsdothis3 ago

Interesting post @Vindicator. I seem to remember @VieBleu was run off of this forum.. see: @VieBleu is a shitstirring troll and is not to be taken seriously.

Vindicator ago

Hmm. I wouldn't say she was run off. More like she blew herself up.

VieBleu waged a campaign to get the community to rally behind getting me made O, and minimum CCP raised to 100 (which would have kept our posts off of v/all). EsotericShade helped with that campaign. When Kev foiled it she claimed he was threatening her, then disappeared and never came back.

As I look back, I think VieBleu may have been an ES sock puppet. Both @Kevdude and @Crensch had problems with her/him from the very beginning. She started out complaining about hate speech early on, trying to get mods to delete comments. Moved to mod bashing when we didn't bend to her will, especially when we refused to advertise the protests at Comet. Every time Voat had problems with bugs during DDoS attacks, she would crank up the "Voat compromised" narrative.

Here is ES replying to VieBleu in her big thread pushing the 100 CCP requirement: It's what he made @smurfy69 for.

ESOTERICshade ago

VieBleu waged a campaign to get the community to rally behind getting me made O, and minimum CCP raised to 100 (which would have kept our posts off of v/all). EsotericShade helped with that campaign.

I'm the one that took kevdudes advice, created a sub for testing (v/testingsunday) and then helped Kev explain to everybody that it would be bad for the sub. I KNOW you know that too. You're lying.

As I look back, I think VieBleu may have been an ES sock puppet.

You know that is bullshit too. Viebleu hated @kevdude with a passion but I always got along fine with Kev.

Vindicator ago

I'm the one that took kevdudes advice, created a sub for testing (v/testingsunday) and then helped Kev explain to everybody that it would be bad for the sub. I KNOW YOU KNOW THAT TOO. We were all struggling to understand what the CPP limit would do. Once I figured it out I helped Kev convince the sub not to do it. You're lying.

Well ES, without links to the conversations you're referring to, I find that pretty hard to believe. At the time, @Kevdude told me not to put up the sticky that allowed for that debate, because VieBleu was trying to gaslight the community into censoring itself by changing the settings. I told him the only way to vent VB's shitstirring was to have the full debate, and I was right.

You have an admitted history of playing good guy/bad guy and taking opposite sides of an issue to manipulate consensus, particularly about Q. You helped VieBleu with his campaign to raise the CCP limit, and then switched sides. It's similar behavior.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well ES, without links to the conversations you're referring to, I find that pretty hard to believe. At the time, @Kevdude told me not to put up the sticky that allowed for that debate, because VieBleu was trying to gaslight the community into censoring itself by changing the settings. I told him the only way to vent VB's shitstirring was to have the full debate, and I was right.

You were right. It was a very productive, active, and sometimes confusing discussion, but it produced fruit. I still don't think a lot of people understood it fully but after some of them read v/testingsunday it helped the light bulbs come on. You did the right thing by having a discussion on it because otherwise it would have just been more confusing and frustrating.

You have an admitted history of playing good guy/bad guy and taking opposite sides of an issue to manipulate consensus, particularly about Q.

I have said this several times and I will say it again. I don't hate the Q people and I don't hate you either. Srayzie is a DAMN good friend of mine and she is Mrs. Q around here. Me and her NEVER fight, we don't argue, because we don't discuss Qanon. We just have a genuine friendship. I don't hate you either bro. I didn't want v/pizzagate to get polluted, side tracked, or diluted. This ain't complicated and neither were my motives.

You helped VieBleu with his campaign to raise the CCP limit, and then switched sides. It's similar behavior.

I learned because I did the hands on research . It turned out that @kevdude was 100% correct about the 100 CPP limit but we had to go through the actual exercise in order to understand it. You know all this. You're just painting the worst picture you can think to create.

I did research here >>> v/testingsunday because @kevdude told us that if we really wanted to understand it we should start a sub and experiment with it. So, @cantsleepawink created v/testingsunday and asked me to help. If you read that short thread we tested in its OBVIOUS that we were learning.

This craziness doesn't have to go on forever. I'm over it. I think all this turned out as well as it possibly could have under the circumstances. v/pizzagate is still just v/pizzagate and the Q crowd has their own home and they seem to like it. I don't hate you and I don't wish you any ill will.

Vindicator ago

I didn't want v/pizzagate to get polluted, side tracked, or diluted. This ain't complicated and neither were my motives.

You see, ES, this is the fundamental problem, right here. It's not up to YOU what people on v/pizzagate want to discuss. So long as they satisfy the submission rules, they can post about whatever they want. You think you have a right to determine what is and isn't acceptable. You created sock puppet accounts to play games and manipulate voting to ram your totalitarian vision down everyone's throat. You have no respect for freedom of speech or the right of users to make decisions for themselves about whether something is worth investigating, or not. And you pride yourself in it. It's disgusting.

And that is why "this craziness" will go on until you delete your account. You don't belong on Voat because you don't respect the most basic values Voat holds dear.

ESOTERICshade ago

Homeboy, until you provide "evidence" that Qanon Scamanon is a super secret intel agent, you are pissing into a fan, and it is splattering in your face.

"Have you heard the latest news? Soros is in GITMO!! He got abducted at the airport and went to GITMO"

"the Obama library got raided, they got allllll his documents. All the perps will be in GITMO by next week"

blah blah blah blah blah blah...............

Do you get paid to promote this bullshit? I'm starting wonder, because, you are fuuuulllllll

of bullshit

How many Qanon lies and predictions must you endure before reality sets in on you? At what level is your bullshit meter set?

Soros being in GITMO, (he is not in GITMO) should have done it for you. How much Qanon wine bullshit are you willing to drink?

I hate reality too, but I prefer it to Qanon bullshit. Get a grip dude. I wish Q was real too, but he ain't real.

Snap out of it.

EricKaliberhall ago

Do you get paid to promote this bullshit? I'm starting wonder, because, you are fuuuulllllll

of bullshit

Projecting... Your days are numbered.

ESOTERICshade ago

Projecting... Your days are numbered.

Name one powerful elite child raper that got sent to GITMO because of Qanon. Snap out of the dream bro. We have to do this. Me and you. Its up to us. Qanon ain't gonna save anybody. I will wait while you make the list of perps that went to GITMO. You will also wait, because the list don't exist. Copy?

Stop smoking Hopium, and become part of reality. Ya dig?

EricKaliberhall ago

I think Vin really nailed it when he stated the following:

You don't belong on Voat because you don't respect the most basic values Voat holds dear.

Hmm... What to do with you? What to do? :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Hmm... What to do with you? What to do? :)

I have a better question.

What should we do with people that claim Qanon put George Soros in GITMO?

What should we do with those folks?

EricKaliberhall ago

What should we do with those folks?

I like you when you are flustered and desperate... :)

ESOTERICshade ago

I like you when you are flustered and desperate... :)

They hung George Soros at GITMO this morning. That is great news!!!

Thank you for telling us about it. We are winning!!!!

You are a fucking moron for promoting the above line of bullshit. None of that shit will happen. We have to build a grassroots movemnt from the bottom up, homey.

We have a Q movement assembled and waiting for something productive to do. Lets make the most of it. Give them some realistic goals. There is a lot of crowd funded energy in the Q movement waiting on some realistic goals. What do you suggest the Q movement do with all this energy? A real, fundamental, realistic goal? If you suggest a realistic goal I will help you promote that goal.

What is it?


srayzie ago

The problem that I have is that you keep talking about crowd funding.

You are talking about people that have taken advantage of the Q movement, and have profited off of it. Am I right? Like clothing? An upcoming book by Neon Revolt?

There will ALWAYS be people that will profit off of any big movement. Q Team and Trump do not make money off of the Q movement. I don’t make money running a Q sub.

Q has never asked anyone to donate. In fact, Q spoke negatively about patriots taking money using the Q movement. Please strop spreading that.

@crensch @argosciv @EricKaliberhall @vindicator @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

The problem that I have is that you keep talking about crowd funding.

Crowd funding is good stuff. It has also been called "mob." That is what it will take for us to get our freesom back. It won't be nice. It won't be gently. You understand that right? What would a billionaire do to remain a billionaire? He would pull strings right? Yes he would. George Soros, as powerful as he is, is only a puppet. Look higher. There are people that PRINT MONEY and they are the KINGS of this universe.

@crensch @argosciv @EricKaliberhall @vindicator @kevdude

Crensch ago

I like how this faggot shows up right after @srayzie destroys NHFP, then spouts some bullshit a 2-day-old account here could have written.

Not even really saying anything, just trying to act like he's informing someone of something they don't know, or aren't aware of, along with some meaningless, trivial piece of questionable info - "mob" - to look like he has any business making a comment at all.

Absolutely vapid - like something AOC would write.

The stupid little JEW-commie thinks it'll blend in if it puts a couple ice cream cones upside down on its head.


argosciv ago

I love how he keeps pinging me as if he doesn't know I've had him blocked for probably near or even over a year now.