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19961699? ago

We really need to figure out EXACTLY who's hitting them and start swinging back.

19961805? ago

I mean, we know what post caused all the hoopla, it was and to me it looks like they're hitting the archive sites after voat was heavily attacked and they took the original article offline. while voat was down, it included a landing page to an archive using one of those domains of the article I linked above which connects Epstein, Nicole Junkermann, the Vatican, and The Red Cross.

19961850? ago

Right, that's what we know. To reiterate: we need to find out exactly who's doing this.

19961981? ago

I think affiliations w/ the Vatican & Red Cross are highly likely possibilities, but we need something more specific than that

19962035? ago

Agreee. There's that hackathon thing going on at the ADL....seems like the most likely culprit.

19962301? ago

do you have a link w/ some info or something on this? usually a 'hackathon' is a term used for developers to work on projects in some (often confined) space where people are just focused on programming something or other, it doesn't usually have to do infosec, but as i said idk what 'hackathon' event you're referring to