19970823? ago

Alternative URL https://archive.fo

Which was up all day and weekend

19964430? ago

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy

19963339? ago

I just tried the linked site downforeveryoneorjustme.com.

Yes, it said archive.is is down for everyone. It appears to be; I could not access.

Next I tried voat.co and it also told me it is down for everyone. Wrong - I just reloaded onto here no problem.

Bogus site.

19963303? ago

Its being spotty. I used it a an hour ago and it worked but last night I couldn't get it to work.

19962079? ago

This reminds me of the time when I worked as a network admin for a big government contract. We had thousands of users, PCs, printers, scanners, and robotics hooked up to the network and one day, one of the civil service people who worked the help desk came to me in a panic. "The ENTIRE NETWORK is down!" she claimed with great alarm. I looked around the room and the other 30 people were quietly working in their cubicles. The help desk phones weren't ringing off the hook from panicked users. I walked over to the lady's desk, crawled underneath, and reconnected her CAT 5 cable to the back of her PC. All of a sudden, the "ENTIRE NETWORK" was back up again. LOL

19962991? ago

most people are not able to think abstractly

19961953? ago

Something definately going down

Your spelling? It's definitely.

19970370? ago

They always get their panties in a wad when someone corrects their spelling , but it just makes us look dumb when it's spelled wrong.

19961888? ago

That link sucks and doesn't work. archive.is is fine.

19961793? ago

I just checked archive.is myself, and it's up.

19961699? ago

We really need to figure out EXACTLY who's hitting them and start swinging back.

19961805? ago

I mean, we know what post caused all the hoopla, it was https://voat.co/v/PizzaGate/3346357 and to me it looks like they're hitting the archive sites after voat was heavily attacked and they took the original article offline. while voat was down, it included a landing page to an archive using one of those domains of the article I linked above which connects Epstein, Nicole Junkermann, the Vatican, and The Red Cross.

19961850? ago

Right, that's what we know. To reiterate: we need to find out exactly who's doing this.

19961981? ago

I think affiliations w/ the Vatican & Red Cross are highly likely possibilities, but we need something more specific than that

19962035? ago

Agreee. There's that hackathon thing going on at the ADL....seems like the most likely culprit.

19962301? ago

do you have a link w/ some info or something on this? usually a 'hackathon' is a term used for developers to work on projects in some (often confined) space where people are just focused on programming something or other, it doesn't usually have to do infosec, but as i said idk what 'hackathon' event you're referring to

19961682? ago

yeah, all the domains that i know of for the archive.today service are down - archive.today, archive.is, archive.fo

an alternative that is very bare bones and up seems to be archive.st - cant vouch for its reliability though

19961653? ago

My USB Sticks are ready to be shared, fuck you DEEP STATE, you all will die!!!!

19962955? ago

just went to buy some at amazon, fucking shit it's like buying fucking batteries, waste of my fucking time researching which "usb 3.0" stick performs better than "usb 2.0" sticks did...

19961304? ago

This is some scary shit.

19961289? ago

archive.today working for me

19961215? ago

Saw that. You can get the info here. Archive it offline including notable links. https://web.archive.org/web/20190727112212/https://voat.co/v/PizzaGate/3346357

19961190? ago

There is a qmap.pub download feature.

Also you can set an rss and receive every new Q post in your mailbox.

Print pdf is a browser option to safe an article or whatever you find of value online.

Concerning research here on this site copy paste or print/ screenshot.

Use invidio.us to download any video you find valuable in webm or mp4 format.

Learn to use wget on commandline ( learn to code)

Learn mirroring, p2p and newsletters.

Learning these skills is part of your digital survival and fighting prowess.

Take 30 minutes everyday to polish up. After a week you will beproficient enough.

19961063? ago


I know inthematrixx tends to be a bit of a paytriot, but despite this, there is a tool on his website to down load a ZIP of all Q posts, AND a separate zip with all the Q images...

If you dont trust the site, figure out another way - --- but DO IT.

19963748? ago

That site is 20 days, at least, behind. But it does have it up to 7.10.19

19966393? ago

Didn't realize, thanks

19961604? ago

Thank you, that link is very useful! They newer drops can be added from qmap.pub as pdf (up to 60 drops per pdf).

19964171? ago

I'm not seeing the download feature on qmap?

19968940? ago

I use a "print to pdf" option of my browser.

19961832? ago

Ahh didn't know that added that feature..

19963734? ago

I don't know if the site has a feature for that but I use a browser that can save a website as pdf (Opera or Firefox with a "print to pdf" plugin).

19961023? ago

So it's good we saved everything important offline. They can't take that down. Even if they shut down the whole web we can exchange and copy our archives using USB sticks and other offline media.

19961268? ago

Exchange USB sticks?

Like, in person?

How the fuck am I supposed to recognize you fuckers in person? Black arm bands? And once I find you, what if I regret finding you? No offense or anything but fuck that shit. I'm not attending a local Q-anonymous meeting just to listen to some datefag or SB2 loyalist tell me about some whackjob's interpretation of their geriatric vision. We're doomed when we're scattered across the 4 corners of the wind.

19963919? ago

You can put up posters, observe others. Rally under my Flag if you see it, or just hunker down and protect your Family/frens/community.

Use VFW halls, American Legion Posts, network some with neighbors. We are roughly half the population so odds are you are among more of 'us' than you might think.

Yeah in California your mileage may vary, here in Texas I wear my hat daily, many others do, my neighbors are known to me...

Don't fret it until/un less it happens but losing the internet for a while may happen....it will not be the end of the world.

Maybe we all need to remember how the original founders of America had to skulk around in secret, planning and debating, loosely organizing until Revolution. They used trusted meeting places and relied on word of mouth.

POTUS told us all to prepare for the Storm, it nears.

19964080? ago

I appreciate your response. We must not live in fear. I just learned my boss discovered Q. They tentatively mentioned it to me... told them I've know since the beginning. The movement grows and there are more of us than anyone realizes. The Dems have instilled fear as a control. We must not be dismayed.

While on vacation last year, in happened into a Trump/Q supporter also from Texas. God bless you Patriots. Keep that southern border strong.


19964555? ago

WWG1WGA, exactly! Some people claim that is just a tagline, but I insist most of us in this thing do mean it, we do intend for that to pertain.

If net goes down we still have each other, we have but to merge some, information spreads slower but it just will if that is how it is. I've been hoping for this or something like it for decades, since the 70s really tho I of course did not know what all was/is wrong. We didn't have the internet, we had to read books and intermingle....red-pilling as it is called today was much slower/harder/cumbersome.

But we are armed today, archive, use it best as you can if it comes to that. Teach those around you, within earshot if that's all we have.

Or simply use what you know to protect your Family and community as best you can, that TOO is a Most Valuable Thing.

19961482? ago

I assumed everybody knows some real world people who are interested in information and who maybe have other information. If the web goes down for some days surely many people will ask what's going on. This will be some short range connections but without the web there will be no phone and maybe no TV, so you have to build your small local community.

I have some older friends (some >80y) who can't find the important things in the web but who are very interested in articles and videos about our topics. So I already give them an USB stick from time to time so they are informed.

And three of them are very active, using that information to spread it and to send questions and orders to local politcians.

It's one of our tasks to distribute the information even outside Voat and 8ch.

19962236? ago

A pirate box would be ideal for this. Basically a portable wi-fi node that serves up a "web site" w/ file sharing, forums, and chat. It is a self-contained world and could fit inside a small object. Anyone can with wifi can access it to download info, post in a forum, or chat. It could be hidden in a public area.


19961152? ago

This is difficult in practice. Just pointing it out.

19961513? ago

Yes. But if the web goes down this will be a good way of communication. It's part of "Be ready and prepared".

19961638? ago

There used to be something called... radio, I think it was called. The protocol was simple. It used the idea that one radio broadcast while the other radios received. The broadcasting radio would send analogue audio and it signaled end of transmissions by saying "over".

19961015? ago

I'm not sure if it's (((Mossad's))) (((Epstein))) child sex trafficking or the impeding FISA declas, but some vert ((( RICH AND POWERFUL ))) people are not pleased.

19961987? ago

or the impeding FISA declas

I don't believe that the declas is impeded in any way. It will occur at the appropriate time.