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AlphabeticalAnon ago

The funder from Cameroon is Steve-Felix Belinga in Clinton-owned Fort Smith, Arkanasas! The queenie bitch Clinton that still runs Arkansas through her and Obama's mafia. So while we may be free of England's crowned queenie, Arkansas is not free of Clinton thugs yet.

Steve-Felix Belinga, some low level "doctor" who now operates out of a run-down house that was converted into a business location, is from Cameroon. Google this fucker to see the shit-skin himself. A "doctor" who allegedly bought up huge swaths of rental complexes around Fort Smith. Unusual that, because usually someone who is a doctor, if they buy properties, they opt for a house or two. Vacation rentals, and so on. Not huge an entire group of apartment complexes and duplexes. Where are all the trafficker's taking their wares to? Where would they all meet up? Why Belinga would have that covered. As well as having access to drugs that doctors can order for their "business" and now Belinga is set up in what looks like a shithole.

Former business at that same location? Why another doctor in his same line of work.

Former business place of William Griggs the 3rd:

Age 81

Here's him being dead:

There's only one comment of condolenses for him. Hilarous. Only ONE.

And then I googled the name and lookie here:

William Griggs was a doctor in the village of Salem, Massachusetts. He is best known as the doctor who diagnosed the villagers of Salem as "possessed", during the time of the Salem witch trials.[1] Griggs was in charge of diagnosing and determining how "much" of a witch they were. He would then send them to be tried, often found guilty, and executed. Griggs claimed that the "afflicted" girls were "under an Evil hand" (most likely referring to the Devil).

You know, Q often says there's no co-incedences.

If there's anything I've learned here, was to connect all history to what we know and look the fuck deeper!

BTW Belinga is a ghoul who hires violent convicts to terrorize the tenants of properties that now all belong to the state commissioner's now that he's over two years late on paying his taxes!

This is the monster he has been exposing tenants to: (mugshot of Gerald Harrison)

Oh and see this:

I fucking hope they hang from the highest fucking tree!

love_light_truth ago

Connected to Clintons!?

No way, they run their foundation, helping young girls in Haiti graduate, rebuilding infrastructure after disasters and holding governments accountable the world over.

A big fat /s.

AlphabeticalAnon ago


Anon83 ago

It makes me wonder just how woke the people of arkansas are to the monsters in their basement.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Quote from my friend; Most of us, the downtrodden in Arkansas, know what evil truly exists, as we've had a front row seat to the Clintons from Day 1.

isalod_2298 ago

This is a great dig thank you!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

A thousand thanks. But it's me and my circles that dug into all this info as my friend is the one who suffered by their hands. So more personal affect here that drove us all to dig into this bastard's background.

FreedBy45 ago

^^^This should be upvote by everyone & made into a sticky.^^^. Great work!

glassuser ago

Just remove the link to jewpedia.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well yeah, but that actually was some fuckface in 1692 who was doing that shit. It's documented elsewhere. But that asshole is a direct descendant.

glassuser ago

I don't disagree with those facts. I just want to keep up the denormalization of jewpedia.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well they do suck and will end up, ass end, on a stick.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Thank you, dear pariot. Much appreciated. I have suffered as my very dear and close friend has suffered. She was the one who actually spoke with Linda Collins Smith a couple of months back and so the news of her being murdered was shocking.

Also see my other commment in this same topic here:

I replied to another patriot who also compiled a whole lot of info on the caravans.

369693936 ago

Thank you. Commenting so I can refer back.