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WalnutSauceGoat ago

What’s a “manipluator”, retard?

The_Savant ago

Oh wow, interesting. Not a single point made and a whole lot of ad hominem; the same tactic donkey has used from day 1.

Congratulations! You are the 1000th donkey alt to be found on this sub!

auralsects ago

@shewhomustbeobeyed I'm gonna start pinging you to shit-disturbers like this whose first comment in 17 days is to bolster the fake and gayest part of OPs narrative (that I'm ES).

Clearly they hoped to get me to ragequit in time for the Qtard influx. Has ANY user ever gotten a special tag when you @ him like ES? Also note the irony of a SAVANT boasting that he "finds" my alts that all differed by 2 letters.

The_Savant ago

Are you shitting me Muhammad? (I am assuming this is your real name but let me know if it isn't and I'll start calling you Abdullah instead.) You tried saying on your walnut sauce account that you'd never heard of donkey? You think I'm gonna buy that at all? I've outsmarted you thousands of times by now and you think you can throw me off by exaggerating your retort beyond realistic proportions? Everyone has heard of you donkey; everyone on the site hates your guts and could watch the life leave your eyes without a flicker of emotion.

Clearly they hoped to get me to ragequit in time for the Qtard influx. Has ANY user ever gotten a special tag when you @ him like ES? Also note the irony of a SAVANT boasting that he "finds" my alts that all differed by 2 letters.

Hmm, why don't you list off all your alts here so everyone knows what you own up to and then we can see how many you are still hopelessly trying to defend. For example are you still claiming not to be DeathTooMasons? How about equineluvr? What about Zyklon-b? Perhaps you'd like to own up to being ImJewish6000000? I hope this proves my point; you keep many alts with names that keep you anonymous and use them multiple times on the same posts to attempt to skew consensus.

shewhomustbeobeyed I'm gonna start pinging you

"Hey I'm just gonna start pinging the brigade to make my job easier." You wanna admit to that alt, donkey? You wanna tell us exactly how many times you usually comment on each qrv post and how many times you upvote yourself? No?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi, do you and I have a problem cuz 'Muhammad' pinged me? He likes to ping women to all sorts of vile things. You know this, right?

Are you accusing me of brigading? I need proof. Or else leave me the fuck out of your juvenile, bullshit, Spy v. Spy games, and fuck off back to GA.

@Crensch fyi

The_Savant ago

You and I will definitely have a problem if you continue to take donkey's side and downvote who he tells you to. I said nothing egregious yet he still pings you to make a power move and get me downvoted. You work in the same building as him by any chance? If you're saying he pings you vile shit that you don't agree with it sure seems odd that you didn't downvote him. It also seems amiss that you would get pissed off at me for bringing you into this when you were pinged by your co-worker and then brigaded me.

Also I fucking hate getting pinged for shit I'm not even slightly a part of and if I were Crensch I'd do one of two things:

1) Ignore you

2) Call you a faggot

Fuck off retard, we didn't have beef but we do now.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Listen up retard, donkey knows that I don't think he is @esotericshade and a bunch of other alts he's been accused of being, a lot of people know that. So because you think you got downvoted because he asked me to instead of using his own alt to do it You got downvoted because you're stupid, that's all.

it sure seems odd that you didn't downvote him.

How I vote is not your concern. I will downvote you if I choose. I will upvote donkey if I choose. I downvote you not for questioning me, but for being wrong.

Are you the voting police?

You accusing me of brigading?

Prove it, you festering piece of excriment.

@Vindicator @Crensch Front row seats.

The_Savant ago

Wow, you're just another fucking retard who doesn't understand any of the points I make. You sure you're not donkey as well? You wanna confess to being GothamGirl? You're on the same sub human level of comprehension.

How I vote is not your concern.

I don't give a fuck if I get downvote brigaded; CCP means absolutely nothing. What does matter is what it then tells me about you. You claimed that he pings you in shit that you disagree with as a way of distancing yourself from his brigading and reputation that comes with it:

Hi, do you and I have a problem cuz 'Muhammad' pinged me? He likes to ping women to all sorts of vile things.

However this argument is totally void if you then take his side despite him making no real point by the end of his comment and being dumb enough to confirm that he is in fact WalnutSauceGoat. He also stopped responding when I asked him to name all his alts that didn't follow the donkey formula. He hasn't made any point other than that brief ad hominem against me, so tell me; what exactly are you upvoting him for and what did I say that warranted a downvote? Oh that's right, you're just another co-worker.

You accusing me of brigading? Prove it, you festering piece of excrement.

I downvote you not for questioning me, but for being wrong.

"I'm not downvoting whoever Donkey tells me to, this was just a coincidence that I upvoted him despite providing no substance and you not getting anything wrong." You realise you would have to disprove it anyway? You so realise that very basic concept that when I accuse you of something that only you can see... you are the one that has to disprove it. I don't have to prove shit. In this case you proved yourself a liar to help me out in this case, yet somehow you're dumb enough to prove that you did it after you admitted to it.

Hello GothamGirl - the wife of Zyklon-b (better known as Donkey.)

He wrote the submission, dumbass. If he doesn't want to be pinged, he will say so.

He can't until after you've pinged him, fag-shit. Since he hasn't responded I can guarantee he doesn't give a fuck; one of the responses I told you he'd give you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It doesn't matter how many words you try to use, you will never be able to make yourself look smart. Not ever.

The_Savant ago

Well it seemed you didn't really understand a single point I made so I had to walk you slowly through from the beginning.

Did you know your husband donkey once How do you do, fellow kids'd me? I just said some colloquial bullshit I always say in normal conversation irl but it didn't fit the persona of the wise old man that he had built for me based upon how often I've outsmarted him. I've had my ego stroked plenty of times by how often you two surrender to me and I know my IQ; FYI I'm smart.

Let me flip this premise on you:

It doesn't matter how many alts you respond with, no one will agree with you.

Oh and I saw the time-lag between downvoting my comment and replying with that short sentence. Smart move - a long reply would only have dug you a larger hole. Also, I now know you read it all and simply have no rebuttal.

Furthermore I would recommend you stop downvoting me twice. If you want proof of your brigading from me I think I've got it now chief.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I just downvoted you.

I don't care if you think that I'm somebody else's alt.

But you do look a little foolish accusing the PG archivist of being in cahoots with the same people you are accusing of doing harm to PG.

Show me the bad archives I posted?

Show me how I posted bullshit submissions to forum slide?

You don't like me, I don't care.

You are still a dumbass. Too late to change that now.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @think-

Someone's filthy alt is accusing me of being all sorts of users.

Just because i don't suck floppy v/greatawakening titties. Shameful.

The_Savant ago

No one fucking cares. Stop pinging people.

If you didn't want to get accused of brigading you shouldn't have downvoted me twice. Since you haven't done that this time I'll take that as a confession.

Nothing but ad hominem. Classic Donkey brigade. Can't explain why he downvoted me - in fact repeatedly refusing when asked. Yeah okay, you're an asset.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I just downvoted you.

I'll ping whomever i wish. Do you think that the mods and designer of PG shouldn't know that you are attacking?

You haven't proven that I downvoted you twice yet. Here's my alt. @SWMBO show me the downvote. Try this one @hewhomustbeobeyed, made it for self protection, and in case hubby wants to troll me sometime.

@Vindicator has a list of donkey alts I gave him last year, the ones that I could tell anyway. Maybe if you stopped acting so suspiciously by trying to lump me in with the rest of the users you're persecuting, I wouldn't downvote you.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall - Is this the best troll GA can come up with?

The_Savant ago

Obviously you can ping whoever you wish, I'm just telling you no one cares and you now have evidence of that. I'm bored now. I've explained a great many things which you're refusing to disprove. You wont post screenshots of your votes on your other accounts and even if you did, I don't trust at this point that you don't have other secret alts.

You described me as "Somebody's alt" despite the fact that I have no upvotes to my name and am getting an immediate downvote as soon as I comment. Every. Fucking. Time. Now I suspect you're accusing the opposition of the things you're guilty of.

You kind of fucking owned yourself here though. I make many points and you divert attention and say shit like

Show me the bad archives I posted?

This was never about that. I only ever accused you of supporting shills and brigading me. Now you want me to prove something I never even said? That's fishy as fuck. You're a fucking retard. You still - after all these years of losing arguments to me - you think you can outsmart me? Why don't you give me another How do you do, fellow kids? That really made me feel good about myself.

As conversation went by it turns out you disregard many proven facts. It turns out you don't think ES is donkey despite the evidence. It turns out you don't pay attention to Q despite the connections to Trump. It turns out you're using the same dumbfuck catchphrases as GothamGirl (self-admitted Donkey's wife) such as "floppy titties."

You talk like EsotericSHILL, anyone ever told you that? Very few other people ever reply twice to the same comment.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Very few other people ever reply twice to the same comment.

I don't like editing my comments, unless I know I'll do it before the other person has an opportunity to respond. Unlike you SNEAKY FAGGOT.

You wont post screenshots of your votes on your other accounts

@SWMBO @hewhomustbeobeyed no downvotes, ever.

I don't trust at this point that you don't have other secret alts.


It turns out you don't think ES is donkey despite the evidence.

I've seen no "evidence" that they are. You assume that I have read one word you posted prior to donkey pinging me. I think this submission is vile, and therefore wasn't reading any of it.

You prove he is, or leave me alone. It's my opinion, no one has presented me with facts.

It turns out you don't pay attention to Q despite the connections to Trump.

You are correct, first time ever? Show me the rules that state I'm supposed to follow a DJT/2020 campaign larp. I am not required by law to follow Q. Fascist much?

such as "floppy titties."

saggy titties look like they just got released from a milking machine. Better? I can think of more, i was lazy. This is the best you got?

GothamGirl (self-admitted Donkey's wife)

Are you trying to make me jealous of @gothamgirl, @Don-Keyhote are you married?

You talk like EsotericSHILL

You like to talk behind peoples backs @ESOTERICshade this guy thinks we're friends. LOL

That was the last comment. Consider it a mercy.

Bless your heart.

ESOTERICshade ago

You like to talk behind peoples backs, @ESOTERICshadethis guy thinks we're friends. LOL

Well he calls himself a "savant" so what do you expect of him @shewhomustbeobeyed?


a person affected with a developmental disorder (such as autism or intellectual disability) who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (such as mathematics or music)

He has exceptional skills in being a dumbass that thinks he is brilliant. He is a Qtard after all.....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yeah, I know.

Bless his heart.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @think-

FYI ^ It keeps editing comments. Very bad shill. Should put on watch list.

The_Savant ago

I wish I didn't hate your guts so I could follow through with my word

@ESOTERICshade this guy thinks we're friends.

No, I think you're the same person. This solves the "behind his back" problem.

I have not changed the meaning behind any of my points, so at this point, based your accusation, I can only conclude that you never read any of my comments properly and have no clue whether or not I altered the overall message? You did just admit to not reading the context of the discussion you were involved in which probably explains why you're losing so badly. If I were you, I'd give up my unconditional allegiance to Donkey as a result of this embarrassment - he gave up a long time ago because he knows how this has turned out ever time prior .

I have not edited the meaning of a single one of my coments or made any new points. It must have been nice once you saw that "edited" text to maybe finally come up with an excuse for losing so badly though. That's okay.

I don't like editing my comments

[–] shewhomustbeobeyed -1 points (+1|-2) 19 hours ago (edited 19 hours ago)

Listen up retard, donkey knows that I don't think he is @esotericshade and a bunch of other alts he's been accused

That was the time you replied twice, you could have just added it in while editing you dumbfuck retard.

As you can see, my edits usually only come immediately after posting as well. If you can notice the difference on the comment I made where I edited it long after I'll give you a BIG medal, however it was such a tiny change I don't think you could. Nice scapegoat though, right?

Did you only just realise how badly you just lost? If I were you I'd be butthurt too.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

See this sentence - "So because you think you got downvoted because he asked me to instead of using his own alt to do it You got downvoted because you're stupid, that's all."

I edited it, and it is still awkward. 10+ HOURS BEFORE YOU RESPONDED

ME = 1 edit.

in your responses to me.

The_Savant -3 points (+1|-4) 7.4 hours ago (edited 2.6 hours ago)

-2 points (+1|-3) 5.6 hours ago (edited 5.6 hours ago)

The_Savant 0 points (+2|-2) 4.2 hours ago (edited 4.2 hours ago)

The_Savant 0 points (+0|-0) 14 minutes ago (edited 13 minutes ago)


Me = 1 edit

You = 4 edts


@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @think-

Definitely GA shill

Bless his heart

The_Savant ago

Editing is only problem if I'm going back and changing the meaning of everything I said and making it look like you weren't answering the points I made when in actual fact you adressed them appropriately. If I fix a spelling error immediately after I post a coment there is no problem. You have no excuse for losing this argument despite how hard you may try.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Bless your heart.

Crensch ago

You have already asked me to ban you. Then somehow you don't want to be banned. Then somehow the guy going after the pedophiles is himself a pedophile, just because you said so.

I'm really quite sick of your pings and your drama. I didn't agree with you on the other and I'm not really interested in what else you have to say at this point.

Keep pinging me and you will piss me off.

WhiteRonin ago


Your mum’s lumpia is soggy

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

All you had to do is ask, I already stopped since it seems that this guy might be posting's data. I am archiving atm and haven't checked yet but if he is, the data may be flawed. That was going on before I learned to archive, I believe.

Stopped pinging you and left it to your mods and think- to figure out, since she former mod.

I figured since it's your sub and submission, you'd want to know. Won't ping again.

Crensch ago

Okay, then stop responding to me. Stop referencing me. Stop acting like you know me or have anything to do with me.

The_Savant ago

Damn. If only someone could have predicted this and saved you a lot of time.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Bless your heart!

heygeorge ago

Bless his heart

I lol’d

The_Savant ago

You laughed at your own joke? Not sure why, not a single good point made and not even a satisfying punchline. But look; just like Smash Ultimate Everybody is here!

So it doesn't matter how witty or even how factual you are, this discussion already ended.

heygeorge ago

You tell jokes that aren’t funny? I can see why @shewhomustbeobeyed is having it out at you. I’m ok with our discussion ending.

You laughed at your own joke? Not sure why, not a single good point made and not even a satisfying punchline. But look; just like Smash Ultimate Everybody is here!

So it doesn't matter how witty or even how factual you are, this discussion already ended.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Do you see what we've been fighting here? This is what makes me need the funny so very badly.

It's heartbreaking. And it feels like no one is listening. All because I don't do Q. Everyone attacked by this creep, don't do Q.

Bless his everlovin' heart.

heygeorge ago

Kids, don’t let grownups touch your privates. And stay off Q!

Seriously, if I can for a moment... I thought you PG people were a bit of a joke, and at first many were. But it was interesting. And then the whole thing merged into researching the global/elite and some really well thought out points were made, and solid information presented. Then... QQ! Here comes the QQ Train! And now instead of thinking for and making connections for themselves, people line up at the feeding trough and fill themselves up with someone else’s bread.

@grace8 how have you been? I thought you might like to read my short rant.

grace8 ago

HeyGeorge, would you look at this link quick and tell me how you explain this if Q is just a LARP. Its short and sweet.

grace8 ago

Stay off Q?? Don't you mean stay off crack or meth pr something dangerous?

If your interested 8chan keeps a database of all arrests of child trafficking, porn etc. It Is pretty shocking how many have been arrested. Kids are like little captives today compared to pre rise of trafficking in US. I really hope they can make America safe for our kids again but there are so many traffickers. If you have never seen the database heres a link.

An Ohio Mayor today plead guilty to 8 county of rape and several counts of other lesser but similar charges. The youngest child he raped was 4 years old. He blamed the children for having initiated their own rapes. Over the past month there have been a lot of arrests for Child porn. Yesterday, charges were filed on a celebrity in Norway who was one of 10 individual involved in a huge Child porn and pedo ring. They were selling CP and they had so many image s of children being molested that after 4 years of investigation they have only viewed 20% of the images.

You may have already seen all this if you are hanging on PG. I have never been on this sub. More for lack of time than anything else.

heygeorge ago

The youngest child he raped was 4 years old. He blamed the children for having initiated their own rapes.


Don't you mean stay off crack or meth pr something dangerous?

Those are also good suggestions! I mean, you probably shouldn’t use them regularly.

grace8 ago

He got life in prison with possible parole in 10 years. We'll see if he survives that long. Did you also see the minister earlier this week who began sleeping with a 14 year old girl and passing her around to his friends fellow pastors. He and his family are outraged because he got 36 years. They act like all he did was sleep with a prostitute or something. He was a psuedo parent to the girl (not sure how.) Not much time to read /do voat past few days. These people really are nuts.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks for the link and info.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The names is the only joke. Some people have been waiting a long time for this to all come out. The window of opportunity may be shrinking and these people want to play their political games. Both side are guilty as sin, no one should be expected to tolerate a Q-tard. Not in PG sub.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I learned from the master. I bow to your gentleness.

auralsects ago

Is this faggot u/ThePuppetShow? He was the first to make threads claiming I'm ES. Look at him he thinks I'm half the posters on the site, he's fkn in love with me LOL

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Wait a minute, are you saying that this faggot is using @ThePuppetShow's work as a basis of his accusations. That guy killed himself because the mods saw through him. If this guy is trying to pass that shit off as genuine then I can see why all the stupidity.

You might have just helped the mods, my love.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think-

auralsects ago

All that guy did was defend Jews and attempt to antagonise me, it was pathetic.

I'm not one to cry alt but this guy referring to the vast "evidence" means he's referring to his OWN "work"

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Too busy archiving to check him out. Too stupid to tell difference, evidently. Hope mods check. It's funny how the people pulling the biggest shenanigans are the ones who scream the loudest about alts and downvoting. I upvote you when your not such a faggot, and downvote you when you piss me off. It's not rocket science.

auralsects ago

I don't up or downvote either, and the mods are the biggest MIGA kikeshills around. This place is dead, call it. And as ever, women were the unwitting footsoldiers of the Jew.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

see how you are, every time I try to be nice. You so high maintenance to talk to.

The_Savant ago

I'm not one to cry alt but this guy referring to the vast "evidence" means he's referring to his OWN "work"

In no way does it mean that. That is a retarded conclusion even for you, Donkey

I tried reaching out to TPS before he left but he deleted his account anyway. As far as I'm aware he left for good. Didn't even reply to me on Twitter.

auralsects ago

LOL, retarded eh? Whereas OPs evidence that I'm ES is so convincing? Replying to a comment addressed to him is what you describe now as "proof"? No wonder you're a fuckin Qtard. Just look at your submissions, nigger. You aren't fit to lick my boots.

The_Savant ago

LOL, retarded eh?

This implies you're going to address the point I just made rather than deflect. You've responded in ES's place innumerable times, I just don't have the link to it. There's plenty of evidence you are one and the same. There is no evidence I am TPS and I don't think you really believe it either.

I told myself I would stop responding to you but holy fuck is it easy to beat to intellectually.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

He said you married to GG, say it ain't so.

auralsects ago

Briefly, for the green card

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What happened? Divorce is gross.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You still - after all these years of losing arguments to me - you think you can outsmart me? - This? You are delusional. Just proved that you are a liar, too. - from SEARCHVOAT <3

(Did you know that by typing 'searchvoat' in this response I pinged him. I didn't until he told me.)

Did you know that a bunch of mods had their alts banned, from voat? You should check the banned list before whiteknighting for such sorry excuses for human beings.

You can't force me to suck saggy GA titties

not now, not ever