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millennial_vulcan ago

@Vindicator you’re going to have to do something about the Wisconsin troll. It’s putting a lot of folk off (including myself) and I’m really sick of having to scroll past this shit that takes up HALF A PAGE and buries other, more valuable commentary.

Somehow you banned Jem777 but this fucker stays? Logic? @think- @carmencita

TrustTheTruth ago

Is that another thinly veiled death threat?

What happened to @Jem777?

We Know what All of You combined do not. How?

Why can't any of you answer any of the Questions?

What was Jenny's last submission about and what was The Truth she found?

Did you ever bother to read Tony's interview from Bates College?

Did you ever bother to look into the development of the Art in Embassies program?

Did you ever bother to look into Community Policing?

What is SnapTrends? What is Palantir? What is PRISM? What is Cellebrite?

What happened to Jenny Moore and who did She meet?

What happened to @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?

Why did Moderators not ban others who made death threats against Them that were acted on in real life?

Who made a 12-part series and who did it target?

What happened to Chester Bennington?

What happened to Avicii?

What happened to Mark Ruffalo's brother?

Do You really want to Know The Truth, or do you only Pretend?

Why do you think Paul Ryan really resigned?

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

What happened to the pilot?

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.

We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World from the public.

Who did he reserve a Front Row Seat for?

Where was the official signing held?

What happened with that family related to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption?

What is the Root of All Evil and the Model for 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Global Education Reform?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

septimasexta ago

This is a research site. Please answer your own questions and post links like the rest of us do.

TrustTheTruth ago

The Truth cannot be Disputed or Disproved.

Why are you sliding the forum with bad jokes and pure nonsense like this?

Isn't this a research site?

Even the other fake moderators called you out.

think- 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago (edited 17 hours ago)

The colour of pants is now relevant for Pizzagate - really? /s

Maybe you could refrain from posting bs that clogs up the thread, and is forum sliding.

IIRC, @Vindicator already gave you a friendly ban warning some time ago.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall

link reply ...

[–] septimasexta [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 13 hours ago

Up to 190 views.

I'm running the clock out, then I'll take it down.

What is your goal? Distraction? Disruption? Views and Likes? Or The Truth?

We know more than All of you combined, not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Interesting that you didn't ping @think- Diarrhea Bot. Trying to sow division among legit pizzagate users, eh? Both @septimasexta and @think- are too intelligent to take your bait.

Always trying to undermine and sow distrust. Your agenda is clear.

TrustTheTruth ago

We give Everyone the Same Opportunity to Know and Share The Truth.

Look what @septimasexta figured out. There is still hope for them to Repent and Share The Truth.

@think- has unfortunately been Fooled and Deceived by others, and didn't even Know who Isaac Green was or what role he plays.

Hopefully they will Repent, Pray, Learn, cease working with Satan, and begin Sharing The Truth.

Some Souls however cannot be Saved.

If you choose to mock Jesus Christ and The Truth, your Soul will Die.

This is not a game.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil and the system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, serving as the Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

The Mark of the Beast enforced by AI

Is that how we got the Diarrhea Bot? I was wondering.

When you think you have to fart

but it turns out to be a shart


TrustTheTruth ago

We Know why you are so Desperate and Afraid.

We Know more about you than you do.

We know who you are associated with.

You cannot comprehend how We Know more than All of you combined.

You and the Army of Satan are lashing out in anger and confusion.

You have no idea what you have done or the role you play.

Your mockery of Jesus Christ and The Truth will only result in your own Eternal Suffering.

Your Souls will Die forever.

The Mark of The Beast is Real.

Donald Trump made The Deal to endorse the Model for 5G+ AI, Smart cities and The Mark of The Beast.

Q is a False Prophet created to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

You cannot Dispute or Disprove The Truth.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Your mockery of Jesus Christ and The Truth will only result in your own Eternal Suffering.

Uh huh. And where, exactly have I ever mocked JC? Good luck finding evidence of that...not that you ever produce evidence of anything but watery diarrhea.

When you claim the mods are mean

but instead you fill your jeans


3141592653 ago

You're cracking me up

Vindicator ago


Shizy ago

Never trust a fart vindicator!