fogdryer ago

you forgot NoName..

IShallNotFear ago

What do you mean by this?

Ultra_Patriot ago

little late but JARED POLIS

gogogogostop ago

This is a great idea.

RogerMoore0017 ago

Can some explain Trumps relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell? That has been bugging me.

Vindicator ago

I've never seen any evidence Trump had a relationship with Maxwell. One of the victims of Maxwell was a towel girl at his golf resort, and he kicked Epstein out of there when he found out what he was doing.

kobold ago

idk any details, but through both epstein and the clintons

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

It’s really refreshing to see some people on our size. This place can be so bleak that sometimes seeing even a little humanity can keep me going

Vindicator ago

How about Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley. @gamepwn did a post a while back about how he helped expose that huge Pentagon child porn ring back in 2011. He's got a long history of being a friend of PG. From his Wikipedia bio:

In February 2004, Grassley released an internal report composed by the FBI in 2000 that examined 107 instances of either serious or criminal misconduct by its agents over a 16-year period. In a letter to the FBI, Grassley called the report "a laundry list of horrors with examples of agents who committed rape, sexual crimes against children, other sexual deviance and misconduct, attempted murder of a spouse, and narcotics violations, among many others" and added that the report's findings raised questions about whether the FBI handled agents "soon enough and rigorously enough".[24]

On June 28, 2006, Grassley proposed legislation[25][26] intended to curb sex trafficking and sex slavery in the United States by means of strict enforcement of tax laws, for example by requiring a W-2 form be filed for each prostitute managed by a pimp or other employer.

Also relevant:

The author of the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, Grassley has campaigned to increase protection and provide support for "whistleblowers". He has supported a number of FBI whistleblowers, including Coleen Rowley, Sibel Edmonds, and Jane Turner, although not supporting Department of Defense whistleblower Noel Koch.[76]

Grassley received a lifetime achievement award on May 17, 2007 from the National Whistleblower Center. In April 2014, Grassley announced plans to create a caucus in the Senate dedicated to strengthening whistleblower protections.[77][78]

IShallNotFear ago

I did not know that about Senator Grassley. While this is good info, it doesn't look like he is up for re-election this year.

Vindicator ago

Ha. My bad. He's not my senator, so I didn't realize that. He seems to be /ourguy/ though, so at least that's worthwhile!

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Vindicator ago

Fabulous idea for a thread, @ishallnotfear. I am stickying it!

ProTip: is a great resource if you want to see who contributed to whom and served on boards of directors together etc.

septimasexta ago

Diane Feinstein:

Endorsed by Obama, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi. Need I say more? Also, her third husband, Richard Blum has hung out for years in Nepal, forming the American Himalayan Foundation. One of its "ministries" is to trafficked women and children. Nepal has a high child trafficking rate, and many are sent to India and beyond. Also, Feinstein had a Chinese spy staffer for 20 years and she was on the Intelligence Committee! Nepal is a back door to China. The Dali Lama hangs out there and is friends with Blum, who is Jewish by birth, but converted to Buddhism. The Blum-Feinsteins got rich off of their China investments.


So are you a fan of Pelosi or is she a monster like Feinstein?

I agree with this comment completely, I'm truly confused as to why you changed your mind on Pelosi.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Sylvia Germak, who used to write with Wayne Madsen, visited Nepal and said it was crawling with CIA..

IShallNotFear ago

This is very interesting. Can you provide sources for this?