MommyLove ago

This lawsuit doesn't just involve the individual cops, but, also, the city, the police department, and the Boy Scouts of America.

Forgetmenot ago

There was a trump rally in Louisville yesterday. When the Japan prime minister met with trump a pedo ring was taken down in Japan, actually on the same island that camp nose was on. I don't think it a coincidence that trump was in Louisville and this occurs.

PawnsInTheGame ago

"Mayor calls FBI to cover-up child abuse"

MommyLove ago

The lawsuit, filed last week by Metro Council President and attorney David Yates, claims Betts and another officer, Brandon Wood, raped a male teenager over several years while he was in the Explorer program and accuses the department of covering up the case.

*James did say Thursday that it was the men and women of LMPD pushing for an outside investigation.

"I've been contacted by several police officers suggesting there may be a coverup taking place and that we should ask for an independent investigation," adding, "They want justice to be found against anyone that has injured a child."

Peden said he, too, has had similar conversations with officers, "For me personally, there are some police officers telling us what rocks to turn over." *

Cleareyes ago

I'm finding louisville sites and pages to share that on, random ones you never know who will pick it up.

lawfag123 ago

Moving up the food chain

The_Kuru ago

I'm just seeing an accusation. The accuser accused people of covering up THE ACCUSATION. They definitely shouldn't be broadcasting an accusation like that until evidence is found. He says they recorded porn of the rape? That's worthless hearsay until you have the video as evidence.

Doesn't mean it's not true, but I wait for evidence before jumping on. Cops are especially vulnerable to hoax accusations. Many of the threads I've started have to do with cops being involved in these pedo rings so I'm not a cop apologist. I just like documented evidence more than hearsay.

You might want to consider that the mayor is calling in the FBI to officially ...damn, I can't think of the word. When they clear someone after he's accused of something.

MommyLove ago

It's the PRESIDENT of the Metro Council that has filed the lawsuit. So, I don't think there can be any doubt SERIOUS wrongdoing has occurred.

The lawsuit, filed last week by Metro Council President and attorney David Yates, claims Betts and another officer, Brandon Wood, raped a male teenager over several years while he was in the Explorer program and accuses the department of covering up the case.

*James did say Thursday that it was the men and women of LMPD pushing for an outside investigation.

"I've been contacted by several police officers suggesting there may be a coverup taking place and that we should ask for an independent investigation," adding, "They want justice to be found against anyone that has injured a child."

Peden said he, too, has had similar conversations with officers, "For me personally, there are some police officers telling us what rocks to turn over." *

Gammi ago

Who can you really trust, when every government agency under the sun have those who are as deeply involved in this as the Podesta's etc.

Cynthiacotton ago

I have been in the exit lobby of LMPD and they have a peculiar mural on one of the walls. It has two big trees and the branches curl into swirls similar to this . The entire wall is covered in textured swirls.

MommyLove ago


carmencita ago

In the meantime, one former officer accused of raping a minor boy walks completely free of punishment — as if rescinding the uniform, badge, and gun of the State absolves an individual of responsibility for any abhorrent behavior occurring on the taxpayer’s dime.****What? This is why we have these problems. The cops are being treated just like the priests. No one is policing THEM. It must stop. If you live in Louisville, Ky. or nearby get your butt down there with a bunch of friends an make up signs and protest in front of this police station and the city hall. We must speak out and make some noise or it will never stop. Never.

derpsquad ago

Additional links below:


USA Today: "Louisville mayor asks FBI to investigate child sex-abuse claims against police"

U.S. News & World Report (via AP): "Louisville Mayor Asks FBI to Look Into Police Youth Program"

The Courier-Journal: "Mayor asks FBI to investigate child sex-abuse claims against police"

WDRB News (local): "Special investigator appointed by Mayor Fischer in LMPD Explorer program case"

VieBleu ago

Wow. this is really something and good catch.

I am still shocked when I read about what these guys do - cops raping kids to make pornography together in Kentucky. And covering it up with their buddy cops.

Conrad reportedly said he’s “dying” to discuss the case publicly, but has been barred from doing so by a court order sealing the lawsuit. Both the City of Louisville and the Courier-Journal have filed requests to unseal the case, which Fischer predicts will occur next week.

“Obviously I called for all the case to be unsealed so all the facts can be known on this,” said the mayor, who also termed the allegations “appalling.” “So to me it’s all about transparency and accountability. So I’m looking at all kind of options here.”

Please keep following this case! I want them to be able to talk about this.


I just hope they get the good FBI

pizzaequalspedo ago

That may as well read "After several disappearances in the chicken coop, the Farmer called in the Fox to investigate"

Psalm100 ago

Pedophiles don't call their victims "chickens" for nothing.

50hurtz ago

Was going to say something similar, good eye.