WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I was banned after my first non controversial post. Had a lot of history in it that told me the board is controlling as far as what they don't know. So what I know I'll post here. Because on the pizzagate thread they say Sheila Jackson Lee wears a ring and that is her connection. There is so much more yet I was banned. So here is what I know about Sheila: Sheila Jackson Lee does more than wear a ring! She handled the case from start to finish with zero accountability, OVER 600 complaints of sexual abuse by children in the Texas Youth Correctional Facility. I tracked and called her office every 5 months for three years so they knew someone was watching. When I had them over a barrel of time running out and nothing done, they told me they were handling complaints at the adult facility first. Mind you the children were sure they were being filmed when they were woken up in the middle of the night and forced to have sex with each other.

Vindicator ago

Looks like Falcon banned you last December because you kept trying to post about Loretta Lynch not investigating sexual harassment charges made by adults (v/pizzagate only accepts submissions focused on underage victims). He left you no comment explaining the problem in either of the two removed threads, though. I just unbanned you in good faith that you'll honor our submission rules going forward, WAWB. Please come on back and join the conversation. :-) We now have a 24 Hour Grace flair so users can get help fixing their submissions if they don't quite meet the rules (no Share A Link posts though -- Discuss only so they can be edited).

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

PS don't forget the Republicans own Ben Sasse senator from Nebraska. Involved in the page boy sandal with representative Mark Foley. Ben is a never Trumper and does not like Trump's tweets! https://rense.com/general96/whatdidsasse.html

Vindicator ago

Please join us over in v/pizzagate. We're building a megathread on the Pizzagate standing of political candidates to help people make informed voting decisions. Post your suggestions there, not here. Thanks!

srayzie ago

I flaired it Vindicator

Vindicator ago


Light_Guard ago

We're voting straight GOP for the red tsunami this election. POTUS needs a majority in the house and senate to get our programs through.