ronnyCPI ago

She's also wearing the familiar black and white clothing of womens' freemason organizations.

MichaelClayton ago

I showed the pic to my gf and she immediately said, “that’s a man”.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Sheila Jackson Lee is involved in the principle group that goes around beating and murdering people that go against them.

She is hand in hand working with Al Sharpton to lynch and murder their opponents.

anotherdream ago

This is a fucking war of the will and spirit. It feels like the closer we get to breaking this shit wide open they just abandon any and all form of discretion and are basically throwing this shot in our face. They are trying to demoralize us and simultaneously raising their banners foe the coming battle. Fuck these sick fucks!!! She has yo know what that fucking ring means!!!!!!! So do these photographers taking these photos. Why don’t we have more information on them!!!

TheNewMovement2 ago

Not really new news to me. I know that the government has been covering these disgusting activities for quite some time now. Why do you think Hollywood promotes this sexualized garbage? Gropers in Congress like Al Franken? Child Molesters like Dennis Hastert?They know and they're not ashamed of it.

TruthEarthOrg ago

Good find OP!

IShallNotFear ago

I posted a follow up here showing other pictures with the ring:

kNUCK ago


Vindicator ago

Giving this the "Share!" flair, turthseekertx. Great find. We need to meme this far and wide.

truthseekertx ago

Thank you sir!

Dressage2 ago

I think she jumped on the bandwagon 2013. Check her income soar right after. Must of received a ring as a token of appreciation. My Shirley suddenly knows how to make money.

Shizy ago

Damn she is! She needs to get her snagle teeth fixed

kazza64 ago

is this what happens you join the pedophile cabal and then you feel entitled to do just about anything in public with impunity because you're part of the club ...... so f*cked up ...... all we can do is continue to publicly expose the pedos and their flying monkey enablers

1madmanamongmany ago

Excellent find.

pixelkitteh ago

I was reading something just yesterday about the significance of people wearing jewellery with these symbols on it, blatantly displaying it because people just don't realise what it means. I feel like there is no way this is a coincidence, she knows full well the meaning of that ring and supports it's disgusting culture.

tech-adm ago

Maybe someone can give up a seat on a one-way plane to Gitmo for her.

sgd1971 ago

I wonder where & when she bought that ring & how much it cost the taxpayers?

Markb63 ago

Catch them.

KekistanEmperor ago

Interesting, I didn't know apes wore jewelry.

migratorypatterns ago

Great catch!

Would never have noticed that ... never ...

These people are DISGUSTING!!!! LOCK THEM UP!!!!

Mikel777 ago

So is her preference little white or black boys?

used2likepizza ago

Better have her damn "Seafood Meal" ready when you're her flight attendant....that's all I know about this stereotypical caricature of the angry entitled and illogical black woman.

SweAnon ago

Here is a pic some anon made


feel free to add it to your post truthseekertx

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

I wonder how much she actually knows about though, versus how much she is just a useful idiot.

Omnicis ago

Its not an EXACT copy - it looks like a mirror image, unless the pic is flipped.

OhBlindOne ago

Great work! You're helping save lives, don't forget that.

hypercat ago

It's gaudy as hell but I've seen one at Macy's in the jewelry department. Black people like ugly jewelry.

Herbvendor ago

What a disgusting ape.

Deth_comes_ripping ago

Wow, you aren't exaggerating.

lorlipone ago

Preface: I am absolutely not denying or defending what you've posted.

I'm kind of curious, what a grown woman would want with a little boy (Boy lover symbol on ring) - I mean. . . he Obviously donsn't have a massive dong at that age, or even on you could do much with. . .

Again - Not denying it, but wondering.

Snailracer ago

Maybe she uses a strap on dildo. Probably she is signaling support for someone she knows, like how Bill Clinton would wear a specific tie to show one of his mistresses he was thinking of them. Maybe her husband Elwyn Lee?

neurotica ago

Maybe its not about 'the size of his dong', maybe its about destroying innocence and defiling a child. Maybe she likes her pussy ate better than she likes getting railed with massive dongs. Maybe she likes a captive audience while she plays with herself, you never know the depths of the perversions of these people.

lorlipone ago

Yeah, possibly. I'm a fan of the quote "Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence." which helps me to pretend the crooks in government are just greedy, but not fucking evil.

The more I see though. . . . the more I tend to think this level of evil might actually be there.

XmasFox ago

Not all drug dealers do drugs. They say not to get high off your own supply. Not all people who wear athletic jerseys are athletes. It could be a symbol that she helps with the distribution or supports the cause.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Holy shit... that's is creepy as fuck. Nice work! I'm the first one to discredit the "symbolism" finds unless there is something to it... in this case, I believe there is. It's an identical match. Fantastic. TIME TO DIG!

Lag-wagon ago

I don't wear any jewelery but damn I am kind scared to now. Everything has an under the surface meaning... I mean had I not knowen it was a symbl I would think it looks like a cool ring.

SweAnon ago


Screenshots from the link:



SweAnon ago

Long time Voat lurker here. made an account just now to post this. but it was already posted. i posted this to Reddit

What happened in 2013? (Pic related)


Vindicator ago

Link is broken

SweAnon ago

Just remove the space between the http:// and the link

Vindicator ago

I did. Still didn't work for me.

snapplemoose ago

Woah, good find.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Outstanding. In plain sight. Major upvoat,


Instead of buying tacky (over the top tacky) pedophile jewelry she needs to get her teeth fixed. I don't like to criticize based on physical appearance, but I couldn't help myself.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Holy fucking shit!

Diggernicks ago

Nothing wrong with marrying and having sex with a 9 yr old wife, muhammad did it. I see no reason the opposite can't be true.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

She's too dumb I think it's a coincidence. She probaly bought it from Anthony Weiner.

Limpness ago

Have you heard of the Franklin coverup? Both sides of the aisle are guilty. Your comment diminishes this site.

Cc1914 ago

I know it's both sides 🙄

Cc1914 ago

Really ? Have you read anything I've posted ? I'm not saying it's only liberals ! WOW

dreamwarrior23 ago

That reminds me of the movie The Skulls (starring pedophile Paul Walker) where the members openly wear jewelry (either a ring or necklace) that had their symbol on it. It's all out in the open so they could unmistakenly advertise what they're into.

Shizy ago

Also reminds me of the Hostel movies where they all share the same tattoo to identify each other

Gothamgirl ago

Wow great catch!

truthseekertx ago

Appreciate it!

Cat_anon ago

yuck! poor boys!

Cheesebooger ago

I bet this is a signal for help to her masters

LionElTrump ago

2009, well before Podesta and Hillary lost the emails and the FBI account posting the symbols. They were so blatant about it, that is what is so damn funny about it. They finally got to a point they were too complacent. Why there is such a rush to censor and delete videos on YT and archives because the internet was never meant to have THAT much accessibility to past information allowing us to connect the dots.

Diamonds and on the traditional wedding finger(what does that finger mean in satanism/luciferian/occult?)

Ronin3000 ago


dundundunnnnn ago

Nice find but now I need to throw up

pray_the_gay_away ago

That’s pretty blatant elite occult symbolism right there. I’m not shocked Shiela is involved, but I am surprised by how conspicuously she displays it.

On a side note, publicly displaying a ring like that is such a baby boomer move, that whole generation thinks they are so smart and untouchable. Notice how it’s mostly only boomers who are being accused of sexual assault and child trafficking. It mostly boomers at builderberg. It’s mostly boomers in the CFR. They are so arrogant and entitled they don’t realize the house of cards they built atop our society is not stable enough to support their greedy fat asses. Pizzagate and #MeToo are the symptoms of a wider psycho-socio-condition that has come to embody their entire generation.

Blowitwideopen ago

WOW! easy son!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Interesting angle. Never thought about if from that perspective.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Q Anon said their symbolism will be their downfall

they MUST adhere to it

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

@Oh_Well_ian I didn't see that post, But he doesn't mean the Pedophile symbols...He means The tradecraft. Pedophile Symbols will show up in the Craft here and there.... but no. The symbolism that he is refereeing to, Is symbolism that you guys haven't realized is symbolism.

Ask these guys why they don't want you to know what symbols you're actually suppose to look for.

@kingkongwaswrong [O] @Crensch [O] @VictorSteinerDavion [O] @Millennial_Falcon [M] @Vindicator [M] @sensitive [M] @sensitive2 [M] @Honeybee_ [J] @heygeorge [D]

Crensch ago

LARPing faggot doesn't know how to ping properly.


huhWHAThuh ago

“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” - Confucius
Some people have known this for a long time.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

The one main problem is pointing out that symbolism to the "normie" masses. How do we make them believe that these symbols are actually being used as the FBI described them, and that these people in power have been actively wearing these symbols because of their secret meaning (rather than accidentally wearing a random piece of jewelry or clothing without knowledge of the FBI document)?

If we can just overcome that hurdle, then "waking up the population to the massive danger of the pedophile rings in our power structures" becomes as simple as "red-pilling them about the symbols, their secret meaning, and the people who have been consciously wearing those symbols for years".

ArtificalDuality ago

The key is relatively "easy". The underlying problem to this is not so much the symbology. It is the unwillingness to accept there is evil beyond the shop-lifter crime, all the way up to (hidden) global hierarchies.

People accept good. They don't accept evil. They are afraid to be called schizophrenic over it, or, otherwise be mentally ill, or even be coined a religious zealot.

You see, people have no problems with accepting symbol. Nobody blinks an eye to crosses worn around the neck or otherwise accepted relgion's symbols as jewelry, clothing etc. For muslims, the hijab (head-scarf) is just that, a symbol that denoted religious affiliation.

Likewise when it comes to describing people: When praising people and metaphorically call them a "saint" or an "angel" nobody blinks an eye. When evil people are described through metaphors like "demon" and "succubus", people all in a sudden turn heads and classify you once more as a sufferer of the aforementioned conditions.

Evil people have been hell-bent on eradicating the notion of good and evil, relegating them to film / games exclusively. In our real world there is science. No good and no evil. Just people pragmatically doing. At least, that is what's being forced upon us. All with the purpose of marginalizing perception and the concept of 'evil'. Evil wants to stay hidden.

Once people can overcome this doctrine and realize that 'good' has absolute definitions and that it has its own differential "evil", just like any other duality on this planet and in our consciousness, then it will be easy for them to accept that evil uses symbols as much as the good side does.

Everything has its own differential value across a duality. Whether it's battery power (+ / -) or behavioral patters (good / evil). When this perception is fixed, the path opens to accepting the fact that evil people use symbols of their own to communicate allegiance and preference.

lawfag123 ago

Nasty woman

truthseekertx ago

Agreed, and yet still, an understatement.

LionElTrump ago - nice find! parking image elsewhere

tyfdt ago

She is a lowly, awful person. She keeps her constituents uneducated and poor so they will continue voting for her.

Factfinder2 ago

It's not the first time she's made a statement with jewelry at a House hearing. She wore a Hillary pin to the hearing on Hillary's emails:

The fact that she wore a boy lover symbol to a hearing on Transportation Security is thus extremely interesting. What was she signaling? Don't worry, traffickers, I won't spill the beans?

angry_mob ago

wow. pretty blatant.

fartyshorts ago

Interesting, indeed.

fartyshorts ago

I tried to get screenshots from the video, but it's very low quality and she barely shows it.

carmencita ago

Someone just asked if we can archive those pictures. I am awful at it. Never works for me. They are afraid they will disappear.

fartyshorts ago

Gettyimages kind of breaks when you try to archive it. I'll do my best.

carmencita ago

That first one is pretty clear. Says it all imo. There is no getting away from it, that this is the real thing. Exact cc of the FBI Symbol on their site. Blows Me Away. And she wears it a lot at different places. Must be a favorite.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

she wears it a lot of different places

Can we get some linked photos from outside of this 2009 committee hearing, so we can look them up in the future in case anyone tries to wipe the photos and videos from the Internet?

carmencita ago

Can we get someone to archive it? I am awful at it but someone should pick up on it and comply.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

A lot of the imaging sites allow you to directly upload images using URLs (although some of the older imaging sites no longer work, and some of the more "popular" sites like imgur have a habit of deleting any images their moderators deem "inappropriate" {why they allow so much porn on their site, I'll never know}), but if you really want to archive it, you can also type the image's uploaded address into and save a copy to your computer (in case you need to use it or share it in the future).

truthseekertx ago

Thanks for finding the original source. So she was wearing that AFTER the FBI released the FBI logos in 2007. She could still be wearing it without any realization of what it symbolizes, but I mean...we are talking about Queen Sheila, the meanest mbr of congress, so who knows.

DomKeyhote ago

Didnt WikiLeaks release the FBI symbols some years later? Not FBI?

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Wikileaks re-released the FBI document from 2007, to make sure that the investigators knew about the document when they were looking through everything.

BlueDrache ago

That chimpanzee is a cro-mangon throwback. I doubt it has the wherewithal to read.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Get out shill.

AssKing ago

his comment seemed more banter than shilling.

new4now ago

Did some looking about her after the plane article came out, she's been bumping people for a long time and she ALWAYS plays the race card

Few things I found though, she went to college on a Jewish scholarship in the name of MLK

Her husband went to a prestigious college thanks to George HW Bush

Was gonna look more into it after the new year

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Those are pretty daming connections. George Bush, CIA occultist creep, family supported Nazis, Was Potus during 9/11 crime.

new4now ago

page 5

I spent 11th and 12th grade at Phillips Academy in Andover. Ironically I got there in part because George Bush, not the last one but the one before that was an alumnus who recommended me and so I ended up in Phillips Academy in Massachusetts for 2 year

page 6

I went because I was… I had a lot of admiration for George Bush. He was someone who kept up with me and I admired him and he had gone to Yale and you know it was a pretty good school in addition to that.

have to read all this again, a lot of little tidbits to look up

I'll have to find Shelias later, have to take off again

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

George Bush, not the last one but the one before that

George H. W. Bush, AKA "the son of the traitorous Prescott Bush, and Reagan's VP (who would have benefited the most from that assassination attempt on Reagan if it had worked)", the guy who they had to bring out on a wheelchair for any modern public speaking events.

The one who was too busy reading an elementary-school book to respond to the missiles being fired at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center was George W. Bush.

new4now ago

Think Shelias scholarship was a Queens Jewish community scholarship in MLK name

Thought I saved it but didnt

I also think we need to look deep into Neil Bush, how he has contributed to this Evil Family

Factfinder2 ago

"When well-to-do members of Queens' Jewish community awarded her the scholarship in honor of King, Jackson Lee shelved her family's plans for her to attend a nearby, inexpensive business college for prospective secretaries to attend New York University instead."

new4now ago

Good Job and Thank you

Found one scribbled note on the scholarship and comment it

That's probaly were I got note from. THANKS AGAIN

Factfinder2 ago

Happy to help.

DankKeyhote ago


new4now ago

Silverado Savings and Loan

Gave Denver the loan for the Airport

Neil Bush was not only head of the savings and loan, Neil also picked the land, design and the contractors who worked on Denver International Airport

How'd I do Donkey?

DonKeydich ago

Hitler did nothing wrong tho. Are you retarded sir? The Negress on a Jewish scholarship doesnt jump out at you? Didn't you know all black rabble-rousing -- which is what MLK practiced according to BLACK preachers who took out full page newspaper ads telling him to stay the fuck out of Chicago because he wasn't wanted -- was from the beginning a Zio-Jewish psyop? This is fucking basic history. You sound like a KIKESHILL BITCH-BOY

new4now ago

Not sure who you are talking to, but yes I thought it strange

Tried to find out if she was a Black Jew like Sammy Davis was, but didn't find it

Was gonna try to find out who awarded it, but it's on the look up list

It was a note I had that needed more research, but put it here cause of the post

Figure if someone wanted more sooner then I could get to it, they could do it

Trying to learn and relearn on a few fronts, and I was a bit young during MLK, just remember my cousins going to Vietnam and coming back messed up, The hippy college cousin got a pass, and how the riots affected my side of town

If your trying to help me learn, calling me names only pissed me off

DonKeydich ago

Responding to the other guy. If you click "parent" under any comment you should see the direct reply.

I'm half your age and wasn't awake to the Jews before PG. This stuff is easy to learn but it doesn't matter if she's Jewish -- it doesnt pass the smell test that Jews care so very much about blacks, gays, immigrants, basically anyone non-white. They know they're safer as one of many minorities so their priority is always to decide and conquer and reduce the majority population. They even did it in South Africa.

Basically white nationalist types are portrayed as redneck bigots because Hollywood Jews know that whites are so vain they'll avoid anything associated with them. In reality David Duke never talks about blacks, only Jewish supremacists. I listen to his radio show every day.

DonKeydich ago

Responding to the other guy. If you click "parent" under any comment you should see the direct reply.

I'm half your age and wasn't awake to the Jews before PG. This stuff is easy to learn but it doesn't matter if she's Jewish -- it d

new4now ago

I thought hubby connections would be interesting, when I get to laptop, will give ya link

I did a little kooky see on Black Caucus members awhile back

Doesn't look good for a lot of them, they are not helping anyone but themselves, sad

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

I'm pretty sure that, very recently, either the Hispanic Caucas or the Black Caucas rejected a Republican of that ethnic background from joining their group because "we use our meeting time to plot against Trump" (or some politically-correct synonyms for that sentiment).

new4now ago

Alot of the caucas members have been busted for corruption, some accused but never found guilty because of help burying it

Think it was the hat wearing Florida Rep with the big mouth that dodged a few charges

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Oh yeah, the "cowboy-hat-wearing Floridian who is somehow dumber than both Pelosi and Waters combined, who the left wanted to 'rally behind' because of her 'black woman' checks on their sexual/racial quotas", I forgot about her.

new4now ago

Jackson Lee said some pretty dumb stuff too. For a Yale grad, it makes you wonder

Is Waters the one that has Compton in her district?

Corrine Brown of Texas just got busted for fraud and I believe there were others

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Waters is the one with a lot of in-district gang territory and a McMansion several miles North of her district's outer borders (she goes to work and vote at a place just barely within the district's Northern border, which itself is in one of the most sheltered areas in the district), not sure if Compton is part of the district though.

new4now ago

Yea, that's the one, she's banking bucks charging candidates to put in her news letters. Kamala Harris paid her like 30k to get her name on it. Think it's a family business, her daughter making big bucks too, think she does the newsletters

Would have to look at my notes, but I think she runs things through the Democrats Party.

Think she busted with use of funds or something. Will have to go back and look, was looking up Harris at the time

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

was looking up Harris at the time

It's like a big incestuous spiderweb of stupidity, corruption, evil, and personifications of "evil stupidity".

new4now ago

I believe it, yet they don't do much for the black people

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Because they campaigned in largely-black districts. They assume that they are already guaranteed to have the black vote on lock-down just due to their own skin color, so that means they don't even see the need to make the black voters' lives better (just look at how far black unemployment soared while Obama, the first black President, was in office, and yet how much of the black population still voted for him in 2012: even he didn't care about his black voter base).

new4now ago

I think something might be rigged as to whom goes up against these people

Time to put term limits on House members, they are becoming millionaires at our expense

EricKaliberhall ago

Catch of the day!

NoBS ago

This post smells of deflection by exploiting emotional dependence. Even if one finds video around the same time frame.

It's like a psych-ops to generate behavior triggers.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. I am disappointed in you.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Direct evidence of her wearing an FBI proven boy lover symbol ring? What kind of sick fuck does damage control for child raping murderers?. Suicide is beckoning you.

NoBS ago

I question the ability to Photoshop just to make "us" look foolish. If the orriginal high def photo magically appears to discredit the movement then the pedos win.

That is "my" biggest fear. To allow evil to trivialize Pedophilia by feeding misinformation.

I does make me an ass hole. Apologies for that.

ravensedgesom ago

damn looks like we have some digging to do. Great find op!

SaveTheChildren ago

It's a spiral which represents the serpent and a pyramid within a pyramid symbolizing, well, obviously the pyramid, also with an all seeing eye reference.

Yes, these creatures are pedos, but they're really Illuminati satanist transgender puppets.

fartyshorts ago

I agree. I never thought "she" was a woman.

SaveTheChildren ago

Just a dude in drag! Haha! God bless.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Women do evil too. Silsby and Evies Crib, Hillary, Laura Ling, no need to only blame men. Humans can be garbage.

Hopevoats ago

Wow! Excellent find!

LionElTrump ago

too real

truthseekertx ago

Thanks...was shocked when I saw it at how identical it is to the FBI logo. As slimy as Sheila is, I'm not at all surprised to see her wearing this, just as I was not surprised when she blamed racism as the cause of her stealing someone's plane seat. lol.

BIGLY17 ago

How forthright they are with this shit via their clothes, art, etc. will be their demise...good work.