mindthegap ago

"Pelosi involved in money laundering, GH-Domain registered in Panama" - Oct 6 2016


GeorgeT ago

What's with Connecticut - what's the symbology behind Connecticut?

flyingcuttlefish ago

All this was sent in to me today --- On Nancy Pelosi and California topics relating to pizzagate - - - -

Also at the Presidio (in SF), MKULTRA army experiments by Michael Achino were carried out there, and people reported seeing men locked up in cages in the basements of buildings there. Tunnels would be something the perpetrators would use no doubt. That is what Pelosi was probably hiding, and that they are most likely still using the tunnels for pedophile parties. The Presidio is also very close to Senator Diane Feinstein's palatial house and the biggest Jewish temple in the Bay Area. Feinstein's husband is Richard Blum, CEO of the Univ of Calif. (head of the Board of Regents), and very involved with all aspects of UC, as well as doing business with the Carlyle Group (started by George H.W. Bush, biggest pedophile pusher in the world). Blum has over $750 million invested in his student loan company - loans with such high interest that students can never pay them back. The conditions for the loans (inherited debt) are that the loans if not paid by student, have to be paid by parents of the student, or by the unborn future children of the student. UC is also run by the Jesuits and is very involved with the House of Farnase (Fidel Castro's Italian Ducal family descended from Pope Paul III, the founder of the Jesuits).
It all fits together doesn't it?

MK-ULTRA: CIA Mind Control, Sleeper Cells and Child Kidnappings ...


Sep 17, 2010 - Michael Aquino, Aquino was connected with the **Presidio Army Base **day ... The Monarch mind-control experiments reportedly took place at the ... Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control - The Evolution of Project MKULTRA


by R Patton - ‎Related articles A word of caution for survivors of intensively systematic mind control and/or some .... camp experiments and the numerous sub-projects of MKULTRA are clearly evident. ..... Aquino was connected with the Presidio Army Base day care scandal, ...

Project MKUltra - Wikipedia


Project MKUltra – sometimes referred to as the CIA's mind control program – is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects, at times illegal, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and .... The experiments continued even after Dr. Frank Olson, an *Army *scientist ...

ronnyCPI ago

This is fucking blatant, in your face. Who the fuck names a pizza place after a goat? of all things (that have nothing to do with pizza) except a sick fucking witch like Pelosi. And with goats on the adverts and all that shit. This bitch is a witch.

flyingcuttlefish ago

you get a lot of results when you search "Nancy Pelosi pedophiles" ...

"Nancy Pelosi marched with known pedophiles in a Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco. One was gay rights activist Harry Hay. Hay was a pedophile and a member of NAMBLA (the North American Man Boy Love Association). "



So we know now that Harry Reid’s a pedophile, today we learn Nancy Pelosi is supplying him children


flyingcuttlefish ago

Goat Hill Pizza is mentioned at the bottom of this long summary -


flyingcuttlefish ago

"Philip DeAndrade—a former government staff member under Pelosi—is listed as the owner of Goat Hill Pizza. His email is also [email protected]. Could it possibly be? Could Philip and Nancy Pelosi be one in the same? Undoubtedly, yes. "

"Broken down, here are the steps Pelosi takes to wash the money clean of any connections so that it can be donated to a political campaign without violating the Hatch Act and ending up on the Clinton Foundation’s list of people in need of arresting.

Step 1: The real Philip DeAndrade, under Pelosi’s instruction, buys a legitimate business under his real name when he isn’t working for the government any longer. Step 2: Nancy Pelosi, like an idiot, puts her own real name on the email signup for GoatHill.com, thus making herself into Philip online and providing a paper trail for us to find."

(plus more)


more on the bottom of this post about Man Boy association in the Bay area . . . (pedos)


flyingcuttlefish ago

Big find!

There's MORE! This pizza place is in docs found out by Guccifer 2.0.

There's lots of discussion on Redd1tit about this so mods there must not know everyone is talking about Nancy Pelosi and pizzagate!

Guccifer 2.0: Is Nancy Pelosi’s Goat Hill Pizza Restaurant A Front Company Used To Funnel Money To The Democrats?


discusssion about it: Guccifer 2.0: Nancy Pelosi’s Goat Hill Pizza Restaurant May Be A Front Company Used To Funnel Money To The Democrats


Guccifer's Pelosi e-mail page


PROOF of her connection ---

scroll down Page 2 to "District 8" and you will see her e-mail address


Redd1t links (probably more if you look over there)



Recall how she suddenly switched to being so chummy with Hillary? During the primaries ... at the end. Maybe she joined the pizza party then.

flyingcuttlefish ago


Goat Hill Pizza Inc. is registered in Panama!


tweet + bonus photo: https://twitter.com/TheFoundingSon/status/783636131011235841

Nancy Pelosi plugs the pizza joint on this page -


more photos and social media links for Goat Hill Pizza


ProudTruther ago

The Yelp reviews do have some parallels with Comet IMO. It seems like both location have a lot of reviews and they are both pretty polarizing. The Comet one freaked me out more, although I just came across this yelper in 2012 who had this to say

"One word: OVERRATED.

The ingredients are decent, the cheese and sauce are ok, but I swear to god, the pizza SMELLS FUNNY! At first I thought it was the particular pie I ordered (a "Californian," I think it's called) but then two subsequent times I noticed it as well." Also I read a lot of reviews about rude, incompetent staff, and they refuse to deliver to a lot of the people too even though they were close.

Here's one from 2010 talking about kids drawings on the walls "I came here with my friends because my friend had the groupon deal for it. This was also my last American meal before going to HK for 5 months, and I was not very satisfied. I was quite happy at the beginning of the meal before the food came because I saw drawings on the wall done by students of the elementary school I attended. I haven't visited Potrero Hill since, but it got me nostalgic" She goes onto say that that the food sucked.

ProudTruther ago

Here's one more along the lines of comet ping pongs with complaints of too many screaming children Worst pizza I've ever had. The center of the pizza was extremely soggy. The cheese was not good. Crust was awful. Absolutely dreadful. I ate one slice and when the waiter asked if I wanted to take it home, I said no. He asked again, are you sure? I said, absolutely sure.

Dining experience: really awful. The room was filled with little children, one of whom was screaming all the time. If you like kids, this is for you. If not, run away.

Terrible terrible dinner.

ProudTruther ago

Alright here is the last yelp review on the list a woman from 2007. What a messed up experience: We took some German friends there last night; party of 10 (some well behaved kids were with us). From the moment we got there, we were informed of the RULES of the dive in an army style manner. All of the staff, besides the servers (my son pointed out that they were very nice) were unbelievably rude. If felt almost like a joke, but it wasn't...my husband arrived and wanted to sit with us; some nutty waitress jumped towards the table and forbade him to sit down, "sorry against the rules, which are strictly enforced". She yelled at me as I offered him a piece of my pizza. He was ordered to sit at a table near ours. He left the place. I asked for the manager; some large-framed pressure cooker. I am a very polite person and tried to get our feelings across-nope: "We don't want you here, you can leave"...Well, ... what to say; "Better service in former East Germany", my friend added. The kids were stunned...So are we. What the heck?!?!

It seems like these pizza places don't really want the general population in their restaurants. Their food is bad and overpriced. Like when they kicked that Jack guy out of Comet Ping Pong for Periscoping. I might eat pizza again but I'm def gonna scope out the business and think twice before I do.

LostandFound ago

Ah good ol Moloch keeps popping his head up https://sli.mg/XB2PMn.

Also anyone else uneasy at all that a baby goat is a kid ?

urso ago

the archive link: http://archive.is/voPrj

crosshairs ago

http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=55861 November 10th, 2016 article: Guccifer 2.0: Is Nancy Pelosi’s Goat Hill Pizza Restaurant A Front Company Used To Funnel Money To The Democrats?

Pizzagatethrowaway ago

Hey, so I was trying to see if there was a protected section on the site, which led me to this address. Seems to be the base address or whatever it's called without the domain. http://goathillpizza1.localon.com

So I looked for it without the one, old version of site. Probably nothing, but main photo of kid eating pizza is so creepy on this one. Ick. http://goathillpizza.localon.com

Fahrvergnaked ago

Make records of this evidence before they try to change any of it and continue the investigating!

Good work. But next time, archive and then download the zip before you post, it takes a mere second or two. Let's stay a step ahead of these fucks.

stradus ago

mom and pop's pizza shops will never be the same

Craic_Cocaine ago

Fun fact: Goat Hill (Telegraph Hill) is located nowhere near the neighbourhood this pizzeria is in, and there the area it is in literally has nothing to do with goats.

CJJacobs ago

Has anyone else been at all concerned that the logo of voat is a goat? Or that its logo features two pyramids? Just sayin'...

Anyways...good research...thank you! Keep at it 'pedes!

veritas_vincit ago

Actually, Comet Pizza is apparently pretty darn good.

veritas_vincit ago

This pizza place isn't even trying to look non-creepy. Actually, I think they're trying to be creepy on purpose. I'd avoid this pizza place like the plague even if I didn't know a thing about #Pizzagate. What the heck.

Awesome find, though. The fact that Pelosi used the domain for her emails is highly bizarre.

EndThePizza ago

1 none of those photos are photos that I would use on an official website (including the non-kid photos), because they're just poor photos. And the whole website looks really cheap. It's in San Francisco - your business has to be VERY successful to be able to operate with the rent prices there. Customers would expect very high quality service. So, why does the website look terrible?

2 specifically on the kid photos - if they're advertising as a family restaurant, why wouldn't they have pictures of families rather than individual kids with no adults? This is the same faulty logic in Alefantis' instagram photos. Oh, she was taped to the table for a game? Then wouldn't her parents or siblings or friends be playing too? It's weird that all of these pics are of single kids.

3 Has anyone else ever come across a rewards program that tracks points by email? I'm familiar with rewards cards or hole punch cards, but I've never heard of one that uses email. Maybe it's a new thing. Anyone want to sign up and see if there's anything fishy about it? http://goathill.com/Goat-Hill-Rewards

ThePuppetShow ago

Don't troll anyone. If Alefantis didn't get trolled there would be more evidence by now.

MAGABoomer ago

If blood sacrifice worked, they wouldn't need so much plastic surgery...those stupid people creating harm on others for what they believe is their own personal gain.

On the other hand I can never think of goats in any light but...the goat fuckers of Islam spotted on infrared camera by US forces. LOL

throwitawayn0w ago

Why are all the videos on their website set to private??

Nicefind ago

Because pizzagate

EyeSeeYou ago

Hmm, Goat, it reminds me of something, but I just can't put my finger on it....oh, I remember https://sli.mg/v0znz0

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

lol, so that's why everyone gets so jumpy when the word (place special / protected religion here ) comes up...

CJJacobs ago

I thought the exact same thing.

BeauBrummell ago

Ah Goat Hill Pizza, I remember their delicious pizza well. They are a chain now. The original one is on Potrero Hill. A potrero is a grazing area, in this case for goats. Voat/goat, coincidence?!

bringitdown ago

That is very fishy