11-11 ago

Anything suspicious ?

lol Just this whole list

great work

10148463? ago

Jared Polis is running for governor in 2018 and wants to provide free preschool and full-day kindergarten to all of Colorado's children.

[Polis said,] "...we’re going to speak right to families about how important full-day kindergarten and preschool is and what a positive difference it can make in their lives.”

quantokitty ago

I would say that he goes on our radar.

10147033? ago

Side note: David Skaggs, a previous Congressman for the district Jared Polis was elected to, Colorado's 2nd, was appointed chairman of the board in 2008 to Nancy Pelosi's newly created Office of Congressional Ethics.

In 2009, while still leading the OCE board (and continues to to this day), Skaggs reportedly invited a known, convicted pedophile to attend Obama's inauguration. Skaggs' friend is a Harvard-trained lawyer who, when he was arrested, resided in the Clintons' hometown of Chappaqua, NY, and was on the Planning Board.

I actually made a thread about it, I thought the invitation was an affront to the public. Nancy Pelosi stated she created the OCE "to drain the swamp that is Washington.":

Office of Congressional Ethics Chairman David Skaggs Invited Twice-Imprisoned for Pedophilia Former Chappaqua Official Nicholas Puner to Obama's Inauguration

EDIT to add:

I meant to mention Skaggs was also involved with education, like Polis. He was the executive director of the Colorado Dept. of Higher Education from 2007-2009.

LA_Trump ago

Great work, similar to Sean Maloney. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1761597