Are_we_sure ago

What Red flags?

zunar ago

Excellent research! Thank you. There is absolutely no coindences when it comes to anyone involved with the Podestas and the Clintons. The associations between so many fricking people is sickening!

crystalclearme ago

Interesting. Just watched Youtube video last night of compilation of news stories regarding Terry Reed and Mena, Arkansas etc. I had Mahoney's name down under a possible good guy. So I'm going to guess somehow they compromised him or got blackmail on him at some point. Very interesting.

equineluvr ago

He's a "Catholic" (crypto J) faggot attorney educated (two years) at Jesuit (Jewsuit) Georgetown. No way is he a "good guy."

crystalclearme ago

Oh my bad too- was Robert Maloney ..... I need more coffee and better reading glasses.. LOL

crystalclearme ago

Oh I def see that now!!!!! - he's a wolf in sheep's clothing ... The worst of the worst I think are the people who "support" and voice one thing when in actuality THEY are the predators. The "White Helmets" and "Peace Keepers" and it makes it difficult to challenge them & is one of the things that brings tears to my eyes. Thinking you're being rescued when you are actually in greater danger

PizzagateBot ago

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Ocelot ago

Damn, that guy across from Podesta looks like a younger carbon copy of Podesta. Must be a relative.

srayzie ago

I looked at a lot of google images. I'm not sure if that who's sitting next to Podesta but they do have similarities. Definitely the hairline.

DonKeyhote ago

So graduated from Georgetown, which is false according to your own source, is a bullet point but gayness is just incidental, LOL hokay mang

Steinmacher ago

some years ago my wife and I looked into adoption... we found it very expensive and also very intrusive. We didn't continue.

but for the politically connected, they can adopt a 5 day old "on the spot"... no corruption there.

jangles ago

The cards!°

equineluvr ago

This may be "it!"

Who is that poor girl, I wonder?

dreeeg ago

Great find

GhostOfSwartz ago

How does one impulse adopt? So his partner just decided, I'm adopting this kid and it was done? By himself? Immediately?

SecondAmendment ago

Here's a Podesta email from Sean's husband asking Podesta to sign an online birthday card.

Surely some of you smart lads would know how to figure out who signed it?[email protected]&zip=20016

SecondAmendment ago

Well, well, well. Sean Maloney shows up in the Podesta Emails posted by Wikileaks. First one I clicked on is a fundraising email entitled "MY FRIEND SEAN." It was sent by Bill Clinton sent to John Podesta on October 27, 2012, in an effort to get Sean Maloney elected to Congress (linked here:


You know I believe in arithmetic. The numbers show Democrats are being outspent on the airwaves. And the more money we have to fight back, the better chances we have to win.

My friend Sean Patrick Maloney's district is being downright flooded with false attack ads from those GOP Super PACs. If Sean's going to win, we have to stand up and help him fight back.

Sean's campaign is making its final ad buy decisions right now. Will you help him finish strong?

Donate $20 or whatever you can to Sean's campaign so he can beat back Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers and every other GOP Super PAC >>,50,100,250,1000

No one ever said elections are easy. But our country deserves better leaders than these Tea Party Republicans in Congress. We simply can't afford a return to the same old, top-down policies that got us in trouble in the first place.

That's why we need to elect Sean to the House.

Please donate $20 or more before Sean's final ad buy deadline >>,50,100,250,1000

Now, let's win this thing!


Bill Clinton"

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

They adopt a child & then send him off to boarding school...

nnfx ago

Can't say if this is Sean next to John. I'd rather say "no".

JimBoNZ ago



Catchthem ago

Fuck You Shill! LOOK AT THIS JimBoNZ's OTHER POSTS: Just wondering if anyone was aware it was "edgy teens sucking off Daddy Day" eg April Fools? This shit is getting sad. AND haha just wondering is anyone was aware it was April Fools lol so edgy. Suck your sister off cunts AND haha cunts are lolling because it is april fools so edgy lol what a jape, you useless fucking idiotic fucktards

chordwonder ago

Good work. What does the comment about the hairline mean? You think he has an impersonator? That's certainly possible, since they are everywhere, but I'm doubtful.

LA_Trump ago

I'm wondering if that may be Sean next to him playing cards.

chordwonder ago

Oh ok, thanks.

chordwonder ago

Ironically, his hairline is cut out of the pic on his twitter profile.

SuperShilly ago

Who's the guy directly across from Podesta? Green flannel and glasses? Has a lot of facial features similar to Podesta. I've seen this picture before but didn't pay much attention besides the girl and how she's holding her hands- she seems very uncomfortable

nnfx ago

Yeah I just noticed him for the first time as well. Looks like a fucking JP clone to me. öÖ