mooteensy ago

"Album not found" - Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

rangerkozak ago

"Album not found" -- 6 hours after post

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

We have the best pedo's, dont we folks? They really are the best

BertieMcDuffy ago

this album is now gone, can anyone link me an archive?

organic1 ago

I'm talking about the secret club type pedos. Not your run-of-the-mill sleazes that are opportunists. I was just using the guys having sex in a bathroom as an example, but it happens a lot where I live, so that's why I chose that example. You know, they are in the bathroom when another guy walks in, so the first guy drops the card to see how the other reacts. Same thing with masonic handshakes as a signal that they're in the same club.

The reason I'm focusing on the five of clubs is because this is the second time I've seen this exact card referenced as a pedo symbol for those in the know. Now, out of 52 cards, what are the odds of two totally different commenters on two different sites mentioning this one card? Pretty slim, if you ask me.

Le_Squish ago

Fuck, yeah!

Le_Squish ago

Brah, go make this a post.

seanhurray ago


organic1 ago

All good points, and I must agree with you, but in the event that several individuals are arrested in a specific area with a particular card, a pattern develops. Even if people are all playing a particular game, what are the odds that they all have the same playing card on them? They wouldn't. As they moved through the game, the items on their person would change. Now, say for instance, the cops bust a bunch of men having sex in a bathroom over several weeks and they all have the 8 of hearts on them, then I would believe this isn't a red herring. Everything must be combined with other puzzle pieces and be found within the same context in order for if it to mean more thus causing it to have merit.

Xwing ago

@Millennial_falcon is shill, please share before deleted thx!

Millennial_Falcon ago

^ CTR shill accusing me of being a shill for exposing CTR disinfo!

Xwing ago

I'll share my identity any fucking time son.

step to it, boy.

Forgetmenot ago

I believe FBI anon said to look into the cards, people were looking into the illuminati cards but may be this is what he or she meant. I don't know how to find a link though to what FBI anon said maybe someone else does?

LostandFound ago

interesting notice the top card is 4 of spades, never know it might have been the 5 in podestas hand

itrunshot ago

That was the first picture I thought of in reference to cards. The one where it was speculated that her hands are ziptied.

LostandFound ago

Yeah I remember the guy on twitter who originally posted this, account was gone within a few hours but I dont think thats the case. Which was unfortunate because everything else he said had merit.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Yes, this is also true in FBI investigations into Chinese Triads. They are hard to crack due to their obscure hierarchy, language and symbols

Gorillion ago

Thanks for laying that out. I opened the slimg link and saw the kid avatar and just had to close it. I'm not up to seeing these bastards chat among themselves today. It was like getting a mini electric shock just looking at it.

witch_doctor1 ago

The cards reference has always interested me as well.

Could he be referring to the pic of the girl that looks like Madeline could now look playing cards with Podesta? She had something around her right wrist that looked kind of like a zip-tie restraint.

Also, could he mean Child Abduction Rapid Deployment teams within the FBI? (scroll down)

Would OP be safe posting in the forum and asking for tips? One thing that disturbs me is that while necessary to get the symbology out into the general public's consciousness, it also means that the pedos will change logo's. We need to keep up somehow...

DirtyRainbows ago


search4truth ago

You would think that any networks out there would lay low, waiting for this exposure to blow over. I bet, however, that they can't because those being trafficked and abused are like a drug to them. They can't stop. We just have to keep looking, keep pushing until something is cracked.


well it's nice to know at least the "regular" pedos aren't blaming the russians /s

JrSlimss ago

Five of Spades part is interesting. In Alice in Wonderland, this was one of the cards that painted the white roses red.

Also is the card for travel and change. Confirmed by several sites.

Also this image came up in the NYPL archive. Any idea what it means? Is it some sort of decoder?

wtf_is_happening ago

FBI anon said look for the cards.

Apart from that, these guys are small fish pedos. They are speculating about how the big fish players operate as much as us non-pedos (presumably) here. After researching a ton on this topic recently, I do think that description of how child sex is used for blackmail in politics is completely on the money.

Le_Squish ago

Big fish congregate near small fish.

Guy_with_the_face ago

I have the same thoughts as far as blackmail. It only makes sense that whoever the elite are, follow a code of silence due to the nature of their initiation. These rich powerful elites will stop at nothing to meet their goals, for the incorruptible, they will threaten your family and loved ones, for those who could care less about anybody but themselves, there is blackmail.

SpikyAube ago

What is this about cards, why is everyone mentioning cards? What cards?


2nd to last post near the bottom

the person states they were chosen to be in a pedo ring, under the condition they had to find another person willing to join in (for blackmail purposes)

to find this person, they were told to use a 5 of spades playing card as a signal /sign to other pedo that they are looking to recruit

SpikyAube ago

Thank you - interesting, in a sick pedo way.

onemilligram ago

The thing about people in this forum is they are most likely committed to not offend. There was a pedo who posted an AMA a while back and from his post I gathered that there are a large number of Pedos who have taken a vow not to ever touch a child some go as far as chemical castration. Hense, the "pedo support forum." From my research I've found dozens of these sites both for pedos who are into boys and girls. As a father of 6 children these people scare me to death, however, throwing them all under the same umbrella might be the wrong way to attack this, in the end these people might be able to help us find the people who are actually hurting children?

fvckh1m_up ago

I have something in common with pedophiles. I am pissed off that the elites get away with it too.

beyondthecacti ago

didnt wikileaks also say something about watching the cards?

pizzaequalspedo ago

What are the card references?

Gorillion ago

See this comment above from Tommygunz:

Never heard this stuff before either. Creepy.

organic1 ago

Interesting bit about the five of spades. I saw on the 4chan thread where the person was on a plane with Podesta and someone in the chat said to do things right and show him this card. Now I understand what they meant.

onemilligram ago

What am I missing about "Cards" I've seen it mentioned several times today. "Watch the cards" etc./?


2nd to last post near the bottom

organic1 ago

Yes, it's strange how this is mentioned a lot. One thing to remember is that they are deep into the esoteric, which involves tarot cards, so this might be related. Then, there's the cards associated with the Illuminati Card Deck. I still feel that if pedos in a club have to carry the five of spades and they're arrested, the officer takes their wallet and belongings at the time they're booked, so you can't tell me that LE isn't aware of this. So, if they see they have this playing card on them and do not investigate further, they are being complacent.

lawfag123 ago

Second image from the bottom for those who are wondering. Very interesting.