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Piscina ago

@crensch you are a pathetic little nobody who needs to lie and degrade people to puff himself up to feel better about himself. I challenge you to provide ONE example of my calling in anybody to 'Voat brigade'. You can't because it's never happened. While you, insignificant spineless bottom crawler that you are, constantly ping others to come to your defence. You cannot stand on your own two feet. You cannot argue an issue without crying out for your mommie mod squad.

Vindicator ago


Crensch ago

It's almost like they think we're a bunch of amateurs that don't back up what we have to say. It's a little unnerving that they keep acting like we having proven this to them time and again. I guess that's just part of being a Jew.

Piscina ago

Says the moron who's now turned to working for the luciferians.

Crensch ago

Notice how my claims come with evidence, and yours are pulled out of your ass?

@Vindicator @think-

SchlongKeyhote ago

Not against me, faggot.

Jumping into a comment thread SPECIFICALLY ABOUT ME BEING SOME GUY'S ALT to point out we don't even share the purported behavior is not evidence we're in fact the same.

It is actually quite predictable, which is why it I did it the previous time I faced said accusation.

To which you say "he made the same huge mistake of not switching alts, twice."

No one would believe that, particularly over MY evidence:

  • pages of DMs between me and my supposed alts over months
  • screencaps showing that far from brigading, I don't even upvote, ever, period.
  • totally different writing habits from the account you claim I mistakenly thought I was still using

Your game is up, kike. The idea you could swoop in after providing zero to this sub and jew a brilliant researcher like me with your untenable for-women's-consumption gaslighting is typical KIKE arrogance that gets you stuffed in ovens.

Crensch ago

No one would believe that, particularly over MY evidence:

Strangely lacking.

Your game is up, kike.


The idea you could swoop in after providing zero to this sub and jew a brilliant researcher like me with your untenable for-women's-consumption gaslighting is typical KIKE arrogance that gets you stuffed in ovens.

Writing autobiographical fanfiction?

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie

SchlongKeyhote ago

Strangely lacking.

Nope, my evidence is unassailable and that's why you never even try to refute them, as you ignored all the times I linked to your Jew-protecting before @Piscina just did. You are a frightened little Jewish cockroach.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie

There it is^, for women's consumption. Do you "believe wamen", (((Crensch)))? Is that why half the mods are women when the truther community is probably around ~5% female?

Notable exception is the Qtard movement, which appears to be almost MAJORITY female.

I am known for calling for all women to be banished from v/pizzagate and into kitchens.

Yet my supposed alt @Esotericshade is specifically accused of "grooming" women, because they are so laughably easy to manipulate.

What's REALLY laughable is that this entire dramatic "warning!!!1" thread and even the case against that Jew-loving faggot is built on a false premise, which is that upvotes actually influence people.

Nobody gives a fuck about upvotes. They will click and read a thread if the title is interesting or it has a ton of replies.

What WILL cause people to stop visiting the sub is a constant barrage of non-specific to pizzagate Q anon threads, which is PRECISELY WHAT YOU AND @VINDICATOR ARE OPENLY ADVOCATING and labeling "shill manufacturer of concensus" to those who resisted it.

Doesn't get much more Jewish than that

Crensch ago

So what you're saying is that the ESOTERIC clan REALLY doesn't want Q anon here? Looks like that's what the next sticky should be about. Something Q anon said must be causing your handlers some discomfort, given the lengths you all will go through to try and stop us from posting Q anon stuff here.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie

srayzie ago

That’s it. The shills are working over time right now.

auralsects ago

there isn't even anything to shill you dumb bitch.

because "the plan" does not depend on Qtards posting memes.

since the much more elaborate and retarded Q theory discredits the real conspiracy of pizzagate, the shills are just flooding your echo chamber with outrageously stupid shit to waste your time and make you look even dumber