SearchVoatBot ago

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Backlot ago

Harris is just stupid.

HuFlungDung ago

Many Rats are now being poisoned against their will!!!

nullifyNWO ago

How i hate people painting the devil on the wall. Horrible people who have not understood the very basics.

fireantsinyourpants ago

I wonder if these people realize that if something happens, people will be coming for them.

FlyingGabriel ago

Cryptic? She's still working on obvious.

DerivaUK ago


RakerKey ago

She is a skanky traitorous witch crooked as they come -she merits serious investigation

Helbrecht ago

I could believe this if Kamala wasn't a complete fucking moron.

amarQ144 ago

I think Kamala toe and friends get free med call where they are headed.

lifeduringwartime ago

Might be a bit of rationing due to overwhelming demand.

mark7 ago

Dear Kamala, we appreciate your concern, and would like to warn you of a very dangerous storm, which could create accidents and casualties worldwide. Please be on the lookout for 67K souls in dire need of Governmental assistance, (in the near future), and possibly include yourself among those at risk. We suggest the "Duck and Cover" method of safety, but remember, your head can only stay up your patoot for 3 minutes at a time. That is all.

Ddboomer ago

She is a nothing ..really.

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

Had to be fake. It makes too much sense for something from her.

darkb ago

Before the fall comes great pride

WanderingTaurus ago

Dem from MI calling her out? Saaaayyy whaaat?! Surprised!

Don-Keyhote ago

LMAO this is great Qtard satire, bravo sir

holy fucking shit

mark7 ago

we live to serve! another satisfied customer!!

enginedriver13 ago

"Accidents can happen", Kumoola? Oh dear me; "accidents"... such as when greasy Willie Brown knocked yer tonsils out treating you like the cheap whore you are?