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ArtificalDuality ago

7. STN: Profiles within Secret Services

Updates to this post to come..

8. STN: Validation Sheet for Dutch Rank & File Close to the Case

The following are phrases that I have witnessed through the STN and of which I know have been propagated to people surrounding me at employers and likely through out AIVD / National Police.

"(Schizo|Haribo|Yuppie|Any other egenerate expression) that thinks the 'Absolute Truth' is based on SOS-CAS-TOA (Dutch abbrevated goneometric function usage references)

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9. Domestic Psychological Warfare

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Technique: "Obsession Call" -> Just a (degenerate term) obsessed of (subject to irrationalize / marginalize). Purpose:

Technique: "Schizophrenic Inversion" -> Truth inversion where the allegation can not be proven or made to be beliefworthy. Purpose: Rather than saying the target is lieing, they say 'schizophrenic' because that has the added effect of having people much more likely reject what the target is telling. (It shuts off people's truth trees. )

Technique: "No More Than" -> "No more than a (degenerate term) that (expression to irrationalize / marginalize / demonize) Purpose:

Technique: "The Thinker" -> "A (degenerate term) THAT THINKS (expression to irrationalize / marginalize) Purpose:

Technique: "Inversion of Guild" -> Purpose:

Technique: "Group Expansion" -> Purpose:

10. References

The Case of Rene Osterwalder Alex Osterwalder: Value Proposition Design The Number 17 Satanic / Occult Signatures Goat Hill Pizza: Pedo & Luciferism Ties Up Pelosi, Huffington Post Satanic / Occult Signatures II

11. Closing

SRA are not individual cases. Those are the drips coming through the dam. Look behind the dam. It is systemic. It is cultural.

Further more, I'm sending this to our National Police as well as AIVD. The first I'll write through an online reporting. The second will receive a USB stick with a data cache containing transcripts, logs and findings in regards to MH-17 and my experiences at the various employees since my findings about MH-17 as well as the recovered e-mail backup and everything related to the relationship with my former American fiancee. So no, there won't be sent a bomb letter (that malevolent elements may cock up as a narrative to prevent people from receiving this data cache). It will be sent through delivery ensurance mail (aangetekende post).

Lastly, I've not been subverted. No, I'm not part of a psy-op. I'm a target. I will never abnegate my conscious choice for the good side of the absolute duality. For love and equality. I will not succumb to them.