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ArtificalDuality ago

4. In Between

I left the company early March. Another significant thing happened not much later. It was the night of 19th to 20th March. All in a sudden, it was like my head was in a micro-wave. My saliva changed structure, it was as if bloodplasm started to mix up with it and many other anomalies to the point I called the 112 emergency line. When I did that, the phenomena stopped in a sudden, for a little. I decided, am I going to the hospital in the middle of the night or not? I was refused an ambulance. The operator did not want to send in an ambulance. I decided to leave my brother's place and go to my mom's place. The phenomena returned. Burning sensation on my tongue, palate and the saliva being much different in structure and taste. At the same time, I noted I began to get this irritation on my nose. Where like, if I would touch one place of the reddish inflamation, it would flare across the whole of the inflammation. Even the lightest touch. On the 22th of March, 2016, the terrorist attack in Brussels happend. This was on a Monday. The inflammation had developed into a reddish area over my nose and was highly irritating.

One noteworthy thing here, was the following. My mom has a dog, a cute small Romanian breed dog. There was something up with the dog. Since I hadn't been feeling well with all these anomalies, I was resting on the couch. The dog jumped on me and was feverishly adamant about getting to my nose. I kept pushing him away gently a number of times, though it kept wanting to reach for my face. He was stubborn and adamant about it. Eventually, I was like ok. I'll give in. And let the dog have access to my face. If he wants to lick me so bad, then go ahead. Next, the dog got back to my face quicky. He reached for my nose. He then clenched his teeth around my nose, though not biting it off; it was no aggression. He was in fact rubbing that inflammatory spot on my nose, clenching it between its teeth, being somewhat liberate with his saliva. I think he held my nose for like a minute like that and then in a sudden he backed off, and jumped to the other side of the couch, towards my feet and went to sit there, looking at me. It was like he was saying "Ok, I finally got to do my thing! I'm done now!". I grinned and talked a bit to the dog, and from then on, he no longer had any urge to get to my nose.

A few more days later, my nose seemed to cure rapidly. It was clear to me that this was not a normal something. It appeared to be a microbial organism that extracted itself from my skin, being repelled from my skin and eventually it fell off. Given the situation and the suspicion of the past months, I had made a photo series of the development of this anomaly on my nose. See here:

I think it was a fungal type of microbiome that was quite nasty. Could it have something to do with the touch of the cheek with my nose of the woman? I knew for sure that no other person had touched my nose in a similar surface pattern for uhm.. some years.

From then on, I kept living with the mouth anomalies. I still have it, but at present day it's a minor nuisance. I think over time my immune system stems it, though can't kill it. My saliva is still stink.

Up until 2017, I had been working at home on private IT projects, and had another 3 jobs at companies where another set of events happened. It's almost out of scope of this posting, but, it is related and even much so important. The reason why is, that Deep State / Satanic agents have been on a mission to achieve a number of things.

  • Assimilate me into cultural Zionism / Satanism

  • Upon refusal, incriminate me through every means possible

  • Blackball me like nuts, I've told about this before.

At job 1, there was this one guy that in speech, flashed 3 6'es, verbally. (6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days) as if it was supposed to be a joke. Circumstancials with this guy add to the identification of this guy as a (Zionist) Satanist.

At job 2, the IT guy I worked with tried to do a number of things:

  • Incriminate me, by requesting me to get an illegal key for Microsoft Server Datacenter Edition (A lot of $$$) during work time. I refused. He wanted to make me responsible for ordering the MSDN Enterprise subscription where he would then roll out Office into this company, which is illegal because these are development licenses and may not be used in production scenarios. I clearly worded the buy-request in a way that shows I did the order for the MSDN thing under his command. I was gone though before anything was rolled out though.

  • Marginalize my skill set, acting extremely derogatory. All the while I made the guy fall flat on his face where I purported actual lies and I was the one correcting him.

  • Also flashed in speech the number 17 a few times. Also noted he enjoyed the show Lucifer on Netflix.

At job 3, some of them there were discussing me. Whether I would or would not be a 'hairy Esau'. Inverse assimilation. I'm a human. A spiritually autonomous human. So no, thanks. A woman there again had an outgoing approach towards me. Overly touching, you know, this politeness touches to the shoulder, these taps and trying to engage into small conversation, being extremely amically. One time I was smoking a cig out the door, it was lunch time. She walked by me and walked away to the exit of the parking lot. I knew what I noted. I thought : Honeypot. The second I thought that, she jerked her head around and looked me straight in the face. Too timing-ful. More STN. At this company I threw out more mental throws and did get responses that proved to me already their STN.

I left all these jobs pretty quick, staying home and find a new job on my own financial expenses. The mental harrassement persisted on most of these jobs. And then, after having been home for a while, my finances almost depleted, I got this new job at Zorgned. And that's where things really got to show.... colors.