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ArtificalDuality ago

3.2. 2015: Out of the Woodworks

Around the same time, it was this woman's birthday. Nothing too special. Three kisses to the face, as is common with birthday wishes, although, with one of the kisses I touched her cheek with my nose as well. This is noteworthy.

At one time, head-dev stood up from his desk, walked around the other desks (no collegues were present at the time) and halted at my desk. I looked up to him, having noted he had walked around to my desk and anticipated him. He made a brief remark. "You know a cat has 9 lives right?" then he turned quickly, and walked out to the hallway as if nothing happened. I mulled this over and knew I just received an explicit death-threat. And concluded the earlier threat about Prince Iepe was also directed at me.

Then we end up in early 2016. It came to an explosion between me and head-dev. One of the things this guy did, was to manage people's individual truths. Both to save his arse out of situations and always stay in the clear when things would go wrong. He never did anything wrong, it was always other (former) colleagues. It also caused a fuckup between an assignment, an extra project I did for them, when it appeared that the customer's expectations went way beyond that what was asked from me. He, in real-time, told the project guy I worked with "Oh, that's phase 2"; trying to brush away the discrepancy in expectations. It pissed me off and again proved he was fudging up individual people's truths. And so this happend again at a meeting where he had been telling a web-dev something different over what was agreed prior in conjunction with me. I got pissed with head dev. I slammed down my cup of coffee (it was empty). I walked towards the door of the meeting room, turned around and faced head-dev, slowly, but firmly stating "And now I am thoroughly and thoroughly done with it!". (The truth fucking of individual people). This was the drop that flooded the bucket and made me decide to leave the company and look for something else. There was this strange thing where head-dev wanted to talk things over. I was repellant towards him, but at the end of the conversation, he stepped towards me. Then grabbed my neck. Began pulling feverishly a number of times. Talking amical words (the situation wasn't there to be talking amically). And left it. He never touched me before. The acting he was performing was quite excessive, an overly 'amical' buddy-tap. More of a buddy-yank-his-fucking-neck-and-make-sure-the-stuff-sticks-well tap.

They offered me more money to stay. I refused. I can't be bought, I responded. I'm willing to stay and transfer knowledge, but that's it.

Now let's talk about about head-dev. This guy, besides fucking truths all the time and blame everyone but himself on everything that went wrong, he also had, even by own admittance, a short fuse. Whenever he had trouble with source code, one shouldn't be near him lest you'd get an arm in your neck if you happened to say something wrong. At home, I called him a 'Badr-Hari' over this, a Dutch sports fighter that's known to have a short fuse as well, at least in the past. Mind you, I've never called him that directly. Only spoke that out in private in my own home. This is key.

Here is a link to head-dev's Facebook:

Note the verse? A 3-pack of 6'es. And in reality, it's even the wrong verse. The verse text displayed, is in actually John 8:31-32. The '36' had been picked with intent. He's allied with Debora / Mariel. There's more I can tell about this (it fits his profile well), like having like 5 Christianity related pages open in his browser at all times on his work laptop, often visible during any work meeting where he displayed stuff on his laptop, but save to say, this guy is part of the national division of the Dutch Deep State.