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ArtificalDuality ago

5. 2017: First Encounter

This is where I identified two Kabbalah Satanists (two women), a pedophile sympathizer and more shady, highly likely human trafficing related entities. I'm not going to elaborate in this post as I've done an extensive write-up on my experiences with this company here:

Reallife Zionist-Satanist Encounter + International Heads-up on Healthcare ID

Since in this post the link towards the Twitter / LinkedIn screenshot of Mariel H. no longer works because of having removed it, I'll reinclude it here as I have uploaded it again:

Important to know though is, that I've reported my findings to the National Police (that I did not get any responses from. Even the promised officer never came by). Though, I know, through the STN that the case is currently going and people are actively on the case. Including Zio-Satanist shills within our secret service and associated entities, that are acting as gate keepers. More on this later.

One big thing to them is a currently running discussion amonst them on whether I am an expert on databases, and therefore could legitimately tell whether the database record I uncovered had its primary key (666) manually entered or not. Well I can tell you; I have been doing software development for over 20 years, all administrative database applications. One would think one would know about primary keys, their data types and all the semantics that come with it. I'm a current author of a custom entity/business object framework that is compatible with any number of SQL databases as long as one adds support to the data access layer, another framework layer I have designed to be a future product. I've worked with many databases, and designed my first database as early as 1998 on Paradox, using Delphi with the Borland Database Engine. It was a stock management tool for a repair center and covered the entire logistics process for that company. There's simply no discussion here. I repeat: NO DISCUSSION. Read the previous link; it has a section about the Zorgned database and the forensic analysis I ran on the database to be sure for myself on whether it had been entered manually or not.

There was another gem at this company that delivered me the ultimate proof that these Zionist-Satanists, their malevolent cult have been on me since 2001 at least. More so. It was the ultimate proof to me that this cult and their lakeys, their Dutch department are behind the destruction of the relationship I had with this American woman in 2001 up to 2003. More so, that they have been tapping my phone conversations with my other half back then. I knew back in 2003 already that local folk were behind the negative advice to the American Consulate that resulted in the denial of my K1 visa. I've had various reasons to be suspicious back then already, given the acting and behaviour of former colleagues and CEO of the company I worked for during that time, Kooijman Bouwcomputing and its then CEO Martin S., my former manager Leonard S. and other assorted folk that have been rather derogatory about the relationship I had with this woman, her name is Claudia. One of the first questions one guy, Erwin M. , asked me when I got back after the first week of meeting Claudia in the USA, was.... "Did you fuck?" . I mentally blinked my eyes and said.... "NO." I didn't 'fuck'. We made love. But I wasn't going to tell one shred about it, deeming the guy unworthy any further conversation.

This employee at Zorgned, Anton W. made one remark when he walked back into the office with the guy Albert P. walking in behind him. As he came through the open door, he exclaimed a word. The word "Olifant". The Dutch word for 'elephant'. It's not so much the word as it was the way of pronounciation. Huge emphasis on each sillable as if you're trying to teach someone on how to pronounce a word: "O-li-fant". Well it was exactly that: In 2002 I spoke on the phone identically to Claudia the word "Olifant" because she wanted to know how it was pronounced. She was learing some Dutch words here and there. The exclamation of Aton W. cleary was for intimidation purposes. However, to me it wasn't intimidation. To me it was the ultimate salvation. The ultimate proof. The confirmation of knowing what I have always known. Evil people destroying the most beautiful thing I had. Claudia and I had. On purpose. Because they hate love. They call it placebo. No, instead, they want everyone to use their whores and that being a norm. The Satanic cult is out to destroy the notion of love in this world. And, after 20 years of research, dropping breadcrums that I would recognize at later points in time, I found them. I found them.

I have already contacted the FBI since my case spans not just Holland, but the USA as well. Here in Holland, so I've noted the psychopathic cult has been mentally quarantaining me for years on end since the destruction of the relationship. I would just throw myself at work which benefitted them. All the while presenting me outwards as a schizophrenic doofus (they still try to do so) and a schizophrenic virgin. For the longest time Dutch intelligence (Mossad primarily) revolving around me has been trying to pass off and convince everyone just that. That the relationship with Claudia was a mere schizophrenic fiction. A letter Claudia wrote to my mom being a fabrication of my own. This letter describes in detail my person, my traits, my real me. Which is completely the opposite of the profile these evil fucks are portraying to the environments around me through their network.

But, I could not prove I was not a virgin, that I had intercourse with this woman, that we had a real relationship, that we were going to marry. It had been claimed by these higher-ups in our service it was just schizophrenic babble, this thing about true love. These malevolent actors (STN profile 'R' as described below) try to pass off spiritual mental love as placebo. I also could not find any backups of all the e-mail traffic that was between me and Claudia. Somehow, some way both the e-mail backups AND the ICQ backups no longer existed on my harddrive in a designated backup folder. I lost them between 2007 and 2010. Savegames of old games (1998) were still there. Just the e-mail and the ICQ backups were gone. I just couldn't put my finger to it, because I always transfered the folder to a new harddrive in whole. But today, I know, BVD/AIVD/Mossad evil actors have been remote deleting these files from my system.