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ArtificalDuality ago

6. My Rosetta Stone: An E-Mail Database Backup

For a very long time I have been aware of the black / false profile created around me. Unfortunately I could not 'prove' anything, because I had lost the backup files. I only had that letter left in Dutch, translated from the original of which they said it was just forgery of a schizophrenic. I've always regretted the loss of those backup files because of sentimental, emotional and nostalgic value to me. I did however, still have a copy of a physical file from the immigration lawyer, T. R. Bakken. Likewise, STN profile 'R' tried to vehemently pass it off as another forgery to internal service / rank & file. I did have a backup of my mail database containing conversations and mail between my former fiancee and me over the full span of the relationship, however, that backup was bust (DVDs got borked by sunlight) and I thought I had lost these forever.

Untill I figured, let's take a look in a case containing all sorts of old CDs.. and there I found a prior backup, from 2007. My heart began to race. I took the disk that held both my backup folder and the ICQ logs folder and put it in the drive. I went to look for the files... and guess what? They were there! The backup worked. I spontaniously began to cry. That feeling I can't describe, having back the files, all the conversations between her and me. Actual tangible proof of my past was retrieved. Besides the spiritual and sentimental value, it was also proof of reality as truth transpired.

One thing I did, was to file a report with the FBI, telling parts of this story and how our BVD/AIVD had been presenting a completely false profile of me and sent them a link to the e-mail database that contained everything surrounding the former relationship. Including everything related to my K1 visa application. I had zipped it and uploaded it to a filesharing site. I explicitly stated to make sure it would end up with the 'Oath Keepers' given the nature of this case.

This STN profile 'R', after some time, when apparently the FBI had reported to our service the database was authentic and real, then changed narrative and adapted the false profile, stating "at present he's no longer a 'belisimo'*" and various other types of downplay. He now no longer could get around the existence and validity of my past and is now, currently, trying like hell to state that the K1 Visa was justfully rejected, trying to save his former complicit members that caused / adviced the rejection. Together with trying to pass off true love as placebo, it's absolutely clear this STN profile 'R' and likeminded colleagues are out to destroy the notion of love. Only that what mental Satanists would attempt to do. Further motive was to mentally quarantaine me to avoid people in the Dutch sphere from believing my past, my life, my personal mission that I began over 22 years ago. I wrote about this bit 1.2 years ago, here The Big Picture. 5 months ago, when I already did the exposure on the Satanism at this Zorgned company, this STN profile 'R' was threatening the hell out of me and (likely) conducting a malevolent psyop at that, which gave rise to the thread to which the following contextual post leads: It's Real. And I am the Prize (Adult). I've had and still have many metal heads-on exchanges with STN profile 'R' and one of them was that I noted that "The Oath Keepers are on to it and are not to be messed with". STN profile responded with, in a resolute fashion, "They don't have juristriction here!". How's that for admitting you're not righteousness aligned?

The direct post linked, tells about an event that happens that relates directly to the e-mail database lost and the relationship I had with my former fiancee. In the linked post, I wrote about the evidence of my relationship that was taken and again, returned, but put back in a different place. It was the suitcase with the file hardcopy of the immigration laywer mr. T.R. bakken, the hard-ship case he handled for me and my former fiancee. The sequence went like this: When I decided I were going to leave the house, took the case, and threw it to the table top of the livingroom table, stating the following words: "Well... whoever [good or evil operatives] gets here first!" and I left. As written in the linked post, I returned shortly, only to have found the coffer in the table, in one of its open miniature cabinets where I normally put shoes. So I knew someone had taken and returned it, but put it back in the wrong place in a hurry since I returned so fast. They could likely hear my car come back after they had confiscated it.

Well, that suitcase did not hold ANYTHING of monetary value. The only value in there were documents of my past, of which the documents that would prove the existence and validity of my relationship with Claudia being by far the most significant.

Malevolent elements in our AIVD and their guides, the Mossad (STN profile 'R' loves calling 'anti-Semite' every chance he gets when I point out his malevolency mentally) along with their nation wide network were and are out to eradicate all evidence of my past for aforementioned reasons. Of which one prime objective is to take out the notion of spiritual love. (and make sexworkers the norm at the same time, porn industry?). STN profile 'R' you see, is adamant trying to prove I would not know what is true love, all the while stating it is placebo. Tries to delegitimize and demonize my person. Well I'll tell you, true love is no placebo. I will below, add two secions of the letter Claudia wrote to my mother to convince her our relationship was real, to ease her. It deals with their 'schizophrenic pedo' allegation quite well at that too. Showing they are indeed following Saul Alinsky to the letter. Here are the pieces:

I don’t know if you believe in God or not, but I do. And if I believe in God, I have to believe in Satan. Thus.. I believe in good and evil. I know what both stands for and what both is capable of producing in life. I believe God is good and only from him can come pure, true love. Joke, I’ve met many people and experienced many things in my life, but I can honestly say that the love that shines from your son is nothing less than a miracle in my eyes. I can’t help but feel that this love that pours out of him can only come from one source… God. God works through people. And God is definitely working through Arno whether he knows it or not. God has given Arno and I something very special. A pure, love that I’ve never felt from any other man in my life. I know what infatuation is. I know what lust is. I know what sometimes love is. I know how it is to love someone when they are around and then forget about him when they aren’t. But Arno and I have something that expands far beyond that. I can’t get that man off my mind for one second during my day. He’s in every pore and every cell of my being. Never have I felt this for anyone in my life. His love gives me the strength to work through anything I have to face. I also feel that the love I give him gives him great strength also. I have never shared so much of my life with one person. I have never let anyone come close to tears down the walls that I have built. Arno is the first person to ever be able to do that. This man knows more about me than I know about me. He understands me better than I could ever understand myself.

Your son may not have tons of experience, but by god, he has tons of goodness in him. He has an outpouring of love so big it fills my heart to overflowing. He has flaws. Don’t think I don’t see them. He’s as stubborn as I am. Hehe But he uses that stubbornness for good. He won’t let me walk away from a fear that I might have. He makes me deal with it in a very gentle, loving way. He doesn’t criticize me for my fears. He listens, he loves me for sharing it, and he understands and helps me through it. I hope I do the same for him. I think I do. Will we end up in divorce? I hope not. I don’t ever want to lose him. We are very lucky to have found each other. The miles between us have made us so much more stronger. If we can endure being apart physically for months and months, we can endure anything I feel. My kids love Arno. They feel he is a very stable individual with loving qualities. My daughter Hannah is usually very reserved with men I’ve introduced her too. But she warmed up to Arno immediately. The kids all want him to come back. They were very taken with him. My daughter Rebecca cried when he left in December. I wouldn’t pick just anyone to be a father-figure to my children. Anyone I was serious about would have to pass a hard test from my children and me. Arno has far exceeded that.

NOTE: To our rank and file, they highly likely classified the e-mail database, that is, if they (the overseer STN profile 'R' and fellows) have gotten it from my system or from the FBI. I hereby give full permission to the entire rank 'n file to demand access to the e-mail database uncensored for review purposes and discover the upper compartments have.... let's say... some really rotten apples where nothing is as it seems.

I had written about knowing it were malevolent elements in our secret services and their guides already, here, 1 year go at the bottom of the post, where I, additionally dox myself through my license place. I still own the car at this point, with the same plate.

The following link show some of the subversion that the cult is enacting in our society: Arianne Grande Concert 2017. I tell a bit about love too, which, in light of my case, is dead important.