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ArtificalDuality ago

3.1. 2015: Out of the Woodworks

At this time, I worked at a company very close to my home. I began working there in January 2014. All looked good. It was a nice company, relatively young people and the getting along was nice. I soon received responsibility over the development and design of the underlying framework for their software. It was initially written by their head-development. This guy is going to play a key role in this essay. He's been a former member of the 'mareschaussee', which is Dutch Elite police force, in between the police and army, however, he's been in IT. This guy appeared to be quite an ego-maniac over the course of working there but I largely ignored that and let that be while doing my work and getting along well with the rest. After my employment, he apparently wanted to get rid of one of his employees, a web developer. I found out about this motive, because he stopped me from helping this developer on stuff. I knew immediately: the web developer was supposed to fail the assignment he had gotten so there would be grounds to fire him. So I had no choice and could not assist. A few weeks later indeed he could not carry out well and head-development started to ask the other web dev on what he thought of the one failing the assigment. A negative comment was the result, and so head-dev and the web developer went into a meeting where he, apparently got to hear he was not suited and wasn't a company groupie. What happened next, that in order to try to keep his job, he went along the desks, moving his hips, exclaiming "fucking fucking fucking". The guy was actually trying to coform to an image, an impression presented to him by head-dev, in order to be seen as fitting in. It was facepalm worthy, because I knew the guy is totally not sex oriented, depraved or what so ever. He merely tried to keep his job. It was just an easy-going, decent guy that went out of his way to keep his job, trying to conform to a perceived image presented to him by head-dev and the other junior programmers. Head-dev being the example setter and endorser of such behaviour.

Anyways, a lot more happend at this company. And here is where I get involved. 7/17/2014 A date many Dutch people remember. It was the day, the plane MH-17 was shot down. At that time, I chalked it up as an unfortunate event, and didn't pay much further attention to it. It wasn't untill 2015 where I began to take a second look at this event. Early 2015, in Europe, there was already this thing with the Greek elections, where Greece was assimilated into the European Union and thrown into MASSIVE debt. This is where I really learnt about the dissynchronization of truth, by reading news from various sources (American, European and Greek). Each continent / region got its own tailored news and narrative surrounding this happening.

Halfway 2015 I began researching into the take down of MH-17 much further and deeper. The reason for this was, that our local news, without any real evidence, had been pointing its fingers at Russia as being behind the take down. Reading about, and viewing presentations (of UN gatherings, the (in)famous emotional Jan Timmermans pointing at the Russians) it struck me: It is a friggin' false flag. The whole development surrounding this event was SO OBVIOUS that I knew it was a false flag with the purpose to incriminate Russia and enable a war with them. Invoked by the Global Criminal Sectarian Syndicate (Global Deepstate) I was already aware of. This made me really dig into the case and I found plenty enough circumstantial evidence to indeed conclude it was a false flag for the described purpose. I uncovered fighter jets have been involved in the take-down, contrary to a BUK rocket as pushed and propagated by MSM. These were Malaysia's intial findings as well, they were blocked from further investigation at that. And much more. I for one, had uncovered that the Deep State front "Bellingcat" had produced totally fraudulent fake photo materials. The Joint Investigation Team and the Dutch Public Ministery uses these materials as the basis for their case building. See here how I prove one of the images to be fake, scientifically proven:

I'm not going to elaborate massively on this particular case right here because it's out of scope of this essay, but the importance here is that I began to present arguments and counter evidence on Facebook under the name "Ons Vaderland". I still have the account, but it is disabled because Facebook wanted identification from me which I refused at that time. Not much later, the ability to post Facebook comments to any and all articles posted by MSM was destroyed. Nowhere on any MSM, comments could be left. Censorship hell. Before this, Facebook itself already censored posts and weblinks like no tomorrow.

This is when the whole thing started and where things come together. At this company, in the 3rd quarter of 2015, there was this reorganization. A woman was moved from one sister company to ours at this time and was assigned to do company administration. On its own nothing special. However, this woman began to reach out to me. Greeting me with emphasis, including my name with emphasis. When there were work meetings, at one time, she chose explicitly to come sit next to me (while there was plenty room elsewhere) and subliminally draw attention from me. Every time we did cross, she was extremely reaching out mentally, with this emphasis on calling my name included with greets. At one point when I got home after work I was like "It's like this woman keeps pulling me" which I found a bit surprising. Maybe she had an interest in me and since I was a single guy, and this woman seemed mentally attractive, I was open for things. I spoke this out loud. That "It's like <her name> keeps pulling me". The next day, breaking the trend, she ignored me when seeing her at the company bar. Which I found odd given the previous encounters. I thought, maybe she/they somehow got aware of my remark at home. Mind you, at this time I was not yet aware of the STN (Syntethic Telepathic Network) and the ability of its assorted members to witness my mind.

Similarly, head-dev made a remark during that time, when the other two developers were present as well, that appeared to look like a covert threat. He noted "Nou, volgens mij gaat Prins Iepe wel over lijken". In English, "Well, I think Prince Iepe walks across dead bodies". This guy is a high-placed official of a customer company to us. I didn't take note very much. However, before that, when MH-17 came up as a subject in a conversation, I told him to look at Erik Toonen, a guy that wrote this piece: (It's Dutch, pull through a translator). This guy Erik Toonen has received death threats forcing him to stop publishing. Head-dev ignored my comment.

By the end of the year, I noted more and more harassement coming from head-dev and one of the new employees that were hired at the development department. It was a tester. They also didn't seem to be very ethically. At that time we also had a prospect Morrocan customer for whom a diplomat was a Morrocan guy working at the City of Amersfoort, yet another customer. He had visited us and head-dev, during a lunch break, acted somewhat amically towards him. It was an older guy. After lunch, I and hed-dev and the other 3 collegues we had went into a work meeting. But before it started, head-dev in a sudden made a remark: "Islam is such a ridiculous barbaric faith" and began to make pig noises. The tester guy responded, laughed and began joining in making pig noises. I and the remaining colleagues just sat there letting it pass by.

realityisinsanity ago

Satanists are everywhere. Be careful and God bless you.

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank you..